
Among Giants



7 Years
03-24-2018, 08:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2018, 07:31 AM by Zinnia.)

She uncurled from her comfy slumber and rolled onto her back as she yawned. Now that she was fully settled into her own comfy cavern in the canyon Her bed lined with pelts that she took from her old den at the castle, though she had to admit with the cavern being a lot larger then her normal dens so it felt a lot more lonely then her last den, but over time she felt she could grow used to it. Her eyes stared at the rock ceiling for a moment before she stretched out all four legs into the air and rolling back over onto them and getting up. She wasn't sure were to begin now, maybe she should see who else was around right now.

Getting up from her pelt bed she moved out of the cavern and paused outside looking around. She didn't see anyone so far so she moved from her cavern and began to climb down the rocky path to below. She took her time, still new to this climbing and she was fearful of falling and getting hurt. Once down to the bottom she gave a small sigh of relief before looking around again and then trotting forward. No one was directly around, but maybe she would run into somebody while familiarizing herself with her new home. So she began to explore, checking things out, taking in scents, and even doing a little digging here and there if she found something that smelled interesting.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
03-27-2018, 07:28 AM

Typhon was still getting used to the canyon. It wasn't at all like the previous lands he'd lived in, but he supposed over time he would become accustomed to the slightly drier air here. He was grateful for the river that ran steadily at the bottom of the glacial canyon, though - and he knew the more wide-open space gave them an advantage when it came to keeping unwanted guests out of their lands. Scents would be easier to track here, with less room for those unwanted wolves to hide. He supposed the various natural rock formations near the bottom of the canyon was an issue, but he figured scents would be easily tracked to their source even there...

One particular scent caught his attention today. It wasn't an intruder, not exactly, but it didn't belong to an Abraxas wolf, either. If he wasn't mistaken, it belonged to someone who had been present at the last meeting Ashiel had called. Of course, knowing that that didn't satiate his curiosity completely. While he knew that allowing mortals into their pack would be necessary to further their conquest, his loyalty had always been to his blood and his blood alone... so he wasn't quite sure how to take an outsider. Wondering what this female might be up to, he trailed after her scent, nose twitching as his head hung low to the ground.

His gaze fixed on her once he found her, the much larger male ambling slowly towards her as he made his way to the bottom of the canyon. Moving cautiously had never been something he was adept at, but he supposed navigating the steep walls of the rocky canyon would become much easier as time went on. Typhon cleared his throat once he paused a fair distance away, trying to get her attention before speaking. "Afternoon," he grumbled, as friendly as he could muster - which wasn't overly so. He had a feeling Ashiel would be displeased to know if he ran off a newcomer, so he'd do his best to be friendly. "Don't think I caught your name at the meeting. I'm Typhon Abraxas." He dipped his oversized head in greeting, taking a few slow steps closer.
© argent 2017



7 Years
03-27-2018, 07:49 AM

Agile form bounded along as she allowed her nose to do the work in finding something to occupy her time. She really wanted to get off on the right foot this time and this meant to get to know the giants that she lived with. She had been curious ever since stumbling upon Ashiel during his sacrifice and so far the curiosity had yet to be fed. She wanted to find Ashiel and find out more, but she knew the young giant was busy, busy with family matters and with pack matters. He was nice enough to invite her in among his family and a place she probably would never belong, but it would never stop the bubbly and curious nature she had. She would have to see if there was any interest in the other pack members associating with her. It couldn't be that hard right? 'Sure all of them could probably murder me with one swipe of their paw.....'

She shook her head, it was no way to think. As long as she was respectful and stayed out of their path she was sure she could make friends in no time. She had so much to learn about this family and this new pack that she was now apart of. Surely someone would be up to teaching their traditions without growing annoyed of it. The sound of a throat being cleared behind her drew her from her thoughts and she turned to face the Abraxas male. She smiled wagging her tail in greeting to the larger male as he spoke. He introduced himself though the air he had about him was.... exciting! She was overjoyed that he was speaking to her and that he was taking time from his duties to associate with what they considered a mortal. In a way it made her feel somewhat special.

"Afternoon, It's Zinnia Wreckage. It's nice to meet you Typhon, you settling in well?" she responded not sure if where they used to live was similar to the canyon or not.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
04-01-2018, 09:40 AM

Typhon couldn't help but wonder what might entice non-family to join the Empire, but even if he didn't fully understand it, he certainly appreciated it. If they were smart, they'd all join the Abraxas and flourish right alongside them. He'd just never really met enough wolves who understood the family's place in the world, or how they might prosper alongside his family. Perhaps this female was smarter than most? He could take Ashiel for quite a charming male so maybe it wasn't all that surprising; perhaps she was simply sweet on him, or another member of his family. What did he know?

