
Common grounds[Roza]


12-04-2017, 12:47 AM
He had heard the howl for ganta but when he arrived it had been too late. The match was over. Ganta was gone and the only thing to tell him who had won had been a large part of scent. Death lingered there. It tangled with ganta heavily, and ganta's mate. Had they both been killed? Did he need to find his nephew? He figured Philly wouldn't be to far from their home. Last time she had left she had come right back. But there was no sign of her that morning. The scent had lead him towards Dragoste, he had stopped tracking then, figuring she had made a choice to go back to ganta. His heart hurt at that. She wasn't his but yet he treated her every bit like his own daughter.

He moved towards where the scent of his brother was, expecting to find a two bodies. He moved with haste. He needed to be certain, then go hunt down Philly before some asshole decided to kill her. She didn't exactly learn manners from him.

As he came upon fresh turned ground he halted. His nose moved to take in the scent. Ganta, but no female. So his brother's mate still had a chance. This was a grievous act against the hellstrom line. As much as ganta wished he wasnt he still had been one. Plus ganta was the responsibility of him to kill. Ganta was going to escape that fate though thanks to Riker's love of Philly. He sighed and shook his head.

He needed to find Philly and hopefully his nephew and ganta's mate. The least he could do was try to get them to safer lands. And then there was the issue that forsaken had vanished. Not a trace of him could be found, not that he worried. Forsaken could handle himself. Plus that made it easier to keep Philly safe.

He moved then, trying to track ganta's female down. Though her scent was so foreign to him that he could hardly figure out her direction. He was left circling ganta's grave to find her scent and where it lead. He gave up shortly then. His best hope was to wait and hope she came back this way. Hopefully Philly was with her. He lowered himself next to ganta's grave and waited, doing his best to stay alert and try to remain nonthreatening in case she spooked. If she came this way at all.



8 Years
Athena I
12-04-2017, 10:39 AM

She didn’t know where to go. She didn’t know for sure that the challenger was going to take up the same lands they had claimed for themselves, but after seeing what they did to Ganta she didn’t dare go back there. She felt terrible for leaving her pack members alone there, but she had tried to get them all to leave before she left and she couldn’t risk taking Ulric back into those lands. Once she had gathered Ulric from the mangroves she came back toward the range simply because she didn’t know of another direction to go. Did they go west toward one of the other packs? She did have family down there at least. Her mind was going a mile a minute and she really hadn’t even had time to process Ganta’s death. Everything was a blur.

It was Ulric’s nudge to her shoulder that got her attention. She looked up to his face first and when he motioned up ahead of them she stopped and followed his direction. She saw the man standing at Ganta’s grave and she immediately took a step back and was about to run. Something stopped her though. His scent reached her and she immediately recognized that he was one of Ganta’s brothers. She had such a fear of them instilled in her that her instinct to run only got stronger, but there was something else in his scent. Philomena. Her eyes locked back in on the man and she didn’t know what to do. The scar on her face was testimony enough of why she should stay far away from any and all of his brothers, but her daughter...

She leaned into Ulric for just a moment. She was tired. So tired. Finally she walked closer to the man, cautious and ready to run, but she did get closer. She stopped several feet away which was as close as she could convince herself to be. “Do you have my daughter?” she asked, her voice soft and pleading. She couldn’t find the energy to be angry. Roza was only desperate and heart broken. Everything she knew was already gone.

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7 Years
Dire wolf

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1KCritical Hit!
12-04-2017, 10:50 AM

Ulric was pretty sure he was in shock. He had been following along beside his mother in silence for some time now while he tried to wrap his head around the news that she had brought him. He couldn’t believe that his father was actually gone. He felt numb to it at the moment. Death was still a foreign concept to him. For now he just tried to keep an eye on their surroundings since he was pretty sure it was the last thing on his mother’s mind. He just let her lead the way and he stayed at her shoulder as he followed along beside her. That was how he spotted the man that was standing directly in their path. He saw the lumpy pile of dirt behind the stranger and realized with a sick dread that was probably his father’s grave. Ulric’s ears flicked back and tried not to think about that while he urgently nudged Roza’s shoulder. He had really expected her to run so he was prepared to take off with her, but she didn’t. Instead she froze for a moment and then continued on toward the man. He hesitated, but he wasn’t going to leave her alone. Ulric watched them both warily and just tried to stay quiet while his mother asked about Philly. His eyes locked onto the red-marked man then, realizing with a start that his sister’s scent was actually on his fur.



12-04-2017, 12:22 PM
It didn't take long and there were two sets of steps headed straight for him. He stood up quickly, reminding himself why he wanted to see ganta's mate in the first place. She had to have Philly. Though when his eye proved over the two of them his heart sunk. No Philly. He had to hope she'd come back sooner rather than later. He'd taught her how to track. Hopefully she'd track either him or her mother.

Her mother's question he wasn't sure how to even answer. "I thought she went back to you and Ganta. Her scent went that way this morning." he himself sounded a little desperate to see her just pop out from behind Roza. Like this was all just a big prank from her. "What happened?" he figured he needed to know since his instinct was to run after Philly and kill any in his way.

He did take note of Ulric but he was well cared for just as Philly had always been. Or he felt she had everything she could want anyway.



8 Years
Athena I
12-04-2017, 01:47 PM
What little hope Roza had was instantly crushed. At least she knew Philomena was still alive, but she wasn’t here and apparently no one knew where she was now. But she went back toward Dragoste... fear suddenly gripped her gut. ”If she went back home...” She looked toward Ulric and his eyes widened as he realized what she meant. Philomena just walked into sieged lands. Without a word Ulric turned around and took off full tilt toward their former home. ”Ulric, wait!” she called, but it was too late. Roza watched him go and she sighed tiredly. She fell back on her haunches and just looked at her paws for a moment.

”They killed Ganta,” she told him, no longer caring if she was in danger with him or not. She didn’t get the feeling that she was. At least not right now. ”I tried to get everyone out of the pack lands after he left to go to the challenge and I hid Ulric in the lands where my father’s pack used to be. By the time I got to the battlefield...” The memory of Ganta with his throat torn open cut off her words with a sob. She shook her head and looked away from him again. ”If Philomena went home then I imagine she’s already ran into them...”