
You can call me...(Daughter)



3 Years
04-21-2018, 02:53 PM

The woman had no longer thought of herself as a goddess, she had failed at her quest to find other like her-Like them. As she walked she could fill, were scars were to paint her face. Tear biting bitterly at the deep wounds, the salty water that filled her body finding a way back though. She was lost at these time she missed her family, she missed how her father was before he killed her mother and siblings. How he once was a good man; I strong, kind Alpha. She gave a deep sigh, mixing into a sob. Yet she held herself togther nicely. She then smelt a sharp scent waffle the air, a elk!

She leaped at the thought of food, her legs skimmed across the ground. Before with out a second though she began to race after the scent, her legs stretched outward as she bounded up as fast as she could. Before another scent waffled though the air. Shit... Someone else must have been hunting, these. Well she would help then, she didn't dare look back, she was already sucked into these hunt.

She then took a sharp turn auds pinning to the back of her crown, as she lifted her cranial. A surging hoof kicked at her, she was able to block the hoof but she lost stamina. She was quick to steady her breathing, and pace herself. As she regained speed, she bolted down a slope and after the elk. Her tongue lolled out of her maw, as she catches up to the elk. She then yelped as the elk took a leap into the lake, not now.. She whined, as she then remembered the scent. She turned around looking for something, someone. But only the scent came to her.

 "Hello? Is anyone there?" she barked. She turned back to the lake, the elk bellowed. The hoof of the animal, had gotten wrapped in roots of the plants the claim home inside the lake. She sighed, waiting for a chance to attack.

Walk, "Talk", Think

OOC: Blackbird may powerplay Vivienne, as long as no pain comes to her from these.


06-13-2018, 10:02 PM
Large feet carried the behemoth forwards as he ascended closer towards where he had scented the large hooved animal, his nostrils flaring in an instant; It turned out that Blackbird had an impeccable skill at tracking things as long as they weren't old scents. His steps soon changed tempo setting him at an even run, not over working himself as he knew the animal would halt at the sight of the lake, unless it was desperate. As he neared the edge of the forest his nose caught the scent of another /Who is this?/ He thought silently to himself, he knew he'd gladly fight another for a kill.

Blackbird wasn't sure how this situation would exactly play out, but he knew that either they'd try to help, or get angry towards him. His black peppered pelt didn't blend with the surroundings he had found himself in at all, thus sneaking would be useless. By the time he had arrived at the lake ahead of him he spotted the other being, a female by the looks of her stature. Hearing the canine call out asking for an acknowledgement of his presence, he came to a halt before walking towards the canine. Step by slow step he grew closer to the unknown wolf, he wasn't sure of her intentions so he remained on guard. Hello, who might you be? I've been tracking this specific Elk for days, he dumber than the rest of the herd. The male was brash, harboring a cold, judgemental exterior. He wasn't one for sucking up to anyone, nor would he try to be kind to those he didn't know. Why should he? In all reality, the male was broken. He was tired of being lonely, he yearned to have children to guide, but he didn't have interest in relationships. Perhaps it was his fault he had never settled down, being too concerned with his placement in groups and such. His ears flicked nervously, he wanted to know how this canine would react.



3 Years
06-14-2018, 06:04 PM

As a new sound, that of a voice entered the air she would turn her body towards it. She stared, this man closely resembled her father, the flashes of memories of her father and the murder scene flashed through her mind. At first, she wanted to ask who he was and if he had any pups but she could tell he wasn't. "I'm Vivienne, sir. Oh, I'm sorry if you want I could help you. I'm sorry that I stared, you just closely resemble my father." she laughed nervously. She turns to the elk, she then noticed an opportunity. She lunged, paws skirting the ground till she lept and landed on it's back. She threw her maw open and tried to bite onto its spine, the elk bellowed. She tightened her hold and dug her nails into the elk.

