
STANDING ON THE EDGE OF A REVOLUTION[Morningstar's band meeting]



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-19-2018, 11:22 PM

Sacrifice everything for what you love

Today the snows had officially melted, the coming of spring was here. With spring meant his plans should be set in motion. Lirika was fetching a Shaman and that was fine by him. If she wanted their children to learn her religion he had no qualms with it, so long as she understood that each should have a choice in the matter of if they followed it later or not. Freedom of choice was a big thing for the man. Each of his children had chosen their own paths and walked their own path willingly.

Today he began walking his own path. A path he would walk into greatness. Start small and become something bigger later. He would make his family's banding together an official thing in the eyes of packs and loners. He would become their leader. He strode to the rocks atop his den and hopped the few boulders to be atop it. His newest children were now old enough to begin wandering and moving with the family so he would start their wandering ways today. He lifted his voice to the sky, calling for all his family, claiming their right as a band of rogues. He knew Dominika was inside his den so she would show sooner than some. He sat and waited for his children. There was an open invitation for Lirika and the shaman if they could hear him. He would be taking all three of his daughters though, as it would be safer for them. Uriel was also summoner as his most trusted healer and Gabriel as his equal. He would tolerate no one attacking either of his siblings.

Walk, "Samael", Think

OOC: Mandatory for ALL of Sam's kids. Uriel, Gabriel, and those interested in the creation of a band welcomed.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



6 Years
01-20-2018, 11:14 AM

Hearing the call, Levi would pull his massive body up with a moan and definitely an eye roll to the thought of needing his attendance. He had been doing much better lately though he was still feeling a sharp pain in the back of his skull every now and then.

He knew Mammon would be quick behind him and wouldn't go searching for her, they would arrive about the same time he was sure. The waters felt so much warmer back to the mainlands as the temperatures were rising. It was nearly relaxing to him but he wasn't in the mood for all this exercising. He was dreading every moment towards his father's call.

He would arrive with the natural soaked fur that had come to freeze slightly in the northern lands. He wasn't a fan of winters or the cold but here he was, obeying the man who raised him even though he was going through a stage in his life where he didn't want to even look him in the eye.

He sat down before him, not saying a word, and was especially extra grumpy with the previous encounter with his other sister and the new found younger siblings on his mind. Whatever, he was here like Sam wanted so he would stick it out until the end.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
01-21-2018, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 01:25 PM by Darya.)

Darya rolled over with a groan, she wanted to sleep. It was a rare day wherein the usually excitable child wanted to nothing more than to laze about. But it seemed her father had other plans. The girl blinked out of the mouth of the den, unsure why her Da might be calling for her. With a confused frown she rolled to her paws and pushed outside.

First her gaze landed on her Da, a wide grin splitting across her face, then she saw a new wolf. This one looked like Mammon, but he seemed more bristly and with more anger. She quickly scurried over to her father, scrambled up the rocks and shoved her way behind his left foreleg. She peered out at the other wolf, unsure of him but finding solace in her father's form. Mama had gone away and she had been feeling particularly sad about it, though being with her Da always made it better.


Art by Hagon



5 Years
Extra large
01-22-2018, 03:40 PM
Aww man! Awakened by the booming song of her father, the youngster rolled onto her side. Pallid fur sullied by dirt and leaves, the child felt no desire to leave her bed. Mama had been gone for a long time, and there was no sign of her being back any time soon. How far away was the motherland? Mama hadn't said that, and the youth was beginning to feel as though something was wrong. What if her mama never came back? She loved Da, but being without her mama was out of the question. A soft whimper was pushed through her rosy lips. "Yaya," She whined, rolling over in hopes to push her nose into the plush fur of her sister's ruff. "не хочу." She grumbled, pouting.

Darya didn't seem to care. Dom was fast asleep, completely unaware of what was happening. When the largest of the sisters got to her feet and wandered to the mouth of the den, the alabaster babe frowned. Languid limbs pulled her across the floor until she was curled up beside Dominika. Laying there for a few moments, she tried to ignore the pull to listen to her Da. Tormented mind would be illustrated through roving eyes that flicked from the nest to the mouth of the den. A rough growl would be uttered as she shoved to her feet. Fine! If Da wanted to see her, then she would go. After that, she was going to bed.

