
Don't Cry For Me


07-21-2014, 01:19 PM

After having almost a week to recover from her miscarriage, Adelaide decided it was time to go outside again. She needed to continue her work as a healer of Ebony. She couldn't hide forever. But she also didn't want to search for herbs too close to home. There were painful memories there, and she could be subjected to sympathetic looks from the other members. So she had begun to stray outside of the pack boundaries, testing her physical limits for the first time since her pregnancy. Things were slow going at first, but soon she gained confidence and before she knew it, several miles had been crossed. She arrived at the peak of a grassy hill and took in the scenery. When Adelaide took a deep breath, she noticed the smell of the lovely spring flowers. The clouds soared over an endless sea of blue. Birds sang in the trees, and the woman smiled. If such beauty could still exist in the world, then surely everything would be alright.




5 Years
07-21-2014, 03:54 PM
Shower (piano cover) - Becky G

It was a decent day. It was a decent day because for the first time in what had seemed like a long time, the brute that walked across the surface of the earth had something ten fold that he hadn't in a long time. Hope. He believed that there was still a chance to live happily in this world. Yes, he was surrounded on all sides by Tyrants. But he was not alone. There was still some light left here. There was still something to be made out of this world. There was one corner that the tyrants couldn't touch. That was the soul. And so long as one still had their soul, Darkness hadn't won yet.

Newol didn't kid himself as he walked, ether, no. The way it sat, Alacritis was one big mess. It was a bloody royal tender box just waiting for something to go horribly wrong. But now he believed that what ever hell may come, he would survive. He would live and see another day. So with that in mind, he walked with his head held high, and a smile on his face, the scent of wild flowers filling his nose as he made his way to the cliff. It was surprising just how much a woman's touch could change a man's soul. Avalon might have thought that he'd saved her, but really, it was quite the opposite. The woman had given Newol something to fight for for the time being. He had someone whom he was absolutely smitten beyond calculation with. And that gave him happiness. It made him believe that this word still had a chance.

When he stepped out into the field, he saw a solid white fea looking out. She seemed like she had something on her chest, and Newol being the creature that he was, he would never tour away from such a situation. Stepping forward, he maintained a respectable distance as his voice rose in greeting. A friendly note in the wind that came off the ocean. "Hello there, friend. I'm not interrupting, am I?" It was a simple, kind gesture. Such was his way.


07-22-2014, 07:41 AM

There she sat, admiring the beauty around her, trying to ignore the pain deep inside. That seemed to be what life was for Adelaide now. The strangest part was that she'd never wanted to be a mother. Her rank as a healer meant far too much to her. Pups were adorable, but they took up all of your time and care. For almost a year. The snowy maiden didn't have time for that.

But how can you continue to feel that way when you carry your own children inside of you? It's scary, but it's wonderful. You spend the evenings dreaming of their futures, thinking of names and what they'll be like. So when all of that gets ripped from your hands, you can't help feeling like... Like you've failed them. Adelaide knew it hadn't been her season, and that was probably why her two sons hadn't survived. Her body wasn't equipped to handle it at that point in time. But that didn't mean two beautiful children had to die.

Adelaide struggled to press such thoughts from her mind, taking in a deep and trembling breath as she looked out across the sea of wildflowers. Tried not to imagine her little boys playing in these grasses, discovering the color and beauty of the world... Then a male voice met her ears, and she turned to face it with curiosity. There stood a tall earthy brute with friendly green eyes. The lady gave him a smile. "Oh, not at all, kind sir. I was just relaxing here. Beautiful day, isn't it?" Adelaide asked, gesturing with her nose to the clear sky above. Then she looked down at the man again, her smile widening. "Would you care to join me?"




5 Years
07-22-2014, 11:36 AM
Shower - Becky G (piano cover)

When the female turned to greet him, he noticed the rather attractive markings on her face and it brought that much more of a smile to his face. It was another shining example of what he called this world's Flavor. When put under the glass, no two creatures where the same. And it was that difference, that wide and far reaching range of weird and creative and colorful that made living worth the effort. Things that where different. All in all, life was short. Just look at Newol, when he'd first arrived here, he'd been the little brat from the desert. And now he was a man with a purpose and a cause. It seemed like only yesterday he'd been standing in the gathering that had marked the creation of Valhalla, his Valhalla, stomping his foot on the ground in rebellious agreement to Erani's defiance. The Defiance was still there, but now it was more refined. Pain had this funny way of becoming endearing to you at the end. It hurt you, yes. But it repaid it's abuse with strength and patience.

