
[Birth thread] a light in the dark



4 Years
02-09-2018, 08:25 AM

She had been feeling uneasy all day. Her stomach was cramping and earlier she'd felt like she had to per only to have her water break. She hadnt alerted anyone yet because she had been listening to Stardust about early warning signs of birth. She'd still been in the starting stages, but she didn't want to move from her den. That was more than hours ago. She was thirsty and starting to feel tired.

She was laying on her bed of throw away pelts for now. Her purple tongue rolled in and out of her mouth as she panted. Another contraction hit and she squeezed her eyes shut, a whine leaving her mouth. She wasn't even able to lay comfortably either but she did her best to be comfortable. As soon as the contraction past she sighed in relief.

With a toss of her head she let out a howl as loud as she could. Alois was quick to take flight. His destination was to retrieve Faite or Rory from their dens. This would be a long night for the girl he knew and she would likely want the comfort of family.

The sun had set almost an hour ago and the sounds of an approaching thunderstorm were easily heard.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Ooc: gonna do a pup each post, will likely need a healer as well.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



7 Years
Extra large
02-10-2018, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:48 AM by Torin.)

Torin's eyes snapped open, for a moment he wasn't sure exactly why his heart was racing, then as he registered the echoes of a howl on the wind. In an instant he was on his paws, racing out of his den towards that of his sister. The air was heavy with the pressure of the incoming storm and the rumbling of thunder on the horizon felt ominous.

He skidded to a halt at the mouth of Jewell's den, the scents of her pregnancy heavy but obscured by that of anyone else. So he was the first here? He dithered for a moment, scanning the horizon, hoping to see Stardust.

Finally he knew he couldn't simply leave Jewell alone in there. He poked his head in the mouth of her den. "I'm coming in..." He spoke in a soft tone, unsure exactly how she might react. Still he pushed his way inside the den, maneuvering himself around her swollen form so as to move behind her. Then he lowered himself onto his side, curling his form around her much smaller one. He slowly ran a tongue over her shoulder, hoping to help ease her. "Je suis ici pour vous."He whispered gently, hoping against hope that Star might arrive soon... he certainly wasn't equipped to help her beyond moral support.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Hagon



7 Years
Athena I

02-15-2018, 07:14 PM

Zuriel was laying awake in her den when she heard a howl. Her head lifted as she listened with a touch of healer driven worry. She knew the sound of a mother giving birth when she heard it. It wasn't specifically for her, but she was near by and she had more than plenty birthing herbs at the ready. Deciding she'd rather be safe than sorry, she got up and gathered up a fair bit of motherwort and trillium between her teeth before she headed out of the den. Her ears flicked at the sound of thunder rolling in the distance and she hurried on toward where she thought the call had come from. The last thing she wanted was to get caught in the rain on her way.

She caught the scent of the young woman easy enough and carefully peeked her head into the den. She found the girl that Faite had adopted, Jewell she thought her name was, with one of her nephews laying behind her. She quietly slipped inside the den, trying to keep close to the walls of the den to give her space. She sat down the herbs and gave the rainbow colored woman a reassuring smile. "Hello there. I hope you don't mind me coming to help till everyone else gets here. I'm Zuriel since I don't believe we've formally met yet." She picked out couple of leaves worth of motherwort and just a bit of trillium and placed it in front of Jewell's nose. "It's a tad bitter, but it'll help. Go ahead and chew them up and eat them." Having been through birth herself she could attest to how much those herbs eased things along. Of course she didn't want to give her too much at first if she could get through it herself.

Zuriel sat down near Jewell's side and placed one of her forepaws gently on her belly, carefully feeling for the pups. "You're doing great. Just let the contractions keep doing their thing, okay? You don't want to tire out pushing too early."

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Extra large
02-18-2018, 06:13 PM

He knew that the time was getting close, he felt he had to keep track. Puppies in the pack meant everyone would be busy helping to care and teach the young ones. He also felt that he had to patrol more, make sure that no pups would be sneaking out to try and prevent what had happened to Miach to draw his aunt away to find him. He wanted to try and do his best. The thought of young ones excited him, he had always had a soft spot for kids and someday once he built the courage he wanted to start his own family with Stardust, the thought of children of his running around made a smile spread across his lips.

