
I heard the church bells from afar

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-19-2014, 06:44 PM

ooc. yo dudes, want to try and get through this quick, feel free to liquid time your wolves in earlier than the posts we've gotten to. Don't have to show up, but as a family you know they'd wanna see Novella married <3 Anyway if someone hasn't replied recently posting order is fair game. -kat

There hadn't really been much time between discovery and the date but those few days had certainly rolled past far too swiftly in Dutiron's opinion. He was getting used to the idea that much was certain though still he would worry for his daughter, the first of her litter to settle down it still didn't seem quite right that she was ready to do so in some ways. He had certainly given up arguing though, it was far too late to tell them to slow down after all and the more he thought about it the more he realised he had to commend Frith for staying, for daring to accompany Novella when she had to tell him the news.

He would take the slow walk with Novel outside and towards the typical meeting point for the pack. He was silent, thoughts still busy in his head as they had been for the past few days. Perhaps getting this wedding out of the way would help him to settle once more, adjust fully to the news that Novella had grown up, taken a mate of her own. He did hope however that the worries would fade soon, after all he was he was constantly reassured through things he saw between the couple or heard from his mate's comforting tones.

"I suppose we ought to gather the pack now then." He commented, glancing towards Novel as they finally came to a stop. She too gave him things to think about of course. They were getting close to the birth of the pups now. They were practised parents, had learnt from their mistakes with their previous two litters though that nervous excitement would still fill him as he waited. Today though Novella and Frith would hold his thoughts and likely be the topic amongst many minds in Ludicael. They were here to celebrate their union after all, or rather would hopefully be soon. Lifting his head, he would let out the call.

Novel i


8 Years
07-19-2014, 06:56 PM

She hoped that the event would settle her mate, or at least calm him down for when their own pups arrived. She was quite huge now, obviously ready to give birth at any moment. While she was sure the excitement of these children had captured a bit of Dutiron's attention Novella and Frith's wedding had been his focus. He still had not quite succumbed to the joy and excitement of it, she had no doubt he'd get there soon.
She would let him lead her waddling form to their preferred meeting place, she could feel the excitement in the air, a light hush had fallen over the mangroves as it too awaited the moments that would proceed. She'd smile at his words, nodding, ready for everything to be on its way, and to see her daughter married. She too would raise her head to the sky, calling the pack to gather.


Howl 1


07-19-2014, 07:05 PM

The male had been on his way to see his parents. There were matters he needed to settle, things he needed to put behind him. He was grudging, but it was something he always struggled to cope with. A sigh released from slightly parted jaws, hazel eyes full of struggle. However, he would not have time to dwell on his own thoughts. Just as he crossed towards their main pack land, the howl of both his parents seemed to call for the pack as a whole. He was curious, for they had just had a meeting not to long ago...albeit a grim one, for one of Song's children had passed away that day. Swiftly, he would soon arrive at the main meeting place. The male dipping his head to his parents as he took a seat. He would seem to be the first to arrive, surprising considering he usually was near last. Then again, he was trying to change his five years old, he couldn't keep doing the same old routine. He would only have a few more years before his own life was over, and he had not lived just yet.




5 Years
07-19-2014, 07:14 PM

The day had arrived. Novella could still hardly believe it if she was entirely honest. Frith had come along out of the blue and somehow the two of them had worked their ways tightly into each others lives. The thoughts of what the future held in store for them was still rather terrifying though she would look forward to today, at last a reason for the pack to celebrate something and whilst she wouldn't crave the attention, she was certainly glad that it was her wedding. Only a season ago would she had laughed if someone had told her she would be married in the Spring though now of course would feel nothing but happiness.

She didn't need any reminder about her parent's call to know to expect it and she would eagerly anticipate it. At last it would sound and bubbly feelings and all she would make her way to the usual meeting point of the pack. To her surprise her brother had in fact beaten her there, clearly clueless as the rest of the pack would be. What would they all make of Frith? Hopefully her brother's wouldn't go too harsh on him as well. She would continue now towards her family, greeting her parents and brother as she awaited her future husband and the rest of the pack to arrive.



