
This 'ere be for my Canti bby <3



5 Years
07-20-2014, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2014, 05:57 PM by Misha.)
The ivory sadist would pace around the rather large den she had found, heterochromia gaze of violet and gold flicking around the woman's dark surroundings. She craved blood, like she always had, but tonight thirst burned in her throat like an inferno that begged to be put out. The creme painted babe would sink down to her haunches, hips giving the rugged ground a soft embrace as she sat. Her destructive thoughts would cloud her mind, the sinner's silver tongue grazing over her alabaster fangs. "I need to execute something.. Now," the beast would say in a ghastly monotone of diseased thoughts. 'Yes, yes. You are the best warrior my dear- you can take anything you want, do anything you want, and be anything you want. Because you are Anzelikha Zinaida Rusakov.' The eerie voice in her mind spoke to her, just as it always did. From time to time she maybe even considered the voice her friend, not being able to see it- but she could always feel his presence next to her, even whisps of air when she would feel a whisper in her ear.
'Fuck it,' she would hear his voice seductively call out to her, tempting her to go out for the kill. Ahh, but she didn't need any encouragement- for she practically lived to feel the sheer enjoyment she felt when she would rip through one's flesh and taste the metallic and salty seasoning of blood on her tongue, the act always sending pleasurable shivers up the dame's spine. The heartless beast would lift herself up from her seat, agreeing with his simple voice. "Yes, fuck it, fuck it all!!" The pale woman would yell into the cave, it's walls booming her voice, all the while making her confidence and strength grow even more. She would hear a chuckle surround her, the voice in her head illusioning his presence. He was there, she could feel it in her bones. "What may I call you?" She would ask, never talking to him until then. 'Eric,' would be all he said, the single lyric still ringing in her head. "Well Eric, you and I are partners in crime, I hope you don't mind getting blood on you," she would tell him, a devious smile on her lips. 'Not at all babe,' he would reply, his words only for her. "Good," she would respond to him, but in her mind this time, stepping out of the cave into the dark world surrounding Anzelikha and her new found friend, Eric to fill her hunger.