So with this thought in mind, he closed his eyes as he gave a respectful bow of his head. They would open again as he rose it back up and moved to stand beside her, at a respectable distance of course, saying as he did. "I'd be delighted." Lowering himself to his rump, he looked out at the ocean as the the breeze that came off it ruffled through his pelt. He reckgnized the pack scent off of her. It was the same as that woman Katja. He'd liked Katja for the brief time they'd interacted, but, he wasn't fond of her approach. He wasn't sure but he believed that she had her pack's best interests in mind. Her methods where just perhaps a little... He wasn't sure, perhaps it was how little soul there seemed to be in them. Taking a moment to enjoy the view, he introduced himself, turning to face her with a pleasant smile on his face. "Greetings. I'm Newol Adravendi."


07-22-2014, 12:01 PM

The air was salty and sweet at the same time, the wind coming from the ocean and picking flowers along the way. Adelaide smiled as she breathed it in, and then watched as the man came to sit beside her. She noted the polite distance he put between them, and she came to appreciate it at this time in her life. Her sides expanded as she took another deep breath, falling into silence as they admired the surroundings. Spring may have been her favorite time of year. Things smelled so nice, and they looked so pretty... but the brute was speaking again. Adelaide turned her attention back to him, her one good ear standing straight to catch his name. "Adravendi, you say? Are you related to the former queen of Valhalla by any chance?" The white maiden thought it was terribly unfortunate what had happened to that pack. They had been good wolves, lead by a compassionate leader. That was the way it was supposed to be. But it was dangerous to talk politics with another if you didn't know where they stood. So Adelaide didn't mention anything yet. Maybe if he brought it up first. "My name is Adelaide Lazurite. It's a pleasure to meet you," she added, blue eyes sparkling with sincerity.




5 Years
07-22-2014, 02:20 PM
Shower - Becky G (piano cover)

A deep sigh escaped the brutes maw as that unforgiving question met him. At this point he really supposed that it was just an unavoidable fact that he had to live with right now with the circumstances. Maybe it would improve with time. But he didn't want it to improve too much. That was his Mother's Throne. And under anyone else, it was just a stolen throne. It wasn't earned. It wasn't given. It wasn't rightfully theirs! And It Never Would Be. Closing his eyes, his head fell in defeat. A deep sigh escaped his maw. He didn't like this situation any better than he had before, no. But he was much more optimistic about it now. He believed that he'd get it solved. His eyes opening slowly, he looked out at the water as he answered her question, a somewhat heavy voice falling from his down aimed maw.

"The Rightful Queen of Valhalla." He corrected her. Not out of an attempt to be rude, no. But when you laid it on the table, when you looked at it based on the facts, this was the conclusion you had to sleep with. Erani build that pack. And from it meant no ill will. Anyone that wasn't approved by her was less than worthy. It wasn't sorrow or pain that filled his eyes as he continued. Quiet the point, it was exhaustion. "Erani is my adopted mother. None of this..." his voice stuttered for just a moment. "Just... None of this makes any sense to me. All she wanted was a safe place for her family. I just don't understand." Those words where so genuine. The truth was that Newol had yet to address this. He had yet to find someone that agreed with him past his sister. Someone that wasn't family, who agreed with him that this was just simply Wrong. But, as stated, it made him exhausted. He didn't have the mental energy to beat himself up over this topic anymore right now. So with that, he brought his gaze back to meet the other's. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Adelaide Lazurite. Forgive me. I didn't mean to disrupt the mood." All this mess. That's all anything ways anymore. Just one big mess. But there was still that hope. That hope that Newol clung to so very dearly right now, that he refused to let go. That everyone who just wanted good would have their chance to climb out of this and heal.


07-22-2014, 02:49 PM

She had just begun to look away when a deep sigh met her ears. Adelaide looked at the dark brute in surprise, wondering what had suddenly upset him this way. He kept his face tilted down as he answered her question. The Rightful Queen of Valhalla. His adopted mother. So the line had been drawn. She was free to speak her mind now. None of this makes any sense to me. All she wanted was a safe place for her family. I just don't understand. Adelaide had never seen it from that side before. All she knew was that Erani had built the pack herself, and she had been a kind alpha. That alone was enough to make it an injustice. Such was life. But it was horribly unfortunate.