7 Years

07-19-2014, 11:03 PM

The call of his grandfather was easily heard from his neighboring lands, and to what the gathering was he thought he knew. He had heard news of Novella and Frith, and on how they were planning to marry. He himself did not have large events set up like that in his pack just yet, but it was still as young as he was, still just a pup of a pack. But when the howl echoed into his lands, he bounded excitedly towards the borders. Even though he wad family, Bass still skidded to a stop as his toes touched the border, tipping back his head as he let out a howl to alert his grandparents that he too would be attending his event. Family or not, he was still an alpha and felt the need to carry on with all formalities. He didn't wish to cause a kerfuffle, not on a day like today.

Picking his way towards the wedding, Bass made sure to lower his dominance, these were not his lands and he was not the alpha here. Although his posture remained fixed, he slightly lowered his ears and allowed his tail to bump between his hocks. Licking his grandparents on their shoulders, he gently bumped into his Nana. "How many wolves are you growin' in there Nana? It ought to be any day now." He teased lovingly, settling close by. Turning to Novella, he flashed a wide grin at his aunt. "I would have brought you a gift, but I thought that I was a good enough present." Always the jester.



5 Years
07-20-2014, 01:59 AM

They'd not spent the last night together, it was like the final night os separation from this day forward they would be inseparable. He was about to embark on one of the most important moments of his life, and the excitement would just buzz off him. There was little sleep the last twenty-four hours as he, and Novel the second's tiny primate Elohim, would labor over a circlet of flowers made specially for his wife to be.
He would act like he was napping, his body sticking half way out of his tiny den. Dark features would rest upon his long limbs, just waiting for the moment that Novel and Dutiron would be ready for his appearance. He was excited to see his bride, couldn't wait to give her the circlet. So as the long awaited call would enter the atmosphere Frith was on his feet and on his way to the source of the call. A smile would play on his features that would be impossible to remove, however as he neared he realized he'd forgot the most important part. He needed the circlet.
Before he could think he'd turn back to his den, paws galloping to gather up his gift. As he neared, eyes would lay upon the intricate piece. Gently his jaws would reach to grab it, not wanting to damage it before giving it to Novella. Still he didn't want to be too late, so he'd do his best to hurry. It was odd how as soon as he entreated the clearing his fire and ice gaze would fall upon her form, and he wouldn't see anyone else gathered. He'd feel a goofy lopsided grin cover his features as he quickly closed the distance between them. He'd lift his head, maneuvering the circlet to lay over her right ear. "Hello beautiful," a whisper as he moved away, finding a seat close to her side.


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10 Years
07-20-2014, 04:36 PM

It was odd going to sleep without having Elohim in the trunk above her, he'd gone off into the woods and he had not returned until early that next morning. As she awoke she would take in the faint scent of another wolf upon him, which wasn't usually too odd except for the circumstances. She would ignore it though, readying herself for the day ahead. Easily she'd slip from the den and go about hunting for herbs that might have finally found their way into the spring air.
She hadn't done much when the form of Sorrel would find its way to her side, the boy would pose a question> Happily she would have answered him, but as soon as she tried a howl would call forth, summoning the pack for some reason or another. Did it have to do with where Elohim had been last night? She knew how timid her cousin was around groups, she'd seen that at the mass healer training. The only way to get over your fear was to face it, so she'd offer him something. "Come with me to the meeting, and i'll tell you right after."
Off she would go in the direction of her grandparents call. She didn't know if he would follow her or not, but if he couldn't find his mom she was the best option. It would do him well to be out with the rest of the family. There were only a few wolves who'd shown up before her. All were related to her except the dark male by her aunt. After taking in his scent she'd realize that he was the one Elohim had been with the night previous. Her curiosity was insatiable as she went to sit down, wondering what this might all be about.


