
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
12-25-2017, 06:08 PM
Wind cast its icy breath across the frozen land, the new scene making those darker more apparent. Of course, in this frozen tundra, the desire for shelter is one of great importance. Molten eyes scanned the tundra-looking world, and narrowed, brows furrowing deep in thought. Scents here were faint, old, stale, but still, they led him further on, but to what was the real curiosity. A growl curled up the left side of the wolfs lip, ivory fangs flashed out, appearing to look yellow in this crystal wasteland. Another howl of mother natures' call and the brute's long tail lashed back and forth, his pace  quickening again, but not to be one of grave importance, mainly just piqued curiosity, Something out here in this wasteland should entertain me, after all, A smirk lace itself upon his dark maw, I cannot be the only one looking for fun. Balls of snow worked its way into his paw pads, but the pain and freezing temperature was nothing, compared to the lust that burned deep in his heart. It had been moons since he'd lounged in the love and pure primal desires of another, and now, in this weather, where the world was cast in darkness and ice... Who wouldn't seek some comfort and warmth?

As if by reading his mind, his nose led him to slow, and halt. Before him lie a cave, but it wasn't the cave that pulled him in, it was the scent. Ears flicked forward, testing the sounds, before he glanced both ways, in the silence, his curiosity drove him forward. His paws led him deeper into the earth, and he could feel the tinge of the frigid chill erase, before him, opened none other than the pit of despair. Setekh's eyes lit up like a newborn staring it its first full moon. A rumble pulled itself out of the pit of his stomach, curling up and rumbling out of his chest and into his mouth, and his lips curled around his gums, his tongue tasting the air like soft kisses of a stolen lover. Ah, my beauty, no need to hide anymore. In the two days since his arrival to this new isolation, he'd never imagined seeing the pits of hell open before him, and in this instance... it was pure, unadulterated lust that drove him forward into the mouth of the beast. The heat that bubbled from this vat was toxic, but also highly intoxicating. "My love," He cooed, watching the lava work and worm its way from the waterfall to the basin where it lapped at the edge, a decent distance away from where he stood, "You tempt me with your hellfire..."

His tail lashed from side to side, the excitement expelling from this male was sickening. His body wove in patterns befitting a large cat, his legs moving rhythmically across the ashen floor, but evading the interior, closest to his flame. He writhed, his whole body twisting with desire and anticipation. From within his lips came whines, growls, and low howls, the lava's torture glistening off of his necklace. Stretching to the ground, he bowed at the liquid, and closed his eyes, this find was a true blessing, but also a deadly curse, for what the heat gives, she also takes. What would be the price of her generosity and shelter from the ice outside? That's what Setekh was prepared to find out.

ooc: I'm sorry for this... terrible post... I hope you enjoy the setting for these two.



7 Years
12-26-2017, 02:46 PM

with the Devil ||

She found herself in the northen peaks, staring at a obscure waterfall that had burned for three nights. For three days she had been here; thinking, her mind a spider web of thoughts and memories of long though not forgotten times. The mouth of Hades had opened wide, a waterfall filled with the froth of congealing fire long dead in the womb of the earth, and a molten vehemence, a bursting, crawling, roiling heat, had consumed all, creeping between the rocks as it devoured the underworld, cruelly indifferent to anything in its path. She had witnessed for three days, had watched from a thicket of rocks just yards from it, as the rocks cracked and shattered with a fragility likened to porcelain or glass, the magma violently rushing forth like the current of a basalt sea. Her pomegranate eyes had reflected the deep burn of the fire, had swam with visions of the restless damned clawing from the flames. The top of the cavern was black with billowing smog, smoke clouding the light and eating at the shine of the lava, and Sekhmet, had appeared before her not long ago forcing her world to turn to cinders at her heels. Indeed, the temptress been moved by the uproar and wonder she discovered in one of her isolations, the licking tongues of magma lashing against the rocks as they reached forth to consume everything in their path, a river of fire and doom—God's awesome wrath, unleashed upon mortal home and eye, captured in her heart. She desired, that influence; she wanted, to destroy everything in her path like the destructive liquid before her. "You told us we were Gods, Father."
angellic chords, barely above a whisper and maybe not even completely audible to another's auditory system. A monologue carried with herself, to express the explosive thoughts held within for so long. "Why have we been cast from the skies, left to drag ourselves like snakes across the desert?"
she spatted venom, baring her murderous canines at the air, "Do I not deserve revenge? Power? Have I not suffered my criminal sins and cardinal regrets enough? I believe in no God but myself. I will not bleed for a figment of ones imagination. If what they say it is true, God never wanted us in the first place."
roaring, spatting, spitting acid; huff and puff, the heat growing in her veins like the vulcanic image before her, rolling deep, adding gasoline to the fire but it was not long that she heard the noise. Erect were the ears on top of her crown; full attention, the source was an intruder. How hideous, with all the smoke and heat surrounding them the scent was not idiosyncratic. With the grace of a feline she hid, shadows becoming her home as she waited, the sound of pads growing louder and louder, beating like a drum in her ears. Or was that the sound of her own heart beat? Whatever that is. The only thing that gave her away were the two pomegranate orbs of fire that seemed to float in mid-air into the shadows; measuring planets in size with their own magnetical pool, gazing upon the man that appeard in their sight. Like a demon in disguise she watched him, his words indecipherable but his actions spoke louder. Bowing, worshiping the fire liquid, offering tender whispers and promises of a lover's night. Peculiar.

