
These Gangstas Ride Rockets, They Takin' Off! [Abraxas, Any Brave Souls]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2017, 01:14 PM by Ashiel.)

Ashiel stalked through the woods, nostrils flaring as he picked up the most concentrated scent of the mortals bodies leading him right to the den site.  His ears twitched, his emerald eyes seeming to glow in the darkness and he moved closer and closer into the heart of the encampment, his hackles on end, his body tensed and ready for battle.  Was there any brave soul left to battle them or had the all fled? He gazed about him for a moment then set back to his work til his nose led him to what had to be the alpha's den.  He cocked his head and waited as he gazed at it, his nose working to untangle the scents. What Ashiel hoped to find were the fresh scents of living bodies, the sound of fluttering hearts and shallow breathing that would indicate there were occupants within the den.  

Ashiel took his time.  He was in no hurry to stick his head in some random den with his ass in the air.  For all he knew the rats were trying to lay a trap for him and he wasn't falling for it.  He kept his senses alert as his nose worked.  His ears flicked and he wondered if his family would join him soon.  He was here, ready and willing to learn their family's bloody trade.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.

Zephyr I


10 Years
11-25-2017, 01:42 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2017, 01:43 PM by Zephyr I.)
Lucky enough for Zephyr - and perhaps whoever was lurking outside his den - he was alone in the den tonight. Caelum was quick to cater to their restless childrens' needs tonight, and when they'd suggested a random (but brief) trip, she had gladly obliged. He, however, hadn't been quite so thrilled at the idea of leaving his den, fatigued from a hunting trip earlier in the day. He'd decided to hold down the fort, quickly drifting into unconsciousness, curled up contentedly against the wall of his den.

He'd been a light sleeper for years now. It wasn't uncommon for the sound of the wind dragging leaves across his den entrance to jerk him awake from a dead sleep, panicked and alert. Tonight was no difference - only be didn't expect it to be anyone but his mate and children. Living in Dragoste had given him a sense of false security, it seemed, because he awoke slowly and lazily, stretching his forepaws and sniffing slowly at the air.

When he caught the scent, his stomach turned and his hackles raised quickly. It was a stranger, not someone who was part of his pack, and he felt rage building in his stomach before he even had a chance to rationalize the circumstances. A low rumble built in his chest as he lifted himself to all fours, every ounce of anger that he'd ever felt materializing in this sudden protective instinct he felt overwhelming him. Never had he expected that he'd have to worry about his young children, especially now - this was what he'd worried about once he'd found out Caelum was pregnant.

He paused, sniffing at the air again, the growl in his chest growing louder by the second. "Step the fuck away from my den," Zephyr warned in his low growl - wondering if this stranger knew what he was willing tot sacrifice to protect the safety of his family. Wondering if he knew just what sort of man he'd stumbled across - one broken from years of heartache, from losing so many children, and one so fiercely unwilling to let the past repeat itself.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
11-25-2017, 01:56 PM

Gaios had been among those lingering around the packs borders. His father had ordered him to be his eyes and ears within the territory they were planning to take, knowing that Amon himself could well be called away to other battles. It was a mantle Gaios had taken up with pride, and he had relished the opportunity to prove himself as more than just a dull, quiet child. Perhaps he was more introspective than some, but it hardly made him weak. The young male had followed his cousin after Amon had headed away to do battle with the mortal who had ruled this land. Gaios had not felt the need to say goodbye, never doubting for a second that his father would succeed. He had his own mission to tend to.

He had crept along behind Ashiel, as stealthy as the boys bulky frame would allow. He came to stand at Ashiel's right flank, a body length away from the other male, waiting to see what the den they'd found held. His heart was hammering in his chest, and Gaios struggled to keep his face calm. A strong voice and a deep growl rumbled forth. "Step the fuck away from my den," it said, and Gaios scoffed. It sounded like an older wolf, but he would have to see the male to be certain. "Seems that no one in this pack has any manners at all," Gaios said to his cousin, almost off-handedly as if he were not concerned in the slightest. It was a bluff of course, but he would not show it. He felt his father's presence looming over his shoulder, and the drive to make Amon proud drove his fear away. "Don't want to come say hello?"

Gaios cast a quick glance towards Ashiel, trying to read what he made of the situation. Two strong young wolves against one older male was decent enough odds, so long as the rest of the pack didn't come to investigate the din, and there didn't seem to be much hope of that. The pale boy looked over his shoulder, waiting to see if any other Abraxas had followed them.

