
Get In Loser We're Going Shopping!



2 Years
Extra large
02-03-2018, 04:28 PM
The night was warm, with spring slowly preparing to turn to summer even late nights were now pretty warm. Caelestis found herself flopped over atop a small hill that overlooked the lake. Watching as darkness encroached and night fell, she had no intention of returning to her den tonight. Always being corralled by her protective parents was so lame. The sky turned pretty shades of pink and violet, coloring the clouds in the most fantastic way as the sun disappeared and a full moon rose overhead. It was beautiful! But it would be a lot more fun to have others her age to enjoy stuff with. Growing up with no siblings was sort of boring...

As night fell and the girl stretched, flopping onto her stomach with her hind legs stretched out behind her and chin resting on her paws, she watched curiously as the landscape shifted before her eyes. Fireflies were rising from their hidden places, not many but enough to put on quite the display as they traced lazy patterns through the air - one even landed on her nose! Eyes wide and bright, the girl did her best to look at it, crossing her eyes in the process and eventually sneezing. As the bug flew off, she fell heavily onto her side and huffed. Being alone was boring!

Leaping to her paws, Caelestis looked around for something, anything at all to entertain herself with. Nothing. Ears fell flat and she pounced on a firefly resting in the grass, tail flicking as she tried to figure out what to do. She wanted fun, adventure! But so far... nothing.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



2 Years
02-03-2018, 06:17 PM


Spring was here, and everything was warming up. Hallelujah! Exploration could fully commence, and she could get into real trouble! No worries about starving to death! She sauntered ever onward, and was finding everything to be as wonderful as promised. Where were all the pretty girls hiding? Caramel coat glittered each time a firefly bumbled too close to her.

There was someone else kicking around here, it seemed. Enjoying the late night, no doubt. It was warm, and the lake looked like it would be blissful at a time like this. Now that she was technically an adult, she was feeling like she needed to remind herself that she was still a young fool. ”Hey kid,” rough vocals greeted the pup, trying to ignore the fact that the youth in question was, in fact, bigger than her. ”what's happening?” Her tail flagged over her hips, casual and cocky. Sunshine gaze full of energy and mischief, she snapped her teeth at a firefly passing overhead. Silly bug.




3 Years
02-03-2018, 09:44 PM
Seeking out spars and lessons was all well and good, but he was getting tired of practicing and training right now, so Amos took the opportunity to do some wandering around on his own while he still could. He hadn't officially committed to joining the pack he'd spent so much time hanging around lately, so it was easy enough to go running off in a random direction. Night was falling and he was still wide awake and restless as he padded through the long green grasses and night fell around him.

When he saw a lake up ahead of him he paused, watching the fireflies as they meandered through the sky and made it look like tiny stars were tracing haphazard paths through the open fields. It was a pretty sight, and he wasn't the only one witnessing it! Two females were off to his right, only just greeting each other. With nothing better to do and a desire to stay up late, Amos trotted to meet them.

Sitting down to Caelestis' right, he made the little gathering into a triangle and grinned at both of them,."Having a party here?" he asked with a toothy smile and a few taps of his tail in a friendly manner.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-04-2018, 02:47 PM

Well, Ashiel had made a rookie's mistake. He'd turned around for one second and misplaced Asharya. Eyes glinting in the moonlight he hissed, "Asharya? Where'd you go?" His ears perked up, hoping to catch sound of her. She was taking him on a last hurrah before he put it all on the line to challenge Talis for a chance at his own pack. It was decided that they were going to explore the north and have some fun before the weight of responsibility settled fully across his shoulders.

His nostrils flared, eyes narrowing as he realized they were near the borders of a mortal pack. Oh boy… what was she getting him into? The sound of voices caught his attention and he moved toward them to spy three young wolves. He did not know either of the women but he recognized Amos and grinned. "Is this a private party or can anyone join? Amos, it's good to see you again." His gaze lingered a bit longer on the youngest girl. Something about her scent was familiar but her time in Abaven had all but masked the scent of Dragoste and so he assumed her to simply be an Abaven pup.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



