
gonna punch a thunder cloud


07-21-2014, 11:54 PM

She'd been gone a while, that was for sure. But in that time Eulari had become a woman, she'd grown into her curves and her thick russet coat, wore her scars proudly. Now, the alabaster masked femme strode toward the borders of familiar territory, where Satis, one of her billions of half siblings, was supposed to be. However, scents told her that Satis was in fact not hanging around here, instead, she found a scent that was both familiar and intriguing. She recognized Roman's musk, since she'd met Roman a few times back in Glaciem with Isardis. It was nice to be home, up in the north of Alacritia where she felt more like she belonged. Long, plush banner would sweep across her heels placidly as she walked, tea cupped paws gliding smoothly over the terra as though she were no more than a ghost upon the lands. Another thing she'd grown into, gracefulness. It was nice in the Red Forest, especially with spring in full swing. Everything was alive, the whole world was a busy riot of movement. There were babies being born, birds returning from the south, and everything seemed so cheerful. A contented sigh would escape the dark lips of the rust tinged doll as she came closer to the borders. The wolves here would not recognize her, and she had no familiar authority anymore, as far as she knew. Best not to test the borders, instead she would wander a fair distance on the other side.
Feminine hips would swing alluringly as she traversed the landscape, looking up at the massive trees happily. It was really beautiful, everyone who lived here must love every minute of it. There was nothing even reminiscent of silence here, the birds were constantly singing and fluttering about in the canopies as they went about their lives. Orchid pools would twinkle as she watched a mother deer and her fawn slip through the undergrowth, only to disappear again. Sure, the masked she wolf was hungry, but she wasn't a moron. If she decided to go after them, she'd more than likely have her ass handed to her by whoever happened to be nearby, thanks to her ever shitty luck. Instead, she kept her distance, and meandered near the edge of the forest, waiting for something interesting to happen, hopefully a small reunion. That would be nice, she had missed her family here.


07-22-2014, 12:38 AM

Surprises and returns were commonplace in her life lately. Everyone seemed to be coming home- all of the Armada's returning to both Glaciem or in some cases Tortuga, and her family was becoming whole again. She was just on her border of her forest- the parts that mingled with the pines, when she scented a familiar family member, but one she hadn't seen in a long while. Trotting forward, she'd head towards the smell. Greek bounded along beside her, "Whatcha hurry for?" He'd grumble, and she'd chuckle, emerging from the forest in view of her sister. "Another funny looking wolf. Well she's a right sight better than an old mange pelt." He said, and Roman lifted her leg, mid stride to push him. Hush now." She chuckled.

"Eulari.. it's been a long time." She said smoothly, as she halted about four feet from the russet woman, her violet eyes fixed curiously on her. Had she come to join Tortuga too?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


07-22-2014, 02:29 PM

It was at that point that the familiar scent got closer, and a pair of orchid toned optics would land upon a painted visage. At the larger woman's side was a strange creature, though the time to inquire after Roman's companion would come later. A soft smile would curve her dark lips, gentle and gleeful all the same. ?It has.? She chuckled in admittance, plush banner sweeping across her heels once, then twice. ?You're doin' well though, by the look of things. Anything interesting happen while I was gone? Reasons to go visit further south at some point?? Soft, mirthful melodies would inquire, the last query said with minute laughter, since she knew full well how dramatic her family could be. Armadrama was a very good reason to wander for a little while longer, see the sights of the rest of the island. The marks upon the ivory woman's delicate face made her look more like she should be respected, and it was always an interesting to see those marks.
Then would her rosy gaze fall to the curious creature at Roman's side, tail flicking at her hocks as her ears twitched. ?Who are you?? She would then ask softly, her voice gentle and inquisitive as she gazed down at the odd create. It kind of looked like a cat, with it's lean body and long tail, but it's face looked more like a marten's. Mocha hues were swathed over it's body, and even it's eyes were a shade of chocolate brown. Tiara would be tilted to the side in question, lowered ever so slightly, wonder of wonders, to reach the level of the smaller creature. No one was ever smaller than her, so this was a real treat.


