
Guardian of the night



5 Years
07-18-2014, 03:44 PM

OOc: Sucky starter post=[

The purple woman's scent was rather strong upon the Covari lands, wishing to make rouges well aware that it is strictly no entry. The pack had grown rather huge under Viridianas rule, and the nymph fears that they may have to claim more lands very soon. It was nearing mid afternoon and the Rani would slink swiftly away from her home; though not straying to far. Desire? always made sure to remain close enough to hear a cry or to hear an attack- she was always a very cautious being. Her heart was still filled with gold; a pure and beautiful thing, though evil may never crack its surface; at least not yet. Her mismatched gaze would roam the woods, her lilac fur brushing past the skeletal trees as she meanders around them with a simple swagger to her step. Desire? was doing nothing in particular; though she wanted something intriguing to catch her eye. She would take in the glitter of sun beaming down on the dusty floors; letting it roam her delicate body just for a little while; before pulling away into the blackened shadows to sit and observe the scenery.



2 Years
07-18-2014, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 04:05 PM by Lakota.)

It had been pure chance that she'd caught a whiff of her mother's scent, which was odd. Song shouldn't have strayed this far from home, but grief did wonders for the legs and feet, gave them a mind of their own. The babe knew this better than most. However, with no real attachment to a place, the lass had decided to follow her mother's scent. Tea cupped paws would strike the terra with near complete silence, and a liquid grace of her long limbs brought her across the terrain with great, long strides. Mismatched audits flicked back and forth, seeking out a trace of sound that might give her a better idea of where she was.
Distraction came in the form of a magnificent grove of willows, and the gentle trickling of a stream. It was only a minor detour, right? She would slip between the dancing branches, the supple wood grazing her flanks as she moved between them. It was lovely, and the stream that wove among the roots attracted her like a moth to a flame. Tiara would lower, and her long salmon tongue would slip from between dark lips to steal some of the crystalline fluid. She had become fairly thirsty after her trek, and who knew when she might come across such a lovely opportunity.
The flash of a violet form within the trees drew her gaze, and a somewhat confused expression would melt into a mask of curiosity. An intrigued glimmer would be found within the dual toned optics of the pallid princess, and she would trot after the receding shape. The swing of hips and the swish of a tail would allude to the form being lupine, but how could a wolf be purple? Long legs would soon bring her upon this strange sight, and a joyous glint would come into the she wolf's orbs. The wolf had come to be seated in the shade, but there was no mistaking her coat. A small, shocked gasp would escape her lips. You've got a lovely colour to you, miss. She murmured, smiling a little to herself more than anything. Is it real? She would inquire next, her lips moving before her brain could stop them. She lowered herself slowly to the terra, rump resting upon the lush grass as her tail laid out beside her. Sanguine and golden pools would fix upon the lilac features of the stranger.



5 Years
07-20-2014, 12:39 PM
Just as the lilac queen sat to rest another presence loomed by. Though to her surprise it was just a little girl- no older then a year at the very least. Desire? would stand for a moment, observing the placid babe with curiosity and concern. Who would leave a little girl all alone? the world was so big for a wolf so... small? the purple nymph would smile; wanting to fix the solution before her. Triangular lobes would twitch slightly at her words; pleased to know another admired her pristine coat.
Thankyou... and yes it is very much real, i suppose the gods and goddesses deemed me worthy so that one day i could show you my lavender appearance, Im Desiree Carmel, queen of Covari, are you lost? One so young shouldnt be so alone, many things can go wrong to those who simply seek an adventure.

Such an innocent looking thing doesnt deserve to be all alone. Perhaps Desiree could search for her parents. That is if she had any? When desiree was her age she could never part from her own blood; to afraid that she'd be snatched and gobbled up for breakfast. But it would seem kota had more confidance and fire then the purple queen ever did have. where are your parents? Are they close by? Desire? would attempt to circle the youth; observing her carefully. By the sight of her she looked capable of many thing; hunting perhaps. Or maybe healing?

