
Instincts made me find you


07-19-2014, 04:56 PM

OOC: crappy start, im tired but i wanted this up before going to bed:)

The russet woman had grown accustomed to residing in this particular area in the Western region; some what feeling at peace within the wolf paw lake area. It seemed to be getting much more quiet within the aging babes life; no longer the exciting and thrilling adventures like it used to be. A sigh would slip past her lips as her long, slender legs carry her towards the clear lake; looking down upon her mirrored reflection a paw would skim the surface; wrecking the clear image before her. It became clear she wasn't in the shape she used to be. Her fur once silken and groomed now a mop and ragged. Though it didnt really look that bad at all. It was time for Luxuria to find a home to support herself, though she had been debating whether to just stick around wolfpaw lake and hope for the best. She would sit for a moment, letting the wind slips through her caramel curls. Atleast she was able to see a few of her siblings after all this time. Lux would have to make sure to do it more frequently.