OOC: I really like the setting and your post was more than fine, lovely.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
12-26-2017, 04:42 PM
With a Cheshire shaped smile, Setekh lay, watching with an expression of a love-struck child. Sirens deep within the heat called to him, the bubbles whispering sweet nothings that his body could not handle. Once, a long time ago, Seth believed he was a god, his father told him he was above all others, but his life hadn't led the way a gods' should have. With a savage snarl, the wolf dug his claws into the soot, ash, and rock, "That filthy bastard..." The words were hissed, and clipped. Where was he now? Did he care? No. Why would he? Setekh knew, he knew, that he was a bastard child. The only thing he knew of his "blessed" father - the word caused the brute to gag - was that he was a god among fleas. His children wouldn't walk the earth as mere mortals but... Here he was, and he wasn't above anything. It was a sin to curse the beast that bore him, but at the same time... Closing his eyes tightly, the male rolled and writhed in the dirt, covering his markings. He didn't want to think of her. She choked him, she made him... she fed him. On days like this, he could still taste her. With a pained wine, the boy rose and shook off, sitting, hunched over, tears misting his molten vision. You were my salvation... You were my first love... His head hung low, his tail curled along his feet. The ring, the dirt-streaked ring was what he stared at now. "You were my undoing." He muttered.

He could smell the burn, or rather he could feel it. His sense of smell was stunted, the soot, the ash... it was all a bit overwhelming. Perhaps it was this that factored into him missing her, perhaps it was his blind fury toward Ra, but... In this moment his sorrow engulfed him. The flames before him whispered sweet nothings, but also hissed at him for gorging on her. A feast fit for a king, He thought, bitterly, a tear fell from his eye as wicked laughter took him over. Wheezing at first, the brute began to chortle, and chuckle, before he was cackling. His whole body was shaking, but it was clear that something sour had overtaken him. Rising, like the phoenix from the ashes, Setekh let a howl rise from his lips before he began to shout, loud, for any to hear, his voice booming with baritones he was still filling into, "You hear me roar!" He started, his speech, "You listen as I tell you how the world spins! You can either be a fox or you can be a mouse, but if you are a mouse you're only fuel for the foxes!" Another spout of laughter came from his burned lips, and he pranced around the pool, his eyes and teeth gleaming like the true prideful man he was. As he arched his head back, shoulders down, back swayed like a regal German shepherd, his necklace bounced off of his fur. He walked his way further down the slim path, focused still on the pit. Little did he know he was drawing a close to the gap between himself and another, one not too far from his own blood-path.

