
Someone's been busy! [Amon]



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-10-2017, 06:37 PM

Lazy wandering had grown tiresome, and while she appreciated the quiet, she missed her children. Being honest, she missed Amon more, and hoped to see him around again. So far, she hadn't seen or heard of the shadowy god since the children were weaned and she set off to feel free again. Still, despite it all, she was a woman who loved her family and missed them. It was winter again, and the dark woman couldn't take her self imposed separation any longer. Perhaps, an old haunt would help.

She made her path down from the falls toward the cathedral-like thicket where so many pleasant memories had been made. Upon arriving, she caught something different on the winds. Amon's scent was literally everywhere, and she gave a grin. He had certainly come up in the world, as he had said he would. Finding a stone to perch on, Naamah giggled to herself and looked up to find Corvus coming to land in a nearby tree. Surely the god of shadows wouldn't keep her waiting long.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-12-2017, 08:37 AM

Amon had buried himself in tasks the moment he had set foot on the lands they would transform in the foundation of their Empire. He scouted the border night continuously for several days, familiarizing himself with every nook and cranny of their most vulnerable spots, and those where their borders were strongest. The natural features of the land seemed to favor him in this, and his mind was alight with ideas for the most ideal sentry points and ambush locations. He ate when he could and slept only briefly, far too concerned with the tasks at hand, which also included making sure the rest of his kin settled into some sort of quasi-peaceful structure.

Suffice to say, when Naamah's scent was carried to him, this train of thought shattered and was quickly replaced by surprise. He hadn't seen the woman since their children had weaned. It was not something that bothered him; in fact in many ways it had made her the ideal broodmother, and Amon was both surprised and a bit disturbed to find himself nesting a slight affection for the woman. She had produced strong, healthy children, both of whom were impressive specimens fit to carry the name. Also, her cutting sarcasm and blasé attitude was sorely missed these days. He paused in his trek and looked from side to side, nose lifted into the air.

Following it, it was not long before he came upon the shadowy woman. Her subtly mismatched eyes were alight with a subtle humor, and he looked up to see Corvus was in attendance as well. Amon looked over his shoulder to see if Gulo had followed him as well. Indeed, the dark-coated wolverine clambered over a gnarled tangle of roots and perched himself on top of it. Gulo curled a lip at the woman once he noticed her presence. "Welcome back," Amon said to her, tone friend and warm... Well, you know, warm for Amon anyways. It did not bother him in the slightest to find her within his borders unannounced, but he wasn't sure if she intended to stay or was simply visiting. "How fared your travels?" He considered howling for their children but wasn't sure if she wanted to announce her presence or not, and decided to leave it up to her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-12-2017, 10:55 AM

There was a familiar shifting of shadows that created a most delicious thrill as the beast appeared. Her mismatched gaze going instantly molten as she looked him over, black tail curling around her paws as he greeted her,  Amon's bright blue gaze ate up her form as hers did to him and she gave him a warm and cordial smile as he spoke. She ignored the wolverine that followed him,  only because he didn't seem to be happy at her presence.  "Thanking you,  Amon. I am being happy to finding you again,  travel was good,  but I am maybe being used to crowding of family now." A small laugh escaped her before she continued."I am missing out it is seeming. How is Liyah and Gaios, I trust they is being well looked on?" She wasn't quite ready to admit she wanted a home beneath his shadow,  having never been in a pack before, but the children were a good reason to stick around.

"I am tired with roaming and the lonely. You have places for me,  yes? I am knowing many secrets of Auster,  I am being most best asset for empire building...I am thinking,  anyway." Her tail waved hopefully beside her and steel blue paws shuffled like an excited pup's. There wouldnt be any further mention on her attraction to the shadowy god,  but she had been thinking hard about him while she walked. He already had something of a soft spot for her,  she could see that much,  just by the way he treated others in comparison to her. What if she could make that more? Lilith laughed heartily in her mind,  but seemed thrilled by the foggy line of thought. Still,  she would jump the necessary hurdles. Was there a place for a wolf like her in his ranks?

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-20-2017, 05:41 PM

A smile curled onto Amon's lips as he noticed Naamah appraising him. He knew that within a few years his body would start to ache and weaken, but for the time being he remained sturdy and strong. The exertions of the past season had been enough to cut away any excess weight Amon might have gained in the past year of rearing the whelps, leaving only the well-muscled godling beneath. He quirked a brow. Naamah remarked that she was perhaps missing the sensation of being with a family unit of sorts. It certainly wasn't what Amon would have expected of the woman, and he himself quickly reappraised her. "Of course," he replied to her questions about their children. "Both are healthy and strong. Liyah has a brilliant, cutting intellect. Gaios was at the very least graced with a level temper and his own sort of quiet cunning. I worried that he might not have the mettle for battle, but he was keen on making an impact in our conquest of this pack."

