
scream til your lungs are sore (AW)



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2014, 08:33 PM

will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
Heavy paws struck the ground with an irritable, stomping rage, carrying the black-coated, black-souled monster across the unclaimed land at a steady if slow pace. He was in a fury, a soul-devouring, towering inferno of a fury and he had nothing to do about it. No one answering his calls in the battlefield, nothing to do for the pack, Daegmar somewhere else with no sign of her. There was fucking nothing, nothing to keep his mind off the memories that crowded in his brain like a howling pack of coyotes, screaming in his ears and clawing at his eyes and stealing his breath away.

His thick body dropped suddenly, heavily onto the ground. Not because he was worn out, not because he could go no further, but because what was the fucking point? No where to go, nothing to drown it out. His fucking father's face screaming and taunting him in the back of his mind, always there and mixed with the sight and scent and sound of him screaming as his life blood drained into the dirt, kicking and thrashing with Hati's teeth buried in his throat. Fucking hell what was the point anyway?

the sins of our father, the sins of our young
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-24-2014, 11:00 PM


The woman stormed through the forest with a rumble bellowing through her chest. She was a horrible creature in those moments. One not to be reckoned with. Her bodice trembled with each bounding step. Her purple eeyes were narrowed. For she was horribly angry. Her good for nothing brother was no where to be found. Nor was Cascade or Pandia. Had they all left her? Were they all hiding from her? She was not a very rational creature at all. So when she over thunk things the end result usually ended in something horribly wrong. Her brother was her only savior. The boy he reeled her in from her insanity but fed it all the same. She missed him dearly but the girl thought it was time for her to begin to move on. To perhaps find a new residence and playmate. Perhaps she would become a depressed harlot and sleep her way through the lands? Get pregnant and pop out daemons to flourish within her paws? No. She would kill. Perhaps the scent that flowed into her broad nostrils would be her first victim? The creature slithered further to the lake before she heard a thump onto the ground. Violet orbs fell upon a black blob splayed out on the ground. Nausica trotted his way and let forth her venom without thinking much. "A creature of darkness flopping upon the ground like a dead fish." The babe would laugh softly before moving to face him. "What burdens you little man?" Nausica stared him directly into the eye with no regrets.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-25-2014, 12:10 PM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
The sound of a feminine voice pressed Hati's mangled ears against his skull. As if that would drown out the voice that now mingle with the screams in his head. "Fuck you," he snarled, his voice low and guttural in his fury. Gold eyes met purple as he raised his heavy head to glare at her. Why the fuck would he care that she towered over him? He'd beaten the once-duke of Arcanum, hadn't he, and Kylar had been the same height but of masculine build. He was unimpressed.

Had he not already been confused and tormented by the memories overlaying the present he may have been thrown off by how closely she resembled someone else he knew, the boy Neios. But all that was in his mind was the far past, the taste of blood and the crack of bone, and he rose to his feet once again with fury in every line of his heavy ebony body. "Only fucking thing wrong with me is your ugly face blocking my view." A lie if ever there was one, there was so much wrong with him and he knew it. A monster, evil, broken. The screams of the dead and the shrill laughter of the mad echoing in his ears so he wanted to claw at them but he didn't because he deserved to hear them. The beast who would devour the moon.

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-26-2014, 10:33 AM
OOC: Edit was approved by tea! <3 I have screenshots to prove it ^.^


The lack of fucks given was evident with the horrible girl. When her eyes connected with his they matched. Destruction, darkness, plague. It was all there. The fae stared at him, not even flinching when his putrid vocals his her purple hued ears. "Fuck you." The behemoth laughed softly snorting in his face. "Is the little rat upset? Is his anger really that easy to tamper with?" Nausica laughed softly before his voice filled her perked ears again. "Only fucking thing wrong with me is your ugly face blocking my view." The babe laughed some more, she would lean up and turn around, taking exactly eight steps away from him. "Now my ass is in your face, better?" But, it was not for long. The daemon turned around to face him. Exactly eight paces away. The venomous bitch stared at him with a snarl slipping across her scarred lips. "I am not to be spoken to with such a horrible demenour. You are rude and must learn to respect the creatures that could truly devour you."

The forty inch tall bitch would take a moment to set her defenses. Purple hued ears slicked back to flatten against her broad skull. Her head flicked down for her muzzle to protect the truly vital bits of her throat. Lips were curled up into a grimacing snarl, showing off her blood stained ivories for intimidation. Though, at the same time, the skin beneath each of her eyes was bunched up from the snarl, protecting her cheeks from any sort of serious ravaging. Eyes were flicked into crescent moons, narrowed, to protect the precious lavender orbs. Each leg was spread out evenly for balance. Though, each paw was dug into the earth as well for grip. But, also to help grip her claws were pierced into the earth, with each possible step her claws would dig into the ground to give her more balance for mobility. The girls ink dipped tail would fly out, aligning with her broad spine. Her head would lower as well, aligning with her spine too. Each leg was bent at the joints to lower her entire bodice to the ground. Scarred hackles puffed up into rolls of tough flesh protecting the scruff area from vital bites. Last but not least, her core was lightened and her breathing steady.