He narrowed his eyes slightly as she faced him. While his instinct - as it usually was when talking to wolves he considered mortals - was to bristle slightly, Zinnia seemed polite and so he softened slightly. "Same to you, Zinnia," he replied gruffly, though his gaze was curious as he assessed her. Her wasn't quite sure how to answer her question. Things were fine here. He had yet to speak to his brother again, which was of slight concern, but he'd finally - hopefully - found his purpose for the family, and for that he was grateful. The canyon, though, was a different story, but he supposed in due time he'd get used to it all. "I think I am. Still getting used to these lands, though. What about you? Enjoying your time among the Abraxas?" A slight smirk split his expression, eyebrows lifting as he eyed her curiously.
© argent 2017



7 Years
04-18-2018, 12:23 PM

She was vary curious of this family and maybe it was stupid of her to be so, but something about her interactions with Ashiel had told her that his family wasn't as bad as they seemed. They were a powerful family, that was proven at the challenge and even though they were so powerful, she somehow felt so safe here. She still felt she had to tread lightly, not knowing much about the family only then the interactions with Ashiel. He was polite in return to her as he answered, making her smile a bit more. She was glad that he was actually giving her the time of day. She knew they all considered her a mortal and part of her feared that it meant they wouldn't have the time of day for her, so the fact he was giving her attention and speaking to her was enough to make her feel more attached to this family. His reply made her curious again, he was still getting used to the area. It could be a normal reply or  something with a deeper meaning. She was curious where the family had come from and maybe this male would eventually be willing to share, but she didn't want to push her luck. His facial reactions to the last part of his speech made her tail wag lightly.

"Well living with all these giants seems to be going well so far, though I admit it can be rather intimidating," she said with a soft laugh trying to joke with him a little bit. "I will say I have never lived in caves and caverns before so that is definitely something to get used to."

It was true, she wasn't sure her family clan had ever made their homes in caves or caverns. They had always had wolves digging den systems when they settled in a place, or simply sleeping within brush much like prey animals would. So far she wasn't caring for it because it was rather cold at night and was far to open to be comfortable, but she was adaptable it would just take her some time before she grew used to it.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
04-18-2018, 07:51 PM
While he was slightly tense around wolves not of his own bloodline, as though assuming he'd constantly need to be on the defense, he was quickly realizing that Zinnia wasn't interested in questioning or insulting his family. Wolves he'd met seemed inclined to generally question their culture, so he usually expected it.. and when Zinnia treated him as any other wolf, he was quite pleasantly surprised. He returned a smile with a faint one of his own, though the expression felt odd on his usually far more expressionless features.

Giants, eh? Come to think of it, many of his family tended toward the larger side of the spectrum. He supposed he didn't think of it all that much. The comment, though, had him chuckle softly. "My family can certainly be intimidating. Have you met Amon yet?" The self-proclaimed patriarch of the family was easily the most threatening of the lot, though the younger members showed promise yet; Typhon spoke casually, not wanting to betray the fact that he, too, was seecretly intimidated by the more respected members of the family. "And I'd have to agree.. I'm more accustomed to living in the forests but slowly getting used to this place, I suppose. At least figuring out the terrain gives you something to occupy your time with." Though he supposed he ought to be working on training his skills - there was much more he needed to know about fighting, in order to help his family grow their reign and defend their names.

© argent 2017



7 Years
04-29-2018, 08:22 PM

Though she was highly curious on the culture, she knew better then to blast away with questions. She used to do that as a pup and knew most would get highly annoyed with her. She wanted to make good impressions and act like an adult truly would, learning things would come in time and she was sure they would be more then willing to teach her their ways. She noticed his faint smile and her eyes lit up a little more. It also amused her that he chuckled at her little joke making her once again smile. He then mentioned an Abraxas named Amon, curiosity shown in her features suddenly, she had not met this Abraxas.

"No I haven't yet. In fact you, Ashiel, and Mallus are the only ones I've met so far. Is he within this pack, or the Risen Empire?" she replied.

She didn't know what Amon was like, but she was curious all the same. She hoped to meet and form some sort of relationships with the rest of the family and fully find her place within the pack and within their religion, goals she planned to uphold. He proved a good point about the terrain they now lived in and she agreed.

"That's true and there is so much ground to cover that it will take a few days to fully take in everything I'm still not even used to the prey that thrives in Auster" she said with a sheepish grin.

She had been living in Auster for a while now so she was embarrassed to say that. She wondered if Typhon did any hunting for his rank. Maybe he was more familiar with the game then she was. She let the statement hang out there deciding it was best to see what he would say.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
05-21-2018, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2018, 05:53 PM by Typhon.)

