
Blood, sweat, I'll break my bones - till all my scars bleed golden



6 Years
Extra large
03-03-2018, 07:26 PM
The land between the cove and canyon was jagged, torn and malformed by the rise of the now dormant volcano that emerged long before any living being would have record of. The soil was soft, a ruddy mix of the red of the canyon rock and the darker sand the volcano produced. Slightly to the south a place of many dangers did lie, riddled with arachnids of all types.

All of this the beast found he did know, though in the foggy state of his mind he could not entirely recall when he learned these things. Daylight was nowhere to be found, only darkness and a vague sense of impending doom. Did this mean death drew close? What might it be that was killing the behemoth, he wondered, brows knitting together as he contemplated the issue in a relative state of calm that few would manage in his position. At last it hit him - a lack of air was stifling his lungs. The clarity this thought brought with it allowed him to begin seeking escape in earnest, dark body stretching and seeking escape from his prison. Movements were limited, little space around him meant he could not thrash or struggle. It smelled earthy... Pushing his crown upwards he found the soil looser, and so the titan stretched and clawed his way up, gasping as the soft earth gave way to open air at lash and he emerged from the confines he had previously been restricted to.

Golden eyes wide and bloodshot, chest heaving, the large wolf stood on unsteady legs as he got his bearings. Water to his right, the looming black form of a volcano in the distance to his left, in front a canyon and behind... Down a slope he found a cove, and in the faint dusky light he could make out what he thought might be faint movement. Yes, it was all just as he recalled. How did he know of these things? A pause and a few more deep breaths of sweet, sweet oxygen brought with them hazy memories. None were pleasant.

He'd had his fair share of bad mornings, but waking up buried sure did take the cake. Shaking the layer of dirt from his pelt, he sat down in an effort to better recover from his... interesting experience.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-03-2018, 07:56 PM

Trepidation stirred in Ashiel's stomach as he slipped into the land of the Spider's Cove. He'd made a point to ask his mother about the territories he was venturing into. She'd explored every inch of Auster and this particular terrain was known for its spider and Ashiel wasn't terribly keen on tangling with a bunch of eight-legged creepy-crawlies but he also knew his mother embellished her stories. He wanted to be sure. A few spiders in the midst of a prey rich territory were a small flaw that could easily be overlooked if there were enough benefits.

He slipped down toward the cove but as he did the faint sound of moving earth caught his attention. Ashiel instinctively dropped low, his earthen coat blending with the territory around him as his keen ears picked up the sound. He turned to look in the direction of the sound, uncertain what exactly he was going to find. The soil shifted and to his surprise a large, dark male emerge from the earth. What? How in the world had the man gotten buried in such a way?

Ashiel smirked and stood before sauntering toward the man. "In Boreas the spring brings flowers bursting from the earth. I did not expect to see wolves rising from the soil in Auster. What on earth were you doing down there? I hope you are not some dead thing come back to life but as the descendent of a deity perhaps I can help you?"

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



6 Years
Extra large
03-03-2018, 11:25 PM
A last, shuddering breath left the man as he regained some semblance of composure - just in time it would seem, for a younger male would approach purposefully with a slight smirk twisting his ashen features. Bah, to that Czern lifted his angular slightly roman nose and snorted. Quirking a brow he chuffed softly, "Возможно, я цветок из ада." His dry comment was spoken in one of his native tongues, partly because playing the foreigner was easier than engaging in earnest, and partly because he was still slightly disoriented and the common tongue's words failed him as he continued to adjust to being on the surface of the earth once more after being buried beneath it.

The rest of the boys words would settle into Czernobog's mind, filtering slowly through the hazy mess until he could make sense of it as last, wits returning to the great beast at long last. Glancing over the ashen hued male who rose to what he assumed to be about the same height as himself. He looked young, and smelled faintly of mixed scents of pack. With piercing green eyes the yearling gazed at him and Czern offered a faint, wry smile as he replied at long last in the language the young man used. "If you were surprised to witness me emerging, imagine my shock in awakening there." Red-painted face twisted in something akin to amusement, though the emotion was faint and tainted with bitterness as the memories resurfaced. Life sure had some hard twists, ones he should have seen coming. Ah well, he was not some all powerful being, though from what the boy said he didn't seem to consider himself mortal like most. Interesting. A god complex? Or something else entirely?

A heavy sigh fell from inky lips, followed by his attempt at an explanation. "Not dead, though had I not woken who knows. Maybe I would have risen a zombie rather than a man. No, the situation resolved itself, though not in my favor it seems." shaking his head as if it would dislodge the memories that ran in a scrambled mess through him mind and make them coherent, he growled faintly. Thinking of the events leading to his spectacular emergence into this land left him feeling faintly irritable, and then angry as clarity would slowly seep it's way into his mind. "I was living in a land to the west, following... a powerful wolf... He was respectable, strong, not unlike my own Sire- until he was not." Yes, it returned to him now full force.