Trudging out into the snowy clearing outside, she sulked her way into the sunlight. "What goin' on?" She asked her Da, looking around at the assembled. So far it was Darya and some big guy that looked like Mammon but... inside out. Was that the right one? It sounded.. kind of right.

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
01-22-2018, 04:08 PM
A low howl, familiar from years of hearing it. Her father was up to something. Which was perfect, since she was up to nothing. After her altercation with Levi, not much else had happened. Heaving herself to her feet, the bitch began her trek to the birthing den where her father had been lurking of late. Now that those whelps were a little over a season old, he would probably be moving them somewhere else. Not to mention, with spring in full bloom, the mountain pass would be even more dangerous. No one wanted to keep kids there this time of year.

There he was, standing there with two of the pups and Levi. Looking noble and purposeful. What was he up to? Brow would quirk as she gazed in his direction, a frown daring to play upon her features. This was going to be an interesting day. One that she would remember down the road? Perhaps not, but something was definitely going to happen today. He had that look on his face, the one he'd worn a lot lately. There was something in his teeth, and if there was one thing she knew of her father, it was that he didn't let things go once he sunk his teeth into them.


walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



1 Year
01-22-2018, 11:53 PM


Adventures were to be had, and today was a perfect day for them. However, all her plans were dashed when papa called for the family to gather. A pitiful whine escaped her, but the girl knew that he always had a good reason. Pale paws crunched through the snow as she made her way back home. In the time since sunrise, she hadn't gotten very far yet. The journey was short lived, and monotonous. After all, she made the trip daily.

" 'm I late?" She asked in a small voice, brows drawn together with worry. There were already quite a few of her family members here, and she didn't want to disappoint papa. The big meanie wasn't here yet, thankfully. The little grey one, Darya, was already cuddled up with papa. How mean! What if she wanted to cuddle papa? A soft huff of indignation was forced from her nostrils. Marvel was there though, paler than even Forfax herself was. A lot of the pups were already close to her size, which made her mad. Was she small? This was awful!

She cuddled up beside Marvel, revelling in the warmth the other girl seemed to radiate. Papa had said that she was like her uncle Gabby, whoever that was. Not built for the cold, and too nice for her own good.



01-23-2018, 10:39 AM
Dream Chaser


The female had both been close to where her brother was staying and yet, at the same time, Uri was also keeping her distance with a bit of uncertainty. She knew she wanted to join her brother without any doubt; Uriel felt that was the right decision. But then why, she asked herself, did it hurt so much? Was it because in return she had to turn her back on the majority of her remaining family? She had thought that she had everything figured out… but her heart ached all the same. Not only that, but Uriel was uncertain of how Samael’s children would respond to her. Thus far she’d only met young Darya and that interaction hadn’t exactly gone the smoothest. Uriel pinned her ears to her skull, giving a soft whine… could she really hide for them forever?

No, she realized. Samael’s howl was proof of that. There was no denying that he wanted to call his family together, and, standing still, Uri took a deep breath as she tried to steady her nerves. It… It was finally time to approach them. She just had to hope that they gave her a chance to be there… she was from that side of the family that had… no, she reminded herself. She was no longer part of that side of her family.

Shri joined her as she made her way to where Samael called… but the moment she saw the others gathered there she froze. Shri landed upon her back, chirping softly. “Uri?”

But Uriel didn’t respond. She didn’t move another muscle, gaze fixed on Samael’s children. The older ones… the same ones that her… Finally her ears lowered, the femme swallowing hard. She… she couldn’t do this. She couldn’t get closer.

Shri sighed, taking to the air to wing over to Sam. Once the bird had landed, turning her head up to look at the tall male she spoke up. “She still blames herself… despite it not being her choice for what happened to them… to you.” Her words were low, so much so that hopefully on Sam and Darya could hear. Her reddish-pink eyes flicked to the pup, the one she’d seen before. “I do hope you’ve been exploring safer places young lady.” The mourning dove said, also soft. Truthfully she was just glad to see Darya still in one piece.



