
all my dreamers put your hands in the skin



07-20-2014, 09:52 AM

The large male had a smile firmly set on his ebony jaws, his tail loose, moving with his body. He loped playfully around the mountains, until curiosity struck him, and he set out to climb the mountains. Currently, Drago's golden hazel eyes were staring intently inside the cavern, gaze darting this way and that. A deep inhale told the gentle brute that this was not a place others visited often. He let out a yip, his voice echoing back at him. "Hello!" He prolonged the 'o,' making it turn into a howl of sorts. Again, his voice echoed back to him. But no other voices were heard. There was no one else. Well, no one that was willing to return his greeting. Testa di cazzo. He thought, basically calling whoever was in and not answering his greeting - if anyone at all - a dickhead, though the words held little venomous meaning. After all, Drago didn't think badly of anybody. With a grin, the pale russet creature set forth, deeper into the caverns. His humming echoed all around him.

Act. "Speak. Italian." Think.


07-20-2014, 10:36 AM

The graceful maiden hopped across the mountain rocks that morning, her silver banner sailing behind her. Her willowy muscles pulled easily as she leapt about, a smile on her face. It was a lovely day. The woman had recently gone to visit a friend, and his new home seemed to be a nice place. She was filled with hope now, imagining her future there. Maybe she could join. Maybe she could always be with Dart. Such thoughts were childish, of course, but she wouldn't deny herself the pleasure of just imagining it.

Her back would curve in one fluid motion as she jumped off a boulder and her dainty paws struck the ground. Kitsune had landed in front of a large cavern, and the moist air seemed to beckon her inside. After all, the little fox had been traveling all day. Some time in the shade couldn't hurt. So she trotted warily inside, nose and ears twitching, her vibrant grey eyes moving carefully about. She was just about to decide that the coast was clear when a yip echoed throughout the cavern. Kitsune froze, waiting for another sound. The shout came shortly after, a loud "Hellooo" in a masculine voice. She darted into the cover of the shadows as a large wolf came lumbering by, and she could feel the hairs on her tail standing on end. But he seemed friendly enough... and if he was looking for company... it would be rude of her to ignore him, right? The last thing Kitsune wanted to be was rude. She had been raised to be a lady.

So the little creature crept out of the darkness, wobbling only slightly as she stepped into view. She gave a polite bow and smiled at the man, her voice showing more confidence than she felt. "Good day, sir," she greeted quietly, letting her voluminous tail sway behind her. "My name is Kitsune. What brings you here?"



07-20-2014, 12:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2014, 06:33 PM by Ignazio-Drago.)

It was silent, save for his humming. His own murmured voice reached his ears, but Drago was content enough to be alone. He enjoyed his times alone, truthfully, though he loved company, as well. He was, after all, a social creature. He just disagreed strongly with the way packs worked. One or two wolves telling everyone what to do? No way! And all those tiers and having to 'work your up' - to prove your worth? Drago didn't need to prove himself to anybody, and nobody else should feel the need to, either. Attento, Drago. He warned himself in his head before voicing his thoughts aloud. You must also remember that everyone deserves the freedom to choose if that's the life they want to lead." His words echoed softly around him, becoming a mantra, digging itself into his brain. It was then he caught sight of movement, the light from outside showing him a silvery and orange pelt. The creature was quite small. She greeted him, her voice friendly. No malice seemed to be held. Not that Drago would have noticed malice.

His dark lips were pulled into a happy, friendly grin, tail swishing to and fro. His golden hazel gaze held nothing but friendliness, love for the stranger - not romantic love, but a familial type of love. The same love he shared for everyone, whether they were strangers or enemies. "Hello to you, bella." His vocals held a distinct Italian accent. "I am called Ignazio Jeovanni, but my friends call me Drago." The male dipped his head. "Curiosity brings me here, volpina, and yourself?" Drago was amused at his own use of the Italian word 'volpina.' In this case, he used it to mean 'foxy' rather than 'fox' as a joke that only he would get.

Act. "Speak. Italian." Think.


07-20-2014, 07:06 PM

Kitsune was glad to see that her first impression was correct. This was a friendly wolf. He greeted her with a contagious grin and a wag of his tail, speaking with an interesting accent. The woman felt that she had encountered such an accent before, but she couldn't be sure. Either way, she felt a small giggle rise in her throat when the word bella passed his ebony lips. This was a romantic language, it seemed. Surely that was a compliment. His name, as well, sounded foreign to her ears. So Kitsune immediately decided to adopt his more simple name. "It is my pleasure to meet you, Drago, and I guess you could say I was drawn by curiosity as well. That is what brought me to these lands, at least. I came to this cave to take a break from all the walking I've done today." She gave the brute a cute little grin, thick silver tail still swaying involuntarily.

It was only then that the maiden decided to address what she had heard earlier. She didn't want to embarrass Drago if he had in some way been talking to himself, but the quote had sounded almost poetic. Things like poetry and romance always piqued her interest. The fox was known to be a pretty emotional creature. She was sensitive, but not in a bad way.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, what was it that you were saying earlier? Something about choosing the life you want to lead?" She blushed a bit, still smiling gently. "It was beautiful. I liked it, whatever it was."



07-22-2014, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 09:18 AM by Ignazio-Drago.)

The little silver and orange fox let out a giggle when Drago called her bella, an appreciative sound. That made the large pale man quite pleased with himself, happy to have made the girl happy. He had always been that way, desiring nothing more than to make others grin. She responded to his question, her voice floating through his ears gently. "Another weary traveler? We have more in common, Kitsune." Drago chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his throat. "I myself enjoy a good adventure." The brute spoke with a kind, lopsided smile. After a moment of silence, the fox spoke up again, this time with a question. Drago's head cocked to the side as he pondered what she'd meant, but realization struck him soon enough. He let out a soft, somewhat sheepish laugh. "You must also remember that everyone deserves the freedom to choose if that's the life they want to lead." Drago repeated flawlessly what he'd stated earlier. It was a common mantra to the brute, something he told himself as often as possible.

"I was only reminding myself not to judge others based on their chosen paths." He explained himself with a shrug of his left shoulder. "You see, I disagree quite strongly with a pack life. I do not believe that wolves should follow what another says, just because. I am my own Alpha, I suppose. But my beliefs also say that everyone deserves the right to freedom. In many cases, that includes the right to give up their complete freedom. But it is a choice that they must make for themselves, not for me or anyone else to decide for them." He paused for a moment before adding hastily, "I do not mean to insult you if you happen to be in a pack, Kitsune, and I do not wish to sway you one way or the other if you are not. As I said, the choice is ultimately yours and yours alone." His golden hazel eyes held sincerity as he gazed into her pale ones.

Act. "Speak. Italian." Think.