With a rush of adrenaline the fae would set off. Her paws would dig into the earth with each bounding stride. The woman would try to sprint at him in a rush, though she would hope to veer to her left slightly as she barely made it near him. It would not take long due to the small amount of distance between them. Though, the girl would not be done. As she would try to run at him the girl would attempt to slam into his right shoulder with the center of her broad chest. The mid to upper bits of her center chest aimed for his upper right shoulder. The slam would possibly induce major bruising and pushing back if purchased. It also caused her bruising as well, but nothing to fret about. Though, simultaneously the behemoth would dive in for a possible bite at his right eye. Her upper jaws sought out the bits right above his eye, on the brow. Lower jaws aimed for the actual eye to try an scoop up within the right eye socket to do as much damage as possible. But, it would all depend on how he reacted within the acts of all her possible attacks.






8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-28-2014, 01:33 PM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

A furious snarl tore from his throat as the massive female teased him. He was not Loki - he had no clever come-backs, no banter and no patience for it. But... his jaws split in a savage grin when she threatened him for speaking to him in such a manner. "Oh my bad," he rumbled, his phrasing sarcastic in the most obvious manner. "Fuuuuuuck. Youuuuuu." This time the two words were drawn out as though speaking to an idiot, loudly just in case she had missed it the first time. The sure prospect of violence quieted the memories playing in his head as though they'd all settled in to watch the show as well.

The bitch was setting her defenses - Hati did the same with an almost lazy air. His head lowered to the level of his spine, his tail raising to the same as his skull was pulled back slightly, his shoulders rolling forward to assist in bunching up the fat and skin of his scruff, his hackles rising in an added protective barrier. His feet shifted to widen and square his stance, his weight balanced equally between them. His toes spread and gripped the earth beneath him, ready to assist in flinging him in any direction. His joints bents slightly, going loose for quick movement and lowering him slightly into an almost-crouch to lower his center of gravity. His ears pinned back against his skull, his eyes narrowing and his brow furrowing around them as the skin bunched there to provide extra protection for the delicate orbs.

A fierce snarl of welcome heralded his opponent's sudden movement as she rushed toward him. He tensed himself as though to brace against her charge but at the last moment he pivoted neatly on his forelegs, hindquarters swinging to his left in an attempt to bring himself to face a full ninety degrees to his starting position to let the attack simply brush across his chest fur instead of striking his shoulder, hopefully bringing him to face Nausica's right side. As he did he tilted his muzzled and jerked his head toward his left shoulder, pulling it free as her jaws swept down toward him so that when her jaws closed they struck above his eye rather than on it to draw a deep laceration on his forehead from brow nearly to his ear. It bled profusely as head wounds do, the blood blinding that eye for now as effectively as if she had taken it. Bitch thought she could take his eye - he'd rip hers out in revenge once he got into a better position than this. He could bide his time. For now though...

In retaliation he would shift his weight and lift his right forefoot, reaching it out in a hooked shape to attempt to catch on the fronts of both her forelegs, trying to sweep them towards himself in an attempt to trip her up. And he didn't need to see from his right eye to try to drive forward with his tilted head, jaws attempting to catch on her front right leg where the leg connected to her side, his upper jaw attempting to catch the front side near the chest while his lower jaw was trying to close around the back side near her ribs in a hard bite, his intention to crack the humerus like a prey-beast's legbone.

Hati vs Nausica for Retaliatory Maim (will be for Nausica's right eye as well)

Round: 1/3

Defenses: Second paragraph

Attacks: attempting to hook his right foreleg around the front of her forelegs and pull them towards himself, aiming a bite in an attempt to break the right front leg near where it meets her side

Injuries: Deep laceration on his forehead over his right eye

Out Of Character Notes: Yes gave Canti permission to edit. *thumbs up* Also double checked with Seren and Saff that the specified maim can be attempted at any point in the fight as long as it's specified in the first round what it will be. Just so no one else is confused.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-28-2014, 03:06 PM
this was surprisingly hard to write. pm me for questions <3


The girl truly loved fighting. The blood lust that was never to be quenched. Though, as she tried to run at his left side the boy made a surprisingly quick movement. He swung his hinds to the his left, causing him to rotate to a ninety degree angle with her right side. Her bodice would merely brush against his chest area. Massive paws dug into the earth in those moments, making her come to a complete halt with her right side directly facing him. But, she would still go in for her second attack. Jaws viciously snapped at the right side of his face. Though, they did not connect with his eye. Teeth sunk into the upper bits of his face above the eye. Causing blood to flow from his head down into her jaws. Leaving a nasty gash above his right eye. Though, he would soon whip his head from her jaws back to his left side. Such would most likely induce more damage to him as her jaws reluctantly left his skin. Though, it was obviously not done.

