
Fountain of Knowledge, let me drink


07-17-2014, 06:10 PM

The young princess was walking through the range, a mission set in her mind. She was going to be a powerful woman one day and needed to know the basics of herbs. Pandora was not the kind to simply help others without wanting something in return. Maija was not like that, either, except for those who were family. With that same line of thought, she was seeking one of the legends of the Sovari family: Zara.
Pandora had heard rumors of the blind herbalist through the tongues of the pack members, but she had never heeded them. Instead, she had a clean slate ready for the woman, because you never knew what kind of wolf one was until you met them. Thoughts of future death poisons of enemies and slaying of others without leaving signs or scents of her sweet frame ran through her mind and an evil cackle left Pandora's sweet lips. Oh, she was ready to be a dangerous weapon.
Zara's scent was becoming more fresh as Pandora walked into the deeper set of woods of the Swamps. It had become more quiet with each step and the sun was having a harder time appearing around the den's location. Before too long, the woods had become so dense that Pandora's eyes and golden features were all that shimmered in the darkness. Yet, the cobalt beauty didn't feel afraid. Her nose clung onto the freshest scent of the older fae and she trotted briskly towards the den's entrance.
Pandora had a difficult time separating darkness of the den from the woman's dark form, but she could hear the breathing and gentle rising and falling of Zara's large body. A smile appeared on her face and she softly cleared her throat before politely waiting at the entrance of the woman's home.



07-19-2014, 05:40 PM

The swamp hag... Oh wasn't that exactly what she was becoming? The crazy old lady who lived in the swamp by herself, collecting herbs and avoiding even her own pack mates. Occasionally she would seek the company of her sister to try and chase the demons away but that was only a temporary fix. She couldn't do groups, she couldn't be around this pack. It was growing too large for her comfort and so the majority of her time would be spent alone in her den, massive form curled up into itself. Crooked tail would flip occasionally, sides raising and falling with her breath but eyes would remain closed as if feigning sleep. That was how the girl would find her, that was how she was laying when the sound of paw falls began to draw near. The blind woman could feel the vibrations of the earth change, could hear the sound of paws pressing into the earth. Massive skull would slowly lift, tattered and frayed ears swivelling to catch the sound. And then the scent of her den changed as the girl poked her head in and cleared her throat to gather Zara's attention. A low growl would start in the pit of her belly, warning the girl from entering. No. Zara would go out to meet her.

Long legs would unfurl, the massive scarred beast heaving herself to her paws before ducking out of her den. Immediately chest would push into Pandora should she not move, a demand that the girl back the fuck up.Once that was settled the woman would drop to her haunches as if creating a blockage between this girl and her home. "What." It was barely even a question, the word dropping off her tongue more like a bark then a question. Crooked tail lashed behind her as her head arched as if to look at Pandora through one blind eye, forcing the girl to stare at the side of her face that was so scared it was turned into a perpetual grin. She smelt young. Most young were terrified of the big woman mostly due to her scars. Would this girl run? Or did she have some resolve on why she was actually here?



07-22-2014, 07:26 PM

Zara came forth from the darkness, bright and blind eyes white against the blackened background. As she stepped from the cave, her body with the legendary scars and muscles were shown off in the swamp's dim light. With the smell of the bog and the humidity around them, she gave new meaning to 'hag of the bayou'. With her brisk nature and forceful bump against Pandora's chest, she reclined to her haunches and bluntly said, 'What.' The mammoth of a woman impressed Pandora from the start.
She allowed herself to be pushed back, cautious paws slowly stepping onto firm, boggy ground. The marsh made her paws squelch, but she was lost in the absorption of the witch to worry about how dirty she was getting. A smile crossed Pandora's features, golden symbols quivering and shining in the light that gave way through the crooked willow branches. After taking a minute to take in Zara's legendary form, she spoke. "Might I just," she began, tones holding honesty towards the woman. She had no desire to fuck up her chances with the fighting machine.
Her bright turquoise blue eyes sparkled as she thought of all she could learn from Zara, becoming more powerful than ever. Desire for such knowledge drove the girl to continue. "I am Pandora Artenie, daughter of Maija and..." she slightly paused, "Taurig Artenie." Since she had found out about her father's bloody past, she wasn't so keen on introducing herself as his daughter. Nevertheless, he had helped her exist and she had to give him that credit.
Breathlessly, she hurried her explanation. "I come today seeking your knowledge, Lady Zara." She had learned of the woman through talks Maija and Vi had shared, something she wouldn't disclose unless she was asked. "There is something I want, something I need in my future, and I don't see myself gaining it without your help." She faced the one scarred side, whose eye could still see. "I will have enemies in my future, and I want to to slip them the right concoction without being noticed..." She kept her gaze with Zara's, hoping that she would accept to take Pandora's request under consideration.
