
Site Improvement: Bands!



01-10-2018, 10:27 PM
There is a major change landing on the Ardent pack scene: bands!

No, not marching bands or musical bands. These are small groups of wolves who have banded together in nomadic cliques for extra food and protection. Not quite having gained the status of packs, they are still in many ways similar.

The following is a summary of bands currently:

There is no limit to the number of bands that can be created, but each player may only lead one band. To create a band, a character must have been active for at least two months, be at least a year old, and have at least 50 posts. A pass must also be purchased for 250 gems.

Bands have a minimum of five wolves (the leader and four followers, not including pups under a year old, slaves, or the leader player's own characters) and may have a maximum of twelve. They may not claim any lands nor do they gain any boost to their fertility, but like pack wolves they don't lose a point from their health score during fights. Band leaders get some of the benefits of alphas as well, including being able to claim loners and fight for wolves in ownership challenges.

Band members who meet the requirements may challenge for the right to lead the band, using a dominance challenge. If the band leader goes inactive the band is also given the option to choose a new leader within 1 ooc week. If there is a dispute about who wants the leadership position, this will also be decided with a dominance challenge (or several).

There are no secondary band leaders or tiers for the ranks, but band leaders may choose to name their ranks if they want to.

Since bands are small groups and have less impact than packs, activity checks for band leaders will be simple. Band activity checks take place on the first of the month, at which time the band leader is required to have started at least one thread that month in a different area than the month before, with at least one of their followers involved.

For more details please see the new section in the guidebook, to be found under 05. Packs, Alphas, and Bands, and the application form. Minor edits have added bands into the guidebook in other pre-existing sections, but if there is any confusion over whether something may also apply to bands please feel free to ask. And remember, this new option is still in beta and may change at any time if we see room for improvement! Please be patient as we continue smoothing out the details and editing information into the guidebook.

- Ardent Staff