"Talk" "You" Think

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 02:35 PM

Ashiel crept closer, concentrating intently as he realized the scent was live and heard just the slightest glimmer of movement.  Yes, he'd found it.  His shoulders rolled forward, his neck scrunching back as he set all of his defenses but most of all preparing his mind to rip apart the helpless occupants with in.  So he thought anyway till a voice boomed from the den causing him to jump slightly and stumble back.  Thank goodness only Gaios was there to see that.  Ashiel swiftly recomposed himself and glared at the entrance of the den from where a man's voice, and an older one at that, rolled forth from the opening.  He hadn't done well enough to untangle the scents… he could've sworn he smelt the sent of pups and a nursing woman so what was the old codger doing in there?

"Like hell I will," he snarled back.  Gaios spoke and Ashiel chuckled a little.  Yea, they certainly had no manners.  Ashiel thought back to how his uncle had handled the situation but they were swiftly past the stage of bargaining what with his uncle preparing to fight the alpha to the death. "Why don't you heave your wrinkly ass out here and defend your pack.  If not that's fine.  I smell pups… I'm sure they're around here some where.  Maybe I'll decorate your trees with their entrails.  You know, for the holidays."  His voice was low, sharp, and laced with all the cruelty he was learning from his family.  Part of him was relieved at the prospect of fighting a male.  To be honest for all his gusto he didn't know if he could actually maul a child.  Though at the same time the male sounded older and wiser than he.  Could they beat him even if it was two on one? Bah! Of course they could, he bore the marks of his mother's brutal training for one, and he was a god for another. The mortal didn't stand a chance.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



10 Years
11-26-2017, 07:05 PM

He was patrolling the boards by the sea, far from where all of the action started to go down. It was quiet, peaceful and was putting the older male at ease and helping tension to release. For a while now he know of Cealum and Zephyr living within the same pack, but something kept Vern from actually seeking them out to spend any time with them. Before Cealum had once again disappeared (which is when she found Zeph again) they had grown closer and for once since the death of his beloved he felt alive again. He was somewhat upset about them getting back together, but he blamed himself. He should have never allowed himself to develop feelings. Plus him and Zeph had never really met to figure things out, Vern was still highly upset with him blaming Ilona for things.

His ears pricked as he heard Ganta's call from far on the other side of the pack territory. The meaning behind it made his hackles raise and his blood run cold. They were being invaded and Ganta was giving them a heads up so they could flee. His thoughts immediate with to Roza, Urlic, Cealum, and Caelestis. The mother and children needed to be pushed to leave and get to safety. His eyes narrowed before he took off full speed towards the dens. He had to make sure they were getting out of harm's way. The tall deep chested male was seasoned to running, so running the distance it took was no sweat to the older male. He slowed as he closed into the dens, first heading to Cealum's den site. Though soon his stomach would drop as from a distance he saw the two young males at the mouth of the den.

They were a few inches taller then himself and were staring at the entrance with much interest. His hackles rose and his lips peeled back to expose stained teeth. His muscles tensed in preparation for confrontation. Then Zeph's voice boomed from the den. Regardless of Vern's feelings he wasn't letting these boys gang up on Zeph. The boys had no idea what type of men they were going up against. Vern himself had no fear of death because he really had nothing to live for. The boys smart and nasty remarks to Zeph's threat made Vern see that they thought they owned this place already. He closed the distance, stopping three feet away from them (standing to the right of both males). A snarl ripped through his vocal chords as his fur rose more warning them once again to back the hell off.

"Why don't you Whelps run back home to your mommies before you get hurt. Better yet how about we use your entrails to decorate," He snapped, clicking his teeth together in the process. He did not like the threat they posed.

"Talking" & 'Thinking'
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
11-27-2017, 05:45 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2017, 06:24 AM by Circe.)
"Tsk tsk, children," came the quiet voice of Astaroth as she walked forward, a smirk on her face. "Having fun without me? What a shame. That's no way to act. You should always invite me to these sort of things." She eyed the males, both of them rather appreciatively; while she had not been with a male yet - she did not want to find herself with pups, quite yet - she could appreciate them as far as mortals were considered. But of course, they were mortals, so they would never be good enough. Not for her, and never to extend the Abraxas line.

