
I'm Never Far Away



9 Years
04-20-2018, 10:27 PM

It was amazing how much more confident she felt now that she had another companion. Once more she felt like the free wandering gypsy she was in her youth. She was an aging women now, almost eight, but this young little wolverine was making her feel young again. He was hard to keep up with, but the women was doing her best. There had been times he would get a little to feisty and a little to far from her though they were working things out and strengthening their bond. Now that she had little Eli she was doing more and more trips away from the temporary den. She actually felt like going with Chinook if he asked and she felt like gathering herbs again.

Today she had decided to go for a little trip, Eli was restless and their little trips around the orchard was not satisfying him. She she had finally given into his pleas and decided to travel out of the territory and without Chinook at her side. There had been some disagreements about her letting Elias in so freely to their den area and sharing so much with him, but Storm knew in her heart that it was right. She knew Elias was being honest and sincere no matter if Chin agreed or not. Trotting along behind the bouncing wolverine, the women fallowed him to where his nose would lead.

He was on the trail of large prey animals, working his nose to make it better and more sensitive to the world around him. He was growing since he was given to her and was doing vary well learning to hunt on his own. Things were looking up, even though she was a loner and that her kids were no longer at her side.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times