ooc: Oh... Okay. Alright Setekh



7 Years
12-26-2017, 06:23 PM

with the Devil ||

Long gone, and lost in a devil's haunting paradise, she moved, a shadow in the cavern, a silhouette against the the anxious orange glow of the lava, the silent pad of her step shrouding her presence in this inferno in an element of anonymity as she sought some answers regarding the beast that just moments ago was before her. Insanity must have stole into his mind like a deranged thief, she reasoned, taking what was important to him, adding new dangerous ideas, seeding a new personality and muddling up the rest, she analyzed based on his speech and actions. New sparks of ideas started to grow roots, deep roots, they started to make sense in one revolutionary eureka moment after another, cascading out of control, luring him further and further from the self he once knew. Wasn't that the definition of a mad man? The only issue with it was that in the end they get so deep that some no longer recognise themselves. Poor bastard, a unfortunate case.
Famine reared its nasty, serpent crown as hunger twisted painfully within, the magma river scattered the prey; as such, she felt weak, as her tumultuous exodus from her family had sent her sprinting into a small journey of isolation. If it gets to it she could not match his strenght in a fight, not like this, she was in disadvantage. Bones, frail, and aching with exhaustion, her body shivered gently against enervation, mongrel tongue snaking forth to moisten her cracked, hungry lips as she slipped through the darkness, her step resolute, if not softened. She was a feral sight to behold, wraith-like and ravenous: thorns and witches snare lay tangled in the silk of her tendrils, her pads black with soot and talons glossy long, her physique made almost wispy in her exertion. These extremities in appearance seemed to almost worsen the surreal illusion of her seraph face, her eyes large and intense in her slender skull.. It seems Gods can feel pain after all. Craving sweet interlude, the temptress continued to follow the mad man, attempting to keep a low profile to further analyze the beast that peeked her interest. In the end, what else was there to do? They were both lost in the garden of evil.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
12-28-2017, 08:12 AM
The warmth caused his head to spin, and deliriously the brute twisted and turned, this way and that. His footfalls crisscrossing and zig-zagging, this way and that. If there was anyone to see his frenzied moves, they would think him ill, drunk, or mentally challenged. The beast circled his way around the basin of fire, his eyes brightening with each move of the molten hell spinning and bubbling. His teeth ground side to side, the scraping reminded him so of the sounds he made when he ate her down to the bones. God that sound was awful! And the smell... Oh Gods the smell! His stomach flipped at the thought of the days he spent writhing in agony beside her rotting carcass. It wasn't until later, when the old wolf found him, that he knew he was destined for so much more. Ra, His eyes narrowed to slits and he froze, the cave stilling, all but the bubbling of the deadly lake beside him, I'm so much more than you have ever dreamed me to be. You left me, you left her... But I know I'll see you again. And when I do, come eternal damnation, I'll show you what you mean to me. His musing calmed his quaking body, his anger slipping slowly away... but somewhere in this dimly lit palace of torture, there was a sound.

Ears twitched in anticipation, his tail flicking left and right, his back to whomever this intruder was. He waited, still, poised like a gargoyle atop a roof. Setekh grinned, and his voice came out silky, his tones caressing the night like a blanket, "Didn't your mother teach you that it was rude to stare at someone?" A chuckle rose from this throat, and he peered over his shoulder into the darkness, "Come out, come out, wherever you are, cherub. My, my, my..." He let his eyes close and his tail sway behind him, like a flag, "Don't be shy, I don't bite..." He paused, to lick his lips, the air stale and hot, even though it was choked full of fumes, Liar, liar, pants on fire! He smiled, opening his eyes narrowing, scanning the areas behind him, "We're both drawn here, for one reason or another... I'll tell you my secrets, if you tell me yours." The silence lengthened, and Setekh waited, patiently. Come little butterfly, fly into my web. I'll feed you secrets, and lies... But for those, you may wind up dead.

ooc: I honestly wasn't sure how else to make them notice one another xD My bad, sorry this one was meh.



7 Years
12-29-2017, 11:59 PM

with the Devil ||

Her beauty was of an angellic accentuation, which thus laced her sun-bathed physique in an aromatic, virginal fragrance of lust. She was a deathly demoness of sensual testament. Sin. Her lips, voluptous, pitch black as murderous canines penetrated the bottom one, pressure, enough for few droplets of crimson to drip. Her hips rolled in a tango towards the beast, shadows no longer containing her. Her thighs, her slenderness, so perfected, so womanly, sinful carnal desires as lines carved of exquisite temptation approched the man. Endless beauty, mile-long legs carried her as elegant as possible for an exhausted individual, she was after all an earthly entombment of a Demi-Goddess. Lengthy delineation of delicate toes and sultry, golden nails, grazing at the pavement underneth her as if Earth alone could not contain her much longer in her sultry meat suit. "You are a curious one."  charming sonates, vibrating in purrs; her glistening pomegranate eyes smooths across his frame, analyzing every fiber of his being and registering it within the containt of her skull. Lips were tilted above apathetic fangs, their edges gently traced in a ghost of a smile, she meant no harm but his aroma brought her closer, her own curiosity getting the better out of her. "Salve." (Hello.)


