
Welcome To My Kingdom


07-20-2014, 10:19 PM

The journey was a long exhausting one. Though, they had finally made it to the whispering willows - home of his kingdom. The willows bowed and waved gracefully in the wind to welcome him home and to greet Misha. It was dawn, the sun just now peaking over the horizon, bathing the land in gold. Familiar beams of light shone between the willow branches decorating the world in an ethereal painting.

Winter glanced behind him to look for Misha. Ah, he could not wait to introduce her to the others. Deep inside he hoped dearly she would like them enough to stay in the willows. She would be safe and protected. Dusk would help hunt and Titania could help her when the puppies were due should Misha become pregnant.

A howl rippled through his throat as he summoned his friends. Head tilted upwards and maw slightly opened. The feminine-appearing male would then turn to speak to Misha. Welcome to the Whispering Willows. My kingdom is here. It may not seem like much, but it kind of grows on you. . .

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



5 Years
07-20-2014, 10:33 PM

{OOC; Omg Winter's new table is gorgeous. Plus, Winter should put Misha as his mate on his profile :0}

She would trail behind her mate over the land from The Obsidian Beach to The Whistling Willows. Dawn had just begun to break, painting the scenery in a gold embrace. She would take in notice of the surroundings, of the tall grasses and large trees.
She would follow her ivory Casanova as he would lead them and then finally stop, his voice breaking out into the dawn with his howl. Her heartbeat was rapid and her body was slightly shaking.. She was nervous- no, worried, that Winter's pack wouldn't accept her for who she was. The small girl would seat herself next to her mate, hiding her face in his coat. She would take a deep breath and close her eyes, using him to calm herself as best as she could before the others would arrive.


07-21-2014, 04:29 AM

Winter had been gone for a while now. It wasn't like the ivory brute to wander off. Anxiousness flooded the night hunter. Where could he be? He told himself to calm down. It was Winter, not some helpless puppy. Winter was certainly capable of doing whatever he was was doing right now. Besides, it wasn't that long he was gone for. The night, a bit of the day perhaps? What if Winter had left to join some other pack, or live by himself in the lonely world? Winter wouldn't do that, would he? What if he's hurt? Injured? Held hostage? Even brutally killed?

Dusk, stop worrying your paws over him. He is fine and well.

His mind was somehow always right, so he stuck with the voice in his head, and carried on with his duties. Until, of course, a fresh scent of Winter came to his large black nose.
It wasn't stale, it was new. Winter had travelled here, unless....

The man emerged from the trees, his wise gaze resting on two wolves. Winter, of course, and another golden with a white underbelly. They seemed close. Too close. Physically and emotionally. Was this what his vision showed him? Was this what Winter was doing? Had he found another wolf and befriended it? Another member to join the little group? And yet the faintest thought reached his mind. Was he in love? In love with his woman? But he had just met her, you cannot fall in love with someone you have just met. You simply don't know them.

Or was it love at first sight?

His mind has thoughts, too many. All of which could be false. He would address himself like a gentleman would, and politely ask questions.

"Good to see you, Winter." He would greet his friend before turning to the lady. The undying aroma of a pack, how odd. Wouldn't the leader seethe in rage to find one loyal member far from pack grounds? "I believe you must be a friend of Winter, would you please tell me your name?"

You forgot your name!
"I am Dusk of the Southern Oaks, but please call me Dusk." Well, that was done. The simple names and names would go around, Titania and Esti would arrive. He hoped the woman would state her purpose of being here, as he had no clue. He only had a curious mind, and some wild thoughts that rushed around him.

"Wonderful words of wisdom" The most intriguing thoughts

OOC: Okay, I won't screw up the post order this time. Let's keep it at Winter, Misha, Dusk, Titania, Esti



3 Years
07-21-2014, 04:57 AM

With some dens finished, healing skills refreshened and delicate meat amazingly caught, this home was better than she expected. With loving friends around her, perhaps she would name some of them now. The white fellow, Winter, was a quiet guy yet he had some pretty impressive hunting skills. The beautifully marked princess, Esti Kigu, with her loud and outgoing personality. Then there was Dusk, of course he was an epic friend-cousin-whatever-you-call-it. Hey, where was Dusk? And Winter for that matter.

Following the trail of her cousin and Winter, she had a few quiet thoughts. Why was everyone disappearing? It was just her and Esti doing all the lousy work! What was this? A home-warming party?

And indeed it was! Had Winter found another wolf to join their home? Hah! The more the merrier! Was it Winter's friend? Was it a stranger, a loner? Whoever the older lady was, she would welcome her warmly.