The man would attack quickly. His right forefoot would raise and sweep out to hit both of her forelegs. He would harshly and quickly hit only one of her legs, that being her right leg. This would happen due to her shifting slightly to her left in attempt to dodge the attack as a whole. But she only dodge half of said assault. His right paw hit the ankle of her right front leg. It would leave a bruise upon impact but that was not all. The girl would stumble forward, but with a quick half step she would catch herself back on all fours, just slightly off balance. Due to almost falling her breath was knocked from her out of shock. But due to it only being a little attack, she recovered quickly. Due to her focusing on regaining her faulty balance, the babe would not see his next attack coming. His head would tilt and his head would lean down. His upper jaws hooked onto the frontal bits of her right upper leg. The fangs of his upper jaws would sink into the flesh of her upper leg about a half inch in. Though, his lower jaws would connect on the opposite side, the back bits of her upper right foreleg. The fangs of his lower jaw would have more flesh to sink into therefore they would sink in to her flesh about a full inch deep, nearly to the humerus itself. Blood would slip from her body, dripping down the ebony fur of her right foreleg. The pain would be unbearable in the first moments, but it was nothing to completely worry about.

The woman would first take a moment to cover her defenses. Each leg, except for her front right one, was bent to ensure balance and advances in mobility. Her three able paws were dug into the earth for balance as well. Claws were stuck into the earth for grip. Paws were splayed out to esnure grip as well. A beautiful, thick, tail was tucked due to her rear being a little to close to him for her liking. Her head was low and aligned with her broad spine. Ebony ears were flat to her skull to protect the vital bits of flesh from any sort of assault. Eyes were neatly narrowed to deny him much access to the precious rubies. Lips were curled up to show off her yellowing teeth for intimidation, but such would also protect her cheeks due to her skin behind bunched up under her eyes. The girls thick hackles were raised into rolls of rough flesh to protect the area beneath her scruff. Last but not least, her core was tightened to embrace for possible impact and her breathing was now steady. The bitch was ready to slaughter.

To recap, Hati was at a ninety degree angle with Nausica's right side. His jaws were connected with her right foreleg, right near where the leg meets her side and chest bits. The girl was then in limbo until she would continue. Nausica would attempt a pivot like he did. The Saxe bitch would try to pivot her hinds to her left in attempt to get them face to face. If purchased, he would either have to move with her to keep connection with the bite, or possibly preposition himself. {But, such would only matter if she successfully moved to face him directly.} If such would purchase she would attempt to seek out the right of his face. The girl would be ruthless. The fae would try to lurch forward and snap her jaws at his right eye. This time, she aimed straight at the eye. Her upper jaws and lower jaws trying to pinpoint the socket in exactness. {But, such would only be relevant if she could reach his eye and if he in fact was forced to release her leg from his jaws.} Though, if he was not forced to release her leg from his grasps the girl would attempt to shove her body into him. Moving to her right in attempt to snub her right bits of leg into his jaws to cause discomfort at the least. {But, such an attack would only be relevant if he still had grip on her leg in some way.}






8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-29-2014, 05:34 PM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

The bitch stumbled slightly when she was not able to completely dodge his reaching paw, and the Hroovitnisson grunted in satisfaction. She did not go down, but he hadn't expected her to. It was enough to put her off-balance so that his jaws could find purchase on her leg. But even with his teeth buried in her flesh the bitch was moving, swinging her ass around to her left in an attempt to face him. He attempted to tighten his jaws, wanting to keep his hold on her right front leg but she had continued to move and so he reluctantly relinquished his grip before he was dragged, and they came head to head once more.

Even as they came face to face he was resetting his balance, all four legs squared in a slightly widened stance with his weight held evenly on all of them, his joints loose and bent slightly to lower his center of gravity. His toes were splayed, the claws digging into the earth for balance and quicker movement. His tail remained level with his spine for balance, his head once more returning to that level as he canted his muzzle down slightly and pulled is back as his shoulders rolled forward to force his scruff into rolls of fat and skin. His hackles raised all along his spine from hips to head, an added layer of protection as they confused his outline. His mangled ears he pinned flat to his skull to make them harder to grab. His eyes narrowed as his brow and muzzle wrinkled in a silent snarl to bunch up the skin of his face much as he had his scruff, to give some added protection to his fragile eyes.

The bitch certainly had a one-track mind, as immediately upon facing him once again she dove for his eye. In response Hati sidestepped to his left, taking care not to cross his paws as he did so he'd be harder to knock over mid maneuver, and twisted his head to his right, attempting to answer her attack with his own attack, his jaws aiming for her right eye as he did in an attempt to pierce the violet orb. (COUNTER) As he did he shifted his weight to lift his right forepaw in an attempt to bring it smashing down on her own right forepaw, shifting his weight onto it as he did in an attempt to make the attack really count.

Hati vs Nausica for Maim

Round: 2/3

Defenses: Second Paragraph

Attacks: small attempt to tighten his grip on her right foreleg, counterattack to her right eye, attempting to smash his right paw down on her right paw.

Injuries: Pending counterattack

Out Of Character Notes:

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!