3 Years
01-27-2018, 08:40 PM

Mammon rolled to her paws, she had been lounging on the island Levi and her shared. She was still concerned about his wounds but having him around again had helped to ease her spirits some. As her father called for them her usual irritation flared again. Levi's scent lead away towards the north and she dutifully followed behind.

When she arrived it seemed she would be one of the last. Two of her youngest sisters were already out and about, Darya hiding behind their father; ever the shy one. Mammon settled beside Levi, her gaze sliding towards the dens searching for the last two children who had yet to join them. As she did so, she sized upon another, the form of her "aunt". A growl rumbled low in her throat, and she huffed turning her gaze back towards her father, her anger seething just below the surface.

Sweet nothings & Dangerous Thoughts

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



2 Years
01-29-2018, 12:17 PM
Ooc: posting cuz I want to get this rolling

Her da's howl woke her. She may for minutes watching her sisters leave his den. She missed Ma but Da was good too. Da seemed to want to get each of their opinions on this Shaman bussiness, and she had admired to him That she didn't know about it. What if she wanted to be one? Would Ma tell her no?  That wouldn't be fair now would it?

She rolled over and rose to her feet, quickly shaking out her bed head before plodding out into the plethora of siblings. Sath was there and she grinned and wagged her tail. Maybe she could learn new words. Mammon was there too with the moron. She looked up to where her Da was with darya before plodding towards mammon. She quietly settled between her sisters paws and looked up at her with a slow wag to her tail. This sister was one of her favorites. She eyed everyone else here then. Some woman was here hanging back and she tilted her head. "Who dat Mammoon?" still her accent got in her way of saying all their names right but she was trying.


01-29-2018, 01:22 PM
His father's howl first thing in the morning disturbed him. Would his bullsjit ever end? Between the replacement kids and Sathanus he wasn't sure he wanted to be part of this family. Plus he caught his dad with the scent of those that followed Anna. He was turning on them Bee was sure of it.

Bee rose from his bed in the forest below, a bed of carcasses and stench his siblings could complain about later.he was by no means quick to arrive, one of the last in fact. He moved in walking right past his "aunt" and snarling as he did so. He took his place away from the replacement kids and sat near Levi who looked worse for wear. He eyed his father with boiling rage inside his eyes. Whatever he wanted, bee was sure he wanted no part of.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-30-2018, 07:22 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2018, 07:28 AM by Samael.)
They trickled in one by one, Levi surprisingly first. He was followed by the surfacing of Darya who made it a point to climb her way up to him. He moved his leg so she could easier sit with him. He might of wanted her to sit with her siblings but he didn't care so much as long as she listened and wasn't a distraction. Marvel surfaced next and Sam looked down to the den almost expecting to see Dom surface next. Marvel's question was answered easily. "Go sit down close enough you can hear me well, I've called a meeting and I'll tell you all why once everyone is here." He then watched to make sure she followed the directions he gave, before looking back up to where the group was gathering. Then came Sathanus, looking like she always seemed to, grumpy yet somehow happy. How she managed that look he never knew. Next was Forfax, who came with her usual vigor and want to make sure she did not displease him. He gave a chuckle at her question and shook his head to answer her question. If anything she was right on time.

Then there was one of his own siblings. Uriel who seemed to hang back and he wasn't sure he liked that. Shri was quick to come and give an explanation. She looked like a deer after you startled it real good. Just frozen with fear. He nodded to the dove before he spoke up. Hopefully his voice which was both calm and reasurring in nature would sooth her. "Please Come closer Uriel, take a seat. None of them will mind." he motioned towards a spot beside Sath, since he knew likely she would be one of the few to wait for his reasons before she decided. Likely aside from his youngest she was safest. She is voice caught his attention once more before he looked to the dove then Darya, his face said it, he would want an explanation later on why such a thing was nescessary to even say.