The wide eyes, the whimpers.

The detestable orders he was given.

Fight, flight, blood blood blood. A sudden headache had him sagging slightly under the wave of pain it brought on. When it subsided, he would fix his gaze on Ashiel again, assessing him with calculating amber eyes. Claws dug into the hardened soil beneath him as if to steady him should the earth choose to try and fall out from under him unexpectedly. Expression turned questioning as he slowly asked, "What of you, young godling, what brings you to this place at this hour? Seeking something, maybe?" He thought it likely, after all those who were content did not wander in the hours of darkness.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-11-2018, 11:48 AM

Ashiel blinked slowly as the man spoke in a tongue he did not recognize. Well that would make communication a bit more difficult. Griff was out scouting but some how Ashiel doubted that the bird would be familiar with this foreign tongue. It did not sound like any that built the songs Griff would since when going about his morning flight.

Ashiel stood patiently as the man reoriented himself. He was in no great hurry after all, the land would wait for him. Though he had no idea how he would communicate with the foreigner when he spoke again but he would try his best using gesture and body language. Thankfully, the man seemed to know the common tongue at least. Ashiel stared at the man in surprised. His shock in awakening there? "You mean you do not know how you came to be buried? You either have a trickster spirit following you or some very creative enemies."

The man was vague in his answer, referring to some sort of situation that had been worked out involving a powerful wolf. Enemies, then. The man seemed in pain but Ashiel did not have the skills to assist with any of that. "I am seeking a number of things. I seek lands to expand into when my pack begins to grow. Until then I seek members to join me. Perhaps that might interest you? If not though you are still welcome to visit. I have a healer who can examine you." The man surely was strong to have survived being buried like that and he looked like a skilled and fit warrior. Ashiel was not simply offering a healer out of the goodness of his heart. He hoped that maybe upon seeing the lands and with more time to talk and get to know this man that he could gauge if the stranger might be a good fit.

"What is your name?"

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



6 Years
Extra large
03-15-2018, 10:35 PM
Yes, the young man's faintly visible uncertainty when he was addressed in Czern's native tongue had the older male cracking a barely noticeable smirk. Maybe it was the fact that the kid didn't seem dissuaded from interacting with him that drew the man's interest. Or, maybe the kid was just interesting.

"Well, details are hazy. The burial itself to be specific, though the events that transpired before-" he paused for a moment as took note of a pain that shot down the left side of his neck and to his shoulder, a slight grimace twisting his features. Quickly he recovered and continued, "They become clearer with each passing moment." The idea of a trickster wreaking havoc on his life was amusing. If he were as religious as his kin he might have had an easier time latching onto the idea.

As Ashiel spoke, Czernobog would motion for the yearling to walk with him as he began to move towards the water nearby. Once he reached it the titan would stand so he could soak his paws in the water. A slight lifting of his lips in a mild snarl was the only indication he gave of how the water stung. Had he noticed the small lacerations on his paws before crossing the sand towards the ocean, he may have foregone this, but now that he was here he may as well let the water wash the irritated wounds.

Seeing his fragmented reflection in the lapping waves, he noted the smeared, nearly gone paint on his face and made a mental note to fix that. At last after a mighty yawn that threatened to leave him unsteady on his paws the man spoke with his thickly accented voice, "Aaaaallllright, I cannot see how it might hurt, and I think I might not be in a position to reject a healer." Indeed, the neck pain that had started was returning the more he moved. A pulled or strained muscle? Hm, some herbs were sounding better and better. That, and he was still curious about this 'descendant of a deity', it would be good to learn more about him.

A hearty laugh boomed from his lungs, full on grin parting his jaws. Turning to fix the younger man with his golden gaze Czernobog chuckled, "If I believed entirely in fate I would say it brought us together this strange night. My name is Czernobog, young godling. I laugh because I find it amusing that I should meet you, as my name means "Black God", and here I have found a god made of ash."

"Please, excuse my humor. Show me the way to this pack of yours, I'm quite curious about it."



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-17-2018, 10:41 AM
ooc: we can wrap it up next post, I just wanted to get 4 in for intellect points!

The man seemed to remember little of the burial but the events before were clear to him. He did not seem interested in divulging them and so Ashiel would let it go. It was a definite curiosity but not crucial information and he didn't want to be overly nosey into another wolf's personal affairs anyway. The man motioned to Ashiel and the younger male would follow. He found this stranger fascinating and saw no reason to rush off. the pair moved toward the water and when they arrived the stranger would move to rest his paws in the water, clearly it was causing him some pain. Ashiel wondered if Griff was familiar at all with healing practices but some how he really doubted it. If the man wanted help then Ashiel would have to take him back to the Empire. That was some what risky. Clearly the man had enemies somewhere but Ashiel rather doubted they'd be a match for the full might of the Abraxas. The only issue was his pack was still small. Still, he had made the offer and would not rescind it.