"Now. Where were we? Oh? You were trying to threaten my baby brother and my cousin?" At this, she couldn't help the sly grin she shot her younger brother, an amused twinkle in her eye. What? The opportunity was there. "That won't do at all. I have an idea. How about we beat these two mortals and take these children for our servants? That would be a great purpose for them - to serve the mighty descendants of the Fallen God."
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
11-27-2017, 10:40 AM

Movement caught Ashiel's attention and his gaze flicked to the scarred male.  Oh, a contender?  He shuffled back from the den gesturing to Gaios that he could take over coaxing their new friend from the den while he dealt with this one. Ashiel turned to face the man with a wicked grin that to any Abraxas would swiftly mark him as Pyralis' son.  He took the insult and let it wash over him. Whelps, huh?  Ashiel let out a slow, low chuckle. "My mommy will tear me a new one if I don't bring her back your blood, you wrinkly old geezer.  Tell you what, you take me all the way down and you're more than welcome to decorate with my entrails, maybe hang my tail on that limb over there, for good luck. You'll need it."

Ashiel's brow winkled as the quiet, cunning voice of his cousin slipped through the stillness. He wanted this fight.  He'd prefer it just be him and this man.  After all, part of this raid was ceremonial.  He was a yearling now and by their families standards a young man and he had to pass through blood and fire to assure his mother that he was worth of the name 'Abraxas'.  "This man's mine, Astar," he growled.  "I'm doing this for my mother, watch my back."  And particularly, he wanted her to keep an eye on Gaios.  He was the youngest after all and Ashiel could only imagine what his uncle would say if Gaios was seriously hurt in this encounter. His thoughts drifted to his training with Pyralis, with Kanja and with Malleus.  This fight was going to be the culmination of his training thus far and bloodshed was the goal.  

Ashiel backed up to widen the distance between them a few more feet as he faced the man, making it clear that he intended for this fight to be one-on-one though he could only make so many promises. He couldn't control his family. His defenses came swiftly together.  His skull and tail lowered to align with his spine, chin tucked slightly and neck scrunched back as his shoulders rolled forward, pushing fur and fat over his vitals.  Hackles and fur stood on end as he spread his limbs equidistant apart, bending them slightly to lower his center of gravity as well as evenly distribute his weight.  Toes splayed as claws dug into the earth. Jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned tight to his head.

Powerful limbs beat into the ground as Ashiel launched himself forward, attempting to close the distance between himself and Inverno.  He attempted to approach the other man directly head on, resilient and unflinching.  Ashiel's weight would shift to his hind-legs which spread a little farther, his knees bent and his weight carefully centered over them with his tail splayed out, parallel to the ground for extra balance. He sought to throw his arms up and wrap them around the base of Inverno's neck, just in front of his shoulders.  His right foreleg attempted to wrap around the left side of the neck while the left foreleg attempted to wrap around the right side.  His goal was to get a good hold both to aid in his own balance and to use his own weight as a burden on Inverno's movements.  Simultaneously, he sought to crash the middle of his chest into the upper portion of Inverno's chest with the intent of causing bruising and knocking the breath from his opponent.

Ashiel worked like a fine oiled machine, seeking to keep his attacks fluid and at the same time as his chest slam Ashiel's head would slide to his right, twisting in slightly towards his center, as he tried to drive his upper fangs into the man's left eye and his lower fangs into the mans flesh below the base of his left cheek.  His goal was to puncture the eye and seize hold of the mans face.  He felt the pressure to succeed, knowing that to fail would almost be more than he could bear.

Ashiel vs Inverno for maim (blinding in left eye)
Round 1 of ?
Build: Heavy
Height: 42"

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



6 Years
Extra large
12-02-2017, 06:49 PM
ooc. yeah jumping in really late but Kaine couldn't miss out on the action!


The young ones had wandered towards the queen, or so they said. From the sound of it, they still had much training left to complete. The burly, bristling form of the older male was definitely not the queen or her children. A soft snigger dared escape the jaws of the beast, who prowled forth with a rather sinister expression. They would find something else to do, later on. For now, they wanted to see Ashiel in action. See if his mother was right to nudge him towards Amon's position. That he might claim the position over Amon's own blood was debatable, as the boy lurked nearby himself. Awaiting a moment to strike, perhaps. Granted, Kaine was not the sort to judge anyone. They were a walking disaster, destroying enough to be formidable but not enough to be notable. A bland face among the many Abraxas.

