
Sweat, Baby, Sweat

Terra I


2 Years
04-18-2018, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2018, 06:21 AM by Terra I.)

OOC: Rolled for Success & Damage per character.
Success: 1d20, got 19. Success with some injury.
Damage: 1d10, Terra: 3, Kahaia: 9, Cloud: 4

Lady was glad to find herself a companion finally. Luck having won the girl over, but Terra would keep on believing that it was all skill. No need to crush her dreams of being the best there ever was. She’d decided they go for a hunt in the same place she’d scouted earlier. She was hoping for a Dall Sheep, it would definitely be a challenge. Surely her little healer friend would be of great use afterward should something go awry. Lass could easily patch the goddess up, making her good as new.

“We’re going for a little hunt, my dear. I know you’re hungry.” Terra would take the lead, looking for tracks and trying to pick up a scent. These sheep were known for traveling in groups, so Terra was thankful to have the little one tagging along. Kahaia could distract the sheep and Terra would be able to take it down. The woman could care less if they got an ewe or a male. An ewe might be a little easier to take down, but they would take what they could get.

Finally, they approached a group of them. A few lambs and ewes, but mainly males. Before they would get any closer, Terra had to run down her little plan, so nothing could possibly go wrong. Terra knew what she was doing, how could it? “So, I want you to target one of the ewes specifically, they are the ones with the thinner horns. They’d be the easiest to catch. Now, she’ll run back towards where we came from, looking for rocky terrain to get us off of her tail. I need you to keep up with her. I will be right behind you, waiting to strike from the side. Hopefully, this will catch her off guard and we should have ourselves a nice little meal. Got it little one?”

Terra is fluent in Latin.



3 Years
04-18-2018, 01:53 AM

Kahaia was glad to have found what she was looking for but what came from the woman's mouth next almost brought a tear to her eye. Hunting? She'd already been through this with Kane and she just so happened to fail miserably when it came to hunting. Of course, the girl wasn't going to say no because she needed food if they were going to be exploring together. They had a lot of moving to do because Kahaia was not too interested in spending her time here. The smells just bothered her, they threw her senses all out of whack. Maybe allergies, who knew? Regardless, Kahaia wasn't going to argue but she did manage out a little squeak as she started to get anxious. What would she even be able to do without messing everything up?

However, Terra took the lead here, which our little flower was very much thankful for. She seemed to know more about what they were doing. A plan would definitely put her mind at ease. The girl tried not to speak up much as the lady tracked their prey. She didn't want to be the cause of their meal's escape. Kahaia sat in Terra's shadow, small girl figured it would be better this way if she took to hiding. How much could she mess up with Terra in front of her to keep any screw-ups from happening? Goddess in the making peeked before them, emerald eyes squinting to try and see just how many they were up against. She was shocked when she saw their prey. They were huge, at least compared to her. When you compared Terra and the sheep, it would likely be considered a medium-sized prey. This was definitely off-putting for the girl. She didn't want to end up hurting herself trying to do this.

Kahaia wanted to get back to Kane in one piece. What was this Terra lady getting her into exactly? She listened carefully to the woman's directions before turning back to the herd. So she was to target one of the smaller ones, good. This shouldn't be too hard. Kahaia crouched to be closer to the ground. Thanks to her neutral coloring, she was able to blend in a little better, but she was probably still noticeable. Finally, she'd picked an ewe that seemed to be putting some space between her and her group. Bad move, chicka. Kahaia went bounding after her, doing exactly as Terra predicted, sending the female flying towards rocky terrain going up Mount Volkan. Hopefully, Terra got to her before she made it too far up. That'd be a little dangerous, and Kahaia was already struggling to keep up with the thing. She really was not a hunter.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-19-2018, 05:26 PM

He was on the hunt today. Having scouted from the slopes further up the rocky hillside, Cloud had managed to track down the scents of the sheep he had heard from further away. He had hunted goats before, surely these mountain sheep would be no problem right? If hunting them wasn't a problem, then navigating this area safely was the problem. His paws slipped here and there, sending bits of rock down the hillside. He would have to be careful or he'd end up falling and breaking a leg...or worse. Picking his way along with a bit of slipping and sliding, he spotted a fair sized herd of the dall sheep scattered about below. He was higher on the slope, and he wondered how he was going to get close enough to them so he could bring one down. He supposed he could run at them, maybe get lucky enough to fly at one and knock it to the ground. But with the incline of the slope, he was more likely to roll down to the bottom of the mountain. No, that idea didn't sound very appealing.

