
Dark Tides


07-21-2014, 10:51 PM

The boy would wander, his paws taking him wherever they so wished and yet nowhere in particular. Neon green gaze fell upon a scene unfamiliar, for he had never been this far west before. The bubbling black pits sent a shiver down his spine, the bones of countless animals prehistoric and recent poking out from the earths bile. What was this stuff that drowned its victims? Heart pounded in slight fear, he didn't want to get caught up in it. And yes as his eyes watched the bubbling pools of rotting fuel, his paws would slip forward. A cry of surprise and a yelp, his head pulling back from gravity as his body twisted. He would fall into a pit, the black gunk boiling and bubbling below his body until he met it within seconds. He landed, body becoming covered in tar and his fur sticking and plastering to his pelt. He sucked in air, his head well above the tar whilst his entire lower body remained stuck. Caught in the earths greedy pits. He would struggle, though he could feel no end beneath him. Was he going to drown today? Never having a chance at life? His potential? His desires? Claws scrambled at the nearby earth, though he was unable to find decent purchase and each time he tried, the tar would drag him down. Forepaws would touch the goo, and he immediately raising them to cling to the side of the pit for dear life. He wasn't ready to die yet, he hadn't begun to live. Panicked, heart pounding painfully against his chest, he would pitifully call out. Hoping that someone, anyone was nearby. Hoping that they would help him.




9 Years
07-22-2014, 03:30 PM
hope u dont mind the pp. :3

The soon to be Queen was on another small adventure. She was relativly new to the hellish lands of Ala and wanted to know her surroundings. To memorize each land. All the herbs and nooks and crannies. The babe was an observant one on her offtime. Yet, the scent she was coming upon was horrible. The ebony marked daemon let the scent of chemicals fill her narrow nose. Her lanky bodice slithered closer to the pits of boiling tar. It stung her nose slightly, but she continued on. Her crimson eyes feasted upon the sticky goop. Ut was a trap, to fall into the tar. You would be covered by the heavy liquid in seconds. Nearly impossible to get out. Therefore the princess was very careful when swerving around the pits. Weaving through the deadly subtance with ease. Yet, a call of help filled her delighful tri-toned ears in a flurry. Had someone fallen in? The lady would not hurry, but her bodice would move delicatly to the source of the shreik. Her tail was slightly erect and her head was high as well. But, when the viking saw the tar colored male she just stared at him for a few moments. Her eyes studied his panicking figure with little to no expression. She was in his sights, yet soon he would become engulfed by the tar. But due to such a death she would not be able to send him off with a feast. So, the girl would be obliged to help. tar was not a forgiving demise. The divine babe slithered closer to the spotted boy, his body would be burning from the hot tar. She would let forth a few vocals of terms. "I rarely help fools, boy. Do not ever forget these moments." The woman was very serious, it would show in her blood red eyes. But, soon the girl would reach in, making sure no paws entered to goop. Her neck would extend as she attempted to grip at his scruff. The Viking would then pull, in attempt to remove him from the tar. Each paw was dug into the earth as she attempted to take half steps back, growling the entire time with struggle.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.