A hungry grin stretched across their jaws, tongue swiping over their jowls. One of Amon's brood had joined in, goading Ashiel to make a move. "Come now, nephew. Christen your first war with the blood of the old war horse, and let us lay the rest to waste." The titan could only assume that the pale, scarred male was such. How else would he become so mangled? To watch Ashiel destroy him would be delightful, and a wonderful way to begin the destruction of the mortal pack.



Zephyr I


10 Years
12-03-2017, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2017, 05:36 PM by Zephyr I.)
Initially he only caught the scent of a single wolf, but suddenly the voice of a much younger boy sounded through the entrance of his den. His words, instead of being taken as a threat, seemed to be amusing to him - which only made his growl grow louder. At the older wolf's voice though - an threat that was subtle at first, and then too graphic to ignore, regarding his nursing mate and pups - he couldn't stay inside his den. "Bunch of tough little shits, aren't you two?" Zephyr sneered as he slowly made his way from inside his den, eyes narrowed as he watched the two young males who faced him.

His mind was reeling, but before he had a chance to decide what to do, it seemed another had caught scent of the two invaders. Inverno. A male he hadn't spoken to since his arrival here, but who's presence didn't go unnoticed in the slightest. Though silent now, his lips curled back in a sneer, grateful that Inverno seemed to have his back.. or perhaps he was only here for the sake of Caelum and their daughter, which he wouldn't blame him for in the least.

It wasn't long before a female arrived, a bit older than the other two, speaking gibberish about gods and mortals. Talk that only made his irritation and worry grow. He sniffed anxiously at the air, wondering which direction Caelum and Caelestis had gone. In another flash he saw Ashiel direct his attention on Inverno, another arriving and slithering in like a snake - where the hell had these wolves come from? Why were they here, and why had nobody noticed? He was silent and sneering, poised on the pads of his paws as he waited.

He took the chance as soon he found it. Perhaps Inverno's blood might be on his paws now - but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make to ensure that his mate and daughter were safe. He'd let entire packs fall, women and children alike, before he put either of them in danger. He'd never been the noble type, and he'd made the mistake of letting Caelum go once before, a mistake that had haunted him for years. It wasn't a chance he was going to take again. When he found a moment where the attention was mostly away from him, or so he thought, he pushed off with his back legs and went sprinting away from the group, never looking back - following his wife and daughter's trail as best as he could.

- attempting to exit -

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
12-05-2017, 08:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2017, 09:09 AM by Inverno.)

Inverno's eyes zeroed in on the young male with green eyes as he chuckled after turning to face him. Words were shot back at Vern, but that had been expected. These wolves were cocky and just waltzed in here like it was going to be easy to take over the pack. Maybe it had been, but Vern wouldn't go down or submit without a fight. He had gone through to much in his lifetime and had vary little to fear when it came to death. There was times he had even had the creeping thoughts of getting himself killed just to be back with his beloved again, but he was to stubborn to let those thoughts take over. Two more wolves arrived making Vern's fur stand even more. He was already preparing while the other two spoke.

Slipping into his defenses he knew there was going to be a fight, with which or how many he wasn't sure. He spread his legs slightly, and also his toes to even his weight distribution properly. Lowering his tail to be in line with his spine and also lowering his head to be in line with his spine at the same time. Tucking his face slightly to cover the vitals of his neck, rolling his shoulders forward to push skin, fur, and some fat towards his head to also help cover the vitals in his neck. Pinning his ears and bunching up the skin on his face to help protect his eyes and his ears from major harm. Then Ashiel called out, claiming Inverno as his but the older man was already set in his defenses and prepared for a fight. The boy was taller and much larger in weight and Vern was already set on using his lighter weight to his advantage. He may be older, but he could still move with ease even if he would pay for it tomorrow.

Barreling forward the lad came, quickly closing the distance. Bending his knees slightly Vern prepared himself to move. He quickly shifted his body left about two paw steps, then pushed off of his back legs, his momentum driving himself forward and past Ash's right side. In doing this the younger male's legs would fail to wrap around Vern's neck. Ash would also miss crashing his chest into Vern's own, but Vern's judgement on his own movement had been a little on the slow side and the younger male ended up crashing the right side of his chest into the less fleshy part of Vern's right hip. Though the older male quickly used that momentum to swing his rump to the left, putting most of his weight into his front limbs in the process and swinging himself until he was directly parallel to Ash. The younger male would also miss the hold he sought on Vern's face and instead the male's jaws would snap down on air. Quickly planting his left rear paw then his right rear paw onto the ground again he grunted as he could feel the sharp pain of the moderate bruise that would form. The younger male would also miss snapping his jaws on Vern's face

