
By The Gods



5 Years
05-02-2018, 09:41 AM
Serene Validis

Serene had taken her time with her mother's resting ceremony; so much so, she had nearly forgotten her date with the Alpha down south and her promised religious lessons on The Fallen God. So much had happened since she last traveled to these lands, it almost felt like she was traveling them for the first time once again. The fawn woman had to reach back to her last visit, when Malleus told her the landmarks that would act as her directions to his Empire. Once she past the strange rock sculpture where she had met the silver male, she would spend another day heading southwest, hoping to stumble upon that Boneyard he spoke of. It would take her another half a day to cross such a horrible place riddled with death and decay, until she came into sight of what she assumed to be Malleus's territory.

Many yards ahead of her, stood the beginnings of a heavy line of vegetation woven with a vast array of grapevines. Like a thick, invisible blanket, many scents guarded this territory. Unlike the stone structure, where the scents of wolves past were little and fading, this place wore it's colors proudly. It was unmistakable, even for an inexperienced female like Serene, who had never been on the borders of a claimed land before. That would be her next problem. At last, she had finally found the Empire Malleus told her about, but how would she get his attention? She knew that crossing into claimed land was a death sentence, so she had to call out to him from here. But how would he know it was her? Perhaps that was just something Alpha's were trained to know.

So Serene sat back on her haunches, letting her tail rest lazily beside her, before letting out a soft and delicate call into the vines. Hopefully it would be loud enough for Malleus to hear and recognize her voice, even if it was as gentle as a lullaby. Serene would then anxiously wait, uncertain who she would see emerge from the vines. Perhaps another family member would respond to her call, or maybe it would be the silver male with sky blue eyes. Thoughts began to think about what things she could possibly learn today, who she would meet, and what would come of this meeting. Would the fawn woman end up choosing to live here? Or was there something hidden in those vines that would chase her away? The possibilities were endless and that alone was enough to intrigue the woman.  





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-02-2018, 08:05 PM
Malleus was making his way to one of his herb caches with a bundle of dried horsetail wrapped in a hide and clamped firmly between his teeth. He'd been thinking a lot lately about preparedness. The Abraxas lived and breathed physical training. They were ready for whatever fight came their way. It made sense then for him to be just as prepared to treat their wounds and it was for that reason that he'd begun squirreling away useful, wound care related items.

The soft howl at the border made him veer off course. He wasn't sure if it was the vines that prevented her voice from carrying far or what, but Serene was lucky he'd been nearby otherwise he might not have heard her. Malleus recognized her voice immediately. The intricately marked woman had made an impression and she wouldn't be someone he'd forget easily.

Malleus wove through the trees until he found a break in the vines and was able to weasel his way through. He then doubled back outside the border and trotted along it until Serene came into view. He nearly woofed a greeting when he saw her, but remembered at the last second that he was carrying a bundle that would muffle the sound.

Stopping a few feet away, he dropped the bundle and stood up with a smile. "Ah, Serene! I'm glad you decided to visit. Welcome."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
05-12-2018, 07:33 PM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

It didn't take very long for her call to be answered, for moments after her voice rang out she began to see a figure emerge from the territory. At first, at such a distance, she wasn't sure if it was Malleus or not. She assumed any of his family members would appear in a similar appearance to his own, as most family tend to look alike. But as the male made his way closer, more details come into focus and it was then she recognized him without a doubt. Curious amber eyes honed in on the bundle nestled gently in his lips, wondering why he would possibly have a need for such herbs. His strong voice rumbled out between them, greeting her with a handsome smile. The fawn woman returned his gently grin, her tail swaying softly behind her. "Thank you, Alpha Malleus. I'm glad I could find it, your directions were a great help, though I was not a big fan of that creepy boneyard.." she shuddered at the mere thought of it.

The blonde woman let herself relax onto her haunches, eyes looking passed the alpha towards his kingdom, wondering what was hidden beneath the brush. "How have you been since we last spoke? I feel like it's been ages. I hope your pack is doing well, your family too?" In truth, it only felt this way because so much had happened since they last met; Serene had met so many other faces, and so much time had gone by that now even the seasons had begun to change. In the lands she had come from, the autumn season was overtaking the land, but here in Malleus's world, the heat was nearly to the extreme. Luckily Serene was of lighter color, so the heat barely bothered her. Amber orbs refocused to the alpha's face once more, a shy smile gracing her lips.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-15-2018, 07:11 PM
OOC: crap tag, sorry! >.<

Her greeting was bit formal and he was quick to respond, "Oh, you can just call me Malleus." His title, as much as he liked hearing it, was something reserved for formal and/or serious occasions. This was a social call and there was no need for formalities.