He looked back up As Mammon came from the same direction as Levi had. She looked in a word perturbed. Then finally Dom came out, only to move right towards Mammon and ask about Uriel, his look at Ava then was that of a warning. She was not to hurt Uriels image. These children would know no hardship that their elder siblings had, he was determined to see it as such. Then Bee came in snarling as he passed Uri. His hackles rose and his face held a very displeased look as he looked upon his child. He had hoped that all of his eldest would of learned by now, he didn't allow for anyone near that he couldn't trust.

Gabriel was still not there but they had waited long enough after several moments of him watching for his brother. It seemed perhaps Gabe had made his choice. He would start and maybe when he was done Gabe would be there andx have heard the majority of it. "Thank you all for coming in a timely manner. Our first order of business is a small announcement. My sister Uriel and your aunt will be held accountable for the past no more, she has decided to join with us, as our head healer she will aid you should you need it, look to her for herbal training should you find yourself interested. Also Gabriel, your uncle, has been discovered to play no part in your brother's death, he is not to be attacked unless he attacks you first, in which case I will deal with him. Michael is still our enemy and will not be forgiven, avoid him at all costs, I wish to deliver his death myself." he nodded his thanks to his sister before he moved on. "Next is my claim, I am hereby becoming the leader of a band, should you wish to join please state so now. Darya, Forfax, Divo, and Dom are claimed into my band as well. Their ranks are Wings, or youth as you may call it, either works." he looked to his children and waited. He let each decide before he went on. "the rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally i dont care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and i ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties." with the ground rules laid out he was happy to move on. Rules were in place for them an he expected the few to be followed. He would then look to his daughters. Micah had left, following Lirika, wanting to keep her safe. Depending on who was going to be joining him he would assign mentors to aid his children in their lifetime goals and wishes. Marvel's would be temporary but he knew who he wanted to mentor her until the shaman came.

Ooc: no posting order just wanting Yay or nays on if your character will be joining.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



5 Years
Extra large
02-03-2018, 02:22 PM
Boredom sought to loosen whatever cords might have tied her to the spot. Waiting was boring! There was Forfax, returning from her adventures. It had taken the girl some time to understand why Forfax insisted on being called a girl. When they had first met, Da had introduced Forfax as his son. Their brother. So when all of the sudden Faxxy got all upset and shouted about being a girl, Divo had been shocked. Could you really just.. change it? Decide that you didn't wanna be a boy or a girl? Neat.

The elder girl cuddled up to her flank, and she happily laid her head across her shoulders. A good cuddle. To make up for the one she'd lost when Da called them here. Mismatched eyes fluttered shut, a contented sigh escaping her. This was a nice, good cuddle. Forfax was already beginning to show her lineage, in that she wasn't growing as much as the rest of them. It made her a fantastic little spoon, and soon Divo would be able to wrap all the way around her and keep her extra warm.

Crunching snow, and someone was here. An unfamiliar scent. The pallid child lifted her head to stare at the newcomer. There were no shared markings so tie her to the family. Never before had the girl laid eyes on this lady, and she didn't like it. Auds tipped back, forepaw sliding up over Forfax's spine. Holding her close, hiding her. Nervously she looked to Sathanus. The ebony woman would keep them safe, she would destroy the newcomer if she was a threat. Da didn't look perturbed at all. He looked.. happy. To see this new lady. Who was she? Why was there a bird there? Was it for eating? It looked.. plump. For eating, obviously.

The bird talked! It flew over to Da, and started chirping in words at him! Perked auds strained to take in the conversation. Nope, not a word could be understood. A frown creased her brow. Now, when she looked at the lady, it was clear she was afraid. Upset, too. Good. Intruding on family business was bad! When Mammon arrived, she was very clearly upset by the lady's presence. Would she make her go away? The soft growl she uttered made it clear that the strange lady wasn't welcome. Why wasn't she getting the hint? "Please Come closer Uriel, take a seat. None of them will mind." Da said, his voice warm. Wait. What? He knew her? Even worse, he directed her to sit near Sathanus! Which meant that Sath wasn't meant to protect them from her! What did this mean?