7 Years
02-18-2018, 04:47 AM
Hope it is not to late to post.  <3

The light of the day had long since ebbed and dwindled to nothing, now as midnight marched steadily toward them the air was cooler and damper than it had been. In the sweet rain-washed darkness the sounds of the night became loud in the babe's ears, even the rustling of the leaves and the whisper of the wind was thunderous. She swore that in the absolute blackness of that midnight world she could have heard a beetle in the earth. She harbored suspicious for none but the living things; the creatures endowed with sentience, the ability to deceive and corrupt one's soul. The woodlands were but inanimate constructs that could be bent to one's need as long as the mind was willing. And surrounding them were the welcoming shadows, the dark hands with spindling fingers beckoning to the wayward to lie within its arms. But in them were dangers as any place that provided shelter, for in them could have been demons..the deceiving minds with malicious hearts.Her paws led her were, but paused to a sound, the progressive march of eager limbs coming from her back to carry along at her side and forward. Practiced skepticism pricked her hackles but did not turn her regalia, but an ear did bend to heed the lulling tones of the nightly wanderer. woods were of nature and thus they were home to the wandering soul. But the male beside her warranted more of her care, earning a pause in her stride to better rest her gaze upon him and it was not until she too a paw forward that she recognized him. Ashiel? she questioned, her regalia tilting visibly to the right to further accentuate on her confusion. What are you doing here? the purr vibrated into the babe's chest, rasing as eyebrow towards him. Tilting her gaze towards what would seem a formation of young lupines it earned them  the strangest expression upon the calm visage. Never before had she witnessed such establishment, was this a hot spot for meetings? Specially near a border too. But this was...a strange sight to behold, and casting aside the faint sense of etiquette she left untouched as she immersed herself into the group, eyeing Ashiel if he would follow. Seems like everyone has plans tonight


The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large
02-22-2018, 11:58 PM
OOC: I know Fox was gunna post but since I have no idea when and she's so busy I figured I'd keep this rolling for a round or two. No sense in letting a good thread die lol.

Flicking an ear and offering the golden woman who'd suddenly appeared an indignant look Caelestis huffed, her sassy response consumed by her boredom and she groaned, "A whole lotta nothing, that's what!" The girl was about to collapse on the ground in utter defeat to further emphasize how distraught she was at the lack of things to do, when more wolves began to trickle in. First one older boy who asked if it was a party, to which she'd have also delivered a scathing retort but then another guy showed up who seemed to know the first one and she began to think that the night might prove to be an interesting one after all.

"It's open to anybody fun," she stated with a smirk, taking this silly party joke and running with it. At least everybody was kiiind of her age. She was still obviously the youngest, but she could roll with it. She could be grown up like the yearlings around her, yeah, sure. Glancing at the newest arrival, Caelestis would turn her attention to the others, asking, "Ya' think you guys can make a fun 'party', then?" The little smile tugging at her lips had a wickedness to it. Finally, a chance to socialize with others, and have some real fun.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



2 Years
02-25-2018, 11:26 PM


The younger girl seemed miffed by her appearance, if not the entire world as a whole. "A whole lotta nothing, that's what!" She announced, gaze flicking away from her almost instantly. Well then. A male appeared now, larger than herself, but friendly enough. The rolling, easy strides of his gait painted him as nonthreatening. Good, because he was pretty damned big. He sat down heavily beside the young girl, and grinned at them. "Having a party here?" He asked.

Ordinarily, she would have said something sarcastic at this point. Tonight just wasn't her night, apparently. Someone else came sauntering up. This one was massive. Cloaked in hues of ash and dust, mottled with snow. Those eyes. Wow. For a second, she wondered if she might be experiencing attraction. Nope, nothing. Just a good lookin' guy. "Is this a private party or can anyone join? Amos, it's good to see you again." He was looking at the other guy. She committed the name Amos to memory, along with those two toned eyes.

"It's open to anybody fun," the young girl snarked, fearless. Yes, this one was good. The caramel damsel grinned at her, loving her spirit. Of course, this wasn't the end of the arrivals. Next came a female with fur the colour of oak, swathed in riches. Holy shit. Now that was a damn fine piece of work. Had she believed in a higher powers, she might have given them "the nod". Instead, she tried not to stare too intensely. "Ashiel?" Good, another name to add to the guest list. The titan of a young man was named suitably. "Seems like everyone has plans tonight."

Alright, enough was enough. Too many wolves, not enough talking and having fun. The young girl spoke again, and broke the spell that seemed to keep them from really getting into any trouble. "Ya' think you guys can make a fun 'party', then?"

”Sure, I'm the party master, you know.” The golden brawler announced with a broad grin, tossing a wink the girl's way. ”Anyone know where we can get some booze? I can find some cannabis, too, if we want.” Go big or go home, right? Besides, a party wasn't fun unless you could barely walk while it was happening. Whether or not you remembered it the next morning was just icing on the cake, really.




3 Years
02-26-2018, 12:32 AM
Amos grinned at the two females, ready to start introductions when a familiar voice caught his attention. Turning to Ashiel Amos laughed, "Good to see you too, didn't think I'd be running into any familiar faces tonight!" He didn't get much more out when another woman showed up, making them a group of five young wolves. Glancing over at Caelestis he would raise a brow at her remark. Feisty young kid, that one.

Turning back to Ashiel Amos quipped, "Guess that means you're out, then." His multicolored eyes glittered as he chuckled at the other boy's expense. All in good fun, but it didn't a very long conversation with Ashiel to know he was all serious business.