He blew hard from his nose, trying to figure out a course of action. It was then as he watched the sheep that he spotted one of them suddenly running up, somewhat towards her direction but still off a good way. He was confused, what startled them? Scanning the terrain he noticed that there were two other wolves, though one blended into the mountain so well that he almost missed her. He rose to his paws, tail wagging slightly as the prospect of a hunt came up. Maybe he could help them. The monochrome male began to follow the course of the ewe being chased, watching her course and predicting a potential path that she might go. Maybe he'd be able to cut her off, send her back to the jaws of one of the others. Or maybe even his own. Of course, there was always the chance that the ewe would completely get away from them since this was more familiar territory for her, but he would try regardless.


art by Risketch

Terra I


2 Years
04-23-2018, 06:20 PM

Terra watched as Kahaia tried her best to keep up with the ewe, and failed miserably. She stayed behind her, but still, she wouldn't be fast enough to really help this hunt. Goddess was still gonna work with this little one, she ran alongside them, just a bit higher, looking for the perfect opportunity to strike. Finally, she sped up a bit to get some distance ahead of them before lunging at the creature. Grabbing a hold of the side of that thick neck, Terra was looking to throw her balance off. Of course, she wasn't quite that lucky, as this thing was much too heavy. However, at that moment, she noticed another running towards the thing. Terra would release her hold, struggling to land semi-gracefully. She ended up tumbling a bit before actually catching herself.

Still, she was up fast enough to see the male scare the ewe, who ended up trying to back up before switching course, moving to higher terrain. Terra couldn't see if the man had at least nicked the fat sheep with his jaws, but at least they hadn't completely lost her yet. Terra could see the creature's fat rump as she struggled to maintain her speed moving higher up. Now if only her little companion and this male could slow her down. Terra followed behind, the creature's blood now tainting her taste buds. That was her current motivation, the taste of their soon to be prize left her wanting more. Like a beast lurking in the shadows, she used her neutral coloring to creep up alongside them again. She was looking for some opportunity to cut the ewe off. With three of them, it would be much easier to take this thing down, if this new male was experienced at least. Terra wasn't quite sure how much more good Kahaia would do.

Terra is fluent in Latin.



3 Years
04-23-2018, 06:34 PM

Kahaia was definitely shocked to see Terra come from seemingly nowhere to attack their prey, and even more surprised to see her let go. What on earth would she let go for? That was quite obvious to her as it seemed like there was another joining their little hunt. When the ewe tried to back up, Kahaia had no time to pump her own breaks and ran right into its rear. Not her finest moment, for sure, but she hadn't completely lost her balance. Lips curled to reveal those pearly whites, their lack of discoloration giving away her age. Kahaia's next move was to follow this thing to higher ground. Eyes squinted as she struggled to maintain a good grip climbing up this harsh terrain. Her small frame and paws weren't really any help either.

She wasn't quite muscular enough to keep up with these other two, or experienced enough. She was just hoping to do the right thing at this point. Our little flower was not going to give up yet though, not until she absolutely couldn't help them any further. She and this lady had a deal, Kaha kept her word. In her attempt to follow the ewe up, she brought her face a little too close. As the creature tried to stumble upward, a hoof came flying towards the girl and sent her flying herself. She tried her best to find some kind of grip, but she failed and ended up rolling downhill. As her body came into contact with the rough terrain, she felt a searing pain shoot through her whole body, starting at her ribs. The girl felt like her internal organs were being shaken up in this fall. Finally, she made it to a flat surface and was able to start trying to get back on her feet.

The minute she stood, the girl could feel the pain shooting up and down her sides. There was also a severe pain in her face, the ewe must have clocked her right between her brows. She could feel blood dripping down her muzzle. For now, the girl would ignore her pain. She had to try to help out just a little more. Kahaia knew she could push through and manage for just a little longer. Still, she was a bit slow making it back up to the other two, having to break here and there to catch her breath. She'd definitely broken some ribs.




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-01-2018, 03:11 AM
Cloud kept his eyes trained on the ewe ahead of him, the male getting just close enough to almost close enough to take a bite, but not close enough. The female that blended with the landscape had gotten closer, managing to nip at the ewe's neck for a moment before being forced to release. Cloud put on his brakes so as not to crash into the other two, slipping onto his rump for a split moment as he scrambled back to his paws. This mountain was certainly hard to hunt on, but he enjoyed the challenge.