Naamah claimed to be tired and lonely, satisfied with her time spent in the past moons but wanting to come find her place within their Empire. Amon reflected that he personally would be glad to have her, but he could not help but be concerned about the circumstance of it all. "I believe you are correct, I think you would certainly be an asset to the Empire." There was no doubt about that, after all. Amon would not have bred with her if it were not the case, and the children they had produced ought to be proof enough of the Fallen God's favor should anyone contradict it. "But I cannot promise you any rank except that which is earned. Of course, this isn't to imply you would expect such treatment, only that certain members of my kin would use any excuse to question your ability given that you do not share our lineage."

It was a simple fact, and Amon would not expect Naamah to have thought any differently. She had lived with their clan for long enough to know their habits and ways. Despite being god-touched in her own way, Naamah would appear mortal to them before anything else, and it would be better that she be prepared for it going in. "What role would you see yourself filling?" They had a strong need for both scouts and hunters, though he knew Naamah was capable in the arts of war as well. Ultimately it would be her choice. Without pups to feed at present, lack of designated hunters was not as dire as might be.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-15-2018, 11:33 AM
She didn't hesitate to let the prideful smile spread across her face at the news that her children were doing well within their father's kingdom. Her black tail waved behind her and she listened as his thunderous voice rumbled to her about her place within their ranks. Of course, she would never expect a handout, she knew from the start that this particular king favored strength in any form, and to think that there would be handouts given would be absurd. She was unsure what her role could be within the empire he had built, but she knew there was one in which she would certainly excel at. "I am thinking to fight for you is being best, for now. You are having other things, you is calling Naamah." There was a wide, sinful grin given as she looked him over once more.

She was eager to see her children once again, and her mismatched rubies glistened with longing for the sight of them. Naamah would wait until she was settled into the pack and could seek them out herself. "This is suiting you, Amon. I will be proving to all what my place is being, this is suiting me." There was only one question left for her to ask, "I am being home now, yes?" A knowing smile and a tell-tale tail wag saw her sauntering into their home and wanting to find her children, to set eyes on them for the first time in months.

"Naamah." "You." Think Walk.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-15-2018, 12:17 PM

Amon could not help the smile which worked it's way onto his face. He was not a man prone to weakness; to call him such would not only be a grave offense but also quite hazardous to your health. Among his highest priorities was the ability to remain level, to persevere, to crush all notion of opposition. The moment Amon felt he could be truly accused of weakness he prayed that the Fallen God would smite him where he stood. He would not live in disgrace, in dishonor. And so it was that with Naamah Amon was forced to draw the line between favor and fondness.

The woman made it difficult, of course. There were few, aside from Pyralis, who felt no hesitation in telling him what was on their mind. Her cynical humor was a balm on Amon more aggravating days, and she had produced a fine litter of children for him. Yes, she was a fae he would keep close, if possible. And he did favor her, it was undeniable. "I would have to agree," he mused. "You wear the life of a warrior well." The corner of his mouth curled into a smile. Naamah seemed eager to prove herself, and the place she would hold in the pack. Amon found himself eager to see this as well. She asked if she was home, and Amon chuckled. "Home," he agreed. "Would you like to go find the children? I'm sure they will be overjoyed to see you."

Amon had dispatched the mother of his first litter. The weak woman doted on them, spoiled them and crooned to them when she ought to have crushed those gentle traits. This was nothing he feared from Naamah. He knew the woman had many valuable skills to offer them, and her own demeanor was similar to Amon's own. The not-quite-mortal woman had much to give, and Amon was truthfully eager to see what her proving herself might entail. He was surprised to find that he truly had faith in her, and was coming to believe that the Fallen God perhaps had unique plans for her all of his own.

Walk, "Talk" Think


Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-19-2018, 03:47 PM
It was with an open and eager joy that Naamah turned her subtly differing eyes on Amon, her entire demeanor changing into an explosive and highly volatile concoction of excitement and utmost happiness as the shadowy god agreed that she had come home. Both entities united on the topic of seeing their godlings, of holding her darkened Aaliyah and watching the silvery white of Gaios's pelt flash as he moved in the light. Her voice took on a dual quality as she answered with a flourish and even a small varnish of Latin in her and Lilith's exuberance about seeing the little ones after so long apart. "I am loving nihil-nothing more to be seeing the say, children? Oh, we are being gone now! Come, placet, coming now, Amon!" She could not help her excitement, after all they were what she had come here for. Or at least, that is what she would openly admit to others as the reason. Truthfully, she wanted to be close to Amon, and prove to him that she would be worth keeping.

There were a few strides made before she realized that Amon would know where the children were and she should probably follow him. Turning back and chasing her tail, she let herself be that puppy he had found on the shimmering beach for a few moments. It seemed like it took ages, but eventually she knew he would take her to them, and she would simply have to try and be a bit more patient in the meantime.

"Naamah." "You." Think Walk.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.