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3 Years
07-20-2014, 05:07 PM

His mother was nowhere to be found when the young boy awoke that morning. A little more adventurous than he previously was, Sorrel would find himself setting off to find her. There would be no sign of her, though Spring would introduce him to a plant he had never seen before, it's scents and looks ever so interesting. He wouldn't touch it in case it was poisonous though would try to recall it's exact location so that he could bring his mother back to it, an excuse for a lesson really more than anything else.

It wasn't his mother that he would come across first however, but his cousin Novel. The elder girl had such a knowledge of healing that Sorrel was somewhat envious if he was entirely honest. Outside of his immediate family, she was certainly the wolf he was closest to and her help would do just as well. He would question her about the plant though before she could answer a call would sound from his grandparents, marking a pack meeting. A member of Ludicael now he needed to attend these things though the boy wasn't too keen on that fact.

Novel would blackmail him into accompanying her. Whilst in such a crowd he still would have preferred his mother, he daren't go to these things alone and so would take his cousin up on her deal, following her to the meeting. Sadly there still weren't many that had arrived, he preferred to slip in quietly and whilst none would stare at him, he still felt uncomfortable, perhaps it was simply the knowledge that he would now need to wait here longer. At least he wasn't the first to appear though, he would hate that even more. With his parents and siblings still not present, Sorrel would silently sit beside Novel, perhaps as others arrived he would seek a space away from her though for now he would remain in her company.



3 Years
07-20-2014, 06:18 PM

Dutiron had felt some what at a loss as of late if he was completely honest. Gone were the days that he could rush back to the den and share his day's learning and events with his brother. It seemed that the majority of his family had found their ways to cope with the death, though he had no idea how to himself. Learning was perhaps all he could think of, though as of late the only lesson had been the hunt for the Drafts of the pack. Others were of course mourning too and rather occupied with other things though he craved something to do himself.

A pack meeting perhaps wasn't the first thing on his list for distractions, though the young Destruction would obediently make his way towards the meeting point at the sound of his grandparents' howls. Others of the pack had begun to gather, and whilst there was certainly a hint of excitement in the air, it seemed that everyone was just as clueless as he was.

Only one of his siblings were present and Novel would move to join her, settling himself down on the side that Sorrel hadn't taken. It was the first time he had seen his cousin out without his aunt Symphony close by. He wouldn't question it, though it was certainly shocking. Instead however another question would leave the young Dutiron's lips as he looked to his sister. "Any idea what is happening?" He would ask quietly.



10 Years
07-22-2014, 07:00 PM

The call could not be mistaken as anything but joyous. The leaders of the pack would sing out a happy song, inviting all of Ludicael to join them. It seemed a celebration of some kind was in order -- but why? She was curious about the origin of such a song, and she found her paws carrying her to the source of the sound.

Many wolves had gathered here, and her gaze swept across the scene. It was not immediately apparent what the meeting was for, but she supposed she'd find out soon enough. She did not see either of her parents here, nor her siblings; she spotted Novel among the crowd, and found herself drifting to sit at her other side, opposite of Sorrel.

Often she felt out of place among the Destruction family. They were accepting and kind, every single one of them that she had met -- she simply wasn't part of their family. Most of her time was spent alone, with Novel, or with her own parents and siblings; she didn't spend much time getting to know the rest of the wolves here, though she was familiar with many of them. She would relax as she rested by Novel's side, though she felt a fair bit of uncertainty as well, though tried to keep a smile on her face as she nudged her friend's shoulder in quiet greeting.

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-22-2014, 07:31 PM

ooc: OK if your character isn't here yet and you want them to be we can just assume that they already are unless you want them to be that annoying one that disturbs the ceremony by walking in late xD


Even the worried father couldn't help but smile as Frith arrived carrying a crown of flowers in his mouth for the bride. He was terrified for them of course, but sweet little moments such as the one he had just seen, would certainly soften him a little more to the more joyous emotion that had already consumed his daughter and wife, not to mention of course Frith.

