
finite incantatem


07-21-2014, 10:00 AM

His paws lightly grazed the ground and his eyes stayed focused on the path laid out before him. He?d never forget the words, the words that meant everything to him. Go now and be what was taught and expected of you but do not stray from your own moral conviction. Those were the last words and wishes of Kovu Amend and they would be lived up to. He would not shame the man who had bought him just to pull him out of such a terrible life by denying him that one last request. It seemed simple and fair enough for the boy to be able to complete it. His levelheadedness was based purely focused on his will to complete the job, which was high at the current time for him.

The midnight moon was still rising in the sky which put the approximate time around ten and night. The boy lurked around the cold northern lands as the snapping winds flew through the sky without a care of who they effected. A small shiver ran through him with the realization that he would need shelter before too long if he was to last the night and the cold. Without a second thought he began to search for some means of protection. Maybe he could find a cave to rest in overnight or a tree to hide into. The dark grey boy would search and search until eventually he found a shadow which led to a giant rock. As he diverted from his path he found himself wandering around the rock to discover a small opening. It was a cave! A cave was what he had found thank heavens!

He chuckled slightly as his sore paws soared across the dirt and into the cave where he found protection from the bitter winds for the night. He looked around at the soft and loamy state of the sand with a small frown. It would work for the night but he would have a hell of a time grooming his pelt with all the sand. He knew sand to be an irritating annoyance that could get everywhere without hopes of getting it out. He closed his eyes for a second while he took a deep breathe. It was that or freeze to death. He?d take the sand.

"Talk." Think.



5 Years
07-21-2014, 10:16 AM

The russet woman would be wandering around the Northern part of Alacratia, where her pack lands were set upon. But tonight she had wandered off, just as she had been over the course of the last few days to get a bit of fresh air, to have time to herself.
There was still a huge possibility that she could be pregnant, not sure how that would work with pack conflicts. So, she would stay in the Northern part of her pack lands, ready to act quickly in case a howl would break the peace built upon the pack.
Misha would seat herself in the open snow, bitter cold wind whipping her pelt around. It lashed around her face, but she merely closed her eyes for protection. She loved the cold, and was certainly used to it, especially living with a northern pack. The woman would find herself in the middle of a blizzard, this type of weather not uncommon in these north lands. So, there she sat, closing her eyes against the wind, her mind deep in thought.


07-21-2014, 10:30 AM

His eyes were soft as he peered out of the cave to watch for anything or anyone that might be lurking in the midnight hours. The blizzard was awful, despite him being raised in the north, because he had never really had that magnitude of wind ripping into his pelt and stinging the skin. When he saw a gal, a pretty one at that, sitting out there with her eyes closed, he couldn?t help but frown. He thought about calling out to her, inviting her into the cave to get out of the wind, but she looked like she was lost in thought and he would not want to interrupt her if it was something important. His mind was torn into two different sides as he contemplated what to do.

As he sat there, the sand occasionally stirring around his feet, he decided what he was going to do. He rose from sitting on his haunches and walked out towards her. ?Excuse me miss, would you like to rest inside this cave over here? it?s a bit safer from the wind. I would not want anyone to get frostbite or worse out here when there was something I could have done about it?? He asked the woman out in the cold in a very proper manner, sticking true to the facts that he believed in. He shivered slightly from the wind as he realized that he also would not mind the company of this woman to talk to. He enjoyed talking to other wolves even if they did not want to talk to him.

He had his head motioning towards the den in the hopes that she might agree to his offer. She seemed so peaceful and he hated that he had disturbed her, but he felt like he had no choice. It was just that he didn?t want to see any wolf suffer except that of his enemies. His enemies would suffer greatly, but that was beside the point.

"Talk." Think.



5 Years
07-22-2014, 07:04 PM

{OOC; Using liquid time in this, yo}

"Eyy there laddy- she can take perfect care of herself, understood?" Sven would answer before Misha could, hissing at the male. "She dun need yer cave- or yer warmth. She has me, understood?" The Arctic Ground Squirrel would tell the male with a puff of his chest, hissing at him. "Shutup, Sven." She would give a warning growl at the squirrel. She had grown used to his over protective nature over the course of a few days, the squirrel mighty and willing to risk any situation to protect Misha.

"Sorry about him, please excuse his rudeness.." She would say in an apology as she would make her way into the cave, the warmth of the small confinement a nice release to the bitter cold wind outside. "What's yer name, eh?" Sven would ask in a demanding tone, hissing at the male if he strayed to close to Misha. "Please, ignore him.. His bark is bigger than his bite. What may I call you?" She would ask politely, melodic tones ringing out in the silence of the cave.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 07:18 PM

The woman had a friend with her, a squirrel, and the little thing started to hiss at him with words of venom. He backed up slightly with his eyes holding a look of confusion. He just wanted to help them both out! The thing started to make up stories about his warmth when he had never mentioned such things. He just wanted to give them both a place to get out of the cold and that was all. The absurd creature begged his name and he responded with a cold voice. ?I am Octavius Rook Amend and I take offense to the accusation to your accusations. I am only trying to help by offering shelter from the fierce northern winds.? He told the creature in his British-sounding accent with a hurt look in his eyes.

The woman apologized for his behavior and he nodded his head. He had just given his name right after she asked and he offered her a smile. ?Please, I?d prefer not to stay out in this wind. If you?d like to join me I had hunted a few rabbits a little earlier? you could have them if you?d like. I?ve already eaten my full but I always keep extras in case I meet others.? He explained with a small smile with his head pointing towards the den. He started off towards his place, hoping that both of them would follow. He took a deep breath as he reminded himself of his manners. He should not have snapped at her companion for clearly it was just concern for her. He acted unruly and he?d apologize if they chose to follow him.