
Must love Plots!



4 Years
Extra large
03-22-2018, 07:50 PM
Click on the images to go to the character's profile

Acapella Adravendi | 5 Years (Spring) | Celestial [Image: Celestial.png] | Single

Has been placed into the Unit rank of the pack at the raid. Really looking now to get out and get some interactions going on and this time it doesn't have to be with fellow pack members, even though I would really like threads with pack members. Her world has changed since the raid she now had to relearn everything since her sight has been taken so it would be nice for some help from others on how to retrain herself.
Note: Is now completely blinded after Talis' raid on Celestial lands.

Looking for
- Love interests (male)
- Hunting buddies (for skill points)
- Meeting others (for skill points)
- Friends
- Pack threads

Allegro Destruction | 1 Year (Summer) | Loner | Single

My newest addition to the Bluetick Team! I have not rped him yet and he doesn't have to much history other then being born and returning to Ardent with his family. Now the Fiori is gone I don't Know what they are going to do or where they will go.

Looking for
- family threads
- Navigation (for skill points)
- meeting others (for skill points)
- Friends
- crushes

Branch Wreckage | 2 yrs (Spring) | Loner | Single

Branch is the character I'm going to create a pack with. It is going to be based more on the Wreckage clan. Trading and Healing will be the primary of the pack, relationships are formed and kept up with trading other packs. They will be a neutral pack who accepts anyone as long as rules are fallowed. I will be posting another thread on his pack information.

Looking for
- Friends
- Family members
- Potential pack members
- Wolves to meet (skill points)
- Hunting Buddies (skill points)
- Love (female)

Chasm Agatsuma | 2 Years (Winter) | Celestial [Image: Celestial.png] | Single

A lot has happened in this young male's life leaving him broken, confused, and forced into caring for his younger siblings. He is one of Liar x Marina's children who has dealt with what he feels abandonment from his father, getting lost at a young age and forcing to learn to survive. Recently with the raid it has sent his mother over the edge and she has abandoned him and his younger siblings. He never had a real childhood were he had the careless worries and was able to have fun. He feels like there is a large piece to him missing and he doesn't know how to fix it. He also has a vary rough time completely trusting others, even within the pack because all those he had trusted had turned on him so far. Chasm has an outgoing and bossy little companion by the name of Bones, a Tasmanian devil that helps to speak for him half the time.

Looking for
- Friends
- Crushes/love (female)
- Mentors
- Parental figures
- Hunting partners (skill points)
- Meeting others (skill points)
- Pack interactions/relationships

Clay Wreckage | 4 Years (Summer) | Loner | Taken

Since he has traveled to the lands of Ardent he has become the protector of the outcasts. It started with Kait, getting her away from a male she wasn't happy living with which meant she had to leave her blood related children after they were born. Next Kait took in this pup named Baldwin that has no blood relation to her or to Clay. Kait had just had another litter of puppies that Clay is going to help her raise them and once the pups are old enough they will more then likely move around again.

Looking for
- Hunting buddies (skill points)
- Spar buddies (skill points)
- Friends
- Enemies (already has 2)
- Meeting others

Corentine Wreckage | 1 Years (Summer) | Abaven [Image: Abaven.png] | Taken

Daughter of Storm x Elias and will soon be turning 2. Unlike her mother she has decided to stay in Abaven, mostly because of her close friend Brandr. She is beginning to grow stronger feelings for him and I'm interested to see how the two of them develop. She is a natural born hunter with a great nose in tracking, but like her mother she also knows quite a bit on herbs. She hopes to make a name for herself and a newish start in Abaven with the change in leadership.

Looking for
- Pack interactions/relations
- Hunting buddies (skill points)
- Herb gathering buddies (skill points)
- Patients (skill points)
- Friends

Delaney Callen | 4 Years (Winter) | Loner | Emotionally Taken

Delaney has has a little bit of a rocky road, but she still shines brighter then ever. Her mother had been murdered and she never knew her father. Her adoptive father has disappeared on her twice. The two packs she was a part of before had disbanded and vanished in thin air. Her mentor and friend disappeared, and now Mortar is making a habit of disappearing. She has come to care deeply for Mortar and I think from here that will only grow no matter if it remains one sided or that eventually he will feel the same for her. She is outgoing and bubbly and tries to always be positive.