"Hey, I'm Titania! Who are you?" Okay, perhaps that was too warm. And perhaps Dusk had already asked that question. Oh well. She liked being polite and such. Well, more than polite. Dramatic and wild were perfect words to describe her.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2014, 09:15 PM
Winter can answer any questions before Esti shows up, or not, idk. Sorry for the crap.

Esti heard the call and hurried to meet it. It was one of the first official calls she had gotten as a princess, at least from someone other than Dusk. Esti arrived to see the rest of her merry band there, and made her way to the front of the scene, her tail whisking in hopes of calming Dusk and Titania. They weren't rowdy or anything, but it was something of an official move Esti had seen Erani do before. It kind of meant, "shut up, the princess is here," but a lot nicer and more formal. Esti didn't mind their questions- she hadn't truly heard them anyway, nor their answer if one was given- and she expected Winter to answer, but the swishy tail thing put her at the forefront of attention- she was their leader.
"Winter, welcome home." Esti started warmly, her eyes lighting up as she looked at the male. He was safe, Esti was gad, and from the looks of it, he had brought a guest, "Ah, a guest, huh?" Esti motioned to the small, trembling creature near Winter, "Princess Kigu of the willows," Esti spoke, bowing her head slightly. The foxy fae was a cowardly sight, but that was okay, Esti had been scared before too, "You," she addressed the femmie, "-and not you, Winter-" she specified. The girl needed to do this on her own, "tell me your name. I don't need anything else from ya, just your name." Esti glanced around, she didn't want anyone saying anything until the fae spoke out, then anyone else could jump in, she didn't care, but she wanted the small thing before her to have a chance. "Speech"


07-23-2014, 03:29 AM

He leaned into his mate's fur and nuzzled her for comfort. She was scared - he could feel trembles rippling through her body. Not severe ones, but they were severe to him. It will be alright, Misha. I'm here with you. They will love you and I am pretty confident you will love them too.

Winter would soon see his familiar friend come from the shadows, which was how he usually appeared. His black pelt blended in with the dark - that is how they met. A obsidian night at the beach. A journey in which started unbreakable friendships in which he would have never figured to have. His friend, Dusk, would address him upon arrival. And you, Dusk. . He said with a nod. It was good to see Dusk, it had been a few days since he exchanged words with his friend. The two of them made a good team.

Winter watched Titania as she also made her way from the shadows as Dusk had. She had grown since the last she saw him - growing swiftly into an adult, though her energetic ways were still very much part of her personality. And he had to admit, it suited her. Perhaps she will keep her youthful enthusiasm throughout her lifetime. It would make life much more pleasurable.

Then Princess Kigu would arrive to greet Misha. Her stature and timbre becoming all the more regal. Perhaps he was wrong about her - perhaps, she is of royal bloodlines. Her tone and thoughts were well spoken, she had matured since the last he spoke to her. A lot for just a few short days, actually. He found himself proud of the gal and Winter would obey her. He would not interfere and let Misha speak for herself, after all, how else would she get to know his family. Or at least, the only family he ever really had.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



5 Years
07-23-2014, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2014, 10:24 AM by Misha.)

She would continue to push her face into her mate's neck, using his scent to calm herself. Though, her techniques would seem to run dry when two black wolves would come out and greet Winter, the squirrel jumping from her scruff as he pumped his fists up into the air. "Eyy!! Ye better keep yer paws off mi Lassy," he would say with a hiss, climbing back up the fae's leg to take his place on her scruff. Then, a large white and ebony female would appear as well, some crap about how she was a princess. She didn't look like royalty in her eyes. This Esti would demand her name, not letting Winter answer for her. A growl would rip from her throat, her sapphire blue eyes narrowing. "Look here- you don't command me, or demand my name, asking it in a simple question would have been perfectly fine." She would look at Winter, whispering in his ear. "Mind stating my name for me, love?" She would say in a polite tone, turning her head a bit when she heard Sven hiss at Esti. "Yea, ye should learn to respect this Laddy. She's the Winter's mate. And she's also pregnant with his pups," he would say with a proud puff of his chest.


07-24-2014, 05:31 AM

Titania had arrived, along with her chirpy personality as well. Dusk warmly smiled at the girl, before his blue gaze would find the princess approaching. They had all asked for the woman's name, though somehow the woman found hostility in Esti's voice. She had already engaged into an unfriendly conversation. That to the man was simply a misunderstanding. But before he could interfere, a squirrel leaped out of nowhere. Did it travel along with the lady? What sort of a hunter was she? You're supposed to catch food, not play with it!

