
Fitting the Pieces Together


07-19-2014, 09:34 PM

The dame would make her way towards the lands she had smelled upon the mans pelt. He had been so sad that day, and she wasn't sure she had done anything to help him. His tears, his sobs remained burned into her mind. She had to make it up to him, she had to show him she was a friend he could count on. Even though she was a loner, she had felt drawn to the man. He was so pure, so innocent...and to have his heart broken was heart breaking to her. Who could be so cruel to such a kind and gentle male? Her head would shake as she walked, the scents of the pack drawing near. She swallowed back nervously, what if one of the other wolves came instead? What if they were aggressive? She herself didn't know what she would do if she were to come face to face with the girl that broke Dayton's heart. Though she herself was the calmer type, she was sure she'd be fine. Inhaling a deep breath, Pacifica would stand several feet from the border near a tree, the lake rippling in the background as she softly called for the one and only. Dayton.




07-20-2014, 09:13 PM

Dayton had been wandering aimlessly through the territory when a soft call roused him from his trance. That voice... It sounded familiar... The boy made his way toward the lake, where the sound seemed to be coming from. There, partially hidden by a tree, was Pacifica. Dayton felt his breath catch for a moment. What if Misha saw her? Then he blinked the thoughts away as he realized none of that mattered now. What they had was now irredeemable, for she had come home the other day with another man's scent on her pelt. She held no memory of Dayton, while all he wanted to do was forget her. How ironic.

The small brute abandoned these thoughts as he approached the beauty, circling the lake that thawed under the breath of spring. Her eyes were as blue as he remembered them, laced with those incredible white markings. He smiled and sat near the maiden, only daring to come within a few feet of her. "Wonderful to see you again, miss, but what are you doing here?" His tail would wag a bit with his greeting. Pacifica should know how genuinely happy he was to see her. What was more, the man was in a better state than he was when they first met. The grey woman had found him crying, a pathetic puddle of tears in the snow. But spring had come and had brought him new hope, not to mention that he had spoken privately with Qanik. That had helped him a great deal. Her gentle wisdom was helping him to heal. So now he could truly smile again, and he gave his best smile to this lovely maiden, because she deserved it. "I was hoping to see you again, Pacifica."



07-20-2014, 09:54 PM

She waited. But she didn't have to wait long. Her tail began to wag as her vibrant blue eyes spotted him coming towards her. She smiled openly at him, the gentle and handsome male coming to sit near her as he questioned her presence her. She leaned forward, touching her nose to his shoulder as if playfully nudging him before responding. "I've come to see you of course! It's nice to see you too, Dayton!" She was oh so happy to see him, ecstatic even. She had remembered the scent on his pelt, the name of his pack. She remembered the first day they met, and wanted to make sure he was okay now. She could see he was happy to see her, and she the same. She felt like a puppy almost, her body practically unable to sit still. Front paws kneaded the ground, her tail wagging harder. She had been alone, dealing with her own heartbreak for seasons. But when she laid eyes upon him, when she was in his presence. It all seemed to disappear. She smiled wider, blue eyes sparkling when he said he was hoping to see her again. She felt herself blushing, head dipping down and her paw coming up to paw at her face before she looked at him.

"I apologize for my childish behavior, but I too was hoping to see you." She smiled again, silvery grey fur reflecting in the sun light. The intricate mask on her face emphasizing her eyes. "How have you been, Sir Dayton? It has been a while has it not? You seem a lot happier, keeping out of trouble I presume?" Her gentle voice floated between them, the presence of the male comforting to her lonely heart. She had been wandering without a pack for a while now, the longing to belong somewhere...with someone filled her. And she felt that perhaps she could create a bond, a connection with this male who was so much like her. In fact, it seemed they had been through the same trials of life...she felt relaxed in his presence. Comforted. safe. Did he feel something similar?




07-20-2014, 11:12 PM

Dayton watched with gentle amusement as the woman squirmed like a pup. He couldn't begin to imagine what was making her wiggle like that, but it was already brightening his day. The boy felt his smile grow as he watched her, blushing at the same time she did. It was weird. Interactions like these were new to him. Dayton had never felt so safe and secure, not even with Misha. The sense of empathy was there, but now he didn't have to worry about any terrible mood swings. He could relax and be himself, even when he was broken and scarred.

The russet brute swept his tail through the melting snow, grinning as her words met his ears. She teased him lightly, helping to brush that dark cloud away. "No need to apologize, my lady. Being youthful never hurt anyone." To show what he meant, the young man pounced forward and bumped her shoulder with his nose, pawing at her side to tickle her in the process. Then he backed away from Pacifica before his breath could quicken too much. It felt strange to be so close to the woman. Strange, but exhilarating. More words would pass her pretty lips, not allowing his smile to disappear for even one moment. It felt like so long since he had felt this kind of happiness, but it was nice to know that it still existed.