He had completed another patrol and was heading back towards the dens to check on things. He had heard Jewell's call and quickly shifted gears. He couldn't do much as far as healing, but at least he could stand guard. He knew since Jewell's encounter with the male she was weary of others and hoped that if he guarded the den it would ease her worries and help her focus on the act of giving birth. He changed his course slightly and headed towards the den, falling in line with Zuriel's scent trail. He was glad she had came because as of late Star seemed to be vary busy, with what he wasn't to sure of.

He came in a few minutes after and sat by the den's entrance. Lowering his body and craning his head towards the entrance.

"I will guard the den and be a runner if any supplies are needed," he called down before straightening himself and waiting.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Art by Kanvos



8 Years
02-19-2018, 11:15 AM
She shouldn't have wandered so far away in search of extra herbs to aid Jewell in her birth, but she hadn't quite found anything to help stop hemorrhaging. She wasn't sure what she would be in for when the time came for the pups to come, but she knew it would be messy and would hang many lives in its balance. Star wanted to be prepared for anything that could happen, but when she heard the call for her on the wind, she was silently cursing herself for being so far away. Ugh! Why hadn't she just stayed close to Jewell, she knew the babies would be here soon and she wanted to be there for her friend and packmate. With a mouthful of birthing herbs and her pouch near to bursting, Stardust was slowed down a bit, but she did her best to speed towards the den where she knew Jewell would be.

When she got there, she saw Frost first, and breathed a sigh of relief that he was with Jewell. Slowing to a trot and out of breath, Star pushed her nose gently into his cheek as she passed him then walked into the den where Zuriel, Torin and Jewell all gathered. Setting her herbs down, she gave an apologetic smile and pulled one ear back. "Hello, honey!" She said to Jewell, "I ran as fast as I could, I smell motherwort and trillium, thank you Zuriel!" Her bright jade eyes scanned the den, looking over the worried faces of Torin and Jewell. "No worries, just keep your breaths even and let nature do her thing. We are here if anything should happen." She sat and waited for the first pup to come into the world, anticipation on the baited breaths of every wolf present.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



2 Years
Extra large
02-19-2018, 05:05 PM
I'll show you how a heart can never fail

He'd decided to turn in early for the night which had clearly been a mistake. The sounds of an approaching thunderstorm had already woken him up, but the howl that rang out was what had really pulled him from his sleep. It took him one groggy second to realize who it was, but after that he was on his feet in an instant. Jewell's pups were expected any day now. Maybe it would be tonight?

He felt his stomach twist in knots at the thought of her having babies. They were barely adults. Was she going to be prepared for this? They weren't even kids she'd planned, but it was too late to go back now. He exited his den and headed over to the rainbow colored girl's den to find quite a few wolves already there. Rather than crowd in and get in the healer's way he found a spot outside of Jewell's den and sat near Frost instead to wait, rather impatiently, for the pups to be born.


[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]



4 Years
02-24-2018, 11:42 AM
Torin was first to breach the entrance to her den and she gave him a small tired smile as he came to lay with her. Her den was large so it would have no trouble accommodating the largest of wolves. No one would have to duck much farther than the entrance. After all her adoptive family was quite tall so she had wanted to make sure even Rory could fit inside with no problem. Not that she got too many guests aside from Torin.

Soon others were coming and she was grateful for the fact that two healers showed to help. She gladly took the offered herbs and chewed them quickly, swallowing the bitter leaves as quickly as possible. She could smell Frostbite and Rory outside and it gave her a sense of relief to know that they were here to guard her from anything unwanted. She could hear the thunder in the distance and her ears pressed back, it was foreboding and ominous. Not to mention she didn't want any of them stuck out in the rain when she had more than enough room for them inside. Her den wasn't as large as Faite's had been but it was large enough.

She could feel her sides clench as another contraction came, this one stronger and longer than the ones before. She wanted to push, but she didn't know if it was okay yet. Only one way to find out though. She began, like she felt like she was supposed to, her contraction still hadn't subsided yet either. It took a moment but finally she could feel something breaching. She let out a yelp of both pain and surprise as the first was pushed from her small body. It was larger than she had expected one to be. She looked back at it before pulling it closer to her chest. She lavished it with her tongue to clean it and dry it as quickly as possible, only after a moment of cleaning did she discover it was a boy.

His pelt was like someone had set fire to It, with streaks like the man's that had hurt her. She could hear him crying which meant he was fine, or at least she hoped so. He wiggled into her leg and she quickly moved him towards her belly where her tears were swollen and he latched on quickly. She could feel more inside but she was taking a breather for a second.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.