
jingle bells batman smells



6 Years
Extra large
12-02-2017, 08:54 PM


Lurking near the site of their latest conquest, the beast wondered what could possibly hold their attention for long around here. The fog was thick tonight, blanketing them under its suffocating weight. Dew was beading on their fur from the density of it. Broad paws would roll at the ankle with each step, working the tension from their joints. The giant kept their head low between their shoulders, prowling about in search of something. What were they hunting now? Oh, right. Food. It had been a little while since their last meal.

Elbows and knees bending just a little, they kept low amongst the gnarled undergrowth. The faint rustles of something moving up ahead had their attention now. It was time to hunt. A shiver of anticipation raced up their spine, tempting them to race forward right then and there. Ignoring the impulse, they continued their onward stalk. Closer and closer, until there was something visible through the tangled shrubs. Feathers. A quail. Something small, but they weren't feeling picky today. The sun was beginning to set, and it was going to get colder in a little while. They wanted to be back somewhere they could safely sleep before midnight.

Tongue slithered from the confines of their maw, sliding over their muzzle. Excitement building in their quivering muscles, they watched the quail move around. Regardless of how strange it was for the bird to be in the middle of a forest at dusk, they weren't about to fuck this up. Sliding closer, they readied themself to pounce. The wily bird cocked one eye in their direction, making a soft sound. Shit. They stopped cold, hoping it would go back to its foraging. This was taking too long. The beast just wanted to eat, damnit!

Bursting through the foliage, forepaws outstretched, they sailed toward the quail. Like the fool it was, the bird sat still just long enough to be crushed beneath their feet. The snapping of brittle bones was music to the deity's ears, just as the strangled screech made a symphony alongside it. Crouching down, they took the bird's neck in their jaws and broke it for good measure. Time for a feast.