"I've been well, thank you." It had been rather quiet since the last time they'd spoken. There wasn't much going on aside from the Abaven takeover. It was a bit too soon to celebrate, but so far there hadn't been any backlash. Malleus expected resistance at some point, but at the moment there was nothing to report. "The Risen Empire is in good shape as well; we recently added an outpost in Boreas and some of my family has gone up there to occupy it."

Genuinely curious, he asked, "What about you? You were headed home last time we spoke, right?"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
05-17-2018, 07:12 PM
Serene Validis

She nodded her head, happy she could still call him Malleus, not alpha Malleus. She was happy that he was well, that all was well. While she would never wish ill will on any living soul, she especially wanted her friends safe. But hearing that the empire had grown since her last visit, into the lands where she had just come from, made her head tilt curiously. "In Boreas? Where? I wonder if I know the place." She knew only a few places, but maybe she would recognize the area, or a few of the wolves she has met. When the silver man asked her in return, Serene had to think back to everything that had happened since their last meeting. "I suppose a lot has happened. I performed a resting ritual for my mother at the shrine with the help of Branch Wreckage, a close friend of mine. I met a few wolves; a couple were fairly nice, but one was not so friendly."

Just thinking about Daemon made her skin crawl, thinking of what he wanted to claim from her. The blonde woman visibly cringed, closing in on herself as she tried to protect herself from the memory of him. Shaking her head, she tried to put on a smile and move past that conversation. "So! Where can I begin to learn about how to hearing The Fallen God? Is there a shrine around here?" She hadn't forgotten about this God either, nor the promise of learning more about him. She wondered if perhaps he was on a plane she could eventually learn to connect to, maybe even speak with. But that would take time, and it all started with knowing who exactly this God was to Malleus and his family.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-24-2018, 06:18 PM
He nodded to confirm the outpost's location was in Boreas, then said, "The pack is in th east. It was called Abaven but I don't know if my brother will keep the name." They had a bit of a theme going and ' The Abaven Empire' didn't quite fit in. But, the pack was Archon's now. He could do with it whatever he liked. Whether or not he renamed it was up to him.

Malleus listened intently as Serene spoke. He was interested in the resting ritual she'd preformed for her mother. When the Abraxas died it was assumed they ascended and there was no need to make sure they rested. Apparently it was different for those who did not share blood with God, and although he did not find that surprising for mortals he was surprised the mother of an oracle required such a thing. Perhaps, he mused, her gift came from her father's side.

His interest, which was keen already, grew keener as Serene mentioned an unfriendly encounter. He didn't miss the shudder or the way she seemed to shrink before his eyes. Serene tried to put on a brave face and move on, but it was clear the encounter had affected her deeply and Malleus couldn't just let that go. "We can talk about the Fallen God in a moment, but I would be remiss if I didn't ask about that unfriendly wolf since the memory alone is enough to make you shudder."
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
05-26-2018, 06:03 PM
Serene Validis

Serene was not familiar with the area he spoke with, nor was she familiar with the pack. But it was good knowledge to have; in case she ever came across the pack, at least she could tell them she was a friend and not an enemy. "I haven't heard of them before, but your parents must be so proud. They now have two alphas caring on their name!" She couldn't imagine how his mother must feel, giving life to such important wolves, or his father for siring such powerful creatures. It also made her wonder if maybe this God of his was truly favoring his lineage. It made Malleus even more... well more than he already was. Something stirred in her chest, a flux of her heartbeat and an increase in temperature, when she thought about him. It was peculiar to say the least, but perhaps this was normal for wolves who met such blessed creatures.

His next words made her pause, because she wondered if she could share such a thing, or if she could even voice it out loud. Perhaps it was a regular thing wolves asked, but Serene had been sheltered from such vulgarity and wouldn't want to live in a world that took part in such requests. However, when she looked into his eyes, she did not see anything that told her not to, and something else was pulling her towards him, to tell him. Something told her that Malleus was one who could be trusted with any and all secrets, so she did. "His name is Daemon Areus," she nearly choked upon saying his name, for the chills continued to rack her skin. "I needed help out of a situation, I thought he would help me but... he wanted something in return..." Her body visibly shook as the truth neared, her tail immediately wrapping around her abdomen in attempt to protect whatever future life it would one day hold, from what she was about to say. "He... wanted pups from me."

