
Feel the beat now if you've got nothing left


03-21-2018, 03:09 PM
She had left Celestial, and perhaps it was for the best. Her hope to keep her family together had fallen apart… mainly because she had hardly been able to keep herself together. The girl had become more and more dissociated and detached from the world. She grew colder… why had their mother left them? That raid… it changed her. Whoever had hurt her… she wanted to hurt them. She wanted to hurt them bad. As badly as they hurt her and her family.

No, Nova thought to herself.

She wanted to hurt them worse.

Nova didn’t care what was real or not anymore. She lived life on a whim, almost recklessly. It didn’t matter whom she ran into anymore… could she keep them close? She’d begun lying more too, trying to see how far her words could go, her ‘rumors’ as she called them. Nova wasn’t sure if she even had power there… and the massive girl found herself lost in a world that she felt she barely knew.

Nova stopped, her sense of reality shifting in a way that made even the ground beneath her paws feel distant. The once happy girl had begun showing her darker side… that part of her that lurked beneath the surface. The massive rainbow coated girl at the beginnings of a strange woods, ears perked in their direction.

What was she? What was she meant for? The girl’s red eyes closed, a sigh leaving her maw. Where did she belong, if anywhere? Was she even meant for this world?

Daemon I


3 Years
03-21-2018, 03:47 PM

He padded through the woods, his search for the perfect land and the perfect females to carry on his lineage. The phantoms here didn't matter to him. He was a warrior, a spartan meant to add to the phantom's numbers. His hetero-chromatic gaze touched their forms dismissively. He did not scare easily, they would have to try harder.

He was slow moving but in the dim light of the forest his eyes produced a natural shine to them, making him seem like one of the phantoms himself. He could smell one ahead, female and young. Perhaps young enough to teach the ways of the spartan males, and to learn she was meant to do only two things, one less likely than the other. To bear children and be a healer, the less likely was to be a healer. He stayed in the darkness but moved so the female could see his eyes. The darkness they held was a dare. Come if you dare...

Her rainbow pelt was alluring with its softer tones, but her mask was that of a skull. Her figure was tall as his own was, yet her's taller. She was young but still old enough for him. She didn't smell of woman yet, she still had yet to have her first heat, which was good. For him that was.

He turned then letting his tail touch enough light for her to see it was real. Then he moved further, almost trying to tempt her. He was testing to see if she would indeed follow him, and to see if indeed she might learn. He needed no words only the temptation of his firmly muscled body and a chance to see if she would be tempted to follow something darker into the dark.

"Daemon" &"Nabis"

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.

Easter Bunny


03-21-2018, 04:50 PM

The Easter Bunny hops on by!

On her way through, she drops an egg at the paws of Daemon.


03-21-2018, 06:42 PM
Nova was sat in silence for a long moment, opening her eyes only when she thought she heard the footfalls of another. Was it her mind, playing tricks on her? Her ears swiveled, bright red hues scanning the darkened earth around her. The pale rainbow girl’s breathing didn’t quicken -- she wasn’t afraid. More so curious about whom might be nearby. The young woman hardly made a sound, barely moving until she caught something she was certain was another figure. Just a little flick of fur in the light was all it took to get Nova on her paws. She was curious who was flitting around in the darkness…

...and that might have been dangerous to check out… but Nova didn’t care about danger. She was numb to danger, padding after the stranger with ears perked to catch any noise she could. Her own steps were slow, but only slightly cautious.. “I saw you, the game’s over.” The girl stopped in the darkness among the trees. “If you wanted to hurt me you’ve have done it by now.” The girl canted her head to the side, tail swishing thoughtfully.

“So what do you really want?” Her words, while spoken bluntly, were not necessarily unkind.

Daemon I


3 Years
03-21-2018, 08:29 PM

She followed readily curious if her expression gave much away. He kept her in his peripheral vision. She seemed to have little grasp of the danger she willingly placed herself in. Some would challenge her then and their for her companionship, but Daemon was quite different. He wouldn't let just any bear his young.

Her words brought a harsh laugh to his lips. It was deep and guttural, like his voice was when he finally spoke. "I want an empire. But the question is, what do you seek? You follow so readily, but are you ready to leave what you know for the things you seek?" He stopped walking away now, instead turning and circling the girl once. His eyes were intense as he studied her. Then he moved to seat himself away on a small boulder. The darkness of this place felt much like home to him.

HE watched her, eyeing her reaction. HE knew how to draw in females even if it seemed to others he didn't. His brother might of been smoother at it but Daemon knew what he wanted and once he set his sights on something he didn't give up. Perhaps he wanted this girl, to train her into subservience and to teach her how to fulfill her duties best. Perhaps he would take her freedom from her and teach her. But first he would see if he could get her to do so of her own free will.

"Daemon" &"Nabis"

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


03-22-2018, 07:56 PM
Nova’s ears flicked back at the words, giving a snort at the words the male spoke. “What I know? You mean a bunch of bullshit and lies? Yeah, I think I’m ready to leave that behind.” Her words were bitter as Nova averted her gaze, feeling resentment climb up into her heart. Her mother’s leaving had created a crater in her heart. Her family wandering away from Celestial one by one tore into her… until finally she felt like it was her, Chasm, and Adore and she just… left. She was tired of trying to hold herself together in a place where things only reminded her of pain.

“Do you realize what going after an empire might cost you, potentially?” Nova’s words quieted. “When my mother was injured in a raid on our home she lost her goddamn mind. Are you sure that in going after an empire, where you’d be challenged for the right to rule, where you’d be fighting goodness knows how much, that you’d manage to keep yourself whole?” Nova shifted her gaze back to the man, frowning deeply. “When others fight… all it causes is heartbreak and destruction. Are you prepared to endure that?”

