
[Nabis] Hardcore guitar solos and rockin' lyrics

Daemon I


3 Years
12-28-2017, 04:59 PM
The beast moved, following the side of the fire water like it would be his savior. Like it would give up its secrets if he sought out its beginnings. HE had split from his brother and Harkin days ago and found a new prey for himself. This victim intrigued him. She was submissive and looked for opportunities to try to run every chance he gave her. She could use a lesson or two in etiquette though, as she didn't know to answer his questions and not ask her own. Rylee had been her name. Perhaps he should send Harkin after her and plan to play her hero? Dames liked that sort of shit right?


His paws hit and ash flew up around them. This place was full of warmth and he was enjoying it so. Perhaps this place would be food to include in their pack lands, though prey was less available here. His eyes were on the fire water as it cast its light onto him. His haunches lowered and he waited, but for what he did not know. He was relaxing for now. His brother could be miles away by now but he would return when he noticed Dae had stopped and not followed him on wards. Dae had found lands they could take as their own. He was drawn to this place the most though, an oasis of warmth in the cold north. The needed to find women as well. One could not have an empire without fathering children.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
01-07-2018, 01:05 AM

Despite himself Nabis could only chuckle at the place where he would find his brother. Of course he'd find the brute at what he could only assume was a mouth to hell. Heat radiated from a stream of lava and Nabis grimaced slightly, side stepping away from the banks of the flaming river. "How goes the search brother?" He asked, tone light and amicable. He knew Daemon had not followed him as far south as he had walked and he acknowledged that was likely a good way further their goal of recruitment. He had had his own encounter not too long ago, a woman with promise even if he felt she likely would need some training.

He ran his gaze over his bigger brother. "Harkin is not with you?" He wondered idly where their follower had wandered off too, he hadn't seen the male since they had arrived on this continent and he could only wonder at what he was doing. If truth be told, Nabis wasn't entirely certain he trusted the man.

"Daemon" & "Nabis"

Daemon I


3 Years
01-07-2018, 11:40 PM

His brother did not seem to be taking his time in finding him. He approached and Dae watched half disinterested. He loved his brother but sometimes he bored the titanic brute. He asked how the search went and Dae gave him a scoff before he answered. "My search has yielded one female so far that interests me. Almost rolled over for me on the spot. Then there was some imbecile male that knew nothing of feminine wiles as she tried to pit us against one another. Then one that might intrigue you but I find disgusting. It was both man and woman, tried to take my victim out from under me. But it's not the wolves here I found, it's the lands. One a little farther north of here is of interest, a forest of redwoods, taller than any other tree you've laid your sights upon. Another land filled with Bison and close to it an orchard for our vineyard to be placed." he sat up as he addressed his brother.

He had found one female only and so far he was finding the wolves of this land needed an education on why females existed. They were to serve and males to provide. His views like always would not be changed.

His brother asked of Harkin and he snorted out a laugh. "I am not the man's keeper. He will come back if he knows what's good for him on his own. I doubt he is being unproductive though, likely he is finding females to give to us." would that satisfy his brother? Likely not. He didn't completely trust Harkin but the man had not been disloyal to their strengths so far. It would be easy to kill him if they needed to anyway.

"Daemon" &"Nabis"

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.



4 Years
01-08-2018, 12:31 AM

Dae spoke of his own meeting and as he did Nabis idly wondered if the wolf he spoke of was the ember laced creature he had met earlier. If so then they got around quick, still he did not dwell on it for long. His brother mentioned places instead of wolves and Nabis quirked his brow. How very... Smart.

Regardless of if it was true or not Nabis always considered himself the brains of the duo. While his brother was off fighting or fucking anything on four paws he was the one strategizing, assuring their glorious empire would rise. But it seemed that today at least, the opposite was true. His brother mentioned a northern forest and Nabis grimaced. He had no taste for this frozen land, his people had flourished in a warmer paradises and he personally wished no different for his own kingdom. "I've a mind to visit that orchard you speak of. Perhaps it would be wise to claim it as our base of operations before another swipes it out from under our noses." In truth he was eager to be away from the cold of the north, and it would be easier to keep tabs on each other if they had a place to return too.

Daemon answered his question about their follower and Nabis gave out a laugh, it was harsh and loud but genuine.
"Oh if he finds any women, there will be no doubt they will be brought back directly to us." Nabis did not know if his brother was aware of their follower's proclivities and he certainly has not intention of spoiling it for him. There was no fun in Daemon bring told, and Nabis could be patient. He was more than willing to let the explosion he knew was imminent build while he watched from a safe distance.

"Daemon" & "Nabis"

Daemon I


3 Years
01-21-2018, 01:31 AM

He nodded to his brother's want of visiting the orchard and he himself wanted to move to the land as it was more homely than some of the others. His eyes moved to the hell river. He'd seen them before but this one mesmerized him. He could find a branch and take it's fire power to use as his own. But would the locals see his power and know to respect him. He doubted it.

His left ear twitched as his brother spoke once more. If Harkin did not retrieve females Dae would surely have to find him and show him how it was to loose a peice of him. His eye moved to look upon his brother from the side. He was clearly suspicious of the way his brother laughed but he left it alone. "How has your own search been fairing brother? Find any good women to take as your own? Or are you leaving the gene spreading to me?" the last part was but a jest and it showed in the way he chuckled after he spoke the words. He knew his brother liked a good woman as much as he himself did.

"Daemon" &"Nabis"

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.