Taking two steps forward Vern quickly got himself about two inches ahead of Ash before he began his assault on the younger male. Redistributing his weight his lifted his left front leg and attempted to slam his left front paw down on top of Ash's right front paw, hoping that it may be hard enough to fracture or even break a toe or two on the younger male. At the same time he swung his head sharply to the left, stretching out his neck slightly dropping his head to the left to angle the right side of his muzzle upwards and unhinging his jaws. He sought to drive his right upper canine into the younger male's right eye while his other three canines sought to drive into the flesh of the boys face, to rip and tear and to cause a bloody mess. He hoped it would be successful since the boy should be back on all fours considering he couldn't wrap his legs around Vern's neck.

Inverno vs. Ashiel for Maim (Blinding in the Right Eye)
note: Edit of Maim was ok'ed by Tea
Round: 1 of 3 (Hoping to fight better this time XD )
Build: Medium
Height: 40"
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-07-2017, 08:51 PM

Ashiel cursed as Inverno stepped out of the way of his attacks.  His jaws snapped over air and he quickly returned his front paws to the ground when he realized he wasn't going to gain a hold but at this speed his momentum carried him forward and he let it.  The right side of Ashiel's chest crashed into Inverno's right hip leaving light bruising to blossom on Ashiel's chest from the impact.  Dam, the old man's joints were a lot more spry than Ashiel had thought but he didn't waste time thinking about it.  Ashiel quickly regrouped and checked his defenses. His skull moved to align with his spine and he quickly tucked his tail between his legs and over his genetalia, knowing full well that his hindquarters were at risk from Inverno's jaws. Ashiel tucked his chin, his neck scrunching back while his shoulders rolled forward.  His hackles remained raised, his ears pinned and eyes narrowed.  He set his limbs equidistant apart, the limbs bent to lower his center of gravity and his weight equally distributed over them.  His toes splayed, claws digging into the earth.  He wasn't just going to stand there while the old man finished dancing around.  

As Vern rotated to bring them to a parallel and facing the same direction Ashiel would shift his weight to his front legs and swing his hind end to his left, timing it to bring them into perpendicular alignment (with Ashiel facing the left side of Inverno's neck) as Inverno stepped forward.  Ashiel gasped as Inverno swung his head violently toward Ashiel's face and the young male quickly ducked as Vern's lower fangs tore into the upper right side of his head leaving moderate lacerations and flecking the air with blood. Ashiel didn't even notice Inverno's paw attack.  With his shift in position the man's left forepaw would miss his right forepaw and instead land on the ground between his front legs.

Power bunched up in Ashiel's hind legs as he launched himself forward and up, as he'd been crouching when he ducked.  Ashiel rotated his head sharply to his left as he attempted to seize Inverno's throat between his jaws. He hoped for his upper fangs to land on the right side of Inverno's throat, just below the corner of the old man's jaw, with his lower fangs directly across from his upper ones but on the left side of Inverno's throat. Ashiel wanted to slam his jaws shut in a vice grip that would choke his opponent and eventually cut off the man's air supply.

Simultaneously, as he lunged up, he shifted his weight evenly to his hind legs, his tail flagging out behind him for added balance as he attempted to throw his arms over the middle of Inverno's neck.  Again he attempted to wrap his left forearm over the right side of Inverno's neck with his right forearm over the left side, seeking to lock them at the wrist in a tight hug.  His intent was to pull the man's neck down toward waiting jaws as well as to give Ashiel a surface to maintain his balance.

Drashiel vs Inverno for MAIM (blinding in left eye)
Rd. 2/3
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



10 Years
12-10-2017, 03:56 PM

Adrenaline coursed through his veins, it had been a while since he had been in a good fight. Even though Cealum and her pup were not here, and that at this moment in time Dragnoste crumbled as these wolves leader killed his alpha in the battlegrounds. There was nothing worth fighting for, he had been abandoned by Zephyr, the man probably wouldn't even care if Vern died today. So why didn't he just up a leave, it wasn't to late. He could not turn back now he had not a care what happened to himself and the thought that he may be protecting someone gave him some sort of purpose in his life when the rest of his life was falling apart around him. It was happening again, but this time he would fight tooth and nail before he went down. No surprise ambush and no sneak attacks.

