
Clint Eastwood


05-09-2018, 10:48 AM

The Blood Dame ate in silence, paws hanging over the edge of the canyon as her fangs scraped against bone and caused the thin sinew to pop from the animal’s joints. It had been a stupid creature with a curved nose that fell over its jaws and far fatter than any boar she had ever seen. Exquisite. This land would certainly suit her needs if all the prey were as fat and slow as the unknown creature beneath her.

The fact that the land under her had been claimed had not escaped her; however, she made no call to be greeted. She was a godling after all, she would not beg for acceptance or submission to whoever came to her. She licked her chops passively and looked around, no sign of anyone just yet, and she was beginning to become bored. The pack was small, which was what drew her to it in the first place but waiting to be discovered was becoming tedious. Without bothering to rise Bathsheba held out her head and howled lowly, summoning the alpha to join her and share her meal.




4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
05-10-2018, 07:48 AM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2018, 07:49 AM by Seth.)
Seth, busy with arranging newly harvested herbs to dry in his cave-den, had not immediately noticed the stranger who had somehow avoided the patrols long enough to hunt and find a perch atop the cliff face above him. When a stone clattered down to roll into his cave, though, he happened to glance out out of curiosity. Seeing the stranger had him pull back in caution, his brown pelt blending with the red stone of the shadowed cave mouth as he watched. Incredibly, the wolf managed to polish off the tapir without anyone noticing, despite her being right overhead. It seemed unlikely, but maybe the rest of the pack was out of the canyon patrolling or scouting. When the stranger called for Ashiel, Seth's misshapen face formed into a harshly sardonic expression of incredulity. She mist be a fool to think trespassing and stealing from the alpha, and then daring to call for him as though taunting him, would be a smart stunt to pull with a child of the Fallen God. Perhaps it was time to make himself known.

The dwarf took one of the hidden paths to the top of the canyon, his short legs carrying him quietly in that strange hopping gait of his, until he popped up through a hole practically next to the much larger stranger. "Well, well, you seem to be making yourself right at home," he said, in a dry, sardonic tone, one brow arching as he eyed her.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
05-10-2018, 06:46 PM

Do ya feel lucky punk?
Well do ya?

The stranger had not gone unnoticed. Oh no, Pyralis was quite pleased to catch the familiar scent of the great sour puss of the north she'd met upon her first arrival in Boreas. Now what was the idiotic creature doing so far south? And to cross into the territory and kill prey without permission?  Oh, she was going to enjoy tearing this insipid twit to shreds but for now Pyralis opted to stalk and observe. Her coat melded with the red rocks and the shadows they cast as she tucked away behind shrubbery off to the left of where Bathsheba was laying and eating. She waited to see what would happen. To her surprise the woman seemed to be calling for her son without even bothering to stand.  Yes, that confirmed it to the goddess. This was an act of self flagellation.  How could Pyralis turn away such a tortured soul without first drawing blood? Out over the canyon she spied her companion Alkali circling high up in the sky. Oh goody, everything was falling into place.

Her limbs spread equidistant from her body, they bent sharply to lower her center of gravity and bring her a bit closer to Bathsheba's level. Her skull and tail shifted to align with her spine as her chin tucked. Pyralis' neck gracefully scrunched back, her shoulders rolling forward, her hackles raised. Her weight settled evenly over her supple limbs as her toes splayed, claws digging into the earth as her ears pinned tight to her head.  Golden eyes narrowed as she determined her approach.

At about the same time Seth appeared to Bathsheba's right (position approved by Tea) Pyralis made her move.  Like an explosion Pyralis kicked off and leapt toward Bathsheba, attempting to close the distance between them. She attempted to approach Bathsheba's left side at a perpendicular angle, hoping to align her chest with the middle of the left side of the woman's neck.  Pyralis' own neck would shift to her left as her jaws dove down seeking Bathsheba's face. She attempted to pierce both the woman's eyes, her upper fangs seeking to puncture Bathsheba's right eye, her lower fangs seeking to puncture the left. Her goal was to brutally maim her opponent and obtain a grip on the fools face.

