
Leobold Arsenio Alexander Mao



3 Years
12-26-2017, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 09:40 PM by Leobold.)
Out-of-Character Name: Mochi
Age: 22

Character's Name: Leobold Arsenio Alexander Mao
Character Age: 3
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 36in
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: Leobold is a flame – deep, entrancing, and always dancing – come to life. Deep russet fur begins at his nose and continues down his lean form, gracefully and gradually transforming into deep orange as it reaches the tip of his tail. His build is right on the cusp of lanky; he is well-toned from his wayfaring. His eyes are a wicked silver, always gleaming with hidden mischief. His fur is longer in some places than it is in others (no longer than average, however), and when he walks, he seems to be wildfire come to life. His fur in the sun is a sight to behold, and being the pompous fool that he is, he flaunts it when possible. His fur is soft to the touch, seemingly at odds with his narcissistic bearings. And finally, in his left ear sits three simple silver hoops, all small enough in diameter that they rarely snag on anything during his ventures.
Personality: Leobold Arsenio Alexander Mao is a lot of things. A spitfire – yes. A gentleman – at all times. An alpha male – of course. But a bluffer? Never that. This male – fire itself come to life – will traverse lands untraveled, if it means finding adventure. Simply to be able to say that he did. He will lay his name before you with a flourish of that deep fur of his and will grant you a gentle smile with a fierce gleam in his lustrous eyes when presented with a challenge. He holds nothing back, throwing himself so completely into his adventures that, sometimes, he emerges forgetting why the expedition had called to him in the first place.

As a pup, he was snarky at times, often cranky at others. But he explored what he could, when he could claw his way from beneath his parents’ watchful eyes. He found alcoves and caves and tunnels and dropped himself into such mischief that he had no choice but to drop his troublesome times at his parents’ paws and proclaim how he survived. He finds his scars to be an alternate retelling of his livelihood and his survival, of his rowdy and disobedient ways. Leobold craves adventure like a king craves fine wine, and rarely will a challenge cause him to pause.

He has a quick, sharp tongue, and his wit knows no bounds. But even if he spares his company no snark, the moment another tries to treat someone he finds true and meaningful differently – it is a problem. His anger is a force to be reckoned with; because he will be cruel when he becomes angry, and that is not a side of him that coincides with the beauty he believes he incites. His travels have left him well-versed in Chinese, German, French, and Portuguese, although he hails from a land that left him with a heavy British accent and has Chinese ancestors (hence his surname).

Leobold is snarky, handsome, and on the broadside of egotistical. He enjoys life, embodies laughter, and among other things, loves a challenge – in the form of a partner to bed or a mountain to climb.

Skills: Navigation & Healing

Proof of Purchases: If your character required anything from the gemstore link it here
NEW MEMBERS ONLY!: Gemstone store item worth 400 gems or less: Large accessory! 3 piercings!



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
12-27-2017, 11:51 AM
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