
just to make you feel worse


05-13-2018, 03:42 PM

The skies were gray and clouded as far as he could see. In the distance he heard a clap of thunder which made him even less optimistic about the state of the weather. With a dismissive flick of his ear he padded on past the seemingly endless field of various boulders and rocks. His steps were aimless and the more distance he covered the more he questioned why he bothered. Being back in these moderately familiar lands was strange and difficult all at once. He had avoided the northern lands thus far since that was the last place he had seen the various wolves he had attempted to follow or be close to. For some reason the thought that he might bump back into any of them felt almost sickening.

A light mist of rain began to fall, dampening the first layer of his thick fur and darkening the lighter teal colors, making the fur begin to clump together when he gave his large form a quick shake. The fur around his scruff laid more flat to his skin than usual, revealing the jagged scars that marred the back of his neck. The toes of large paws spread as he walked to form around the rocky landscape and keep him steady on his feet while they began to grow slick from the rain. He stopped for a moment, his golden gaze settling down on the ground in front of him. For once his mind was quiet. It felt like his lack of direction had finally caught up to him and he was so lost that he didn't know where to begin.

A stranger's scent pulled his attention away from the ground and his head lifted to peer through the mist. It was a tad hard to make out any specifics about the wolf's scent through the damp, almost mildew scented air. He had no idea of knowing if they were heading toward him or just passing by. Either way he couldn't find it in himself to care.
