
That green light, I want it



2 Years
Athena I
04-29-2018, 08:32 PM

Adore's pale paws carried her though this odd territory, her magenta gaze taking it all in with a skeptical gaze. Of all of the places she had been so far this one made her feel like she stuck out even more than usual. Sure, her rainbow fur wasn't exactly normal no matter where she went, but at least her brown fur would blend in with the tree bark. But not here. The stark white of the strange trees and vines made her stand out like nothing else. It made her wonder what in the world would make trees and plants look like this. The more she saw of the world the stranger it seemed.

Her gaze fell from the trees to the rocks that towered ahead of her, appearing in her path as if like a dream. She squinted at the rocks as she got closer, lifting her forepaw to lightly run her paw pads over the etches in the rock. This was just about as weird as she could stand. She turned away from the rocks, not even bothering to look further in at the spring that was in the middle of them. It all had her nerves a bit on edge and she turned back to go the way she came. This was just about enough creepy woods for her for one day.

A stranger's scent caught her attention though and made her slow her steps. She couldn't imagine why someone else would want to be out here, but it did make her curious over what kind of wolf would want to be in this eerily quiet, pale forest. She started moving closer to where the scent seemed to be coming from, noticing that it was another woman as she got closer. "Hello? Is someone there?" she called, peering past the trees around her to see if she could find whoever it was.

"Talk" "You"


04-29-2018, 08:56 PM
The reunty wolf had escaped her in the night but she wouldn't let anything stop her. She needed to know exactly what had been bred by her father. Did they call themselves something as demonic as they should? Did they know their blood was thick with demons? That their father was the king of demons himself? She doubted it.

She stalked onwards. The scent of another had her interest. It was like the strange ones but not like it at the same time. A female. Not exactly something she was completely interested in but the scent of the demons clung to her faintly. Another lost one mayhaps.

She moved towards it, wine red eyes caught on the bone white face of this girl. "That depends. Do you know how you came to be? Or that those pretty eyes and that pretty face mark you my kin?" she slid from the shadows easily. Her bulk turned so the girl could view her as she was. An Asmodeus, meant to be a demon in the realm of mortals. She waited for reaction from the female though, she needed to know if this one knew or was smart enough to figure it out.



2 Years
Athena I
04-30-2018, 05:34 AM

The voice that seemed to seep from the shadows of the forest stopped her, leaving her standing still in the middle of the otherwise quiet forest. Her kin? What did that even mean? Her eyes finally landed on the larger woman that came out to face her. In some ways it was like looking at her reflection. The brown tones of her own base coloring matched the other woman as did the similar white across their faces. Their eyes were of a similar hue as well, though Adore’s was more pink in nature. The one thing that Adore has that was no where on this stranger was the rainbow coloring that ran down her spine. She was still puzzled as to how they could be kin if they had never met, but something clicked in her head.

Her father. It was something her mother had never really spoken about and Adore had never tried to ask. She had guessed that whoever it had been it hadn’t been a happy accident that she and her siblings came to be. Once she let herself test the woman’s scent again she could smell some kind of similarity between them there as well. "We’re half siblings... Aren’t we?” she asked even though she already knew the answer. It was something she needed a real answer to even through it was fairly obvious.

"Talk" "You"


04-30-2018, 07:14 PM
It took the other girl a moment to see. Belua could of laughed if she weren't such a serious woman. It was obvious to her that their father had done something with another the same year he had bedded Kaitlyn and Vianni. Though whether it was rape wasn't clear. She had more siblings though, and the strange one she tracked likely belonged with this litter if the rainbow on this girl was anything to judge by. Finally though it seemed to all click into place for this girl. "It seems our father would be one in the same. But whether his blood runs true through you or not is yet to be known." She was passive in her statement. This girl may be her sister but if she had the true Asmodeus blood, she would need lessons. Hunting their kind was not something one learned overnight, nor was controlling the demon they were around those they wish no harm upon.

"Father will want to meet you himself when he returns from finding his queen. Though whether your true Asmodeus blood shines through will determine if he wants you to remain among us." She moved to circle around the girl, examining her every fiber, before sitting beside her. Being kin kept her safe from the danger of cannibalism. "Belua Diaboli Asmodeus, by the way. I would guess you have questions about our lineage since father was not there to teach you as you grew. Be not afraid to ask. I will answer with truth." She looked out into the forest ready for ridiculous questions as well as more sensible ones. Though whether she had the paitience for the ridiculous ones was still yet to be seen.