The tang of fresh blood in the air made his senses tingle, and somewhere in his waited. "Blood...kill the beast! Tear it apart! Rip its limbs off!" Cloud shook his head as if he were trying desperately to get rid of a bothersome fly. He couldn't lose control, not here. Not now. Dual toned gaze squeezed shut for a quick moment, opening again when he heard a crack and when he opened them, spotted the younger girl go tumbling down the slope. He winced as he briefly watched her fall, and while he wanted to help her, he didn't think he could right now. If he tried, then they would lose the ewe. It was gaining round quicker then them, and as he stood there fighting with what to do, he saw the young girl get back on her feet.

At least she wasn't knocked out. If she had been, Cloud would have been inclined to abandon the hunt to check on her, but as it was, she seemed able enough to make her way back towards him and the other woman, no matter how slow.

Turning sharply around, Cloud dug his claws into the earth and pulled himself up the hillside, the steep slope making him put in more effort into this hunt then any he had before, but he would keep going no matter how tired he got! Rocks and stones slipped out from under him, sending the young male to the ground on a few occasions, but it wouldn't stop him. He drew closer to the ewe, but instead of chasing after her, he decided to climb higher until he was able to find a narrow path. Once there, Cloud ran as fast as he dared, careful to keep his feet from slipping out from under him. He was somewhat on level ground, but at any moment he could go tumbling like the yearling had. He sought to cut the ewe off from being able to go higher, and as she neared him, she bleated with fright when she realized she could no longer go up. Cloud took the opportunity to charge at her, managing to get a grip on her shoulder, but not good enough.

In a panic, the Ewe turned sharply towards him and threw her head back, her horn catching his face. Yelping with pain and surprise, he let go of his target, stumbling back onto the path as he shook his head again to try and clear the headache and dizziness that threatened to overtake him. He felt warmth seep through his fur, but for the moment he ignored the pain that throbbed over his left eye to try and continue the hunt. At this point, the Ewe was bleeding in two places now, wearing down and confused as to what direction it could take to get away...hopefully, the other two women might have better luck.

Terra I


2 Years
05-01-2018, 12:04 PM

Terra watched as the male looked for an alternate route, ignoring the injured yearling behind her. She followed him, approaching from the other side as he grabbed onto the ewe's shoulder. Eyes trained on the creature, Terra came lunging after her. She was slowing down, and as long as Terra could maintain her grip, they might just have a chance at this. Terra came from the side, pouncing at the creature, almost like a feline, latching onto the side of her neck. This time her hold was strong, and she was quite confident that she'd be able to slow her down enough to give the others opportunity to help take her down.

Terra didn't have much weight to her, but she would do her best to dig her paws into the earth. The rocks beneath them were starting to wear on her pads, but she was determined to slow her down even more. Finally, it seemed the large creature was beginning to struggle to keep balance. Terra looked up, waiting for one of the others to come and add their own weight. If her plan went as she hoped, they'd be able to bring the ewe to the ground, and she'd let the male give the final blow. After all, without this stranger, she and Kahaia would have lost the creature by now.


Terra is fluent in Latin.



3 Years
05-01-2018, 12:17 PM

Kahaia finally made it to where she'd taken the fall in the first place. In her attempt to follow behind them, she'd worn herself out. Something was definitely wrong, and the yearling knew she wouldn't be able to keep up with the two. Kahaia decided she would simply take a break there. She wasn't going to make it in time to really help the others, and she knew it. Rump hit the ground and the girl slid her front half forward, relieving some of the pressure in her ribs as she shifted her weight on the ground. Lass craned her neck to see just how bad her wounds were, blood slowly running from the wounds on her sides, she knew she would need to fix herself up soon. Emerald gaze followed behind as she watched Terra latch on to the creature's neck.

She had an opportunity to help now, as they weren't too far off. Kahaia just had to push herself. Little flower lifted herself off the ground, ignoring the pain for now, and came bounding up the terrain. Ears laid flat against her skull and she pushed to carry herself further. Lip curled into a snarl as the pain threatened to stop her. However, there was no way she'd let that happen, not now when she was so close. She came up on the same side as Terra and latched onto the creature's side. Her hold wasn't that strong but enough to throw the beast off. With their added weight on her side, the ewe began to wobble, leaning more towards them as she attempted to progress further up the terrain. Her speed had decreased significantly by now, leaving her wide open for an attack by the stranger. Kahaia only hoped he jumped into action soon, as she wasn't so sure she could hold on for much longer.