Table by Neffs



2 Years
07-20-2014, 08:47 PM

The woman spoke with something akin to mirth, simply hinted in her melodic vocals as she replied. So the violet pigments were real? She'd been born with such a unique colour? How lucky. Then came the introduction, that she was in fact the queen of a pack. Of course, who would deny anyone of such unique appearance anything less than royalty status? Oddly enough, it seemed that the alabaster giantess seemed like a lost pup, which was far from the case. Though, the calamities that could ensue during an adventure were definitely real, and the willowy darling knew that better than most. I'm not lost, but hank you for the concern. Amused melodies would reply with a small smile, mismatched audits flickering. Pallid banner would thump against the terra, a physical manifestation of her mirth.
Another query would reach her ears, and the girl would shrug, looking around absently. Actually, I was taking in the sights of home, since it's been a while, and I happened to catch my mom's scent. She murmured, admitting her reasons for being here easily. She didn't see any reason not to trust the queen, the older lady seemed lovely. She was out for a small trip out of the territory, you see. With my sister and her boyfriend, type, thing- anyways, I'm a little worried to find her scent so far from home. She continued, a small frown coming to crease her delicate brow. Dual toned optics would twinkle with worry, but it would quickly be covered up. Surely her mother was fine, probably just took a detour chasing something that caught her eye. Song was like that, sometimes. Maybe you know her? Song Destruction? She would inquire, tilting her dainty cranium to one side in the slightest.
She eyed the queen curiously, wondering if maybe she could get a helpful hint from the lilac woman. My name's Lakota, by the way. She added, smiling a little, just briefly. Maybe Desiree knew where her mom was, and could tell her where. That would definitely save time and energy. Then she could bring word back, let the family know what was up with Song.



5 Years
07-21-2014, 12:33 PM

To her surprise Lokata would claim she was infact not lost. But why would someone deliberately leave there young alone? Perhaps desiree was just rather protective[ maybe a bit to much.] and over thinks the situations. She would let a moment of silence fill the gap between them before pushing a smile on her thin lips. " I can help you find her if you like? She resides within my home." Though, des didnt really know of her that well. But she knew Song was rather close to her wife, Viridiana. The purple queen would raise to her paws, angling her slender bodice towards where Covari would be. Her small crown would twist to look upon the youth. " Song Destruction, she's very close by actually... her home is within Covari; a thriving pack if you wish to come and visit. Theres children there around your age, im sure you'll love it while you greet your mother." She would gesture to follow as the rani begins to walk slowly, enough for the placid babe to ask any questions she feels like needing to know.



2 Years
07-22-2014, 03:15 PM


It was a bit of a shock when the violet hued femme pushed to her feet and informed her that Song was within her pack. The offer to go with her was too good to resist, and the girl smiled a little as she raised herself from the terra as well. "At least I know she's somewhere safe, and hasn't been eaten by something." She would murmur, though the idea was enough to send a shudder down her lengthy spine. She started walking at the queen's side, a small smile playing at her dark lips. Her mother was with another pack- but why? She probably got stuck in a freak storm, or was drawn in by something interesting. She'd have to ask later. Tea cupped paws were graceful upon the terra, long legs taking short strides to match those of the smaller lady. Her dual toned gaze fell upon the features of the lilac toned she wolf, and an inquisitive twinkle rose within their fiery depths. "Does Covari have an alliance with Ludicael, then?" She would inquire curiously, since it wouldn't be like Song to just waltz into the territory of a pack she didn't know and just stay for a while.
If there was no alliance, there must be a peace treaty at least. The lass did recall mention of the pack Covari bringing the cure for an epidemic that struck the lands before she'd returned home. Surely that would be enough for Song to at least trust the pack, though it was extremely doubtful that Song had complete faith in them. There was mention of plenty of children her own age in the pack, and this brought a much more quizzical expression to lay upon her face. "Ma'am, when summer comes I'll be two years old, I'm very nearly a woman." She chuckled, the corners of her eyes crinkling with a small smile that was playing at her dark lips. "Though I wouldn't mind meeting some of your pack when I'm there, if the situation falls." She added, just in case she was offending the queen by correcting her. That had happened frequently during her travels, so she knew when to be careful. As well, cursing in the presence of a regent seemed inappropriate, so she'd have do a mighty crap tonne of censoring herself.