The male moved his youth making him quick on his feet, something that came to no surprise to the older male. He was a bit frustrated that his attack didn't land it's mark although he manage to make lacerations in the male that made small amounts of blood litter the air. Vern yanked his head back and ducked his head slightly with a loud snarl. With the male's movements Vern's paw slam also did not work and he quickly moved his left paw back into place and evenly distributing his weight again. His muscles tensed as he prepared to move. Then he took two small steps back, lowering his head further and tucking his muzzle in against his throat. The younger male launched himself forward and upward aiming for Vern's throat, but since he had his head tucked in against his throat the male's jaws would snap down around the middle, top part of Vern's muzzle. He skin remained bunched up, eyes squinted and ears flat against his skull. The older male grunted at the pressure of the male's grip on the top part of his muzzle, blood oozing as Ash's teeth sunk into skin.

Again Ash would try to wrap his arms around him, but with Vern's current position Ash would easily hook his right leg around the top of Vern's neck, just behind his skull. Vern quickly slung his rear end to the left stopping just before he would bump into the young male. With moving his body he now had his head angled and untucked from his throat allowing Ash to continue to have a grip on his muzzle and able to get away from the male getting a hug grip on his neck once more, but letting his head lower as Ash tried to force his nose towards the ground. Then Vern began his move, ripping his head sharply to the right while taking two steps in the same direction. Letting Ash's teeth rip moderate to some severe lacerations in the skin on his muzzle, more blood flecking the air.

He then swung his head up, to the left, and angling his muzzle to the left, opening his jaws and taking two steps back to the left as he swung his open jaws back towards Ash's face. He was hoping to sink his upper fangs into the lacerations he had already made on the top right part of Ash's head while his lower fangs he hoped to get Ash's cheek, just below his ear.

Inverno vs. Ashiel for Maim (Blinding in the Right Eye)
Round: 2 of 3
Build: Medium
Height: 40"
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-10-2017, 09:38 PM

Inverno moved back, his head recoiling and instead of the man's tender throat Ashiel's jaws would snap shut on either side of the man's upper muzzle, near the middle.  Dam… he held on despite it not being the target he wanted but he knew such a bony surface would be difficult to keep under his control.  To make matters worse Inverno swung his hind end toward Ashiel to bring them back into a parallel alignment, facing the same direction yet again. As a result only his right foreleg would find purchase over Inverno's neck and it was the upper portion of the man's neck, not the middle like he'd been hoping.  Ashiel quickly placed his left foreleg on the ground, setting the defenses he was able. He distributed his weight evenly among his three grounded limbs, bending them slightly to lower his center of gravity should the older man try to topple him. His tail continued to flag out behind him for extra balance as his toes splayed, claws digging into the earth. His hackles remained raised, his ears pinned as he rolled his shoulders forward, the right shifting forward naturally because of his raised arm.

Suddenly Inverno would jerk his head away from Ashiel and the young male would lose his grip.  His teeth would shred the older man's flesh before snapping shut.  The taste of blood stained Ashiel's tongue but he didn't stop to think about it as his jaws parted once more, ready to try again.  With Inverno's sudden movement to the right Ashiel's right foreleg would lose it's purchase on the geezer's neck and Ashiel would return the limb swiftly back to the ground.  With all four paws grounded he'd quickly redistributed his weight among the four of them. This old bastard was tough!  But then Ashiel should've expected as much.  

Ashiel twisted his neck sharply towards his right intent on retaliating.  He saw Inverno's fangs coming for him and he just went for it. He didn't flinch away and attempted to launch his own jaws forward for the right side of Inverno's face. This was a right of passage and a beast that he needed to overcome. In the past he'd been hesitant and nervous, fearful of pain despite all his training.  No more. He was going to embrace it. He was going to let it sink to the core of his being then pass thru him like a whisper.  Ashiel tried for his upper fangs to sink into Inverno's right eye and his lower fangs just below Inverno's right cheek.  He wanted to pierce the eye and grab hold of the front of Inverno's face. He wanted to share the pain because in launching his own head forward he carried himself right into Inverno's jaws. Inverno's upper fangs ripped into the right side of his head just above his eye, worsening his previous wounds and leaving him with a severe and bloody injury.  The old man's lower fangs would tear into the flesh just below his cheek but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make if he could just rip the flesh of his opponent.

