
The Wind In My- Cheatsheet! [Wildrun Pups!]


11-26-2017, 10:04 AM

The fire is coming so I think we should run, run, run, run

The purpose of this exercise was more to learn than it was to gather but Argenti hoped to do a little of both.  Not that she knew what she'd do with any herbs she found having no way to carry them and her companion, the magpie Jae, certainly wasn't going to be doing the heavy lifting.  A light fog was clinging to the air, the morning sun just barely starting to pierce through it as she gazed into a still basin full of grasses. Her quarry was simple enough.  Dandelions. This far to the west they were reasonably protected from winters bite, at least this early in the season.  Though it would still be a challenge.  She had no idea how recognizable the flowers would be.

Argenti glanced behind her, ears twitching for a moment.  She'd left her siblings in a makeshift den not far back so she could do a little scouting on her own for some peace and quiet but there was no telling when they'd noticed she was gone.  Jae landed on the ground next to her.  "You ready?"  Argenti peered into the basin once more as the sun washed the land in golden light.  She shook the morning chill from her bones and nodded.  "Yea, I'm ready."



2 Years
11-26-2017, 05:27 PM
The grass, dry and brittle as it may have been, still towered over the diminutive youngster. She jumped up, briefly saw the horizon, and then was swallowed up by the grass again. Rats! She sat down to pout. So this is what it must feel like to be a flea. Well, she didn't like it! Ferrous swiped at the grass with a paw and scowled. How could she sneak up on someone and scare them if she couldn't find them?

Oh, what was that? Ferrous hit the ground and flattened herself out as the sound of voices reached her ears. That sounded like Argenti! Ha HA! She grinned and scuttled forward, relying on her ears to guide her towards her target. Oh, she was going to scare her GOOD!

Once she thought she was within scaring range, Ferrous slowed to a halt. She laid still and listened for a moment, and when no voices reached her ears, the girl panicked. Were they getting away? They couldn't get away, she hadn't scared them yet!

Fearing she'd been left behind, Ferrous jumped out of the grass prematurely and lo and behold, there they were standing right in front of her. Hoping to salvage the situation - never mind that they could totally see her - she shrieked, "Boo!"
[Image: 14abtc3.png]
Ferrous has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir. If she isn't
mentioned IC it's safe to assume she isn't there.


12-01-2017, 08:11 PM

The fire is coming so I think we should run, run, run, run

Argenti slipped through the grass as she moved toward a portion of meadow that had shorter plants.  Jae said that this time of year the dandelions would look like little puff balls.  Balls of thin down on stems with leaves like teeth.  She said it wasn't to tall of a plant and that it would be shorter than Argenti, which was hard for the pup to believe in all this tall, towering foilage.  She was gazing ahead when all of a sudden she saw her sisters head pop out of the grass.  She froze, blinking for a moment wondering if she'd imagined it before out scrambled Ferrous, yelling boo at the top of her lungs.

"Hey!  Were you stalking me?"  She bounded over to her sister.  "Nice try!"  She grinned and puffed out her chest.   

Jae landed on the ground next to her and lightly nipped at her leg.  "Arry, there are dandelions five feet to your west."  Argenti blinked for a moment as she scrunched her face up.  Crap, which way was west?  Here was he sister right in front of her and she could totally show off her superior skills but what was the trick to remember the directions?  The sun…. rose in the west, right?  Yea, totally.   "Ok, lets gather some dandelions! You wanna come Ferrous?"  She turned toward the sun and started to march that way before Jae cleared her throat. "Arry, love… west is the other way.  The sun rises in the east".