It was always something baffling to her how her mother was the only one to truly lose herself in Celestial after that attack. Maybe she was being extreme because of Marina’s fall. Maybe part of her blamed the pack that couldn’t save her. Maybe Nova just blamed the world, because she didn’t know who was at fault, or what, for her mother losing herself and abandoning them. She still didn’t look at the male, speaking softly once more.

“That’s out of line, I guess. Could say I’m just a kid pissed her mama went off and left her behind.” She gave a bitter smile as she looked at the male again. She wasn't sure what he'd make of her little spheil. But she felt that something was going to change that day... for better or worse.

Daemon I


3 Years
03-22-2018, 08:17 PM
He stayed silent as she went into her little rage fit. He got the answer he sought before that though. He took in the information she gave readily. Some pack had been attacked and apparently had shattered her family. How fortunate for him. So this girl hadn't been taught by her mother or anyone, which meant no one had likely shown her what love was or any of those monogamous thoughts. Good, she'd be perfect.

"That is not for you to worry about, I am a true warrior. I have been groomed and trained my entire life for such things. But you, seem like you need some one to teach you. Not only how to be a proper lady, but to be some one who will not be so easily broken." he gave a pause at that. "You say your mother left, so I guess the responsibilities of such things falls to me. That is unless you don't want to learn what all ladies should...." he trailed off it wasn't as much a question as it was a temptation.

He would have to see if she would agree to his training first then lay out his rules and such.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


03-27-2018, 11:25 AM
The young female listened as the male began to speak once more, a frown on her face. So he’d been trained for such things… prepared for them. She could only assume that her mother had not… why else would she have broken the way that she had? His words did honestly intrigue her… someone who could teach her to be a lady, as well as someone who would not be so easily broken. The girl broke her gaze again at this. Could he really teach her to stay whole when she’d already been falling apart for quite some time?

Nova took a moment to consider her options. The man before her was a stranger and yet… there was something about him that was enticing… something that was calling to her. The female felt almost like she was placed perilously on the edge of a cliff, her gaze narrowing before she looked up at the brown male before her.

“If you think that you can succeed where others have failed… then I’ll give you a chance.” Nova’s gaze was a bit sceptical. “Keep your word, and I’ll see what I can do to aid your conquest for an empire in return. Fail… and I’m gone like the wind. Do we have a deal?”

Daemon I


3 Years
03-29-2018, 09:10 PM
He gave a chuckle at her words. "Fair enough.... Now I shall tell you a few minor but important details.... to start, I come from a very prominent and strong bloodline. We are warriors, called Spartans, usually born for battle and leading and furthering our bloodlines. Me and my brother were born to be great kings, to build an empire consisting of those that wish to mold to our customs and ways. Your part you play will be a major one, for without females our numbers cannot thrive. As a life bringer your job is of utmost importance. I will prepare you for this as part of your training as well." he kept his tone as matter of fact informing her not only of his plans but of what her most important job would be.

He watched and waited for her reaction and any questions. "First lesson is to exchange names, then I wish to know your birth season. I am Daemon Areus." he waited to tell her this until she had asked her questions or commented as she seemed liable to do alot of. Her birth season was to him of utmost importance, for how would he breed her if he did not know the exact moment she would come into her first heat. There was a likelihood that she may not fall pregnant in her two year heat but it would not stop him from trying more than once. He had nothing against forcing her either. Due to their little deal she was now his first woman, the first of his harem.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


05-16-2018, 05:22 AM
Spartans… a builder of empires. It seemed to strange to her, all these wolves seeking to build a pack. But the man did seem rather sure of himself, didn’t he? She watched his bi-colored gaze, brow furrowed, listening to what her role would be. A life bringer. A mother. The thought made her both wary and, in some ways, made her feel better too. It would be a purpose, if nothing else. Something to live for. That had been her mother’s role, had it not? Maybe she’d just been doing her job wrong… maybe Regulus didn’t teach her right. Or whoever was supposed to. Who knew.

“Daemon Areus…” The female tested the name on her tongue. “I’m Nova Aga--” She paused, frowning as she flicked her ears back. “Agatsuma. By blood anyway. I was born in the depths of winter.” The pale rainbow lady continued to watch him, feeling her heart begin to race. Would she be a better mother than her own? Was she doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Part of her wanted to be a mom too… but she was also scared of having the same thing happen to her.

“So what now…?” The femme asked softly, feeling her world start to shift. Changes were here… and whether they were good or bad… she’d signed herself away to this man. All for a chance at change.

Daemon I


3 Years
05-17-2018, 01:54 PM
He flicked his ear as she tested his name on her tongue. He could imagine it would sound better later but for now she was still maturing and becoming the woman she should be. He knew moments later by the way she seemed to reject her own maiden name, the way she seemed ashamed of such a thing, that she must of had some sort of problem with her family life. He nodded as she finished and told him he would have a mere two seasons to wait before she would be able to be breed. "Be proud of your maiden name Nova. If you cannot find a reason to be proud of it and make such a name better then you may disregard it and take up my own last name as yours." He didn't know exactly what could make a woman hate her own namesake but he did know he could give her one that would be something she could better.

He knew with proper training she would become a proper wife for him. One of many, though he would gradually let her know that he would bed others than just her. It was the way of spartans. Many wives meant many strong sons could be provided. She would make a good mother for some of these children. she asked what came next and he was obliged to answer her. "You have many things to learn between now and when you gift me with our first litter. We may as well start now. What is the extent of your knowledge of hunting and fighting? What has your mother taught you of your place among a pack setting?" He kept to her past training for now, since it would either be something he should build off of or rewrite for her.

Perhaps he would have to train her from the ground up. It would matter little to him though. He turned his gaze on her, her scent taken in as he did so. He would need to bathe her in his own so Nabis and others would know she was taken.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.