He wanted her pups. It nearly made her vomit at the time but even now her stomach turned. How could someone ask of such a thing? Serene was of pure mind, heart, and body. She would never part take in such a deal of her own free will, but survival had forced her to accept it. She had wondered if perhaps she could hide from his grasps somewhere, like her mother had, at least until her season passed. But where would be safe? Where could she go where such a beast could not find her? She was almost certain that one day he would come for her, Serene could only hope that day was far, far away.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-26-2018, 09:54 PM
As he watched her wrestle with her answer Malleus felt a simmering anger settle into his belly. Once he realized what the sensation was he tried to analyze it, to figure out why. The feeling surprised him. Why should he care what happened to this particular mortal? Was it because she was an oracle, possibly the descendant of another god and presumably too good for whatever slimy mortal creature had frightened her? Maybe. Malleus honestly didn't know what to make of the feeling.

"His name is Daemon Areus." The way she said the mortal's name made him scowl. In fact, the more she spoke the more his scowl deepened. Malleus filed the name away in case it proved useful later.

It occurred to him suddenly that Serene might have just admitted to having been raped. His gaze turned hawkish as he scrutinized her face. She certainly appeared cowed by the experience, but she wasn't quite as upset as he would have assumed. Although really, he wasn't sure what metric he would have judged an appropriate level of upset for such a thing.

He wasn't sure how to ask. Was it even appropriate for him to ask? Malleus cleared his throat, then asked cautiosly, "Did he...?" Unsure of how to ask such a question, Malleus left it at that and hoped she understood him. How she answered determined what he did next.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
05-27-2018, 05:14 AM
Serene Validis

She would watch him as his face seemed to contort to show different emotions. Some of which, she wouldn't lie, scared her a bit. Though when she thought about it, she realized he probably wasn't angry with her, but rather Daemon, which made her heart flutter once more. Was Malleus angry that someone had disrespected her so much? She could not fathom a reason why other than he cared, if only as a friend. That made Serene a bit more cheerful, because she hoped this alpha would come to see her as a friend, like she saw him. But his faded question brought her back to reality, and the fact that he thought her purity had been taken from her made her blush crimson red. "Oh... no, he didn't... yet." How could she forget that their deal wasn't until spring? That the rustic devil would either expect her to present herself to him or he would track her down like a wounded elk.

It seemed only fair that Malleus knew of this as well, since he already knew so much of what had transpired. "He told me to find him in the spring, when I would be in heat. If I don't... I fear he will find me and make matters worse." Once more her tail flew to protect her underside, as her gaze shifted to the side, for she could not bear to look at the silver male now that he knew her fate to be sealed. Serene had always wanted pups, but never like this, never in such a way where she would be forced into it, bred for the sake of breeding and forced to raise pups with a creature she feared so much. Though the fawn woman could never hate her own pups, she certainly could hate their father. It all just seemed like facts now, and it was draining the life from Serene; the idea that her life would no longer be hers, didn't really give her much interest.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-30-2018, 07:56 PM
Her answer was somehow both relieving and inflammatory. Relieving because he was glad nothing had happened to her, and inflammatory in that it made him want to seek the mortal out and challenge his fragile claim to Serene. Her place (whether she realized it yet or not) was among the Abraxas and he would be damned if a lesser creature forced inferior offspring upon her.

Perhaps this would work in his favor, though. It was a devious thought considering how anxious the conversation was making her, but one he couldn't dismiss because its merits were many. Serene deserved to be among the Abraxas. He couldn't - wouldn't - say that about many mortals, but she struck him as worthy. If her claim of clairvoyance proved to be true that would make her a very valuable asset. So for that reason and for others he didn't fully understand, Malleus decided to see if he could use her nerves to convince her to stay.

Clearly peeved, he huffed and said, "Well, I'm glad you're alright." Of course he wasn't angry with her. The mortal who had propositioned her was lucky he hadn't touched her that day otherwise Malleus might have gone looking for him right then. He had to remind himself that Serene was not a pack mate and thus, he had no real obligation to avenge her.

Malleus searched Serene's gaze for a moment, then said, "You know, if you were part of a pack you wouldn't have to worry about him. I'd kill any mortal who laid a paw on one of my members." Pack scent alone was a good deterrent. The name of the Abraxas, too, would offer protection. By now their name had spread far and wide, and with it, the message that revenge would be swift and merciless.