As the little brown girl began to lead the conversation Amos let his tail swing behind him, features taking on a determined look. He didn't have much knowledge to offer to make the 'party' fun, but he'd certainly participate in whatever they decided to do. Looking at the golden woman he shook his head, "My da' said they had some in the pack he was in before I was born. In fenrirs maw, I think? I dunno if it's still there, though. There was a guy who made it..." He shrugged, then an idea hit him and he looked to the youngest of them who smelled strongly of pack and asked, "Does the pack we're partying next to have any?" He wasn't normally one to suggest theivery, and he hadn't actually
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-10-2018, 03:37 PM

Familiar tones caught Ashiel's attention as he turned to see Nepthys. He grinned. "I could ask you the same question! Makes me wonder if the gods are up to something tonight." He turned to the Abaven girl. Fun? Amos commended and Ashiel laughed. It was a fair enough point. "Fun is more my sister's specialty but she insists I need to have a proper stick-from-ass-removal before becoming an alpha so I'm down to try. What ingredients do we need for a party?" Griff had spoken to him before about festivals and celebrations but some how he had a feeling this would be different. Obviously they weren't going to be doing anything related to religion that he could tell.

He grinned at the gold woman who stated she was a party master. "I defer to her wisdom." She immediately started talking about 'booze' and 'cannabis'. "Umm…. what are those? Are they herbs?" They sounded like plant names. He had no idea what a 'booze' plant or a 'cannabis' plant would look like though. Amos seemed to know what one of the things was and Ashiel's gaze turned to the Abaven girl. Did the nearby pack have some supplies they could borrow?

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.


03-10-2018, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2018, 07:38 PM by Ashiel. Edit Reason: fixed broken table code by adding </table> to close the first table )

The sire was wandering near uncharted territories,  yet he was not at the least scared his orbs lite the way,  they seemed to glow at this time.  Seeing the fire flies dance in the oxygen filled,  substance that formed around him was quickly destroyed.  As he heard wolves chit chatting, he growled to himself why was it when he was I enjoying something there always was something,  that disrupted his good time? But he knew he should introduce himself,  he may have been mostly skin and bones but he was prideful.  "Hello? I am Xander a wanderer. " he cooed his audit,  flickering to the still chattering lupins.
Does,"Speaks" Thinks

Take my soul,  dear light.
A thousand firefly,  can't  light up my soul.



7 Years
03-17-2018, 11:55 PM

In the concealing darkness, she moved without effort closer to the group of lupines that gathered. Shadows bent and broke to part way for her passing. Her fur served as playground for the moonlight, providing an excellent backlight for the reptilian movements her body performed. But just as suddenly as her form appeared in the peripherals of the forest, she was gone again. She dove deep, back beneath the waves of shifting darkness and transient gloom. Loamy earth clung between her toes, reminders of the freshly fallen rain. And the earthy smell of coming summer stuck in her nosrils. She was not here for any particular reason. Simply another product of grating insomnia, her desire to wander outweighed her need for sleep. And wander she did, through each new shadowed forest until she found them and there she was. Truth be told, she needed a distraction from the chaotic situation within her kin; her siblings vanished again, went to roam Gods know where and she was once again, feeling lost. Perhaps this was exactly what the babe needed, socialization. "I do hope so, it was getting rather dull." she coed towards the ashen man she got to know so well since she got here.  There where many others, judging by the conversational topic they too saught a distraction, something to keep their mind off of banality from day to day routine. Mortals were curious creatures, they provided suggestions such as booze and cannabis, suggestions that until now were non-existent in her vocabulary. "I too share Ashiel's confusion."she declared in a purr, moving closer towards the only one she knew, perhaps in a introvert gesture. "How will herbs help us start a party?" she questioned the whole lot. She was not good in crowds. The group started to became bigger as her audits turned towards the source of another disturbance that came from behind.


The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large
03-25-2018, 02:05 AM
OOC: wrapping up the old thread in an effort to maybe revive this a little and get the party going! The new thread will be tagged mature for the consumption of drugs and alcohol and other things I can't predict that will take place.

The sunshine colored lady said she was a “party master” and the young girl smiled at that proclamation. She said they needed ‘booze’ and ‘cannabis’ but like most of those around her Caelestis wasn’t sure what they were and really felt the pressure when Amos asked if her pack had any. Oh, gosh, how was she supposed to answer that? She would wait for those around her to also ask and for an explanation to be presented before responding to Amos’ question.

”Uh, I mean, I could probably go look and see if we, er, have any. Shoould be simple enough, yeah?” Was she really agreeing to do some stealing? Would she get in trouble with Sparrow or someone? Ah, but she really wanted to have fun with these guys. It wasn’t often she had wolves to have real fun with. ”Don’t spoil it, Caelestis!” she thought to herself.