The man chuckled and introduced himself as Czernobog. At the mention of his name's meaning Ashiel's ears flicked forward with interest. Was this man also a descendent of one of the gods that fell with their own. He grinned. "Indeed, this is quite fortuitous! I find your name fascinating Czernobog. My name is Ashiel Abraxas and my pack is the Eclipse Empire. We reside in the Bent Canyon." He gestured for the man to follow him as he made his way toward the canyon. "Have you travelled far? I admit I am not familiar with the language you were speaking earlier."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



6 Years
Extra large
03-17-2018, 04:40 PM
A warmer smile played at his lips, showing how glad he was that the young man would put up with his easily-amused self. Well, this was certainly the quickest he'd found himself so entertained in conversation with a stranger, at least. "My father, Dahzbog, named me and my brother after the deities of the land he hailed from. Czernobog, the black god, and Belobog, the white god. It was not until we were grown that he said we were supposed to be related to such beings through many, many generations past. I am not sure if I believe him or not, but the idea certainly brings a sense of... comfort, I suppose, especially when I haul myself out of the earth," he laughed. Sharing such things to an eager listener was something he actually enjoyed. It felt nice to have someone listening with interest to his words, however frivolous they may be.

"It is good to meet you, Ashiel." he said with a slight dip of his head. Acknowledgement, and a faint hint of respect though not to the extent he once gave the leader he followed before his predicament. That came with time and trust.

Following after the man, Czernobog considered the question with a thoughtful hum. Had he? Yes, now that he thought about it he supposed his motherland was far, far away by now. "I have. My homeland is but a distant memory by now, I traveled much in my first year of life, and spent more recent months not far from here. My ancestors were nomadic from what I understand, so I suppose I picked up the bug early on though it fades more as the years go by. Have you done much traveling, yourself?" The boy was young for an alpha, it made Czern curious what sort of life experience he had as such a youthful leader. Seeing Ashiel lead would surely be intriguing. Smirking, Czern offered, "If you want, I will trade you a spar for some lessons? It is never bad to speak multiple tongues, the more you know the more the world opens up around you. The language I used is called Russian, but I speak three in total. The common tongue was the last one I learned, out of necessity. I think I have a rather good handle of it, do you agree?"



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-25-2018, 05:15 PM

Ashiel listened with interest as Czernobog spoke of his name and that he was named after the deities of the land he was from. Fascinating… surely these were some of the gods that had fallen with his. He would have to be sure to ask more. As Ashiel thought on it it only made sense for the descendants of the Fallen god to seek out the descendants of the allies that had fallen with him. Ashiel nodded. "I believe your father speaks truly. There are likely several bloodlines from the gods that have fallen with my own ancestor. It's not out of the question that you are one of these. Alas though, it seems we are all bound to mortal flesh and that has certain… disadvantages." Ashiel chuckled. "Like needing to breath." He had to admit he was enjoying this man's company.

Czernobog's family seemed to be nomadic, that was a lifestyle his mother certainly would have appreciated. Ashiel shrugged at his question. "I suppose I've done a fair amount but I've only ventured between Auster and Boreas. It is my mother who is the master wanderer." Ashiel considered Czernobog's offer. Finally he grinned and nodded. "Consider it a deal. No doubt I think I could learn from a spar with you as well. And yes, your skill with the common tongue is quite good. Well, to reach the canyon we'll need to head northwest, this way."


"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



6 Years
Extra large
03-28-2018, 10:27 PM
Ashiel thought Dahzbog was correct, though Czern remained unconvinced one way or the other. At times he thought perhaps deities did back him specially, certainly when he found himself bursting up from the ground. Other times, though, he was a prideful and wild creature who preferred to think he made his own way in life and that there was nothing but his own capabilities to thank or find wanting should he succeed or fail. Both options, the presence of and lack of higher powers, had their merits he supposed.

Shrugging, he let his gaze flick skyward as he sighed, "It is possible, I will not discount that. At times my perspective is skewed by my feelings about my sire, but that is an entirely different story." At Ashiel's next comment Czern scoffed playfully, "Ah, breathing's not so bad. I rather missed it while I clawed my way up from the roof of the underworld."

He made a mental note that  he might just need to meet this 'master wanderer' for himself if he decided to stick around. A slight wag of his tail and warmer expression preceded his reply, "Good! And I suppose. I like to think both parties learn a good deal in a fight, if they're paying attention." Turning to follow the man to his pack, Czern felt the lancing pain of another headache starting and found himself grateful to be on his way to a healer.