"I don't understand it either. And you're right, it doesn't make sense. What gave them the right to tear a family apart like that? Erani was a great leader. She was a mother to everyone in Valhalla. They had endured a war before, had they not? And they won that war, didn't they?" To her surprise, her voice was rising. Getting louder as the injustice spoke for itself. "I've only heard stories of Erani, but I know from those stories that she was gentle and good. She was never a fighter, even when she was young, right? What kind of coward would challenge someone like that? And what's more, why would they challenge someone her age?" She hoped that didn't offend the man, she just meant to say that Erani was aging and in no shape to win a battle. It was cowardly of them to take over in such circumstances. Just cowardly. And completely unacceptable.

The snowy healer was very well aware of the fact that she had gone on speaking for too long. Ranting about it wasn't going to fix anything. But her heart was pounding now. She was angry. She wished with all of her heart that she had been granted with height and muscle and natural fighting skill. Adelaide wanted to march over there and take back the throne. For Erani. For Newol. For Valhalla. All of it, everything and everyone. "It just isn't fair," she mumbled, falling silent again. His final words entered the air, and she looked up just long enough to laugh and give a wry smile. Then her sapphire eyes turned downward, like his had before. "I hope you can forgive me. If anyone disrupted the mood, it was me." She laughed again, following it with a sad sigh. "I just wish we could fix this."




5 Years
07-22-2014, 10:24 PM
Paper Planes - M.I.A. (P. Miller piano cover)

Her reaction honestly kind of surprised the male. She got a tad defensive about it and from her eyes he was able to tell it from her eyes that she felt more strongly about it then she said. It was reassuring, to see this. It helped him to solidify himself in his confidence that he had the moral ground. But at the moment, that was about all he damn had. At least in this particular argument. In others he had a fair share more than that. But all that fuss was for another time. It had been so long sense he'd seen someone on his side. A stranger. A stranger that he believed in. A stranger that appeared to be just another good person. And then he'd found Avalon. And now, now he'd found Adelaide. These weren't just happen stance. This was a sign. This was a message. That what he believed in was real. And that what he believed in was worth something. But the particular stance she took actually brought a smile back to his face as he brought his head back up to stand tall.

She had some fire in her, he could tell. And she was decently informed on the rightful Valhalla and of his adopted mother. But he believed that she was getting a little too riled up over it all. Especially when earlier that had seemed to be something else on her mind. So it was with a gentle and friendly voice that the brute met her. "Easy. Easy, friend." a chuckle escaped his chest. It was refreshing, to see someone else so spirited about his challenging struggle that he faced. Erani's want was Newol's want. All he wanted was for his family to be together. He'd been so blessed to be given it. But now... Now it was scattered all around him. And it was up to him to fix it. She need not concern herself with it. "The issues of the Adravendis is my concern. And I'll fix them how ever I can. You have your own battles to fight, I suspect." This wasn't why he'd come. This wasn't what he was here to address, and it was something he didn't want to talk about. And even here, even now, you couldn't kill the gentleman in him.


07-23-2014, 05:50 PM

The woman took a breath in the silence that followed. She had let herself get a little too upset over the matter. After all, she didn't know Erani personally. She had never even been to Valhalla, she had only heard about it from her own mother. She had thought about it when choosing a pack to join. That was all. Surely she wasn't this upset over the change in power. Perhaps Adelaide was angry about her miscarriage, and ranting over an entirely different topic was her way to let it all out. She wanted to scream to the heavens. She just wanted her children back. And Newol just wanted his family near him again. Both creatures were mourning their old lives in one way or another.

As his soothing voice made an attempt to calm her, Adelaide looked up with a smile. "I know. I should calm down, shouldn't I?" she laughed bleakly, deciding to be honest with the kind brute. "I do believe that what happened to Valhalla is unfair and wrong. I sympathize with you and your family. But maybe that isn't the source of my anger. I'm probably just upset about... something else." In the end, she decided against it. Maybe this brute didn't want to hear about her problems. Twin blue eyes blinked at him for a moment before darting away, heat flooding her cheeks. She didn't need to share her life story with everyone. She didn't want any words of condolence. She just wanted people to understand.