Glancing around and trying to muster some more courage she wasn’t sure if she possessed, the girl listened to the chatter a moment. Wait, introductions! ”So, what’s everybody’s names, so I don’t go running around yelling ‘hey, guys’ when I get back. I’m Caelestis.” she glances shyly at the others gathered here. When she noticed the other wolf nearby, she eyed him carefully, one ear flicking back.

”Hello,” she said tentatively, ”I’m afraid we were all just moving on to do a little party shopping.”  Returning her gaze to those gathered in the loose circle, Caelestis bowed and stretched her front legs out, waking up the muscles for a moment. Once she was ready, she turned towards Abaven’s border. ”Meet back up in the steppe a little to the southwest?” Once she got her answers, she would leave with a flick of her white-tipped tail, heart in her throat as she prepared for a very important secret mission - get the booze!

-exit Caelestis-
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



3 Years
03-25-2018, 02:07 AM
He grinned as Ashiel simply accepted the jesting, saying that fun was more his sister’s thing. Who knew he had a sibling? Interesting, especially if she was more fun than her serious brother. Nodding gravely, he smirked, ”From the looks of it you might just get that tonight if all goes well.” He also noted the strange, accented woman sticking close to Ash but didn’t think much of it. She seemed just as unique and interesting a character as the rest of the mixed bag of young wolves that had shown up.

He snorted at the looks of confusion he saw all around him, glancing to the golden lady for a moment before taking it upon himself to answer at least part of the question.  ”Booze isn’t a plant. You might also hear it called alcohol, and it’s a drink. It… helps you loosen up, makes you a little less inclined to worry and just, do shit I guess. great for parties. Cannabis, however, is a plant.” he would leave an opening for the self-declared party master to explain that one, turning to Caelestis to give her a better understanding of what she was looking for, describing the scent in detail and adding that it would smell very strongly, and probably need to be kept in a jar or some kind, so an unnatural container with strong smelling liquid in it would be the thing to keep an eye out for. Once they were done with their aside, they both turned their attentions back to the group.

He also noticed the new arrival and offered only a welcoming nod. As Caelestis set off he called, ”Sounds good to me!” in response to her proposed meeting place, eyeing the others for their approval or lack thereof. Once that was settled he would beam at them, declaring in a cheerful tone, ”I’m ready to go do some fun-time herb hunting, how about the rest of you?”

Either way, he would get to his paws, checking to see who else was ready before trotting off in search of the other ingredient for the ‘party’ they were apparently having.

-exit Amos-
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-25-2018, 02:10 PM
ooc: sorry Bear, I had to have Ashiel ignore Xander. I forgot you posted here and so it doesn't make much sense in the joining thread for them not to recognize each other. I don't know what we should do in the next thread. Not sure if Ashiel will be there to be honest, this makes the timeline super confusing.

Ashiel ignored the arrival of another man, he didn't seem particularly threatening and the young prince was focused on the task at hand and the words of those he was already acquainted with and respected. It was they whose company he was here to enjoy, not some nosy loner but at the same time he felt a growing unease in his stomach. Should he be here? What was a god doing hanging around with some mortal yearlings? Why if his mother saw this she would tear him limb from limb and the fact that Asharya had just disappeared had him terribly worried. Whatever had caught her attention and dragged her away was probably bound to be partially dangerous.

He cocked his head at Amos as the boy explained that "Booze" was not a plant. It was a drink. What in the world? He had to admit he was curious now. He wasn't too keen on the Cannabis however, plants made him think of medicine and medicine made him think of all the times he'd been sick. How could it possibly be considered 'fun' to eat?

The Abaven girl spoke, saying her name was Caelestis. "I'm Ashiel." He left off his last name out of some inner instinct. This close to Abaven he doubted he wanted to go shouting about his last name since the east was the rumored direction some of the Dragoste wolves had fled. If it came out later amongst the revelry that was one thing, otherwise… well… he still didn't know he was going. He needed to find Asharya. Ashiel nodded at Caelestis. "Yes, we can meet up there but first I need to find my sister. We were separated and I haven't see her in awhile. I'll join you if I find her otherwise I wish you all a wonderful evening."


"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.


03-25-2018, 02:31 PM

 He noded lost among all the words jumbled together, he sat down still lessoning before he sayed. "I know where to find 'cannabis' so I'll  get that, but i don't think i know where to find booze, at the moment." he sighed, before he turned away.
 "And agian i am Xander." he cooed, before he began to move along to find cannabis. His sensitive nose alined with the grass slowly rubbing along, searching though the dew to pick up the slight scent of male pollen that would lead to female cannabis plants. Finally he found a scent of a female, no pollen so the buds would not be weak. He snickered, as he began to head that way with a small amount of courage.

