
Swimming through the skies!



8 Years
01-15-2018, 07:10 PM
OOC: Healing points - herb gathering! - alfalfa, dandelion, valerian root for storage & later use.

There was much to be done with Jewell's newly diagnosed pregnancy, but there was a benefit to being stimulated into action. Stretching her limbs, Star moved slowly into the pasture where there were patches of wild grasses growing. One of these would be important, but she had time. There were horses on the meadow today, and her light colored eyes watched with interest as they chewed the alfalfa grasses that she needed. Tan ears flattened against her skull and she gruffed under her breath a bit. Stardust needed this grass, pursing her lips in a comically sassy manner, the healer strode forward and growled out a bark at the animals. Their stud looked up and Stardust bared her fangs, mocking a charge that had the stallion steering his harem away from her. She wasn't much,
but the scents of other wolves in the area was enough to spook the horses into running off.

Flicking her tail side to side in an extremely proud manner, Stardust trots forward to claim what was left of the alfalfa patch. She picks the flowers and the long trailing stems of the grass, gathering them and putting them in the bag she had on her side, her companion happily hunting mice and bringing them back to her as she did so. He insisted on feeding her rodents, telling her over and pver that they were better than deer or any other game. The mice she left, but she gathered the pair of rabbits he had brought and told him that would be enough for now. Then, she began to search for the yellow blooms she knew as dandelions, picking every one of them she saw. It would be nice to have help, she would be able to get more from the garden that Zuriel kept.

The last plant she needed was also growing in this part of the pack, but it was also the most difficult to gather up. She needed the root of the plant and so it required digging, something she found rather difficult since she didn't want to lose her bag's contents. Maybe she would get lucky and someone else would come along to keep her from having to set it down and spilling plants everywhere.
"Talk." "You." Think.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



4 Years
01-15-2018, 08:23 PM
Pain changes a heart, love it in the present.

She was out taking a walk trying to sort through what she should do. She didn't want that man's children but she wasn't about to abort them. They were hers and that man would have nothing to do with them. Torin and Frost wouldn't let him if he could try to take them. Or at least that's what she hoped. She also hoped Rory and Faite wouldn't be mad at her for keeping them.

Would they understand?

This was her only blood related family after all.

She padded up and stopped when she found some strange beasts. Well that was a first. she was used to boars and such, not once had she seen a horse. She sat and studied them. They were massive. Their tails though caught her attention. They were wiry and she thought she could use the material if she got a hold of some of it. It could be used to close pelts together and maybe to close wounds. if she could get some that was. She stood and moved slowly towards them. Her stomach was growing rounder by the day and she was starting to waddle more as she walked every day. She'd yet to feel them start kicking yet though. Then they were running and she was unsure why until they cleared out. Stardust had scared them. Then she was starting to pick the grasses and she was slightly confused. She watched though and looked to Alois. She'd have to ask Frost to help her track down the beasts to try to get some hairs.

After Star seem to finish Jewell approached her and gave a tentative smile, unsure of what the plants were for. She looked at the bag and cocked her head before she asked. "What grass for?" She sat as she waited for an explanation. Alois landed on her shoulder as he waited to hear what she intended to use the grass for as well. He was intrigued by all knowledge.

Walk, "Jewell "Alois" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



8 Years
01-15-2018, 09:43 PM
Hearing the sound of paws on grass, Star turned her head to see Jewell coming toward her with a shy smile. Jade eyes looked the girl over as a warm and welcoming tail wave and smile greeted the rainbow woman, the younger female's question bringing out the happy teacher in Star.  "Well," she started, reaching into her bag to produce the alfalfa she had gathered so that Jewell could see what it looked like, "This is alfalfa, it helps wolves gain weight and nursing mothers make more milk. I don't often give this to expecting mothers, too much is dangerous." Star smiled at the younger woman and put the bits of grass back in her medicine bag, then pulled out the dandelion roots that she had dug up, as well as a flower that she had picked from the useful weeds.

"These are called dandelions, I like to use the roots of them because the best stuff is in there. It helps make your appitite better, they can be rubbed on to help with muscle and joint pains. It's good for bruises and swelling too." With a bright expression, Star returned to look for the blooming valerian flowers. She needed these before she made her way to the valley to gather other stores that would be needed. "I am looking for one more, it has bright red flowers in tiny groups on long stalks. If you find this, I need the root of this plant. It's called valerian root, and it helps with sleeplessness, anxiety and headaches. Too much is dangerous, though, as with almost all medicines." Taking while she worked was not uncommon, and soon she was hunting down the plants. Deciding to keep the fact that she intended to use these for Jewell to herself until they got back to the den, Star began to hum and wave her tail as she looked from the younger woman to the ground and wildflowers that grew around them.
"Talk." "You." Think.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



4 Years
01-15-2018, 10:44 PM
She listened intently as Star explained everything. She wondered if she should share her idea with Star. She could imagine large gashes needing something to pull the skin back together. Though maybe Star already had something for that. She'd see in a minute.