Looking for
- Friends
- Others to meet (skill points)
- Herb hunting buddies (skill points)
- Patients (skill points)
- Family Interactions (With Mortar's Fam)

Derecho Wreckage | 2 Years (Summer) | Loner | Potentially Taken (has a plot)

So I took on another Wreckage, just couldn't resist! Anywho she had been washed away by the rapids as a young pup and when she washed ashore she didn't know where to go and ended up traveling down into Auster. She's been traveling since and has a wandering soul. Currently she is trying to see if she gets any spark with Torin which in short will result in kids and moving to Lirim.

Looking for
- Friends
- Others to meet (skill points)
- Hunting buddies (Skill points)
- Family Interactions

Frostbite Wreckage | 6 Years (Winter) | Lirim [Image: Lirim.png] | Taken maybe

He has taken up the role of second in command in Lirim and has taken Torin under his wing to help him learn so that one day he could take his place beside Rory. Frost has hopes of having a litter with Stardust when the time is right and before he gets to old.

Looking for
- Pack interactions/relations
- Friends
- Hunting buddies (skill points)
- Spar buddies (skill points)
- May need a back up mate if Bird doesn't return :(

Laisren Adravendi | 3 Years (Autumn) | Celestial [Image: Celestial.png] | Single

He had failed his first big fight, but it's going to make him more determined to grow and serve his pack as a fighter. He is going to work vary hard to get his skill points up and become better at fighting and at protecting the pack.

Looking for
- Friends
- Pack interactions/relations
- Sparring buddies (skill points)
- Hunting buddies (skill points)
- Love interest (female)
- Mentors

Nowa Abraxas | 4 yrs (Spring) | Joining Eclipse | Single

Seer, Scientist, and god like.

Looking for

Romanov Agatsuma-Wreckage | Pup (summer) | Loner | Single/too young

Just born!

Looking for

Storm Wreckage | 7 Years (Spring) | loner | Taken

She has left Abaven to fallow her son and support him in his dream of a pack. Lived shortly in Dauntless and became a grandmother, then Dauntless disbanded. She traveled around some and then met up with her childhood friend Chinook and has been with him and taking up residence in the orchard.

Looking for
- Friends
- Pack interactions/relations
- Herb hunting buddies (Skill points)
- Patients (Skill points)
- Meeting others (skill points)
- Wolves to mentor

Zinnia Wreckage | 4 Years (Winter) | Talis [Image: Talis.png] | Single

Zin is another ball of bright light who yearns to be with others. She is social and curious and loves to learn new things. She has a vary young spirit and never seems to get down or depressed. She doesn't have much going on other then her one sister will be created and joining her in Talis

Looking for
- Love interests (male)
- Pack interactions/relations
- Exploring buddies (skill points)
- Hunting buddies (skill points)
- Friends
- Her siblings adopted (have 2 available designs)



5 Years
03-23-2018, 02:58 PM
-Cautiously steps forward, Serene clutched tightly to chest-

I was wondering if you would be interested in possibly threading Branch x Serene together when she gets accepted? She is a little socially awkward and could use someone to show her the ropes (which could also be a chance to mold her into a darker character, which i am not apposed to). But she is also a healer/intellect and could definitely become loyal and a potential pack member for Branch!

Okie that was all -Quickly shuffles backward-




4 Years
Extra large
03-23-2018, 07:36 PM
Branch would love to! He loves to meet others and is outgoing so he could certainly help her out of her shell!



7 Years
Extra large
03-23-2018, 07:40 PM
Ooooh I've been meaning to ask if you wanna thread accapella with Nabis, idk I was just thinking about it earlier.



6 Years
03-23-2018, 08:00 PM
That might be an interesting thread Lo!