
It's nobody, just Nobody



4 Years
11-19-2017, 10:11 PM
The raid had screwed everything up, big time. Though his mother's mentality had started to decline shortly before it, it was way worse now and rather then blaming his mother he blamed the raid. She had lashed out and him and pushed his younger siblings away. He was forced to once again take on the role of the head of the family, but it stressed him out. With siblings missing he was going nuts with trying to figure out what to do. He was worried and now that he was two he had the extra added stress of not knowing where in fact he wanted to go in the pack. Hopefully with those still mending from the raid and a new litter soon to be born that Regulus wouldn't be looking him up right away.

He sighed as he trudged on, leaving Bones with Nova and deciding to separate for the day and get some time to think and maybe find one of his siblings. Since he was two he was allowed out of the pack without a babysitter so he took this opportunity and ran with it. Unfamiliar lands would hopefully help clear his mind so that he could actually work through some of his problems. The lanky male trudged along, head low and eyes focused forward. He wanted to get a good distance away from the pack before stopping and his paws took him to the basin before he stopped. Lifting his head he looked around wondering what he should do next.

"Talking" & 'Thinking'


11-20-2017, 01:02 AM

Well she hadn't been this far west - that much she was aware of. It'd been some time since she'd seen any family of hers, but that was okay by her. Even from a young age she was aware of how her family wasn't exactly normal. Hell, she wasn't normal, and she wasn't talking about the odd colored coats that she and her siblings had. Their insatiable wanderlust and lack of a need to be close to each other all the time was what was probably odd. Not that she'd had much experience with what was normal in a family, but she was pretty sure she and her siblings shouldn't have left as early as they had in their lives. She'd left home since before she was a year old. She didn't mind it though - she'd gotten to experience so much at a young age.

The field the small woman found herself in probably would have been beautiful in the spring or summer, but instead the grasses were dried out and crunchy. Still she treated the adventure as though she was having the best time of her life. In reality every day was the best time of her life. She had no emotional attachments to any one or anything and she could wander where she wanted whenever she wanted. How great was that?

She traveled for a little bit longer before something colorful caught her attention. Well it was partly colorful at least. She recognized the colorful being to be a wolf and she studied the darker parts of him before bright blue eyes rested on the colorful parts of him again. She padded over with a grin on her face and no sense of restraint whatsoever.

"Hi there, my name is Amethyst. You're very pretty, are you related to the Elementas family? Our family has colorful coats too, but not quite so rainbow-ish like yours." Her mouth moved a mile a minute, but it didn't occur to her that she might overwhelm him.

Walk, "Talk" Think



4 Years
11-20-2017, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2017, 09:54 PM by Chasm.)
He took a seat letting his eyes roam around the area before him taking in the sights and his ears taking in the sounds. He wasn't alone for long though as the purple women approached him. His ears swiveled back and his head whirled around so that he could see her. Duel gaze widening at the vary colorful women. He was used to the rainbow coats of his siblings and the big red form of Regulus, but her colors he had never seen before. He quickly regained himself though and her mouth began to go a mile a minute. Silence fell over them as he took a moment to register what she had exactly said. He blinked a few times a questioning look in his eyes.

"Elementas?" he started. "Never heard of them."

Honestly he never had, but he supposed it could be a possibility. He never asked his mother about his extended family. Though would this women know and could answer if they were related? Did it even matter anyway? His family was already shattered enough what help would it to add more family to the chaos. He sighed suddenly and shook his head.

"Sorry I'm Chasm. Chasm Agatsuma, I don't know if there is a relation," he said looking back to her.

He looked her over taking in the exotic coloring of her coat. She really was a stunning looking women.

"Talking" & 'Thinking'