Perhaps it was foolish to mention Amon? No, despite the fact that he hadn't been heard from for some time now he was still one of the heads of the family and a man who was to be respected, despite his absence. But it seemed Zinnia had not met him, and he shrugged somewhat absently. "He created the Risen Empire, though Malleus has since taken control. I don't doubt that he's found some... other important family matters to attend to." Otherwise abandoning his family and his pack made no sense to Typhon, so he'd settle on that explanation for now, not inclined to doubt his family's decisions.

Her comment about being unused to the prey here had him nodding in slight agreement. "Can't say I'm all that used to it myself. Truthfully, I've spent the last few years on my own, away from my family - training to come aid them." Typhon decided against giving any further details. To say he'd been banished by his own father, and all but pronounced dead to the rest of his family wasn't a fact he was proud of. He was proud, though, of how far he'd come - and how far he had yet to go. "So this is all quite new to me too. Perhaps we could scope out some prey together sometime?" He was pleased to have a non family member who seemed respectful of their ways, and it seemed as though she had the potential to be a loyal follower. Typhon could only hope his assessment of her was right.
© argent 2017



7 Years
07-16-2018, 09:18 PM

She nodded slowly as he explained, taking in his words and doing her best to remember. She truly did not know how extensively the Abraxas family stretched, but in all honest her family was the same. She did want to try her best and keep everything straight, because she was now somewhat apart of this family and she wanted to do her best to fit in. For some reason she felt driven to be apart of all this even when she was didn't even know what it all meant yet. This Amon sounded a lot like the three sisters that sat at the head of their family, controlled what moves the clan took and was the head of all the decisions made. Their approval meant everything to the family clan and there had always been family matters to attend to. Amon must have had other family matters that needed to be taken care of, it made sense in her mind.

He wasn't all that familiar with the prey here either, a statement that made her feel a bit of a relief. Knowing she wasn't the only one made her feel a bit less different from him and made her realize they had some things in common. He spoke of being away from his family and she grew interested, since she had been the same way.

"I was in a similar situation, although I havn't been away from my family to train, instead me and my cousin were ordered to collect a family member that had settled in Boras.... Although as you can see it never truly happened." she explained.

She couldn't help but smile at his offer, any chance to bond with another was gold in her eyes. She liked to be around others and so far she felt more drawn to Typhon just like she had with Ashiel. Though they are both intimidating in size, their personalities were so unique and unexpected. In all honestly she was curious to find out more about him.

"That would be a great idea! I would love to scope out some prey," she said her smile turning into a bit of a cheesy grin.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
07-31-2018, 07:35 AM

Zinnia's genuine interest in his family pleased him more than he dared show. Loyal followers that weren't blood-related seemed a hard thing to come by, so Typhon would value her membership in the Empire, as long as she chose to stand by them. And what a fine choice she's made, he thought to himself, pleased that his family had grown enough to convince mortals that they were worthy of being followed. Not that he'd ever doubted it himself - but he knew obtaining devoted followers was no easy feat.

She seemed relieved that she wasn't alone in being unfamiliar with the terrain, and a faint, distant smile pulled at his lips. The canyon might not be his ideal territory to reside it, but it was strategic and Typhon could only think the gods had put them here for a reason. There was no use questioning it, but instead he must adapt and overcome. The first step, apparently, was getting used to the terrain and the prey it held. He listened to her story, nodding. He couldn't help but wonder why she had left her family, something he could never fathom - unless ordered to, of course - but he wouldn't question it.

Perhaps.. they could start their explorations of this place now? Zinnia, at least, seemed interested. Briefly he visually scouted out their surroundings before turning his attention back to her. "Let's grab a bite to eat now, then," he offered - though there was a hint of command in his voice that he didn't bother to hide. For now they would hunt, and he'd try to get to know this female a bit better.

- exit Typhon -

© argent 2017



7 Years
08-02-2018, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2018, 12:56 PM by Zinnia.)

The idea of scouting prey with another pack member made her happy. Not only would she have company, but two sets of eyes were always better then one. She knew there had to be dangerous creatures in auster and with two pairs of eyes they could better watch each other's backs when out scouting. Plus if it ended up they got lost then they always have the teamwork and company of each other. It was all in all a better way to accomplish things. She was also still vary curious about the believes of the Abraxas family, wondering what she had truly gotten into. The fact she didn't come from a vary religious line it left it open to other's beliefs easily influencing her. There was things that always happened that she could never explain and maybe the Fallen God was the reason such things had happened. She had no idea, but she wanted to find out more.

Then his words hung in the air again and her teal eyes brightened. She was more then happy to go grab a bite now, to hunt and to get to know Typhon and his family more. She smiled and nodded, not really catching the slight command in his tone. She was more then willing to fallow him and to hunt with him. She stood up, shaking out her coat and preparing to fallow.

"Let's go," she replied, smile still on her face before doing her best to travel close behind the larger male.

- Exit Zinnia -

"Speech" & 'Think'