He would remain a silent figure at the front however as others began to gather, amongst them he was surprised to see his grandson, Bass perhaps he figured was simply wanting to keep the two packs updated, how surprised he would be to find out he had walked into what would hopefully be a once in a life time opportunity of his Aunt Novella's wedding. He would greet the boy and watch to see who else would arrive.

At last, the gathering came to a slow and the man, suddenly nervous once more would find himself coming to the realisation that it was time to explain all and begin the ceremony. He would take a deep breath and take a step forwards to address the pack. "Hello everyone, I know its not been that long since the last meeting though we are actually gathered here today for an entirely different reason." The last meeting had also been tainted by sadness, all would hopefully feel joy this time.

"Today we are here to join Novella and Frith in matrimony." He would pause there for a moment to let the news sink in to the pack and with a small motion of his head towards the couple as he awaited them to step forwards so all could clearly see them. "Now the union will likely come as a surprise to many of you, especially given as I'm sure not all of you have actually had the opportunity to meet Frith yet as he is one of the newest members of our pack. Despite that, there really is no denying that before me now stands a happy couple who I can only hope manage to bring each other as much joy as my own wife has brought to me throughout our lives together." Those words were honestly true, he couldn't deny that they seemed happy together, and certainly he hoped neither would bring the other anything but joy.

He moved on asking each in turn the traditional vows, pausing only to hear each say their 'I do'. Then, there was only one thing left to do; "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife." He had stood here in this similar situation only once before for Lyric, the second time he assumed it may have been easier and yet with Novella stood before him now he knew it certainly didn't. A part of him kept hold of that worry, a slight sorrow that the girl was clearly growing up, starting a family of her own and yet a small part of him felt conflicted pride and happiness, it was clear to see that she was overjoyed and the emotion was contagious, and he simply couldn't fight that small smile that formed.



07-22-2014, 07:42 PM

The boy was eager to see his aunt finally tie the knot. He had never thought of her to be the kind getting married, but then again, he didn't foresee himself like that before, either. Now, as he slipped into the surrounding family group, he watched with delight to see the faces of his family members. They were anxious, happy, and eager for the ceremony to begin. Silently, Dhiren wondered if he would ever have the spotlight on him.
He had listened to his grandfather speak the words of matrimony, witnessed his aunt and future uncle vow love to each other, and now they were bonded by marriage. His smile widened into a large grin as he watched them exchange nuzzles and happy kisses. Dhiren couldn't contain his excitement and gave up a howl that showed his happiness for the two to be united. If he ended up being the only one showing off, then he wouldn't let it bother him. His tail wagged behind him and he happily sighed. The ceremony was beautiful and Aunt Novella had never looked happier...




5 Years
07-22-2014, 07:48 PM

She had no doubts that Frith would turn up and rightly so were those thoughts as the man suddenly appeared. Novella's gaze would focus upon him now, those butterflies fluttering manically in her stomach as it all suddenly became so real and they had barely started yet. Before she could greet him however she would notice the flower circlet he held in his jaws and would carefully place atop of her head. A wonderful present, it was truly beautiful and she would carefully nuzzle into the man. "Thank you. I love it." She would say softly. How he had made it was certainly a mystery for now, though she knew it must have taken him a fair amount of time.

She would stand there at his side awaiting the ceremony to finally begin and at last her father would step forwards to speak. At his signal she would move forwards with Frith, now all the more nervous to be standing before the pack though her gaze remained fixed upon her mate and it was certainly easy to ignore them all. She would stand there silently until her father asked the question of her and with a small nod of her head and wide smile she would respond. "I do." And then came the final proclamation, they were officially husband and wife. Her stomach would make yet another happy flip at that revelation and she would step forwards to nuzzle and kiss her mate, her husband happily. "I love you, Frith." She would declare, words whispered softly so that only he could hear though by now it was certainly obvious to the entire pack that she cared deeply for the man. The first secret was out of the bag now and it wouldn't be long before the second would begin to reveal itself as well. Those future pups would be pushed out of her mind for now however as she focussed on savouring this moment; she and Frith were married.

