
A special snowflake's special time[lirika]



2 Years
12-11-2017, 06:07 PM

Just because I have backup doesn't mean I'll use it

Divo had made off easily and Darya was busy sleeping. That was alright, she didn't mind it. It meant she would easily have the den and clearing to herself. It had taken alot of convincing to get her to leave the den in the first place but she now was regularly visiting the outside. She didn't like going far still but she was content with her little home. She had been slowly exploring the outside, finding the crags and crevices. hiding in places from the big fat bully was always a good thing. Until he sniffed her out and Divo had to rescue her or their Da. He'd been scarce for a while though since Sathanus had howled for him.  She shouldn't of been up to hear that but she had been. 

She bounded into a snow drift. The snow covered her from sight completely and she was able to see very little but with a strong bound she was back out of it. It had snowed last night but she didn't dare explore it alone until daylight. It was soft and cold, and parts were sorta wet and slushie like but she didn't care. Her ma or da would clean her and dry her when she came in later she was sure. she looked up in time to see some strange thing like what Da was always bringing in. But it was bigger. Its fur was white like the snow and it smelled funny. Not to mention the trees on its head. It was so strange. She sat down in the snow and looked back towards the den where her mom had last been. "Мама! Посмотри на это! У него есть дерево на голове!" When she did that she had spooked it. If her ma was quick she might get a glimpse of the strange visitor, but if she wasn't then all she might see was its backside as it made it's way away. It didn't take it but a minute and she couldn't see it anymore.




10 Years
Extra large
12-11-2017, 07:14 PM

She was arranging one of the new pelts around amongst the old ones, it was a slow transition. The dank, stale scent was slowly fading as she changed them. The pups had rubbed the fur from the oldest ones while they were nursing, and rendered them mostly useless. She considered bringing the hides to the nearby pack, and asking if anyone would be able to make use of them. They were quite ratty, though. She was most likely just going to leave them in the valley.

The larger girls had abandoned the den in the early morning. Dominika had been, as per usual, reluctant. At least she was leaving the den now, and venturing out further every day into the clearing. When her daughter called her to come look at something, she was a little surprised. Dropping the pelt in her jaws, she plodded towards the entrance. "Дерево? Дом, кто там?" Worry was a cold knife in her chest, twisting itself a few times as she picked up the pace. Dark paws thundered across the slate, hackles bristling fiercely as she burst into the light.

There was nothing in the clearing except for her daughter. Dark limbs extended for a few long strides that would bring her to loom over her smallest child. Nostrils flared as she held her head low over her child. There was a fresh scent here. A deer. What was such a beast doing this far up into the mountains? Without a herd, no less? Perhaps it was ill? She didn't like this, at all. The scent didn't bear the sourness of an illness, but it may have eaten something wrong. The broad hoofprints in the freshly fallen snow tracked a little too close to her child. "Входите, дорогая, помогите маме очистить грязь. Я расскажу вам историю." She murmured, trying to calm herself. She didn't like the lone deer this close to the den. She may ask Samael to track it down, and check what it's behaviours were. Lowering her crown even more so, she made a move to nudge her youngling towards the den again.


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