
This Beautiful Morning


07-20-2014, 06:49 PM

Faun was the first one awake that morning. It was nearly a week before that she had opened her eyes and begun to move around, cramped and limited to the darkness of their den. But she was smart enough not to let curiosity get the best of her, instead holding fast to the commands of her parents. She loved the two so much already, and all she ever wanted was to please them. Little Faun was blessed to be a part of such a perfect family, with her brother Solor always at her side. The two were very close, and the snowy babe wanted it to stay that way. But this morning, she had something else in mind.

As the tiny child lay tucked beneath her father's paw, the first rays of sunlight began to sneak through the entrance of the den. They were tinted with lovely shades of honey and rose, beckoning to the young pup with their gentle light. Faun was entranced by the sight and yearned to see more. Without another thought, the babe squirmed out of her father's grip. Her bicolored eyes grew wide with wonder as she stumbled out of the den. Large white paws would slip and falter, but eventually she would make it. Faun left her den for the first time, all alone, and took in the beauty of her first real sunrise.


Twig I


07-20-2014, 07:04 PM

She was usually the first to awaken, but that day she would be beaten by only seconds. Her daughter, her lively, amazing, perfect daughter, would rustle around a bit and wake her. Twig would only peek through her violet eyes, watching silently as Viridian left the den entirely alone. The mother would stifle a giggle as she quietly slipped from the confines of their den. Brilliant eyes would watch the girl, not commenting until she thought she'd walked far enough. "What are you doing, little one?" She'd come to lay at the tiny girl's side, "Don't you know it's dangerous outside with out mommy and daddy to protect you?" She'd nuzzle her daughter's fur, breathing in her sweet scent and chastising her minimally.


07-20-2014, 07:30 PM

The sunrise was incredible. Light seemed to reach across the sky in rays of pink and gold, dipping the water below in color. The beach sand looked warmer, too, but Faun knew that she shouldn't stray any further. She was already breaking the rules. Just as the pup was starting to think about turning around, she heard a quiet laugh from inside. Then her mother emerged, causing the downy babe to lower her head in shame. Heat flooded her cheeks. She had been caught in a dangerous act, like her mother now said. Faun would be in trouble.

As the larger female rested beside her, the pup trembled a bit and stuck out her lower lip. She may not have known many words yet, but she knew what she should say in this moment. "Sorry, Mama..." Luckily, her mother didn't seem angry. But Faun still felt embarrassed. She shouldn't have disobeyed Twig. That was wrong of her. But she was still happy to have seen such a magnificent sunrise. All shame and sadness was forgotten, though, because then the babe was nuzzled by her mother. Her small face was overcome by a blissful smile, and she squealed happily as her mother's nose pressed into her downy fur. This was what love felt like, in this moment. The child felt closer to her mother than anything else in the world.


Twig I


07-20-2014, 07:42 PM

Twig didn't know what she'd do if anything ever happened to her tiny daughter, Faun and Coal were everything to her. She knew that for the rest of her life she would be watching out for her two children, she could only hope that they wouldn't make the task difficult. That was the only reason she would think of scolding her beautiful offspring, they needed to know their boundaries so that she was able to keep them safe. She didn't know quite how she'd conveyed that, but hopefully they would realize. Viridian would apologize, her lip sticking out and trembling. Twig couldn't help the smile that would play upon her features as the little girl then snuggled into her mother's fur oh so happily. Now that she finally had them, her babies, Twig didn't know what she'd ever done with out them before. They were amazing. "Now that I'm here now though we can do something. Do you want to go further? Maybe put your toes in the water?" Twig would look for any excuse to have fun with her daughter.