Dom emerged from the den, finally. Lazy bones! She plodded over to Mammon easily, and settled down in the crook of her body. It seemed that Dom wasn't as worried about the strange lady. Did she know who it was? No way, if Divo didn't know, then there was no way Dom could know! Her thought process was interrupted by Beep showing up, swarmed by a metaphorical cloud of flies. Stinky! He snarled fearlessly at Uriel, and stomped over to their older brother. As mean as he always was, perhaps he knew something that Divo needed to be aware of.

Da started talking, and it was time to listen. "Thank you all for coming in a timely manner. Our first order of business is a small announcement. My sister Uriel and your aunt," He was looking at the new lady. An aunt? Where had she been the whole time? "will be held accountable for the past no more, she has decided to join with us, as our head healer she will aid you should you need it, look to her for herbal training should you find yourself interested. Also Gabriel, your uncle, has been discovered to play no part in your brother's death, he is not to be attacked unless he attacks you first, in which case I will deal with him. Michael is still our enemy and will not be forgiven, avoid him at all costs, I wish to deliver his death myself." Death? Da was going to kill someone? None of this made any sense. Who died? A soft whine was buried in the fur of Forfax's ruff as she dropped her head back down.

"Next is my claim, I am hereby becoming the leader of a band, should you wish to join please state so now. Darya, Forfax, Divo, and Dom are claimed into my band as well. Their ranks are Wings, or youth as you may call it, either works." A what? Band was unfamiliar. Was it good? Why was she Wing? Did she get to fly like a bird? That would be neat. She stared at the snow, trying to keep all of this information straight in her head. "The rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally I don't care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and I ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties."

Frowning, the child lifted her head. Stared at her Da. "What's rape?" She questioned, vocals ringing through the clearing like a bell. How was she supposed to follow the rules if she didn't even know?

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



1 Year
02-03-2018, 02:35 PM


When a stranger arrived, Divo pulled her closer. Both of the girls stared openly at the newcomer. Her scent was new, and she didn't like it. Clearly, she wasn't allowed. It was family only! Her pinched expression conveyed worry, and for a moment the girl felt bad. Should she say hi? Mammon arrived, and her aggression spelled the answer out very clearly. No. Stay away from her. Dark auds pulled tight against her skull, the girl lowered her head to her paws. Half buried beneath her sister, she felt safe. The others would keep her from harm.

"Please Come closer Uriel, take a seat. None of them will mind." This was so strange. If papa wanted her to join them, then why was everyone so mad? Here came Dominika, jovial and naive as always. She sidled up to Mammon, and asked a question in a hushed voice. Probably about this.. Uriel. Hm. The big meanie arrived, and was mean to Uriel. Surprising exactly no one, of course. Why was he so mean?

"Thank you all for coming in a timely manner. Our first order of business is a small announcement. My sister Uriel and your aunt," Oh! She was an auntie! It made a little more sense now. "will be held accountable for the past no more, she has decided to join with us, as our head healer she will aid you should you need it, look to her for herbal training should you find yourself interested. Also Gabriel, your uncle, has been discovered to play no part in your brother's death, he is not to be attacked unless he attacks you first, in which case I will deal with him. Michael is still our enemy and will not be forgiven, avoid him at all costs, I wish to deliver his death myself." Divo was upset, she blew out a quiet whine into her scruff. Oh no, don't be upset! Lifting her head, the girl smoothed a few gentle kisses across Divo's cheek. Papa would keep them safe, and if he was going to.. kill someone... then it was okay.

"Next is my claim, I am hereby becoming the leader of a band, should you wish to join please state so now. Darya, Forfax, Divo, and Dom are claimed into my band as well. Their ranks are Wings, or youth as you may call it, either works." Awesome! Did this mean that there were going to be more adventures? With the whole family? That would be the best thing ever! "The rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally I don't care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and I ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties."

It was... a lot. So much information. It took a little while to understand it all. By the time it was all organized in her head, everyone had finished talking. She didn't really have anything to say, though. If papa was going to bring her along, then that was alright. "What rape?" Divo suddenly asked. Oh, yeah! Good question! Forfax lifted her head, looking to her papa.