2 Years
Athena I
04-30-2018, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2018, 07:42 PM by Adore.)

Of course they were. As soon as the woman confirmed that they had the same father she could feel the truth in that statement and had no reason so question it. From their looks to the similarity to the underlying tones of their scents... But what she didn't quite understand was what she meant when she mentioned the possibility of his blood running through her or not. Was being his daughter, whoever "he" was, not proof enough of that? Or was there something else deeper that she wasn't aware of yet? She didn't even know who her father was and now suddenly she had another sister... It was enough to make her head reel.

Remain among them? It felt like this girl was speaking in riddles. Adore's gaze followed her as she began to circle her, her ears flicking uncertainly until she finally sat down next to her. Adore hesitated for a moment before she followed her lead and settled onto her own haunches as well. "I'm Adore Agatsuma, she replied in turn. Or was it actually Agatsuma? Didn't names usually follow the father's name? It made her wonder why she had never pressed the issue with her mother before now. With he floor open to ask any question she wanted it was hard to figure out what she wanted to ask first. "What's his name?" she asked first, quickly following with, "and what do you mean when you talk about my true Asmodeus blood shining through?"

"Talk" "You"


04-30-2018, 08:05 PM
The girl followed her lead and sat with Belua. Had she been another, such a thing would of proved fatal. Having such an unguarded woman next to her made her question if this girl knew true danger. Her name was given and Belua looked to her. Obvious disdain at hearing any other name but her own last one attatched to this girls name. She should be proud of her Asmodeus heiritage. She was lucky to have such rarity in her blood. The questions started and Belua was quick to answer the first. "Lucifer Leviathan Asmodeus, King of demons." She watched her newfound sister's face for reaction to that.

Her second question was much harder to answer but still able to be answered. "The answer to that takes an open mind... or rather knowledge that what we are does not always define us as nescessarily bad, though some would call us that. Our blood is ancient, it came out of what father calls the primordial sea. Where that is I've no clue. We are true demons in the world, cursed to live in mortal bonds, and live among mortals. Our father is the reigning king of demons, and the last he knows to exist before our creation. To be True asmodeus means we are not afraid to die ourselves, for we are cannibals by nature. Though it takes years upon years to perfect such a thing. Our bloodline is tainted though, sickness of the mind corrupts many, father included, though we learn to control this and our demonic nature. Does this answer your question?" She knew it was a lot of information but she basically recited it as father had told it once. She truly believed these legends. They were both princesses as well if Adore caught on to that part. She watched, her guard up. She had never openly told another of her preferences of food. Would she attack? Be appauled? Ot perhaps take interest?



2 Years
Athena I
05-11-2018, 05:01 PM

Even the man's name had a dark tone to it. She had never met him, and honestly never knew if she would, but hearing who he was and some of the haunting information that Belua shared made her reconsider the fact that she was sitting so close to this mysterious woman. She tried to do as Belua advised to keep an open mind as she spoke. The ancient nature of what she was trying to think of as her family was incredibly interesting. In her mind it was hard to imagine her family any bigger than just her mother and her immediate siblings. Now she suddenly had a half-sister sitting here describing this long, far-reaching family line from her father's side.

"To be True asmodeus means we are not afraid to die ourselves, for we are cannibals by nature." For a split second she tried to believe it was a figure of speech, but the look on the woman's face told her that it wasn't. She was quiet for a moment, even after Belua stopped speaking. "It does... But it creates a lot more." She surprised herself when her immediate response wasn't to run away. She didn't feel disgusted either. There wasn't really any strong feeling around the idea off the bat. If anything it just made her look at the woman beside her with more curiosity. It wasn't something she had ever thought about and it didn't seem all that appealing, but she couldn't judge her for it either.

Adore had always felt a bit like a misfit so maybe that's why she wasn't as shocked or bothered by the news as someone else might have been. She wanted to ask so many questions, but she couldn't even figure out what to ask. "I don't know what to say," she finally added with complete honesty. "My mom never really talked about who our dad was or anything about him so I never really considered that I could have more family... so I think I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of it."

"Talk" "You"