07-28-2014, 02:49 AM

Eulari speaks, and Roman nods in agreement to her words. It has been far to long since she had seen the smaller Armada. Roman is glad that she is well and alive. Her question perks the interest of the Queen and Roman chuckles. "A lot has happened," she begins, "An earthquake, then an epidemic or a poison, as I like to refer to it, struck the lands. Most of the packs fell ill. Father fell ill. Several new packs have appeared, one of which- Covari is led by a rather obtrusive wolf. This Covari Queen took down Valhalla- took it from the Adravendi family, and placed her pawn at its throne. I'm expecting pups. Athena has been named Queen of Glaciem, and took Vereux as her king." She pauses, chuckling slightly. "It's been a busy time.

(this next paragraph is through greek's POV)

Greek bristled, staring at the wolf as she lowered her head to speak to him. About time he thought, these wolves don't give me the respect I deserve. He blinks and steps forward towards the wolf, looking up at her, from his mere fifteen inch height. Ha! She wasn't much taller. "I am Greek, a fossa. A creature very few wolves have the pleasure of meeting. Who are you?" He challenges, wanting an answer directly to him. He didn't care that Roman knew her. He wanted to know who she was.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


07-28-2014, 11:35 AM

The cherubic features of the porcelain masked darling twisted with a wry smile as Roman began to speak, and changed frequently. The knowledge of an earthquake and an epidemic (poison?) brought a quirk to her brow, orchid toned optics clearly stunned by this. All while she was gone, two disasters? She must have caught a lucky break there. News that her father had fallen ill with whatever sickness had struck was not good, and she frowned. However, there was no time to brood over it, or ask what their father's condition was now. More updates fell from Roman's maw, and she was now aware of new packs. Well, at least that meant there were more possible allies- or more enemies to make. Mention of an obtrusive, and apparently powerful wolfess, with a hand in two packs, piqued the russet lady's interest. Though that could wait. Not for long though, she rather liked to know of the powers she might come into contact with along the way. Then a real bomb dropped, and while she was stunned by the sudden- not to mention blunt, news, a grin began to creep up onto her pallid features. That Glaciem had been handed down to one of Isardis' younger children was a bit of a shock, since everyone knew the great northern king was not a big fan of being anything other than a king.

Before she could do much responding to Roman, her companion spoke up, rising to his full height as he spoke to her. He was interesting, and by the look of it very confident. A perfect match for Roman, indeed. He introduced himself as Greek, a fossa, which was apparently a rare creature. She smiled as only she could, dipping her head respectfully to him. "Well, then I'm glad I get to be one of those few wolves. It's a pleasure to meet you indeed, Greek." Gentle lyrics would purr silkily, her head easily level with his own. He was quick to command an introduction, and she grinned in the slightest. "Name's Eulari, another one of Isardis' children. He doesn't like my batch as much as his other ones." She murmured, vocals tinged with obvious mirth. It was not a lie, the rose hued king did not like Taurig in the least, and she was pretty sure Sibelle and Falk had never met him, though there was a good chance that had changed by now. He probably still didn't like them, they were a sassy bunch.

Then she raised her tiara, a great grin upon her pallid features. Her rusty brown banner swept through the air happily, unabashedly wagging. Pale pink orbs twinkled with glee. "But you're pregnant, congrats!" She exclaimed, grinning. Pale snout would stretch forward, seeking to brush against her half sister's cheek warmly. It was great, finally there would be some Armada children that weren't directly from Isardis' loins. Surely they would be beautiful, since they had Roman's genes. "Which poor sap did you seduce for this to happen?" She inquired next, her tone clearly joking, full of mirth. One brow would rise, and a smile would remain upon her features.

"Speech" Think "You"