Star then went on to explain everything the plants were good for and she giggled when star called the yellow flower a dandelion. She then looked until she found a white puff of dandelion and gestured to it before blowing the seeds off it. That was a dandelion to her. She straightened then when star mentioned red flowers. Valerian root? She'd never heard of it. Maybe it looked like some kind of rose? She knew what they looked like. She nodded. She could help look at least. She stood up and turn to start looking around. There were flowers everywhere so she'd need to focus to find what star wanted. She did right away see more purple flowers. She wasn't sure what they were used for but they had pretty yellow centers. They were growing in a bush like formation. There was also the honey suckles entangled in the vinery of the bush. Those weren't right though. They did smell nice though and she'd have to remember that so she could come back and get some roots to plant around her willows rooted den. She had snares set up close to here as well so she should probably check them soon too.

She hoped it would not hurt to talk a little while they looked. "Jewell wonders how Stardust fix big cut. Jewell think use beast tail fur to help, like could help Jewell work too. Need capture beast though." She wasn't sure if Star would think this a good idea. Their tail looked to have wiry substance to it and like the hair was strong.
Walk. "Talk." "You." Think.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



8 Years
01-16-2018, 05:20 PM
As they looked, Star found that the younger wolf was a sharp one as well. Her comment about using a beast's tail fur, and she smiled. "The only beast I know with a tail that would help would be a horse, and while they would be useful, there are also many risks that come with hunting horses. They kick, they bite, and the males are known to chase wolves and other predators. It would take many hunters to get an adult, and the little ones don't have enough tail fur. It would help feed the pack for a while, provide tools that would be otherwise lost." She grew thoughtful even as her bright gaze searched the ground and her voice stayed calm and warm.

"It is worth bringing up to Rory or Frostbite, though! You're a very brilliant woman, Jewell." She couldn't help the pride that poured from her, having watched the little pup grow into this young, stromg woman was a joy few got to understand. She felt priviledged to spend these moments with a wolf who had been through so much in such a short period of time, and to see that her heart remained good was an unexpected joy. Jewell hadn't seemed to be overly depressed, only worried and anxious. Star would rather keep an eye on her, though, just in case. "Ah! Here! I found one!" She gestured at the tall stalk with a small cluster of flowers around the top, her tail waving excitedly as she moved to dig up the roots of the plant.
"Talk." "You." Think.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



4 Years
01-16-2018, 09:54 PM
She stopped and turned to look at Star as she told her of horses and the dangers. Those beasts must of been horses then. To hunt one sounded like it was just as dangerous as it's rewards. She nodded though and decided she'd speak to Rory or frost about hunting one though. She could use the bones and neck hairs from it while star could use the tails. Though she should show star her tool for threading leather through the holes she made in pelts. She figured star might like to think of ways to do it too. Jewell was a thinker, an inventer by nature.

She looked back to what she was doing and moved to find the flowers Star wanted. It didn't take long and she found a thing that looked like a flower once but it was trampled. She sat and looked back to star who was announcing one. "Jewell find smashed one. Star want?" she wagged her tail and waited for a yes or no. After all star had said she wanted the roots. "Jewell think make mix of water, bee comb and flower. Help star treat young." she left out that she had some skull pieces she used to carry water and like dishes. Star probably wasn't interested in what Jewell did have and stuff.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



8 Years
01-17-2018, 10:18 AM
Star grinned and looked up from the root she had dug up and waved her tail as Jewell said she found one as well.  "Yes, that is a wonderful idea! You are a very bright woman, Jewell. I will need help figuring out ways to use your ideas, but I am sure that if we work together, we can solve just about any problem we came up against." Her nose was dark with dirt and her teeth were clenched around a cluster of roots and the flowery stalks of the plant, turning to put them in her satchel before trotting over to the rainbow-colored female and opening the bag for her to deposit the flowers in. "What else have you got in that brilliant mind?" She asked with a warm and very proud sounding voice. She saw that glimmer of insecurity in the girl's eyes, but there would never be a mention of it. It was time to help Jewell with her mental health and personal confidence, and that would only happen by a continued exposure to all that was Stardust. The woman knew just how to make a wolf feel better, inside and out.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



4 Years
01-17-2018, 11:10 PM
When she got the okay for it she began digging. She was careful to dig around the plant and not damage the poor thing further, though star would be using it eventually anyway. She tried her best to get the wad b. Out without damaging it but it couldn't be helped in some points when her nails scraped against them. Once she had it dug enough she scooped it out and picked it up. She then turned and dropped it in stars pouch.  She was then set to trying to get the dirt off her tongue.

It took a moment and then she was answering Star again. "Use big antler as container, little antler hang thing on. Make cloak with pelt and skull and look like prey, easy hunt. Jewell hunt with trap, catch bunny and piglet." she smiled as she finished. As much as star could teach her, she felt she could teach star too.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



8 Years
01-19-2018, 10:14 AM
The younger wolf was indeed brilliant, and she showed it by the ideas that she gave voice to. Star was proud of the rainbow child. Jewell had come a long way since she was a pup, and the healer was glad to have been around to see her grow into such a fine young wolf. They could learn a lot from each other, and Star was hopeful that their friendship would continue until her last day. "I would love to see these things done, maybe when we get back I can help you put some of your ideas to use? I can only imagine the great things you are capable of and I bet my imagination has absolutely nothing on your true abilities. Well done, Jewell!" She gave a small giggle and nudged her friend gently, nodding back towards the direction of her den. "We have what we need for now, I need to get them to dry storage before they wilt too much. Want to walk back with me?" Star tilted her head and smiled warmly, waving her creamy tail and hoping tht the younger wolf would walk with her.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!