"I am doing splendidly, Pacifica, now that you're here." The sentence tumbled out before he could stop it, but it surely wasn't a lie. Seeing her had brought him happiness. "I really do feel happier when you're around. I've also been talking to one our pack leaders, Qanik... That helped to. She is a very compassionate lady." The earthen boy nodded, his expression open and honest. Life would go on. Things would get better. He knew that for sure now.



07-21-2014, 03:59 PM

The femme laughed lightly, watching Dayton smile and looking happy made her happy. And in the end, that was all she wanted. For him to be happy. She was surprised then, by his sudden playfulness as he leaped at her and nudged her shoulder. Distracted, her head fell back as she laughed, gentle lyrics emanating and they would only grow stronger as she felt movement on her side. Her sides heaved, the males paw tickling her which then caused her to fall on her right side in a fit of laughter. Her eyes would squeeze shut as she squirmed, and almost as soon as it happened he had stopped. Catching her breath, she would sit up on her belly, forelegs stretched out before her as she looked at him again, humor and fondness clear in her eyes.

"I am doing splendidly, Pacifica, now that you're here." She felt herself blushing again, though it grew hotter and stronger as he continued. He felt happier when she was around? She supposed she could say the same, she felt like a puppy around him, his gentle kindness was much like her own. She felt at peace with him, like two pieces of a puzzle that had long been lost from each other. Her once broken soul felt whole when he was around, and when not within his presence it felt like a piece of her was missing. Could it be that this is what true love felt like? And not some teenage crush like she had with Pontifex? He went on to speak about his Alpha, the girls tail wagging as she mused.

"I am glad you are happier now, Dayton. And it sounds like Qanik is a very nice lady. I cannot wait to meet her!" She reached over and brushed her nose against his foreleg, staring up at him as she allowed her body to fall towards him and lean against him. "Dayton, I must admit I too feel happier when I am near you. I've not felt this happy in seasons, thank you." She reached up then, stretching her head up to place a gentle kiss beneath his chin.




07-21-2014, 04:36 PM

Dayton felt a joyful laugh building inside him, and he felt incredibly happy to be having fun with someone this way. It had been a long time since he'd been himself like this. Laughter rang from his lips as the argent lady reacted to his tickling, her sides heaving as well. Then she crumpled under the force of it, rolling to the ground as fits of giggles overtook her. Dayton heard his own masculine laugh in the background, sounding almost foreign to him after all this time. But he loved it. He savored every moment spent with her.

What was happening?

Dayton felt a confused expression take hold of his features as he backed away, letting the woman breathe. He angled his face down and away as he struggled to compose himself. But it was hard to think. The air felt tight and warm. Was it her? Was she making him feel this way? This couldn't be happening. Not again. Not more pain, he couldn't take it.

But any thought of pain was gone when she moved up next to him. The whole world dissipated like snowflakes in an ocean. Those oceanic blue eyes. He could just drown in them. He didn't mean to stare, of course, but he was doing it anyway. And he couldn't stop himself. Her breath was sweet and warm in his face as she spoke, and he blinked, trying to make sense of the words as her voice echoed in his head. She was happier when they were together. Like he was some missing piece to her puzzle. He couldn't have said it better himself.

This was different, totally different than what he had felt for Misha. It hadn't reached that point yet, but already they were taking a different path. This path was brighter, greener, more full of hope. Love dies in the winter and is reborn in the spring. Things could change for him. For both of them. These thoughts were blanketing his mind, putting him in a state of bliss when suddenly... Pacifica kissed him. He snapped out of his trance, looking down at her in surprise. He felt intense heat where their fur touched.

"You're... You're happier? With me around?" How could that be? They barely knew each other, yet something was so... so right. Pieces of their puzzles falling together at last. Becoming one? Not yet, perhaps, but Dayton could tell that it was destined to happen. This was different from his romance with Misha. That had been doomed from the start, like Romeo and Juliet, but far less successful. This was different. This was so much better. This took a moment to think through, and then the brute realized that he had been silent for a while. He leaned forward, breathing shakily, and returned the kiss. His tongue caressed her nose for a brief moment, and then he smiled at her. His heart had never pounded like this before.

"Im glad to hear that you are happy," Dayton murmured softly. "However, I am the one who should be thanking you. You saved me from despair. You redeemed me, Pacifica... like an angel." Those final words were no more than a breath. But they were true. She was his angel.