Moment of quiet however was certainly over, a howl sounding from the crowd and reminding her that she and Frith were of course not alone. Her smile would grow once more before she let her own voice join in the joyful howls.

image by Kat



5 Years
07-23-2014, 01:08 PM

As he placed his gift upon his bride like a tiara, her simple lyrics would caress his ears thanking him and expressing her love for it. He'd smile more brightly, restraining himself from kissing her until the right moment as she moved to stand beside him. Fire and ice gaze would not notice the crowd gathering around them, he had only eyes for Novella and excitement for what they would do together.
The wait was less than he'd expected, a sudden burst of nervousness would fill him as he caught sight of Dutiron motioning he and Novella forward. As she let her dual toned eyes look to him for guidance so would he look to her. She would calm his nerves with ease, ears would be attuned to Dutiron's words but his eyes were all for Novella. The alpha's speech was heartening, he never thought he'd hear such kind and hopeful words from her father. Now though, as he went on, Frith could tell he only wanted the best for Novella, and by everything in the boy's power he would do his best for his wife.
Dution's words would then come to need participation from them, Novella would first answer, those two simple words would make his heart swoon. Though Dutiron would follow up with him quickly "I do." Then it was done. He'd push himself closer to her, accepting and returning her show of affection. He'd let himself kiss her, needing to be so close as he celebrated their union. Before the whole pack he'd made her his. "I love you, Novella." His voice was quiet as he nuzzled her soft fur, he would celebrate the opportunity to show everyone how much he loved her.
Their time alone would not last, the pack's happy musings would disturb his bubble, and before he knew it his own call would be joined with Novella's and they'd sing for the first time as husband and wife. <3


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


07-23-2014, 05:21 PM

The call of his grandfather would arise, summoning the pack together yet again. The boy would bound off towards the call, wondering what was up. He was happy to see Sorrel adventuring quite a bit more. It warmed his heart knowing that his twin was getting out there in the world and trusting those of their pack a lot more. F?li had still be searching for what he truly wanted to do within the pack, leaning towards trying his best to follow the path of a hunter and warrior. Sorrel was the most interested in herbs... And he would support his twin wholeheartedly in his endeavor to become a healer of Ludicael.

He was quite happy to see Sorrel present when he arrived. F?licien would walk up beside his brother, bumping his shoulder. ?Hey there! I?ve seen you out a bit more...? He lowered his voice at the second sentence. ?I want to hang out with you sometime soon... You?ve been learning about herbs right? Can you teach me some things too??

He would quiet, however, as things got underway. A wedding, between his cousin and the man who helped in the draft hunt. The boy would watch them, staying quiet. He was unsure how to feel, really. Happy? He supposed that was the appropriate reaction for family. So he would sit there quietly, smiling as he watched them.



07-23-2014, 09:15 PM

Guinevere had been part of Ludicael for a short amount of time, she'd been nervous about meeting Dhiren's family and had just started getting used to the territory around her. She had found a nice quiet den away from the hustle and bustle of normal pack life, and had mostly kept to herself save for the times Dhiren showed her around. As the call came up to gather though she felt a surge of bravery run through her. She would leave the confines of her rather small den and seek the source of the call.
Her russet marked form would arrive as Dhiren took a seat, him being the only wolf she knew she would let herself sit by his side, trying to be rather stealthy about entering a meeting where no one knew who she was. It might have been pertinent to stick around after the fact and actually introduce herself to the pack alphas, hopefully with Dhiren at her side. "Hey, so what's going on?" Her question would be answered almost instantly as the voice of Dutiron would take everyone's attention within the clearing. Bright golden eyes would fall to him as she realized she would be witnessing a wedding.
Of course with such news she couldn't help the smile that would form over her delicate lips as she would watch the proceedings beside the one she might one day end up in the same place with. She'd bump his shoulder affectionately as the final words were said. Her muzzle would tip up, following Dhiren's lead as they howled their joy to the world.

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