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
01-03-2018, 12:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2018, 12:28 PM by Setekh I.)
OOC: Maria, I kinda sorta power-played a little on Thys, if anything is not okay, let me know and I'll edit it out. Essentially, he's trying to press her toward the stones as well as push her to the ground. Setekh is awfully tormented by her return as well as his desires for her.

All at once, the chess pieces moved in simultaneous order. The dark knight found his footing, and rounded his body, snaking around to meet the glance those volatile eyes were facing. His assault was one of caution, and yet one of pure rumbling passion. His long tail feathered out and wavered, flicking left in right in deep anticipation of what was to come. Male or female, Setekh was ready for whatever may come. His nose was tilted downward, a protective stance, his neck beneath a thick skull. His necklace felt cool against the parted fur of his chin, but the chill only brought forth a wave of pure lust. Whatever illuminated in this pale glow of boiling heat in the next few seconds was what he was waiting for. Time seemed to stand still, and as the miliseconds ticked by, his desires grew. Suddenly, and so slowly, she revealed herself to him. The queen slid into her space, the air around her intoxicating and leaving much to be desired. It wasn't until she spoke that he had realized he was holding his breath. Exhaling, he let his chin rise, his eyes blistering with questions that he wasn't sure his tongue could voice. It was as if she had ripped his voice clean out of him, but in a moment, he let out a pleasing growl, and smirked in his uncanny way, "Careful, my queen," His brows arched as he let his eyes travel along her curves, "There is talk of curiosity killing cats." Poised like a viper, he let his body speak for him, as he made his way toward her, the gap closing in, Just a few more steps, my poison, and I'll drink you down to the very last drop. Your sweet rubies will not touch the dirt I walk along, just let me eat you whole.

As she spoke in tongues, he writhed, making a semi-circle around her, inspecting her wares. He drew close to her, his long hairs barely breathing soft kisses upon hers. Those violet-tinted eyes were a burden to his thoughts, and he dreamed of only tasting what secrets lie beneath their endless pools. His breath came in short bursts, drawing nearer, he attempted to press his nose into her neck ruff. Inhaling, he tested her scent and felt a pang of a memory long forgotten. For a moment, Setekh went cold, even in this heat, and went rigid. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he let his nose rise, a mere inch away from hers, "I know you..." The words were more a murmur than a statement, a question faltering on the edge of reality. "Familiarity tugs at my core, and you - my desert flower - are somewhat of an enigma..." His voice broke and he trailed off, neurons connecting left and right, his eyes widening, and his teeth baring, the pain that reflected in the fire-toned eyes, also showed how much he desired nothing more than to live inside her, wear her like a coat, and erase the demons that wrought havoc upon his life, "Are you real. You left me... You left me when I needed you the most," His lips trembled as he uttered her name in a soft sob, the pain and horror of the world crashing on the walls of his skull, and her beauty and scent bringing a churning deep within his loins, "Nepthys."

Setekh let out a cry, a sob, and drove his body into hers. Although his frame was delicate, he still poured everything he had into forcing her to feel what he felt. His tongue caressed her cheek, and worked its way across her forehead, and her ears. The man's breath filled with rage, sorrow, passion, and lust ruffled the fur near her ears, as he drew soft nibbles down along her chin. Between his choked sobs and whines of pure carnal desires, his rage dug his claws into the earth, wishing both that the ground was her, and wasn't her all at once. "You left me. You both left me. I won't let you leave me again... I can't lose you again." The words were clipped, sharp like a knife as he pressed her closer to the flames. He wanted her to burn for what she did to him, but he also wanted to save her from the flames that raged not only from the pool, but deep within himself. The war for her love and her demise was one that tore a cry from his lips. A snarl ripped him from her, his eyes tightly closed, his whole body tight and fur bristling. He couldn't love her, he couldn't leave her, he couldn't kill her... He couldn't let her leave, but he also couldn't make her stay. You're my anchor, dragging me down and holding me steady... All the while you're saving me, you're drowning me.

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.