02-11-2018, 02:43 PM
Dream Chaser


It felt painfully obvious to the female that the eldest of her brother’s children still blamed her… Uriel didn’t meet their gazes, keeping her submissive posture even after Samael spoke. Her mint colored eyes shifting to her daughter, but the femme hesitated. Slowly, with shaky steps Uri finally started towards the other femme. She was no threat… and she wished she could convey that to them. But how could she? She couldn’t find her voice… could barely bring herself to sit near the younger girl. But finally she made it, and she sat, glancing over to Shri and her brother once more. Her brother had news… and she was relieved to hear him say such things. It felt like she had a boulder lifted off her shoulders.

“I am with you, Samael.” Her words were quiet, but honest. Her companion, taking to the sky for a short moment, flew over to Uri’s side, giving the woman support. The albino mourning dove turned to look at the wolves present, speaking up in a clear voice. “As am I. For those of you who do not know me, I am Shri. I am Uriel’s companion and a healer by nature as well.”

Then came a question from the pups that caused Uri’s eyes to widen. Oh goodness… they shouldn’t be hearing about stuff like that at this age, should they? She glanced at Sam, her ears flat against her skull. How was he going to explain such an important subject to sensitive minds?



3 Years
02-14-2018, 12:09 AM

As Dominika approached her Mammon's expression softened, her tail beating slightly against the ground. The child asked her about their aunt and Mammon frowned, she didn't want to be the one who had to tell her siblings of their curse.  "No one of importance." She whispered down to her sister, gently poking her nose into the top of her sister's head.

Their father spoke and Mammon had to keep her anger from boiling over. Their father could ask that they forgive and forget about all the terrible fucked up shit that his "family" had done to them and Mammon could play nice, but that didn't mean she'd ever actually agree. No like all her anger, she knew she would harbor it until her revenge could be had.

Uriel spoke and Mammon stiffened, her lips pulling back ever so slightly, in a sign of her annoyance. "I know we're both still in." She finally spoke, casting a glance at Levi, the plan hadn't changed.

Sweet nothings & Dangerous Thoughts

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-18-2018, 03:44 PM
Samael summoned him. Summoned many, in fact. An open ended call, to the family. Anxiety welled in his gut, threatened to spill from his jaws. The scarred herald made the trek up the cliff face, where Samael had previously taken him to meet his new children. Little Dominika had been a strange, delightful young girl. Quite a few had come up this mountainside, it seemed. Nostrils close to the ground, the male carefully picked his way up the incline. It was slow going, since the change in climate had made the snow packs somewhat unstable. Rocks tumbled away underfoot, and made the climb dangerous for anyone. Let alone a frail guardian with eyes that may as well have been stones in his head.

"...The rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally I don't care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and I ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties."

What was Samael up to now? Brows drew together curiously, daring to announce himself by crunching through the snow to join them. Uriel was here, he could smell her. So were the eldest of his brother's children. The condemned young. Jaws parted as if to speak, before a young voice cut through the quiet. "What's rape?" Oh Holy Father. His mouth snapped shut, horror evident in his pinched expression. Please, let no one speak.

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics

Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



3 Years
02-18-2018, 04:24 PM
White hot rage tripped down her spine like an electric shock, as her aunt made an appearance. She dared show her face here? After all she had done? Had she come to pass the family curse down onto the unwitting pups gathered all around? Hackles bristled, lips lifting to reveal sharp incisors. If her father gave the word, the pale eyed bitch would be rent limb from limb before anyone could say otherwise. For once, she was in agreement with her littermate. Mammon's rumbling threat to their aunt resonated in her chest. Sathanus rose to sit a little closer to Divo and Forfax, who were out in the open. If something happened, no one would touch those two. The palest of the two was already holding the other close, wary of Uriel. Good.

Here came little Dominika, trotting out like nothing was wrong. Luckily, this one was smart enough to cuddle up to Mammon. She would be safe from the cursed bitch with her. Next came Bee, who smelled like buffalo shit and carrion. Revolting, but she felt brief fondness bloom in her chest when he snarled at Uriel. Good. Make sure she knew she'd worn out her welcome the day she'd stood by and watched her mother's be slaughtered.