Yea, ye should learn to respect this Laddy. She's the Winter's mate. And she's also pregnant with his pups.

Wait what? This woman was Winter's mate? They already were having pups? This lady carried unborn lives in her stomach?

This was all so sudden, and the next thing he'll be hearing a talking squirrel.

Too late.

He already did.

A talking squirrel befriending a wolf and now a friend expecting pups. What sort of emotion should he show? Was he happy, or confused?

"Children?" He would exclaim to himself before facing the ivory man, his gaze warm with a faint smile. "That's great news Winter, congratulations."

And before he knew it, Titania would probably be falling in love with a handsome boy. Strangely, how did that feel so true?

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
07-24-2014, 05:59 AM

So, what her ears had heard is that Winter has fallen in love with this lady and now they were starting a family. And that meant puppies. She didn't really know much about love or children, and her mother would always say she was too young. Is she too young to fall in love? She only was a yearling. Another year maybe? Who would she fall in love with? Would she have puppies?

My dear Titania, think of your wonderful childhood of exploring and adventure. Wait just a little while longer my little girl. Those caring and soft words would echo in her mind. Just a little while longer. She would have fun now, before her life turned serious.

If there was anything that intrigued the onyx babe, it wasn't the fact that Winter was having puppies, nor the other lady who she couldn't wait to meet, it was the squirrel. The talking squirrel. The adorable brown furball that actually talked. Maybe squirrels have their own secret language and this one somehow learned the tongue of wolves. How amazing! And it was so cute! She could hardly sit still!

"Oh my goodness! A talking squirrel!" She squeaked happily. Her green gaze fixed on the sleek creature. She wanted to know more about him.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-24-2014, 11:15 PM
Ooc: sorry no table and maybe crap, posting from phone.

Esti was trying to be a leader. She was trying to take what she had learned from Erani and the Valhalla wolves. She really was, despite how much she hated to try and put the effort towards making sure she was presentable. Maybe she was becoming less of the princess she thought she was and more of a queen.

Or maybe not.

While everyone else seemed happy together, the cowardly female suddenly took a turn for violence, growling at Esti and blabbering something about how Esti didn't command her. Wait, what? The girl sure switched positions fast. Esti laughed under her breath in disbelief and just blinked at the fae. Was her fear causing her to act out or was she just usually this emotional? As far as she was concerned, the way she had asked for her name was the most effective way of doing it- without flowery words. What did this fae want? Even before the girl could react verbally, a squirrel started bantering about pups and mates. What was this, some guardian of the foxy woman? Part of Esti bristled, wanting to show her and her squirrel who she was messing with, but Winter was apparently "in love" with this basket case, so Esti decided she would try again, after all, the girl was probably just scared still. Even Esti did some pretty odd things when she was scared and had the sickness.

"Oh, so you can talk. Good." Esti began, eyeing Winter and hoping he would know how to deal with this woman, "Now, do you know your name, or not, cause I can't just go taking Winter's word for everything. I gave you mine, so I expect yours too. Only fair." Esti noted the last part, trying to add some humor, though if the woman wanted to defy her again, Esti could feel that she wouldn't be able to hold her temper. She really was trying, but being all adult and leader like was really hard.


07-25-2014, 08:46 PM

This seemed to be off to a bad start - Esti had no ill intentions toward Misha, or the squirrel for that matter. Ah, he had hoped this would have went better. Misha would ask him to speak for her, but Misha really should state her own name. At least her name and he would answer any other questions. That would not be rude, right? Winter was not sure how wolves handled one another in large groupings for all her ever had to worry about was himself.

Winter gazed at Misha and would whisper so only she could hear. I think it would be very nice of you if you tell them your name. I will answer any other questions they might have for you.

His friend, Dusk, congratulated him. Though, he seemed rather confused about the whole situation. Winter had to admit, it confused him to. How a wolf could capture him as Misha had. Never would he had thought he would love another so dearly. Never had he thought a wolf could change him so quickly.Thank you, Dusk.

Titania would squeal happily over the rat that he had grown to dislike. Though, honestly, he never really like the rodent from the start. Maybe the creature would take to Titania and then he would not feel as bad if he decided to eat it. Hmm. . . maybe Misha will give it to you, Titania. It's an annoying little rat, though.

Esti would speak again, this time he felt her words were a bit rude; however, he had to admit, Misha was not being an angel. He was unsure how Misha would handle this part. It seemed Misha had trouble controlling her own feelings from time-to-time. One moment she seemed happy, another sad, and then angry.


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