She just wanted her children back.




5 Years
07-24-2014, 11:16 AM
Some Nights - FUN

Her response was accepted by the brute. It was as he suspected, there was something inside her that ate at her heart. Every had their flag to carry. And his did not need to be hers. But her sympathy was appreciated. It helped him be sure that he had right on your side. Ether way, he was loyal to a fault and would have picked this road regardless. But having right on your side just gave you that much more to fight for. Still, she left him curious. He was curious as to what else was in there that could create the energy needed to light her up so much. So with a kind voice he spoke again, "It's fine. Every one has their issues to sort out. It's part of being alive." Those words where true enough. This wolf was not much unlike him. She seemed a good soul just trying to get by.

Even if she was a part of Ebony. That was the only thing that puzzled the brute. Every sense he'd meet it's leader that night on the snow covered wall, he'd been unsure of what to think of this pack, and it's leader and members. But from what he saw here, this wolf was a kind enough soul. It was all just questions upon questioned that he had unanswered about this world around him. But you ate an elephant one bite at a time, right? So all he could do was move forward. "What is bothering you then? If you don't mind my asking, of course. If you'd rather not say I understand." He didn't want to push her, as Newol understood what it was like to have your raw nerves tread on. It was almost as bad as the actually event that had put them there. A dull throb that ached inside of you. And he didn't want to cause any of that. No, he was only interested in trying to help.


07-24-2014, 01:34 PM

The woman blinked as she heard the man speak again, his voice so warm and tender. His words were true. Every soul in this world had a burden to carry, and each burden was different. These two good souls conversing on a hill, who had such different problems but understood the pain all the same. Adelaide blinked again, and slowly decided to look up."You're right," She whispered. Maybe this brute did understand. Maybe he was interested in hearing her story. His voice gently met her ears again, confirming those thoughts as he asked to know what was troubling her. If you'd rather not say I understand, Newol assured her.

"No, it's okay," the white maiden insisted. "I trust you." She took a deep breath and thought of what she would say. This was not the first time she'd had to announce her tragedy to someone, but it still hurt just as badly as before. "I made some choices recently that ended with me becoming pregnant. I was scared at first and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want the puppies at all, and often found myself wishing that they wouldn't have to be my responsibility." Adelaide paused, letting out a brief sigh as the words continued to flow. "I gave birth about a week ago, but both of my sons were stillborn. They hadn't survived, and first I blamed myself. But now I realize that I'm upset about it all, angry that someone would just take my children away from me. I don't know who that would be, the gods or the universe or somebody else, but I just..." There were fresh tears glistening in her eyes as her voice fell from its feverish volume. Her final words trembled in the air. "I would give anything to have them back. I would give my own life if it meant giving them a chance to see this world. But now... Now it's too late."




5 Years
07-27-2014, 09:52 PM
She willingly gave her story to the brute. He was glade at first but then surprise took over as it unfolded in front of him. Adelaide had been through something that he as a male truly couldn't understand. He didn't know what it was like to carry children inside of him. He had never had a mate. Never understood what it was like to dream of your child's future. But he did understand a little something about her pain. He knew well what if was like to not know what you had until it was gone. His family. He longed to have his family back and this time surround himself with them. So it was sympathy that found his face next. Maybe it was easier to try and recover what was lost for him. But maybe it wasn't impossible for her. He couldn't stand on that because, again it was something he knew nothing about, bearing a child. But still, he couldn't sleep with himself if he didn't try to help her. He could fail if he tried. But if he didn't try he could never succeed.

"I'm sorry to hear this, Adelaide." his voice was soft and easy as he tried to comfort her. "I couldn't hope to understand everything about your pain..." His words where from the heart. She was a woman. She had the ability to create life inside of herself. It was a thing he just couldn't understand. "But you still have a chance to win your fight. If your mind is changed and you do want to give life to this world after all, then perhaps you will have another chance some day. Or not if that's how you want it. But ether way you still live, so you can't let it drag you down and just lay there defeated." These words where from his heart. They where what he believed. She could do with them as he pleased but he hoped they helped.


