
any title is a good one



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-22-2018, 08:22 AM
Trotting at a swift pace, Tornach dragged his makeshift travois towards the barn structure. It was piled high with harvested stocks of grasses gone to seed, different grains that had ripened from once-domesticated crops that still grew wild here, and seeded flowers like sunflowers and Amaranth. Gently laid over top so they wouldn't get crushed by the heavier grains were a few medicinal herbs he'd found as he gathered feed - he'd considered using the edible ones as feed but ultimately decided not to unless one of his animals had a specific problem. As food herbs would only really be useful fresh and in large amounts, so it would be inefficient. As a healer, though, he knew that the dandelions and raspberry leaves he had collected today would be much more useful in a medical capacity, if not for him than certainly for anyone he might trade with.

It was a good haul - with Aiden scouting overhead he was able to find patches of grain or flowers more efficiently than just striking off aimlessly. It was heavy, though, so he was a bit behind when he'd intended to get back and it was starting to grow dark when he stopped to take a break. Pulling the bent sapling that was acting as a chest plate for the travois up over his head and wriggling out from under the green grape vine strap that rested the weight on his shoulders, he dropped the whole temporary dragging system to the ground and flopped down next to it to rest. Aiden had gone on ahead of him to keep an eye on the animals, since he'd had some trouble with coyotes trying to get into the duck pens at night. This left him without his eyes-in-the-sky, which made Aiden rather nervy, but it was better that she was at the barn to act as a deterrent for the pests. Besides, with it getting dark her superior vision was going to be severely handicapped compared to his. He'd be back soon enough to spread out the grains to dry in the shelter of the barn and everything would be fine.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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