Additionally she would lift her forelegs and attempt to throw them around Bathsheba's neck while allowing her weight to fall forward and down. Pyralis sought to wrap her right arm around the back of Bathsheba's neck, a few inches in front of the shoulder blades and her left arm around the front of the woman's neck, a few inches above where the neck met the chest. She hoped to achieve a grip from which she could steady herself as well as force her weight onto the woman's neck. For simultaneously she thrust her chest forward and down, seeking to crash the lower part of it into the left side of Bathsheba's neck, near the base, hopefully in between Pyralis' opening arms. She wanted to cause bruising and use her weight to strain her opponents neck.

Pyralis vs Bathsheba for Maim (permanent blinding of left eye)
Rd. 1 of ?
Height: 42"
Build: Medium

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-10-2018, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2018, 06:59 PM by Ashiel.)
ooc: Fen if you like I'm good with extending the default time to a week.

Edit approved by Tea to remove ooc note from a different thread (way to copy those tables Luns) and add in a different one.

Watch Me Take That Flicker To Flame

Ashiel had spent much of his time in the Wraith's Woods, scouting it out and making plans for expansion. After his travel he'd been resting near the canyon's southern border when a stranger's howl rang out. His ears flicked in irritation as he got to his paws, wondering what it could be this time. Part of him hoped it would actually be a mortal worth their salt for once. No greasy belly-crawlers with high ambitions and no smart asses who couldn't handle the respect required to function in the ranks of the Abraxas.  Griff soared along next to him as he moved to answer the call but as he did it became more and more apparent that whoever was calling was trespassing. This was a challenge. Whoever summoned him might have well been challenging for his entire pack in his eyes. This breach of respect would not be tolerated and he approached ready for blood. His defenses began to fall into place. His skull and tail shifted to align wtih his spine as his hackles stood on end. His weight shifted evenly across his limbs as his toes splayed, claws digging into the earth. His ears pinned tightly to his head and as he breached the canyon on the strangers right side and turned to face her. He had only a moment to notice his mother leap from her hiding place.

Ashiel didn't bother to ponder it. This was his pack and he was not going to sit idly by while some goat with a head full of earth worms disrespected the Abraxas with her breach into their territory. His shoulders rolled forward as his limbs bent to both lower his center of gravity and to enable him to spring forward.  Like his mother he exploded with power, muscles rippling  as he attempted to close the distance between himself and Bathsheba. He attempted to approach her perpendicular to her right side, seeking to align his chest with her right hip. He hoped this positioning would keep Seth out of the way and also keep him from accidentally colliding with his mother.

Ashiel's chin would tuck, his shoulders rolling forward as his neck twisted slightly to his left, his head diving down with his jaws wide as he attempted to bite the base of Bathsheba's tail where it attached to her hindquarters. He sought for his upper fangs to land on the left side of her tail with his lower fangs on the right side of her tail. His goal was to snap his jaws together in a crushing grip with enough force to crush the vertebrae and shred the flesh and muscles. He would keep some part of this fool as a trophy, and a tail was as good as anything.

As he attacked with his jaws he would attempt to raise his right foreleg and throw it over Bathsheba's back, just in front of her hips. Simultaneously he'd attempt to crash the lower part of his chest into the top of her right hip seeking to bruise her. The goal of using both his arm and his chest was to crash his weight into her and limit her movement.

Despite himself he was finding the whole thing quite thrilling. It had been awhile since he and Pyralis had been able to spend some mother and son bonding time.

Ashiel and Pyralis vs Bathsheba for Maim (severing of tail)
Rd. 1 of ?
Height: 42"
Weight: Heavy

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.

Head Judges


05-14-2018, 07:35 PM

And the winner is...

ASHIEL AND PYRALIS! Due to Bathsheba not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Ashiel and Pyralis' favor. Bathsheba must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out, and Bathsheba is now permanently blind in her left eye.