07-20-2014, 07:59 PM

Faun would relish in the warmth of her mother's coat, snuggling into it the way she did during many of their lovely little naps. She gave a little sigh of contentment, only to frown as Twig pulled away. She was about to whine, to ask that she cuddle up to her again, when her mother suggested doing something much more exciting. Faun wasn't alone out here anymore. They could go exploring. Her eyes lit up at the possibilities. "Water...?" she whispered, tasting the new word on her tongue. Whatever that was, it sounded like fun. The white pup wagged her stubby tail, which made the rest of her body shake from side to side. She nodded her head with earnest. All of that movement made the babe a bit dizzy, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. She bounded forward a few yards before pausing to see that her mama was close behind. Her grin was adorable, as it took up most of her face. "Yes! Yes! Go go go!!! Faun laughed, eyes brilliant in the spring sunlight. "Water, Mama! Yes yes yes!!!" Much of her speech was repetitive, as one would expect with her tiny vocabulary. But she was still able to get her point across.


Twig I


07-21-2014, 08:08 AM


She loved how much Faun loved to snuggle, she found herself not being able to get enough of her sweet little face and unbridled affection. She simply could not get enough of her little bundles. As she made the suggestion Viridian's eyes would light up spectacularly. She would question the last word, and seemed excited about the prospect. Her pure white tail would wag excitedly, Twig felt the innocent excitement well up within her as well before Faun would answer by bounding away. Twig would return to her feet, watchful gaze always peering around to make sure their trip was safe. Her daughter would make her eagerness plainly obvious with her repetition of words, and she'd find herself grinning happily. A pang of pain would wash over her in sadness for the loss of Fern and not being able to experience this same scenario with her. She knew though, it was unlikely these two would have even existed had her firstborn daughter survived.
In only a few strides she would overcome the eager pup, she was ready to lead her to the gentle waves that lapped at the shore. "Yes, water. You see all that expanse out there after the sand? It's all water." She'd encourage the girl farther, her own slate toes would be kissed by the tide. "Come and feel the water." She'd smile, her voice encouraging as she looked back at Faun.


07-21-2014, 08:26 AM

The waves were very gentle that morning, and Faun grinned again as she watched them kiss the shore. Her mama caught up quickly, and then she was leading her little babe to the ocean. The pup was light on her feet today, and her tail just wouldn't stop wagging. She had always wanted to go on an adventure with her mother. This would be the first of many, she hoped. Her tiny heart was overflowing with love and excitement, and with her limited vernacular she found herself just laughing and squealing adorably. Even if she knew every word in the world, she wouldn't be able to express her joy. Still, she fell silent as Twig spoke again, ears perked and attentive. She soaked in every word and tried to make sense of it. "Sand? Then water?" her speech was a bit garbled, but she finally understood. Her eyes lit up again. "Yes, Mama! Yes!" Faun exclaimed as they reached the edge of the water.

The babe first stared at her mother, watching to see what she should do. Twig stood tall with her toes touching the water, so little Faun tried to replicate that as best she could. Her tiny feet shuffled through the silky sand before lining up with her mother. But the wave had pulled away again. Frowning, Faun leapt forward a few paces, wondering why the water was scared of her. "Why did it leave? Where water go, Mama?" Her little voice wondered. Just then, the tide changed and a tender wave came her way. But it was too fast, and she didn't have time to back up. The water came to meet them, and while it was hardly high enough to pass Twig's ankles, it reached up to the top of the babe's legs. The tip of her fluffy black cross was soaked, and she yelped in surprise as the coolness of the water woke her up. But it wasn't too bad. She kind of liked it. After pausing for a beat, the downy pup turned to look at her mother, one blue eye shining in the pleasure of the ocean. "Water is nice, Mama," she whispered.


Twig I


07-21-2014, 02:53 PM


Twig's tail would mirror what Faun's was doing, her pleasure in adventuring with her daughter evident in the actions of her body. Faun wouldn't say much, but really that was all well, Twig just enjoyed the sound of her laughter. It was an amazing melody that she was sure she'd never get tired of. As Viridian finally made her approach to the water the waves would pull out again, leaving her toes very much dry. She would ask why the water had left, but before a proper answer would be given the waves would surge up again, covering Faun's tiny legs. Twig wouldn't try to stifle her giggles, hoping the girl would take after her amusement instead of getting upset at being wet. However after only a moment of uncertainty the girl would comment on how nice the water really was. "It is, isn't it." She'd step forwards a bit to nuzzle the girl, wondering for only a moment if she should pull her out of the way of the next wave.


