
Edisto Beach.



2 Years
02-16-2018, 12:28 AM
IPlayYouListen - ODESZA

This notion, of finding home. It was as old as time, really, wasn't it? As long as there's been a shoreline, there's been been a Southeastern Southern Soul to long for it. All good country boys had to take a journey to find home, right? Some found it were they started, taking a big round trip to arrive at the beginning. Others found it some place entirely new. The destination wasn't important. Not really, no, it was all about the journey there, right? Isn't that what they always said? It was about the journey there. Ya know, Finding Yourself. And when you found yourself, you found home. Poetic stuff, all this. Sure is beautiful to listen to, to say.

But it was hard to believe in, at times. At least for Nafsi. Because his bloodline, his linage, have been looking for a home for how many generations now? And it still hasn't been found? They'd gotten close, a time or two before. But never managed to get it done. Would he be the one? Who knew. Fickle, the world was. He knew he liked this place though, enough to try and see if his journey led him to finding himself here. To see if finding Home could be done here. That one thought had driven him to another sleepless night. He had many of those seeking quiet refuge. But once he'd found the shore, he'd found a soft spot in the sand and laid out on his belly and gotten comfortable.

Because all good country boys knew that the sun rose in the East, over Myrtle and Edisto, to tell you it was time to round all your empty beer cans up into the trash, reel in your line, pack up the lawn chair, and get back to finding your way home. Goodness such a wonderful thought, that one. For once though, the matte black wolf fond his yellow eyes watching the soft blues and oranges that built over the ocean horizon and actually, for a change, thought that, ya know, Some company might not be that bad after all. Night had come and gone, the day was about to start again. Why not spend it WITH someone?

A strange thought for him indeed. But the sun hadn't surfaced from the ocean just yet, so maybe he'd have that chance. Then again, maybe he wouldn't.