
Wanna get me a piece of dat ass



8 Years

Trick 2019
04-06-2018, 08:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2018, 08:08 AM by Tealah.)
The earthen male crouched low, eyes intent on the bachelor herd of wild asses. He wasn't particularly familiar with this specific species, but the southern continent that he'd spent the last few years on had a similar species in the form of onager and kiang. These ones were smaller, grayer, and had stripes on their legs, but other than that and their location he couldn't see too much difference between them. Hunting them should be no different.

Unfortunately hunting them meant hunting in groups, and at the moment he was alone.

He hadn't tracked down his brother and the others yet. Not because he couldn't have, but because he hadn't yet tried. He was taking this time to himself, time that was rare in his life having always been part of a pack, to do some serious thinking. Thinking about what he wanted in life, what he wanted to do, who he wanted to be. Thinking too much had perhaps been a weakness for him in the past, but if he was honest with himself even with all his thinking before he'd rarely considered what he really wanted out of life. It had always been about his family and what was best for them, not about himself and what was best for him. Thinking about it now raised an itchy feeling of guilt in him, but logically he needed to start considering it. His mother wasn't always going to be around; his brothers tended to occupy themselves with themselves, and he had never felt connected to his younger half-siblings. When he was old and gray and alone, what then? What had he accomplished? Where would the Ancoras go from there? None of them had families and children to carry on their name. He'd wanted to become the head of the family, to guide them and care for them the way he thought proper, but what was the point if their bloodline ended with him and his siblings?

But musing over all that wasn't getting him any ass.

The jacks were watching him suspiciously, but they didn't seem interested in running away. In this heat, that was all to the better. It was, after all, a desert, even if it was cooler than if he'd been here in the summer. He found himself reveling in the heat that suited his coat so much better than most of the northern continent's climate, but still, he didn't want to waste his energy and get overheated and dehydrated because he had to keep tracking this herd all over the place. Maybe if he waited long enough he'd get lucky and enough others would come who were interested in a hunt to manage, or if not at least he could learn more about the creatures.

OOC possibly could be an actual hunt, possibly could just be talking. Also keep in mind that Gryphon has never been to Celestial or met anyone from the pack so he has no idea he's so close. Could be a problem, could be not a problem. Just throwing that out there.