
if you've never died

Selene I


4 Years
04-25-2018, 12:07 AM

Selene may have been looking for a break from the sorts of places that look as if they'll take your soul as a toll for passing on through. They had been so haunting, and to find herself on the edge of something that looked almost normal? It seemed like a trap. Selene couldn't help the slight edge of paranoia that hit her system... this had to be a trap, right?

She was lucky it wasn't the height of summer. It wasn't the time of year where wandering out into the Tall Grass Plains would have, in fact, been a trap. No, this is just a fall afternoon. Dark was a ways off still, and she'd have time to explore. See, and be. The funny thing about this place? It seemed to just be grass. Seas of green, starting to become dry and brittle and brown. Reaching out toward the sky. Asking, no begging, for a little more sun. Strange, but Selene wasn't going to question it. No, she was here to see and to explore.

"Talk" "You" Think

This is a nav point thread!
[Image: PeVC6RS.png]



7 Years
Extra large
05-08-2018, 11:44 PM
Hanging around here had actually been okay so far, much as Mara might loathe to admit that she was actually enjoying herself a little for once. Okay, so she actually wouldn't say that in words ever, but thinking it was probably a step in the right direction for the woman. Spending time with Inverno was better than spending time with the demons in her head by far.

Today she was lazing about in what had once been typical Mara fashion but was now more intermittent as she found herself busier or at least more alert and restless. Infrequent sleep meant her schedule was a bit chaotic, and sitting around wasn't always her favorite way to spend a day anymore. stretched out in the grass, eyes mostly closed, it was almost easy to forget she still wasn't doing too hot. In her days here she'd gained a bit of weight to fill in her gaunt appearance from before. She still wasn't in great health, but she looked better. A nap seemed a possibility for the relaxing woman, sleep sitting just within reach- until a scent hit her nostrils and roused her from her relaxed position in the dried grass.

Standing, Mara surveyed the area around her, scenting the air to pick out where the stranger might be. Somewhere behind her? Turning and wandering for a few dozen paces, she eventually saw a dark shape ahead of her which she recognized as a slightly smaller wolf. Female, from her scent. For a bit Mara wasn't sure if she felt like approaching or just walking away. Hm. It took a fair amount of deliberation, but she eventually switched from leaning towards "leave" to "ah, hell, why not". Couldn't hurt, so she'd pad over, not bothering to conceal her approach since she preferred not to get bit in the first minute if she could help it. "Having fun in the sea of not-so-green greenery?" she asked with a yawn. Maybe someday she'd not be tired if she got real lucky.
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.