
Always All Ways



07-21-2014, 10:20 PM
This new land that was all around Sound, it was interesting. It was because of this interest that he had chosen to go exploring on this mid spring day. And his paws had found him walking down the bank of a river lush whit grass and greenery. It was familiar. There had been a river like this a long time ago in a past memory of his. Some long lost and forgotten. He choose not to recall for the time being. For now he chose not to feel. There were small private moments where he allowed the little crumpled piece of his out of its box, but right now was not one of them. Now, mind you, just because the brute did not feel didn't mean he didn't still have that which made him a wolf. Wolves had a migratory instinct, a need to move. And Sound wanted to know his new environment. So it was these basic needs that he saw to satisfy.

As he walked, though, he was still his same void self. His tail didn't sway behind him, and his shoulders where relaxed. His face was void of any emotions, with his eyes dull and and lips a neutral line. It was for good reason that he chose to exist like like this. The soul was a painful and weak thing. His was provoked easily, and so it was better to go on without it as an active part of who he was. It made it all easy. This world was simple that way. He could stand on the line of right and wrong and call judgement without any fear of what others thought. He meant no ill for anyone, which meant it was fair for them to mean none against him. The price though, was that he also didn't mean any kindness for another, and so he was owed none. However, with everything he had been through, that was a fair price for him. He'd been spat on so much in his life that he no longer wanted anyone's sympathy. At his core, he just wanted to be left the fekk out of others stupid corrupt selfish politics.