07-29-2014, 11:12 AM

The snowy woman would sigh as her story was told, feeling the heavy weight on her chest nonetheless. With pain such as this, sharing the burden did not help. It was still there. Always there. Her crystalline eyes drifted up to the brute, watching as the emotions danced across his face. I'm sorry to hear this, Adelaide. She nodded in response to his tender voice, but his sympathy wasn't changing anything. Still, she had to admit, it was nice to have someone to talk to. I couldn't hope to understand everything about your pain... The lady was just about to tune out and return her attention to the beauty around her. This was where the consolations became painful to listen to. Of course the man didn't understand. He was a man, after all. He would never carry children inside of him and imagine what they would be like. He could be a father, of course, but it just wasn't the same. Her blue stare had just begun to stray when he continued. These words were different from the others she had heard.

But you still have a chance to win your fight. If your mind is changed and you do want to give life to this world after all, then perhaps you will have another chance someday. Or not if that's how you want it. But either way you still live, so you can't let it drag you down and just lay there defeated. She felt an odd sensation as renewed pride filled itself in her chest. Her heartbeat quickened a bit, and she even managed to smile. His words were true. She couldn't live in darkness anymore. Her children would not have wanted it that way. Here she was, wishing that they could have seen the beauty of the world and experienced these wonderful things... when she was missing out on those opportunities herself. She still lived, so she should live for them. And maybe... just maybe... someday she could try again. Adelaide could accept the responsibilities and joys of being a mother. And this time she would do it right. With someone she loved, if such a blessing could touch her.

Adelaide laughed softly and looked at the wonderful man who had brought her from these depths. She grinned and leaned forward to bump her shoulder against him gently. "Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean more to me than you can imagine." Her eyes were bright again. Her happiness had been redeemed. "I don't know how, but you've done it. You've helped me smile again. Thank you," the maiden said again, voice stressing those final words with earnest. Was it possible that he had saved her?




5 Years
07-29-2014, 10:37 PM
The sound of laughter met his ears, and a gentle touch met his shoulder. It seemed his words had managed to have their intended effect on Adelaide. This was a reassuring feeling, as it would seem he'd been able to help someone. Finally help someone get over their issues. It was just another step in the direction that he wanted to be going. The direaction that ended with him standing on top of a mountain looking down at the world he managed to conquer without losing his soul. Because in Newol's mind, conquering the world was as simple as not letting it break you apart. You could falter, you could wobble, and you could stumble. But so long as you kept yourself going forward, you kept trying and kept digging with all you had, and you made it to the other side and still possessed that which made you who you where, then you had conquered. And he didn't just want this for himself ether. He wanted to carry as many with him as he could. Adelaide was one of them now. He wanted to see her succeed. He wanted her to wake up two weeks from now and still see the sun as beautiful, and still feel it's warmth on her flesh. Still see the light in the world for what it was worth.

There was nothing more satisfying than to help another. To take your pain and rather than create pointless havoc with it, Build something with it, build up others, and fix things. There where few things that compared. So, with warm smile on his face, he reached his head over and touched her shoulder in return with the nose of his scared muzzle. She needed to understand him. He didn't know why, but, he just wanted her to understand. "No, Thank You" And then he pulled his noise away, returning to look out from where he sat at the world from this spectacular view. He was a fixer of problems. It was what he did. "I help others. Recently I've found it's why I exist. And so without the chance to do so... I am nothing. All my effort, all my struggling... It has no meaning. It is all for not" This new string of emotion that bubbled inside of him was strange. It was so sudden and unexpected that he didn't quite have the chance to brace for it as he would have wanted, but he found himself struggling to contain a sudden impact. His lips pulling back into a half snarl as his nose dropped and his eyes shut tight. His words fell soft, quietly, from behind barred teeth. "I just... Want to make sure that I do enough to keep what is good in this world alive. I can't beat all the nasty shit... But if I can just hold it up, slow it down..." Not here, a voice in his head said, not here. So he forced his lips shut again, and to calm before the tears could fall. Focusing instead on just breathing steadily.

This. This was probably the best image one could have of what Newol was. He was a ambitious, Good Person. Just pouncing in a field of tall grass, trying to catch that which he could see, but found oh so hard to touch. A chaser of a beautiful dream. And one who was just so terrified of the thought of failing.