In addition to his questing fangs, Ashiel shifted his weight evenly to his left foreleg and hind legs so he could raise his right forepaw.  His goal was to slam it down on the toes of Inverno's left forepaw with the intent of shifting his weight onto the limb and spraining the toes. The pain in his head was both torturous and glorious.  This was not his kind of attack.  This brazen diving in was something his mother would do and he knew despite the wounds that it would make her proud and it had done something else.  It freed him.  He was in the throes of it and suddenly he felt completely fearless. The worst had hit him… and passed as excitement boiled in his stomach and adrenaline raced through his veins.

Ashiel vs Inverno for MAIM (blinding in left eye)
Rd. 3/3
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



10 Years
12-14-2017, 08:25 PM

The male allowed himself to dive right into Vern's jaws as he snapped his jaws down on the younger male's flesh, worsening wounds he had already made and even digging into his cheek. Vern knew the move was too good to be true, already catching sight of Ash's jaws open and ready for retaliation. Vern didn't hold his attack, opening his jaws and moving his head up and back. Ash's jaws would snap shut on the loose skin and fur just under Vern's right ear and right behind his cheek. The force of the male's jaws sliced open more skin on Vern, blood oozing from the fresh wounds. A wicked smile and wild look came to the older mans eyes before he distributed his weight onto his leg legs, flagging out his tail for extra balance and attempting to get his legs around his opponent. His left leg he would be attempting to throw over the larger male's base of his neck, just in front of his shoulder blades, while his right leg would simply press against the front of Ash's neck right in the middle. He balanced himself evenly on his opponent and on his back legs. This move was to simply gain height on his opponent.

In doing this Ash's paw stop would simply land on the earth. Then Vern rose his head and tipped his nose down and to the right. Jaws opened up and he attempted to get some sort of hold on the younger male's face again. If the male was still holding onto the skin on his face he was sure his teeth would dig a bit deeper with Vern's shifting, but at this point the older male didn't care. This whole fight wasn't about winning for him, but putting up the best fight he could. He was feeling brilliantly alive for the first time in a while and it was a spice up in his life. If he survived and the others didn't kill him the blow of being abandoned by another pack member and the fall of the pack would surely be hard on him.

Inverno vs. Ashiel for Maim (Blinding in the Right Eye)
Round: 3 of 3
Build: Medium
Height: 40"
ooc: Great fight Luns thank you again for this opportunity!!
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]

Head Judges


03-25-2018, 06:09 PM




10/10 for Power Play:

  • None seen!
9/10 for Clarity:
  • Positioning
    -1 “Ashiel backed up to widen the distance between them a few more feet as he faced the man...” How many feet?
5/10 for Attacks:
  • +1 for chest slam
  • +1 for bear hug
  • +2 for bite
    +1 for maim attempt
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for raised hackles
  • +1 for eyes narrowed
  • +1 for flattened ears
  • +1 for widened stance
  • +1 for tail raised for balance
10/10 for Injuries:
  • None


7/12 for Experience:
  • +3 intermediate fighter
  • +4 advanced intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • pack wolf? yes
  • unhealed event status? no
  • unhealed fight status? no

Ashiel’s round one total: 51/62



8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
    -1 “Taking two steps forward Vern quickly got himself about two inches ahead of Ash...” Any movements that include your opponent must to be attempted. A statement like 'he took two steps forward in an attempt to...' would have worked.
  • Excessive Movements
    -1 there's simply too much going on here. In future fights keep in mind that each post realistically covers only a few seconds of movement.
6/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “...while his other three canines sought to drive into the flesh of the boys face...” Where his upper left canine lands is pretty easy to figure out because of where the upper right one is aimed, but where on Ashiel face will Vern's lower canines land if his attack is successful?
  • Positioning
    -1 What is their new positioning? You said Vern is now two inches ahead of Ashiel, but what are you using to measure that two inches? The difference between Vern's chest being two inches ahead of Ashiel's chest is very different from Vern's chest being two inches ahead of Ashiel's nose.
  • Damage
    -1 “...crashing the right side of his chest into the less fleshy part of Vern's right hip...” Do you mean the bony point of his hip or the back of his upper thigh as opposed to the meaty outside of his upper leg?
  • General
    -1 I found this post to be difficult to follow. All the pertinent info is in it, but in many cases the sentence structure was more confusing than helpful. Grouping
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +1 for paw stomp
  • +2 for bite
    +1 for severity
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for tail level with spine
  • +1 for ears pinned
  • +1 for widened stance
  • +1 for weight distributed evenly
  • +1 for shoulders rolled forward
10/10 for Injuries:
  • -0 moderate bruising to right hip (first round)


