
Feeding my flame


07-17-2014, 04:23 PM

She found herself spending more time outside of pack lands rather than within pack lands, but she was far from neglecting her duties. Russet bodice sprawled lazily across cool grass, eyes closed as she relaxed. This had been the first place she had met Vi, the place where she had agreed to join Covari, but it was all a distant memory now. Dozing lightly, she enjoyed the cool spring air and the smell of rain. She hoped that the rain would hold off long enough for her to finish enjoying her lazy afternoon. Her mind was quiet for the first time in a few days. After the meeting and her little adventure with Cynrik, she spent two days on the island before finally returning to Covari. The time away had settled her thoughts and soothed her worries.

Her injuries had healed without issue, leaving behind only scars in remembrance of her battle. A coy smile played on marred lips as she laid out plans. Vi had given her permission to go to war with the pale bitch, if she could get the numbers. Idly she wondered who all would join her. Was the pack even interested in going to war? After the Tortugan Queens attack on Vi, she was certain that there would be some who would seek revenge. But she knew the consequences. Going after Roman would bring Isardis out of whatever hole he was currently hiding in. But the chance to overthrow his empire was more than enticing, especially after her little run in with the pale man.

Anticipation rolled down her spine in a pleasant shiver. The idea sounded more and more appealing everyday. But rumor had it that Vi had stepped down as primary and placed Desiree in charge. Surely the purple Queen would like some revenge for the damage done to her wife? Perhaps when she returned she would seek out the two women and get their opinions. A little drizzle settled in, dew clinging to the tips of her russet pelt, giving her a shiny appearance. So far, she didn't mind, the liquid having not yet penetrated the deeper layers of her coat. The fallen queen would remain still, a smirk toying with her lips as she continued to doze lightly, scenes of battling unfolding before her.




2 Years
07-22-2014, 03:13 PM

The boy was restless and uncertain, since VI had returned to power he had found himself withdrawing more and more from the wolves in the pack. The cold manner in which VI dealt with him left his heart hollow and he found, oddly, that he missed the responsibilities he had held in her absence. This was only the tip of the iceburg, not only had he upset his Alpha but he had perhaps lost a friend in Sib, he had wronged her and he had found that no words could make it right. His heart was so cold these days, and never before had he felt so lost and lonely. A part of him cried out for his sister, for Twig and another part of him refused to share with her his sadness after she had finally found a peace of happiness in this world.

He also could not decide if he needed to leave Sibelle alone and give her space or to find her, remind her of the friendship they had held, tell she did not have to be alone if she could still bare his friendship. He had left her some days now and would find himself constantly pacing within the confines of his den and finding that he could think of nothing else but her plight and how he had hurt her. At last his heart could bare the silence no longer and would leave his den and find her trail and would track her from the den and out into the wilds.

When at last he found his old friend he would slow and pause, his uncertainty threatening to show as he left himself on the sidelines and waited for the other to notice him.


07-22-2014, 08:20 PM

There was a shift in the air, a new scent clung to the damp air. For a second she wouldn't move, unsure if it was real or not. Eyes would flutter open before she rolled onto her belly, verdant gaze sweeping the shrine before finally landing on Cru. Lips would lift in an uncertain smile. She hadn't expected to see him. Why was he here? Limbs would tuck beneath her before pushing her up onto all fours. She would shake herself, shaking free the moisture that had clung to her pelt. Russet crown would tip to the side though she didn't move any closer. "Are you just gonna stand there?" A brow would lift, soft, teasing words slipping from between torn slips. Ever so slowly her tail would wag back and forth, hesitantly. Her haunches would fold beneath her, emerald gaze focusing intently on him, a hint of curiosity dancing across her features.

Everything had been so peaceful, she had been care free for the past few days, but now she was unsure of what was about to happen. Why was he here? The question kept running through her mind over and over again. She hadn't expected him to seek her out so soon after their spat. It still stung knowing what he had done but since her little vacation to the island, it stung less, though it still lingered, following her relentlessly. She would allow silence to envelope them, her emotions stirring to life uncertainly.




2 Years
07-24-2014, 05:40 PM

The boy would watch in silence as her eyes finally alighted upon his form, as through she had sensed his presence around her. She would stand then, lithe limbs drawing her to her feet before at last she seemed to turn fully to him and give him now her attention. The boy would offer a partial smile as her soft words at last ended the silence that he had begun to feel stretching out between them.?well, that was the plan? his voice held steady and with growing confidence his grin would stretch a little further, bringing out humour that had always been a part of him.

He would take a few more steps forward, keeping enough distance between them to not intrude upon her moment but to show that he wished to stay. With a soft sigh he also would recline now onto his hunches and let his eyes drift to her own orbs, waiting for the moment she asked him to leave once more. It had taken a lot to bring himself out her, to be once again in the vicinity of her presence and he wasn't certain, if she sent him away, that he could bring himself to do so again.


07-25-2014, 07:37 PM

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His smile was small at first, but grew with each word. And she would laugh softly, a brief whimsical sound. A few steps would bring him closer but there was still distance between them, it was enough for her to know that he wanted to stay and wasn't about to run off. She was tempted to rise and move closer but she hesitated, unsure whether or not that was the right thing to do. An awkward silence settled between them, and her gaze would drop shyly, carefully studying her paws. "Soooo...." The soft word fell from scarred lips on a silent question. [i]Now what?[/s] Where did they go from here? She desperately wanted to remain part of his life, but did he want the same? And at the same time, she didn't want to be hurt again. Would he always have feelings for Vi? Did she even have a chance? Did he want to give her a chance? Thousands of questions races through her mind, yet all the while, her face remained fairly neutral except for the small smile that played on her lips.

"Talk" "You" Think