


07-19-2014, 06:05 PM

It was building, rage and madness bubbling up beneath the surface and ready to explode forward. Massive beast twitched and seethed, the tension rolling off her in waves that could very well knock over another who dared to approach her. Head was hung low, nose dragging only a few inches above the ground, solid white eyes flittering too and fro as if scanning the lands. She wanted to taste blood, she needed to carve this madness into the flesh of another. Pelt rippled, barely containing the massive beast that slumbered beneath all the muscle and flesh. Everything was wrong, everything felt wrong. She felt like she needed to rip her flesh apart and shed her skin. She needed to be reborn. Teeth clacked together as jaws worked, clenching and unclenching as salivating jaws snapped at the air. She need to feel. And so she would walk, lumbering form heading through fern gully and up towards mount volkan. Head would lift as her paws found even ground, shoulders rolling back to stretch out tense muscles. Everything was tense lately, she felt angry all the time. Madness was trickling into her mind. Only occasional moments of clarity would grace her now a days. How long would it be until those faded completely?



07-19-2014, 07:11 PM

Decked out in his newest colors, Salamander walked with a bounce in his step, tail swinging and head rocking from side to side as a hum slipped from his lips. What was he humming? The boy didn't even know, he was just humming out random beats and didn't have a care in the world who heard. Hop, hop, side step, slide. The boy snickered at his little dance, eyes closing and ears pinning back against his head with a large goofy grin. He'd jump into the air, kicking all four of his limbs out then landing on all of them. Maybe he would start dancing, yes. He had already learned to paint, and how some plants affected the body, both good and bad. Oh what a good boy he was, learning all these things.

Off he went, moving at a steady jog through the lands. How he ended up around here? The boy wasn't too sure, the last thing he remembered was looking for something till he took a fall. When he woke up he just shook it off, forgetting about his little mission. Oh well, he'd remember sooner or later.

About half an hour passed by, the boy having wandered to the only known volcano in these lands. But there was something else, just a couple yards away he could see a figure. A wolf! Sal grinned, tail raising up into the air and immediately started to wag. A wolf, a possible friend! But wait! The boy had taken a step forward but stopped himself, not all wolfies were nice, some were bad wolfies and he had to be careful! Yes! Suddenly his features changed from a carefree child to a defensive and cautious male, ears moved to the side and lips pulled back slightly, revealing the tips of his fangs while hackles slowly rose. ?Hey you! I see you!? He barked, unaware of who it could be from this distance, but just wanted to let them know he saw them.