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner hunter
  • +1 beginner fighter
5/5 for Health:
  • pack wolf? Yes (he was at the time of this fight)
  • unhealed event status? no
  • unhealed fight status? no

Inverno’s round one total: 39/62




10/10 for Power Play:

  • None!
9/10 for Clarity:
  • Movement
    -1 If Ashiel is lunging upwards to bite Inverno's throat, how can he simultaneously throw both of his arms over Inverno's neck?
3/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for bite
  • +1 for bear hug
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for tucked tail
  • +1 for tucked chin
  • +1 for raised hackles
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for flattened ears
7/10 for Injuries:
  • -1 for light bruising to chest
  • -2 for moderate lacerations to right side of head


7/12 for Experience:
  • +3 intermediate fighter
  • +4 advanced intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • pack wolf? yes
  • unhealed event status? no
  • unhealed fight status? no

Ashiel’s round two total: 46/62



6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
    -1 “...stopping just before he would bump into the young male.” Same as the last round, if you're going to use your opponent's position to explain your new positioning you need to attempt it.
    -1 “ he swung his open jaws back towards Ash's face. ” Same as above.
  • Godmoding
    -1 “ Ash tried to force his nose towards the ground. ”
  • Excessive Movements
    -1 same as the first round.
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Movements
  • Damage
    -1 “Letting Ash's teeth rip moderate to some severe lacerations in the skin on his muzzle...” Are they moderate or severe?
  • General
    -1 “With moving his body he now had his head angled and untucked from his throat allowing Ash to continue to have a grip on his muzzle and able to get away from the male getting a hug grip on his neck once more, but letting his head lower as Ash tried to force his nose towards the ground.” Sentences like this one make for a confusing read. My suggestion would be to focus on one action or group of closely related actions at a time and break up run on sentences like the one above into smaller ones.
2/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for bite
4/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for weight distributed evenly
  • +1 for tensed muscles
  • +1 for eyes narrowed
  • +1 for ears flattened
7/10 for Injuries:
  • -3 for severe lacerations to muzzle (severity assigned by judge)


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner hunter
  • +1 beginner fighter
5/5 for Health:
  • pack wolf? Yes (he was at the time of this fight)
  • unhealed event status? no
  • unhealed fight status? no

Inverno’s round two total: 34/62




10/10 for Power Play:

  • None seen!
10/10 for Clarity:
  • All clear!
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for bite
    +1 for severity
  • +1 for paw stomp
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for raised hackles
  • +1 for tors splayed
  • +1 for claws digging in
  • +1 for ears pinned
  • +1 for shoulders rolled
7/10 for Injuries:
  • -3 for severe lacerations to


7/12 for Experience:
  • +3 intermediate fighter
  • +4 advanced intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • pack wolf? yes
  • unhealed event status? no
  • unhealed fight status? no

Ashiel’s round three total: 48/62



8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
    -1 “...while his right leg would simply press against the front of Ash's neck right in the middle.” This should have been attempted
  • Godmoding
    -1 “He balanced himself evenly on his opponent and on his back legs.”
7/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
    -1 “A wicked smile and wild look came to the older mans eyes before he distributed his weight onto his leg legs...” Which legs?
    -1 “His left leg he would be attempting to throw over the larger male's base of his neck, just in front of his shoulder blades, while his right leg would simply press against the front of Ash's neck right in the middle.” Same as above.
  • Damage
    -1 what kind of damage did Vern take from Ashiel's bite?
2/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for bite
2/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for weight distributed
  • +1 for tail lifted for balance
8/10 for Injuries:
  • -2 for moderate puncture wounds to face


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner hunter
  • +1 beginner fighter
5/5 for Health:
  • pack wolf? Yes (he was at the time of this fight)
  • unhealed event status? no
  • unhealed fight status? no

Inverno’s round three total: 34/62


ASHIEL: 145/186
INVERNO: 107/186

And the winner is...

ASHIEL! Inverno must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and has been blinded in his left eye by Ashiel.


  • All bruising – 2 ooc days
  • Facial wound – 2 ooc weeks
  • All bruising – 2 ooc days
  • Moderate and severe lacerations – 2 ooc weeks
  • Eye – 3 weeks (blinding is permanent)


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: My notes are in the judging above c: Good fight, guys! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this!!

- By Lazuli