"Malleus" - "Pascal"
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
06-02-2018, 07:56 AM
Serene Validis

A soft smile was offered when she heard he was thankful Serene was not violated in such a way. It was sweet, she thought, that Malleus was upset about what had transpired between her and the demon. It almost felt as if he cared about her, perhaps in only a friend way but still, he cared what happened to her. That was worth at the very least a smile. "Thank you, I consider myself very lucky. I thank the Gods for sparing me from such a fate." Her gaze lifted upwards as she imagined the Gods smiling down upon her. But it left her wondering if this was a lesson to be learned, and perhaps a sign that the Gods wanted the fawn woman to bring life into this world, and perhaps they were growing impatient with her. It was a thought she had many times over since leaving that cursed place. But she still wanted more than just a breeding, she wanted a relationship and she would argue that to the Gods if she could.

His next words caught her off guard. Amber orbs widened at the offer, a bit dazed by the sudden opportunity before her. Malleus.... was asking her to join his pack, for protection at the very least. She didn't know what to say, and yet she had a million things to ask. Serene had never been a part of a pack, she would not know the first thing to their customs or their lifestyle. She would need constant guidance, someone to show her the ropes and help her get into the swing of things. But was he really willing to let her join? Become a part of his pack and family? Serene thought of the silver man as a friend, but did they really know each other enough for this? She felt so many emotions, so much to think over... she didn't know where to begin. "A-are you asking me to join you, Malleus?" Her eyes were hard and serious, looking for absolute and certainty that this was the offer he was making. She didn't want to be the fool who misunderstood.

She was quick to add on more in her nervous state. "Because you know I've never been in a pack before, and although I would be eternally grateful, it would be such a burden on you." It was truth, for even if she did not know what would be required of her, she knew what would be required of him. Their lessons on The Fallen God would have to spread to include lessons on pack law and standards. She was hopeful though, that the offer was true and a whole new life await her. Life where she could wake up and say good morning to wolves she cared for, where she could feel safe and never alone. Maybe meet a wolf she can really care for, maybe settle down and have the litter the Gods had been asking for.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-02-2018, 11:34 AM
In a roundabout way, yes, he was asking her to join. She would be safer in nearly any pack, but in his opinion, The Risen Empire could offer the most protection. Once a member she would be a ward of The Fallen God and He would do anything to ensure the safety of His people. With Malleus as His avatar, The Fallen God would heap misery upon the head of any who dared threaten Serene.

In response to her question he nodded slowly and firmly. "Indeed I am." There was no better place for her. "I do not believe that for one second!" This was the same woman who had, upon learning of his status, immediately began calling him Alpha Malleus out of respect for him. That respectfulness would serve her well and help smooth over whatever mistakes she made while adjusting to pack life. "The skills you have used to survive as a rogue are the same ones that will enable you to thrive among us. I'll teach you our ways," he said confidently, "And you will prosper with us."

His expression thoughtful, Malleus searched Serene's gaze for a moment before asking, "So what do you say, Serene? With us, Daemon Aerus and those like him will be little more than a distant and disturbing memory." Just saying the mortal's name made Malleus want to sneer in contempt.

  "Malleus" - "Pascal"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
06-02-2018, 04:21 PM
Serene Validis

He was offering her a position among his family. Serene felt honored to even be considered, though she imagined this offer would not have come if her situation had remained a secret. Still, it was ana amazing opportunity, and she smiled brightly upon hearing she wouldn't be a burden. That would have been the worst feeling in the world. But as he mention the skills she used for survival as of now, well she pondered that for a minute. The fawn woman was a healer, that one was obvious and she could offer what knowledge she had on storing and gathering. But her other skills, paled in comparison. She was not an adapt hunter, she survived on what little game should could manage to take down on her own, or scraps of others kills, or she went without eating for several days. Serene could not fight, it was physically not within her being to do harm to others. Her best chance at surviving would be defense, and that would mostly consist of running away. But perhaps he would consider her spiritual knowledge as a skill? Though it had little to do with her current survival tactics, it was a great skill of hers. Still, she worried what skills she could actually offer Malleus.