7 Years
01-04-2018, 12:33 PM

with the Devil ||

Anticipation was met with wholesome satisfaction as she recognised him at last, "Setekh."
his name poured like searing whiskey from the wavering tongue of profound intonation and accent while pomegranate gaze remained honed upon the outlandish visage clad in ashen brown decorum. In hushed, stilled temperance did the babe hearken the winteresque timbre as it slipped beyond the shadowed curve of those boyish, raven-skinned lips hissing with their serpent promises lain upon a pallet of veiled destruction. How I could tear you apart and torpidly hush guilt-ridden whispers. Your demise would not plague me so woefully, no, it would deliver me delights upon a sterling plater. But desire and lust wraps around my heart and makes it harder to breath in your presence. Wickedry summoned; foul disdain etched upon the furrowed curve of her porcelain brow betrayed only by the etching smirk carved delicately upon her maw while it severed and quivered with the beguiling possession of a siren's haunting aria. Yet she pushed her further into the scenery, he was the same, wanted her destruction yet was not strong enough to provide it to the Heavens above. They were the same. Hate mixed with burning passiong, they both should find their death in flames but here they were, desireing each other. At last, they found each other. "Spare me your guidance and practiced sympathy for you are the one that left me."
Haunches folded into the prim, proper example of refined regalia - she, an image of seraphic divinity offering tributes of fortified peace to those whose vision laid upon her. A smile warm, tender and compassionate waged war with calloused malignancy until wreath and the babe laid upon the ground as her brother so desperately desire and she appeared the very portrait of sanctified, celestial matron. "Where were you when I needed you, Setekh?!"
Haughty whisper chimed upon the drawl of fury and confusion that betrayed her. "The things they did to me. The way they touched me. Unforgivable. "


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
01-04-2018, 02:02 PM
OOC: "Don't be afraid to catch feels" -sobs uncontrollably-
The serpents head reeled back as her words hit him like a truck. With a snarl that shook the core of his being, the wolf turned and got into her face, his rage boiling, spewing, and erupting as his voice burst through the choking air, "Sympathy!? Does it look like I need your fucking pity!?" Saliva shot from his mouth toward her face, which only enraged him more, tail lashing to and fro, shoulders rising, hair standing on end. In this moment, he took on his true form, the evil within bursting forward like it was all he had ever been. Irises burning, Setekh stared into her face with all the anger he could muster, all sense of sadness, love, lust now lie buried beneath unbridled rage and hatred, "If you haven't noticed, I'm still here without your help. I made it, no thanks to you or my other fucking mercy angel," The words he spat were toward their fair colored sister, hasty to drag them both down into the pits of hell with him. If I burn, you burn with me. Venomous bitches... I was rid of you! I had my life without you... And then you come waltzing into my life like the damsel in distress, here to make the world yours. Not in this fairytale.

"Get off your high-horse, princess, I didn't have a choice! Her body wasn't even cold when you and Sekhmet vanished without a trace! I was there as she grew stiff, cold, and hard! I was there when the flies started their feast!" The brute spat these words at her, a knife for a tongue. The brutes' eyes shifted then, his whole body changing. Those golden eyes, filled with hatred, rage, fire, were suddenly icy. Tears flowed from them freely and he shook his head out of the pain from reliving this memory, "I ate her!" He wailed, his voice breaking, his eyes tightly shut, tears littering the ground. His sobs were choking back some of his words, but they tumbled out of him, scorching his throat like being pulled from him by the underworld itself. His voice was barely a whisper as he spoke, "... You never realize true hunger, never! It's-it's so quick, so terribly quick... She was so beautiful - so, so beautiful! I was starving, there-there was nothing else, no one else. Dad, gone... You and Sekhmet vanished... I was so young, so scared... So hungry." His eyes opened and he looked at her, really looked at her. Right then and there, he was the broken man before her, and he let his head hang almost to his front paws. "I ate mom, Nephthys... I ate, and became ill... Ill in so many ways."

With a shuddering sigh, he stared at the earth, watching the last of his tears fall, and the silence between them, only mildly interrupted by the bubbling vat beside them. The vile gurgling reminded him of that sickness, and he shuddered. His ebony lips parted, and for the last time this moment, he spoke softly, and very slowly, "... I didn't know, Thys. I am sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't there... I'm sorry I couldn't find you. Had I have known, had I have been there..." He paused, looking up at her with a new found fire, one that was still full of pain and hurt, but this time something else shined there, something sinister, his tear stained lips drawing to a devilish smile, "You know they would have been sorry. They would have paid for all they had done to you. They would have wished, prayed for their deaths." Blood is thicker than water, sister. Believe me... He thought, hoping that she'd realize that he'd been through a lot as well. Setekh hated thinking of what could have happened to her, his eyes trailed over her body, knowing all too well that his desires were mirrored from those that probably broke her. Though no scars were visible, the ones that lie beneath the skin were probably the most painful, most sore, and took the longest time to heal. Bruises, and scratches heal, but emotional rips never quite heal right, do they? He spoke again, his words hollow in the void, he spoke now, hoping she'd answer, "Where do we go from here? Can you forgive a blood-bound sinner, for I know I'm no saint... I can't lose you again Thys."