Her father dared make that traitor feel welcome among them. Worse yet, he gestured for Uriel to sit near her. Salmon tongue slithered from the confines of her jaws to slide between her incisors, a clear threat. She wouldn't kill her, not without her father's say so. She had that much respect for him, and his own suffering at their hand. However, she made it clear that sitting near her, or the youngsters, was not an option. Get lost. Her hip brushed up against Divo's small flank as she settled down near them, crimson gaze boring holes into Uriel's hide. She came closer, looking terrified. Good. Be afraid. Feel bad. She sat a fair distance away, but nowhere near the rest.

"Thank you all for coming in a timely manner. Our first order of business is a small announcement. My sister Uriel and your aunt will be held accountable for the past no more, she has decided to join with us, as our head healer she will aid you should you need it, look to her for herbal training should you find yourself interested." Sath finally managed to tear her hateful glower from Uriel, to stare blankly at her father. What the fuck? What, all the shit they did, the heartache and suffering they caused, and a simple sorry gets them back in his good books? A low growl rumbled in her chest.

"Also Gabriel, your uncle, has been discovered to play no part in your brother's death, he is not to be attacked unless he attacks you first, in which case I will deal with him." Sathanus couldn't contain herself anymore. "He held you down while they tore into you! You're just going to- to wave that off?" Indigence clung to every syllable, disbelief coating her throat in bile. "Michael is still our enemy and will not be forgiven, avoid him at all costs, I wish to deliver his death myself." It almost went unheard, over her tirade. At least that made sense. Fuck! She was fuming!

"Next is my claim, I am hereby becoming the leader of a band, should you wish to join please state so now. Darya, Forfax, Divo, and Dom are claimed into my band as well. Their ranks are Wings, or youth as you may call it, either works." Her gaze fell to the pair curled up around each other. They seemed a little bewildered, deer standing stock still before death claimed them. Yeah, their father talked a lot. When she was young, she'd had that look on her face a lot. Too much shit all at once. It almost made her forget about the catastrophe coming to a head here- a thunderhead ready to dump on them.

"The rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally I don't care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and I ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties."

Alright, he sounded like a sensible creature right there. Yet, she was convinced that her father had gone off the deep end. Welcoming the traitors with open arms? Hell no, fuck no. Then, Uriel professed her loyalty. She wanted to say no. Wanted to tell her father to take a long walk off a steep cliff. Yet.. she looked at all those young faces, and couldn't let them weather her own fate. Someone had to protect those sweet hearts and untainted minds from the cruelty of their extended family. "Count me in." It was a stoic affirmation, made with stony features as she looked to her father. Someone had to watch out for these little runts.

"What's rape?" Divo suddenly piped up. Forfax looked just as curious to find out. Oh shit. This was going to be like teaching Dominika how to swear, all over again. Had her father found out about that yet? Since he hadn't tried to kill her yet, probably not. Mammon cut in, announcing that her and Leviathan were on board. Alright, so it wouldn't just be her against all of their shitty extended family.

Hatred and loathing came on the heels of glittering gold and shining alabaster. Gabriel. Her eyes narrowed, seething with rage. Before anyone could stop her, she looked down at the kids. "Rape is when you want to have sex with someone, and they don't want to have sex with you, so you force them to have sex with you. It hurts, and it's bad." She declared, and then got to her feet. The giant form of her uncle loomed before her, face battered and expression contrite. Fuck him. Hackles bristling, and tail lashing angrily, she rounded on him. He wasn't welcome here, not while she was still breathing.

"How dare you show your face here." Prowling forth, the demand came wreathed in rage. "You're the reason we have to pull ourselves together like this, you and your filthy family! Dad is obviously too stupid to see it, but you're no good. Worthless, all you do is destroy everything good. Get out of here, or I'll do more than tear up your face." She didn't care what her father had to say, or think. One thing wouldn't stand, not here, not with such vulnerable young lives at stake. He was going to bring back that cursed man, and he would kill their mother, and leave them to suffer as she had.


walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3