But here he offered her still a place among them. It was a great offer and she believed not many were given this chance. While she was hesitant on many accounts, she yearned for the experience of pack life. She left her home in the weeping wood to experience the world, and Malleus was offering it. So why shouldn't she take it? Even if it offered challenges, Serene was confident that her friends would help her overcome them. "I would be honored to join your pack, Malleus. I really would, but what can I give you and your family in return for my protection?" She was curious what answer he would provide, and excitement bloomed in her chest as she thought about the possibilities. What would they have her do? Perhaps she could be a spiritual apprentice or leader, maybe a healer or a gardener, or maybe she could babysit pups! Any job given to her, Serene would be sure to excel in it, or at least do her very best.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-02-2018, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2018, 06:35 PM by Malleus.)
The better he got to know her the more convinced Malleus became of how pure her heart was. Serene's desire to be kind and respectful - her desire to give back when she was being given something - struck him as genuine. If she was simply pretending to care about what she could do in return, she was a very good actress. Malleus doubted quite strongly that that was the case. Nothing about their interactions thus far had suggested that might be true.

He thought about her question for a second and chose his words carefully. "You shouldn't doubt the things you have to give in return; they are many, I assure you. Your allegiance to the Fallen God and commitment to the path He will lay before you, is one." Malleus thought about it a second longer. He wasn't sure what position would suit her best. Perhaps that was something they could sort out later. "Your connection to the spirits will no doubt serve us well, so that is another. And perhaps," he said frankly, "one day you might choose an Abraxas as a mate."

  "Malleus" - "Pascal"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
06-03-2018, 09:38 AM
Serene Validis

The reassurance she received made her heart swell and her confidence bloom. If the Alpha thought that she could bring so much to offer, then surely it could be true. If Malleus could see her potential, then maybe others will too, then maybe they will not look down on her as an outsider, but rather as an equal. That was what something she craved; to fit in with these wolves who she hoped would grow to become her new family. He spoke of the Fallen God, and the path he would put her on, and it got her thinking. When she first met Malleus, she thought perhaps someone was guiding her to him. At that time, Serene believed it to be her mother of late that pushed her to these lands, but perhaps it was his God all along. Perhaps even from that first encounter, the Fallen God was trying to bring her here, but for what she wondered? Why would a God with such a wide range of followers, dedicated to his cause, bred and raised to follow His word, desire someone like her? It was mind boggling, but the fawn woman had learned long ago to never doubt a God. It simply was not a good idea.

Malleus would then move to talk about her connection to spirits, which made her smile broaden, because she was very proud of her skill and would love to use it to help others. Of course it would take time for her to adapt to the Fallen God's frequency. That was why she wanted to learn as much as she could about Him, so she could better tune herself. She was convinced that day would soon come. But when the subject of mates came up, the fawn woman felt heat creep onto her face, so much so she had to cast down her gaze. Was that what this was all about? Once more the prospect of mates, breeding, and pups had come up into her life and she felt like something was driving her to this. "A mate..." she whispered, not knowing her thoughts were becoming vocalized. Serene knew little about mates as well, for her father was unknown to her, and her mother did not speak of it. Was that normal for mates? Or did they stick together, as a team, as one unit, forever? She didn't know.

She shrugged, not really sure what to say. "I'm positive there will be something I can do to contribute. But I've felt pushed to this point by something bigger than me, so perhaps this is where I am meant to be. Maybe that means I will find a mate and settle down at last, or maybe something else." She offered a smile, and stood, looking beyond Malleus and towards the vines she would now call home. "But all is to be revealed in good time! For now," she walked by the silver male, not caring if they brushed along side one another, "will you show me around our home, Alpha?" It was almost a teasing tone, but full of excitement and joy. She was ready now, she was no longer afraid, she wanted to enjoy this new part of her life and she wanted Malleus to guide her through it. For in him, and in his God, she trusted.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-09-2018, 12:01 PM
Malleus nodded in response to her words. He was confident that in time her place among them would become clear. Without a doubt, the Fallen God would make the most of her presence and devotion. He wasn't a wasteful god and he wasn't thoughtless; He knew her abilities and how they could best be used.

Time would tell what was in store for Serene. Over the next few weeks Malleus would make a point to check in on her frequently and make sure she was settling in. He had no doubt that she would thrive here; that her gentle spirit and curious nature would win the other Abraxas over as it had won him over.

"...will you show me around our home, Alpha?" Malleus chuckled and then gave a shallow, playful bow. "It would be my pleasure," he rumbled before motioning towards the pack lands. "Right this way, I'll show you the Cathedral first."


  "Malleus" - "Pascal"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.