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.



7 Years
01-05-2018, 01:27 AM
So much feels.

with the Devil ||

His temper was like TNT, once the sparks started to sizzle there was very little time to duck and cover. She knew she should just stay quiet and wait for the storm to abate, but she couldn't help sparring with him. His face mottled crimson, his eyes popped, his tree trunk neck strained. His words were spat out with the ferocity and rapidity of machine gun fire. Without wiping the spit from her visage she leant closer, perfectly composed and uttered just four words,  "Et non comedit eam." (We ate her too) His fuse simmered and fizzed like a firework in a chill autumn breeze, then he exploded with unrestrained fury. She remained as still as a cadaver and just as pallid, unblinking against his onslaught.  "Non aliter affectus omnes ex nobis." (It affected all of us differently) Acutely beautiful visage, a artist canvas, painted in compassion, pomegranate optics burned, a living flame, with passion and pity. Hot tears, melting the ice that was her heart; pain, suffering, her soul only a shell, physical agony. Her brother, her beloved,  in front of her stood no man but a child, memories of a forgotten time are revealed like a film in front of her eyes, he was hurt and scared and alone. No one deserved that. They all were cursed with this damned blood that flow through their veins. Ithuriel. Monsters. Some people are born good and always fight off the bad. Some people are born bad and become good through great effort. Others are born in light and fall to darkness. And others are born in darkness and cannot see the light. Try as you might to believe otherwise, everyone fits into one of those categories. She knew what she was. When she came of age she realised the life ahead of her was one of anger, pain and hatred. Of darkness. Did she want that? Yes. She did. She grew up surrounded by fire and ash and poison and death. It was the only thing she knew, of course she wanted it. She was never taught what love was. What kindness was. In fact, in her entire childhood she saw just one type of smile - a smile full of malice and cruel intent. It was all she knew. But somewhere deep within her being, the memories of her first months of life still stands, the memories when they were all together. Happy. Content. "I never wanted you alone nor scared." Brick by brick, her walls came tumbling down. When he cried there was a rawness to it, like the pain was still an open wound. The sobs were stifled at first as he perhaps attempted to hide his grief, then like being overcome by to many emotions he broke down entirely in front of her, all his defences washed away in those salty tears. When he at last turned his face to Nephthys she saw a picture of grief, loss, devastation. It was the face of one who had suffered before and didn't know if he could do it again. It broke her. As much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. A single tear slid down from his warm, luminous eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty beads of water flowed it's way down her high cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that has been held inside of her for all this time but still she did not make a sound. "What they did..." mumbles, guttural voice, trembling over the marble beads that rolled down and mixed within her luxurious hair threads. They kept her captive. Held as nothing more than a slave. Nephthys's optics sealed shut. She can remember it so well. Their coarse tongue that licked at her skin, stubby claws curled in her hair. Every time she would close her eyes they bashed her head backward onto the concrete demanding she open them. She didn't want to, she closed them over and over, anything rather than watch their face lit up with with power and lust. They became angry, their force less controlled, until finally blood ran from the back of her head onto the rain soaked ground and her head lolled like a doll. The men were finished anyway. Most left without a backward glance and others continued but they were all the same. She knows that there is so much more to survival than the persistence of the flesh but she will never forget. But there was no reason for her brother to know either. She will carry it with her. Luminous, pomegranate optics re-opened with a stilled stare fixated with captivating intensity, upon her brother; how time had left him untouched, handsomeness only malleable through his own ambitious means, unforgiving beauty. She would observe, in the oozing selfishness of silence, for but moments more. Exaltation transcended any desire to flee or become faceless once more; no, they will not part again. She had no reasoning to hide her truest self from him, newly crowned king of the small heart she possessed. She reflected with faint, familiar affection how much he deserved such ascension. "We are not to part, my beloved brother." Lyrics would emerge, love cascading upon her senses. "At best we are but clay, animated dust; but viewed as sinners, we are monsters indeed, all of this damned kin. Let it be published in Aaru* as a miracle that we reunited. " (*Ancient Egyptian's Heaven) she approched once more, the side of her high cheek met the soft tendril of his neck, rubbing, scenting; touching, burning, heat spread between the two of them, sharing the conductor, warmth and familiarity, she rested there for a moment; plush, coral tongue rolled from parted ink lips, tasting the locks upon his nape.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
01-08-2018, 08:01 PM
OOC: -yawns tiredly- I'm sorry this took so long and wasn't that great x.x But the end result is that Setekh loves her, so much. ;-;
For a moment, Setekh was in shock. They were there. His head reeled, and internally, his stomach flipped, churning. I blamed them for my demise, and they were there too... Another tear rolled from his eye, but this time it didn't fall on the ground. In mere moments, after his explosion, after her words touched the air, he felt a new warmth. His tear stained her multi-hued pelt, and he fought back more. Instantly, he was aware of more than just himself, and he swallowed, a lump rising in his throat. What did he say? What could he say? After what he assumed about Nephthys, practically accusing her of leaving him. Why can't I remember her? His brows furrowed as he focused on the memories he held, trying to see them. All he could focus on was the sickness, the pain, her death... Wait, His ears flattened and he spoke aloud, in a strained whisper, "How did she die?" He didn't expect an answer, the darkness in his life sticking to the edges of his minds eye. That's when his blood ran cold, and the whole world fell away; Nephthys' tongue caressed his neck fur.