07-21-2014, 03:25 PM

Faun couldn't imagine a more wonderful day, and it was only just beginning. She felt a burst of happiness in her chest when her mother laughed. The sound was like a lullaby. "I love you," the babe murmured softly, for those were three words she knew better than any of the others. She loved her family to the moon and back. Faun would never let anything happen to them. They meant everything to her. "You're the best momma ever."

The snowy pup giggled once more as she received another warm snuggle. She pressed her face against her mother, sticking out her small pink tongue as she did so. Twig's face would then be littered with kisses, her ears filled with tiny giggles as her daughter showed her affection. "I love you sooo much," she said again, giving one more big lick as another wave rolled through. It soaked her legs again, but she didn't mind. Things were perfect for her.


Twig I


07-22-2014, 11:05 AM

She loved listening to Faun's sweet and soft vocals, she was so soft spoken and innocent her heart was just bursting with love for the little girl. "I love you baby." She held her family above all else, they meant more to her than her very own life and she would gladly have given it if it meant saving them. "You're the best momma ever." She'd smile again, nuzzling her baby girl tight. Those words would be etched into her memory forever. Faun would open up the flood gates to many kisses and much affection, and Twig would happily return every motion. This was the life she'd dreamed of, what she'd needed for so long. "I love you sooooooo much. My silly Faun." She'd laugh again as the water beat at their legs. "Come on, we'll go see the rest of the beach as soon as you're done with the water." Which from her attention focused solely on her mother she had to guess she was finished with the rolling waves.


07-22-2014, 11:45 AM

The girl would sigh happily once more as she felt her mother return the affection. I love you baby. Viridian would smile, pressing her nose into her mother's fur again. My silly Faun. She loved to listen to Twig talk, with her warm and tender voice. Alpine had a tender voice too. Both of her parents were so loving and kind. They truly were the best parents ever. "Love you love you love you..." Tiny tail would wag uncontrollably as the snuggles continued. Then her mother would introduce a new topic of interest. They could go and see the rest of the beach when they were done with the water. As if on cue, Faun felt another wave splash against her side, and she gave a soft whine. "Water is cold," she complained. She still liked it, of course, but she was ready to move on.

The babe would be the first to pull away this time, hopping away from the shore with a skip in her step. Then she would stumble over unbalanced paws and crash into the sand. It was soft sand, luckily. Very cushiony and white. So the pup didn't feel any pain when she tripped, as one could tell by the way she began to laugh. "Sand, Mama?" Faun asked through her giggles. She wanted to confirm that this was what it was.


Twig I


07-22-2014, 01:10 PM


The joy felt on that beach was enough to wash away the sorrows of the past few years. She could feel her resolve returning and a will to live that would be beaten by no other. Alpine had given her a gift she could never replace. He'd given her a happy family, a home, someone to look forward to waking up next to every day. She still felt that tinge of regret and sadness at not being with her own brothers and sisters, but she would see them again soon. Everyone would be able to meet her little bundles of joy that created so much excitement within her. Dual toned tail would wag happily as Faun would admit the coldness of the water, it would warm soon. Eventually she'd take them swimming but it wouldn't happen today.
The little girl would pull away, her exuberant steps taking her away from the shore and back to the sand. She would try to run, and though Twig thought she might save herself the little pup would go tumbling out of the way. Her crash in the sand would send giggles flying over the beach as mother pounced on daughter. "Yes, sand!" She'd say as she went to tickle her fluffy belly, wanting to send even more giggles over the shore.


07-22-2014, 02:32 PM

Viridian had just shaken herself off when a large figure pounced on her. She knew it was her mother, but she gave a light scream anyway. That cry then melted into a gigantic fit of giggles and squeals. Her small body was pressed into the sand as Twig tickled her belly with one dark paw. "No tickling!" she laughed crazily. "No, Mama! Stop!" And the laughter continued. The beach grew brighter as the sun continued to rise, and the giggles became more frequent. What a beautiful morning.