The brute shuddered and sagged, leaning into her, pressing against her. His head tilted, a little bit, just enough for his nose to touch her ear, to feel it against him. With a small smirk, the brute let his teeth grip at the tender flesh beneath her ear fur. He nibbled, ever so gently, grazing down from the tip to the base, before drawing away from her, just slightly, to snake his neck down, bringing his head level with hers. He pressed his black nose on hers, touching, his eyes closed. Setekh reached toward her, his front paw curling around hers, drawing her closer, as his lips parted, his tongue refreshing the glistening sheen of saliva along his fangs. The pink tongue reached out, tenderly, his eyes burning, cautious, as he let the tip caress her chin. He wanted to see her smile, the pain worn on her face was one he never wished to see again. "There is no need for us to speak of the past," His voice was soft, almost angelic but the words were danger, "If we do talk though, can it be in tongues?"

With that, the brute drove his cheek into hers, brushing himself into her, erasing all the pain she could have, would have felt from the others. His teeth leaving their marks, kissing, biting, teasing. He was tasting her, as well as sizing her up. Her responses gauged in what he did next. As much as Setekh felt for Nephthys, he also felt against her. It was a double edged weapon of mass destruction, and his desires drove him forward, toward the belly of the beast. For a moment, the brute paused, thinking only once of the implications of being in such desire for his sister, his sister! But the thoughts passed as his ravenous hunger grew, pushing against his loins, driving him mad and sick with lust. He pressed himself against her, his whole body trailing along her side, and he turned again, on her other side. You burn me, with your hellfire, His eyes shut as he drove loving nibbles from her chin down, drawing his teeth down her shoulder, nipping tenderly, not wanting to harm her, and he stopped drawing back, I love you, I love you so much Nephthys... He dared not utter these words, but he hoped his message was clear.

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.



7 Years
01-10-2018, 11:37 AM
So much feels.

with the Devil ||

Their moment was raw, consumed by passion. When she laid her eyes across his body and their exchanged hungry, and feral gazes, in that moment she could feel him. Touch him. Taste him. On the curve of her lips, the surface of her long, and moistened tongue. The temptress was drowned in her memory, and soaked by the heat of his wanton transgressions; enveloped in waves of euphoric pleasure as he continued to feel his nibbles on her soft tissues of skin. Her body was a reminder of what he would do to her. Delicate and shivering with need; each night, each waking and gasping hour she wanted his nibbles. It became lavishing, how he would crush and hold her so close; and she grew desperate. Wild. Coveting, she was getting accustomed to abuse. Yet she grew acclimatized to his intense love and equally intense hatred. She would fret, weep in the eagerness of his bold adulation. Their envy would possess no mercy, aggressive as he had been his hatred and love melted into one another and it was all for her. And beneath the devouring warmth of his touch, she whispered, demanding; "No one else will have me from now on." To feel him beneath her pads, her limbs climbed on his shoulders to caress his soft and powerful shoulderblades, to dig her claws within the sweet tissues of skin. With him, she was eternally lusting and left aching with need. Breathless. She fed on his soul. She ravished his skin with her claws and tongue. She would kiss his neck, with her claws to his shoulder draining the red from their seas. Sweet, as his taste filled her lush and generous fangs. Made sweeter, by his hoarse groans and eager hands. It took only a moment before she retreated, crimson stained the claws as they his the ground. "We need to rest. We have a long journey ahead of us." and as the angelic sonates escaped her pretty maw, she laid down, her tail surrounding her retilian frame as her pomegranate optics closed, waiting for him.



Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
01-17-2018, 10:01 AM
OOC: craaaaaaaaaaaaaaap post x.x
Lips drew against silk, satin cresting on the tongue. Heated breaths and passionate glances stole across the faces of two unlikely companions that met in unusual circumstances. Blood is thickest between the two, but their passion and drive unearthly. The heavens and hell's of the world could not contain their passion and fury. Bodies twisted in the light of death itself, illuminated, inspired by the possibility of death itself. Eyes matched one another, both molten lava and purple edged orange brimmed with need, greed, desire, lust, wanton flames flickering in the darkness. His face buried in her chest and neck fluff as she drew tears and rips down his cheeks, his neck, behind his ears. Her claws dug deep and pulled out the demon inside, churning and raising the turmoil inside and causing it to ripple into a deep throaty groan of pleasure. The brute stirred beneath her, his body feverish, his eyes strained. She was his undoing, and with this last thread, her words untied the loose thread. He sighed into her, his whole body weight pressing into her upright hugging pose, scorned, forgotten, thrown away, dangerous, and yet so calm. He was drawn to her flames, like the moth, but he was also intent on devouring her.

A shaky sigh escaped his lips as their short embrace broke, the coldness around him sinking in, making him for a moment fear her leaving again. Although her words echoed in his mind, there was a bit of hesitancy in believing it. What is real? Who do I trust? Who do I believe? For a moment, the brute took on a dark look, his head dipping out of the light. She'd pulled away, she'd stopped. Was their passion one sided? Was she merely tempting him? His eyes grew a new sort of frenzied, a dark lustful hate bubbled right below the surface. He wanted to rip her apart, show her what it meant to cross him. His tail swayed side to side, the coldness - even though it was blistery hot - sinking in and cloaking him like the grip of a birds' talons. His heart constricted, and he watched her, but instead of moving away, the woman had lay stretched on the ground, her eyes beckoning, her lips forming words just beyond his comprehension. With a small grin, the boy rose, the darkness receding, only slightly. Without his demons, he was nothing, merely a copy of the man he had become. Taking his position at her side, the male lay drawing his tongue across her nose, her brow, and her paws. He greedily took his space, pressing her against the stones, but his paws tangled with hers, and he lay his chin upon them. "Yes, Thys. Rest, and refuel." The curl of his tongue at her name was deep with passion, but as his eyes watched hers flutter, he knew she was descending into dreams.

I'll be there with you soon, He mused silently, turning his head toward the path that drove them both to this place. Soon, he'd rise from sleep and need to find another outlet. Soon, he'd need to explore more and learn about this land. In the moments that drew out this mans' lack of sleep, he planned some natural courses. It was pertinent that he found his ways around this area, and that he made some allies that he could use, pawns to protect or infect the world around him. It was also necessary he began to learn about his environment, and the bearings that were before him, the good, the bad, and the ugly. As he slipped away, the bubbling of the lava erasing many of his thoughts and worries, he dreamed deep. Dreamed of a burning male wolf, extinguishing the light of an angel. Her wings broken, torn, and her body withering. Setekh found that he was hungering, hungering for her flesh. The flame cajoled to him, but an evil grin stopped him short. With razors, the flame bore into the angel, and once she was cut to ribbons, her ashes sprinkling the skies, the beats' attention turned toward him. With nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, he would be eaten as well, and left to litter the land like the dirt he was. This was no fairy tale, this was a nightmare, and a gripping tale of his parents demise and his worthlessness to them. Such a sad, sad story, but for another time.

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.

~ fin. Setekh is now asleep beside Nephthys.