After several more seconds of torturous tickling, the babe would kick out, deterring her mother just long enough to slip away. She let out a constant stream of laughter as her tiny feet bit into the sand, pushing her farther away by the second. Soon Faun got the hang of running in the slippery stuff, and she was galloping through the sand and away from her mother. "Catch me, Mama, catch me!" The girl called out. For Viridian, life was a game, as it always was for children. And right now, she was winning.




07-23-2014, 02:31 PM

Alpine had been gone a few days now, and the news he brought was not what either of them might have expected. She was certain that Erani's fall and her families disaperance was the last thing Twig wanted to hear, but nor would he hold the truth from her ? after all, it would soon be time to show their pups pack life and intruduce them to the outside world, despite how much Alpine adored hiding them away in the sweet serenity of this island. The boy would reach the sand now and shake himself off, he would have started to head towards their den but the sound of laughter and running stopped him.

In the matter of moments a little form could be seen running through the sand, and she was heading straight for him! Just behind the little figure of Faun was Twig and Alpine with a laugh immediately fell into the joy of the game ?Roar!? he called out, jumping forward to catch her, he was hoping to gently tackle her down and then, just as gently throw her body of his own so that she would be bouncing on his stomach ? that was his hope anyway, if he could catch her.


Twig I


07-23-2014, 02:44 PM

She would find her mark, eliciting even more giggles from the captured pup, her own smile bright as they played in the sand. The protests were avid, but Twig would keep tickling until the girl managed to escape. She'd laugher, and slate colored paws would hoist her up as she chased after her daughter. "I'm gonna get you!" She would put on a burst of speed but as she saw Alpine's features her pace would slow. He would obviously want to catch their daughter.
Even though only a few days time had separated them she could still feel the longing of needing him by her side. She had worried for him while he was away, but had done her best to keep herself at peace for their tiny children. When she saw him there, she had trouble keeping herself from taking his attention first. She was sure that Faun had missed her father as much as she.


07-23-2014, 02:59 PM

The babe raced through the sand, hearing her mother call out that she was going to catch her. Faun turned and looked over her shoulder as she ran, an amazing feat considering the unbalanced nature of her paws. Her giggles would cut into her speech, and already she was winded, but she kept running even as he mother slowed down. "No you're not, Mama, no you're-" The child was instantly brought to a stop as another figure scooped her up. She squealed with surprise and was worried at first, but then she felt the warm snowy fur that belonged to her father and she was at peace. His blue eyes were glinting with a mischievous sort of light, however. Their day of play was not yet over. "Roar!" he bellowed, causing his daughter to shriek with excitement once more. Alpine would playfully tackle his child before tossing her onto his wide belly. She bounced there, still laughing, until suddenly she felt worn out.

Faun let her giggles fade into the distance as she let out a happy sigh and curled up on her father's stomach. She had missed Alpine while he was away, and it was nice to be able to snuggle with him again. "We snuggle..." she yawned. "And then we play again. Okay Daddy?"




07-24-2014, 06:10 PM

The older wolf would catch his daughter easily and he would roll gently with her until he lay upon his back and she upon his stomach. He would laugh then, lowering his head to her and breathing in the familier scents of her coat. She smelled like Twig and milk and even perhaps a touch of himself. He had missed her dearly, his beautiful little girl, as he had missed the presence of his mate. His head would fall back a moment to look at the upside down figure of Twig who watched them play. He would offer her a big, soppy grin of love before pulling his attention back to the child onto of him.

She had been bouncing against his stomach and she was small enough that he didn't lose his breath with the weight of each bounce. Her giggles where utterly pure and innocent and he found himself humming lightly in the back of his throat with pure love for the moment. Moments later the little girl would curl up upon his stomach until she was a tiny little ball of fluff against his own white. He laughed softly and nuzzled against her shoulder with his nose. ?Deal, Faun? he murmured softly ? snuggle then play. His eyes went in seach of Twig again, inviting her with his expression to join in the snuggling. He had been away for days and truly nothing sounded more blissful then curling up with his daughter and wife.

He waited until Twig was a hairs breath away before he would speak again, softly so not to wake the sleeping child. ?Coal is safe within the den?? he would ask, he was certain all would be well with his son or elsse these two would not look so happy and care free.