
Load 'em up and let's go riding through the badlands



3 Years
05-15-2018, 08:59 PM
It had been a little while since his last fight so it was time to get rolling and spar. He woke early that morning, ate a  little and did a short patrol before setting off for the battlefield at a well paced trot. As he got closer he noted today was a bit overcast, but hopefully that wouldn't deter too many wolves from seeking sparring partners. It would suck for this to be a wasted trip.

When he arrives the scent of fights recent and old hit his nostrils and Amos breathed it in deeply. He kind of liked the smell, odd as that might be the smell of battle was sort of thrilling. It got him even further into the mindset he needed when he was here. Stopping a ways away from a few pairs of actively sparring wolves Amos would glance around to ensure there weren't already some partnerless wolves standing around before he lifted his muzzle and howled for an opponent. Now he'd sit and wait for someone to- wait was that a raindrop?
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-15-2018, 09:20 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

She padded along the edge of the Field, the ends of her tail hair dragging along in the soil as she scanned the rolling, bare expanse of land. It was here her father had struck down the bastard that had challenged for Celestial so soon after his return from trying to save her grandmother.

Challenges, death battles, spars. This was the place that had seen much death. But there were also opportunities for new lives and new beginnings. Not in birth, of course, but in seeking a new pack to run with. She was on the opposite side of this coin. She was seeking for those who wanted a new home. She would be picky, however. They would need skilled hunters and fighters and healers. Ambitious wolves who could be loyal and not slack in their duties.

She didn’t want wolves who would be content to languish in the common ranks. She wanted those who wanted to rise through the ranks and earn their status.

Her father had given her the pack, with Gwen at her side, and she wanted to ensure that the future would be bright for Celestial, with new blood and fresh ambition. Thus, her presence here. The change of paws hadn’t been announced yet. She wanted a chance to get her bearings before calling the pack… She wouldn’t be against a spar, though, save for the fact that she didn’t have a—hello…

Amos’ howl rang across the Field, and her head tipped toward it, ears perked. It didn’t take much for her her to decide and she took off at a lope. She came in to find that he was alone, and she huffed, grinning as she made a show of looking around for a second wolf.

“Where’s your Witness from the pack? Mind if I stand as yours?” Her note was affectionately teasing, but it carried a subtle reminder of the pack law regarding taking someone along with you to observe the spar.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
Extra large
05-24-2018, 10:52 PM
It was strange for the pink eyed demon to travel so far away from what she had come to call home, the north was in her blood, and as a result the woman often found the warmer climates to be a bit much. The day was overcast, which would have usually spelled a good day for the succubus, today it only made her irritable. The need to rip something apart drove her from the lonely confines of her icy northern home and sent her south toward the traditional battle fields. Her trip was not long, nor arduous, and she had jogged on the way over to ensure her muscles were fluid and warmed up. She had come looking to relieve her jagged emotions.

Abandoned, left on her own by the ones who were supposed to be there for her always, Dea was forced to go it alone. She had no friends, her parents were nowhere to be found, as well as her siblings. Even the newest little demon had disappeared from Dea. It was all too much, and now frustration had built to the point of madness, and she needed to let off steam. A howl came to her eager ears then, and she found herself pausing on the edge of the field to watch as other wolves paired up and fought. The smell of blood and pain on the air mingled with the scent of adrenaline, giving a rush of its own to Dea's body as she moved with an ethereal grace toward the howler's direction.

There were two wolves present when she arrived at their location, a light-colored female who was almost an unblemished white if you missed the subtle flow of colors displayed by the wind and a dark male with mismatched green and orange eyes. Both wolves seemed to be at the same level of peace with each other, the male sitting there seemingly waiting and the female looking around as if she searched for another. Was there a third? Pink eyes looked around to see if there was, in fact, another wolf around, and seeing no other, she moved to close the distance between herself and the pair. Looking to the darker, relaxed male, Dea gave a sardonic smile and spoke in a way that one could tell she was in a bad mood, but trying to make the best of it. "Which one of you called for a playdate?" Of course, this would be a game to the devil's child, she was in love with blood sport and pain!  

*~~~* "Talking." *~~~* Thinking. *~~~*
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



3 Years
05-24-2018, 11:44 PM
Amos turned as Aurielle approached, His expression went from amiable to a bit of an exaggerated sheepishness, right eye closing and ears falling to the side as a grimacing smile played at his lips. Oops, yes, that was a thing. Perhaps seizing opportunity was best done when traveling with a friend. Noted. "But of course, she's just arrived, an' is looking so lovely an' forgivin if I do say so myself," he replied, tail swatting the ground hopefully.

The wait was quite short, an opponent appearing not long after the call. A woman painted in soft brown hues came striding over, fixing the pair with bright pink eyes. That was a new color, though with Regulus being red, it was hard to call it super unusual. "That'd be me. If you're answering the call I'd be safe to assume you're game, then? Long as ya' aren't looking for anything that'd make the walk home difficult I'm happy to provide a 'playdate'. Aurielle here will be witnessing the fight."

Moving off into his own space, Amos let his legs slide equally apart, head lowering, ears falling back and a grin playing at his lips as per usual. "You want the first move, then?"

Amos vs. Dea for spar
Round 0/?
Height: 36 inches
Build: Heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-24-2018, 11:56 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

Aurielle chuckled lightly at Amos’ expression and response, the comment on her looks rolling off her like water off a duck as she teased cheerfully, “Well, I’ll let you off with a warning from your Archangel. She says take a Witness and agrees to be your witness for this spar.”

Her grin was almost wicked as she laid the information at his paws. An indirect admission that she was now the highest-ranking member of the pack, and that changes would be nigh in coming. She lifted a paw, aiming a playful swipe for the top of his head before she turned to study the female approaching.

She remained silent as Amos took the lead, nodding easily to the newcomer with a cordial “Good day,” before she moved off to the side, well out of range should the spar be one that moved around a lot, haunches settling neatly on the soil, bannerlike tail flicking to drape over the ground as she settled in to spectate.

-Last Aurielle post until after the spar's done/judged! Good luck!-

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
Extra large
05-25-2018, 10:03 PM
Eyes flash to the male, fixing him in her stare as she grazed over his body and up to his face where she met the tri-colored gaze of her would be opponent. He spoke with a thick accent, one she found she admired, but it did not distract her. He was a pretty thing, made of bluish greys and blacks with hints of lighter grey and even some white. The male's face was covered in a black mask, just as her own had been washed by white.  There was a sturdiness to his frame that suggested he was a practiced fighter with a confidence that spoke of at least a few wins under his collar. He wasn't quite as tall as she was, though his lighter weight might allow him to move a bit more fluidly than she could. He spoke then, pulling her from her thoughts as he spoke once again, verifying her suspicions about the call. "I am all I have, if you do not harm me too much, I will give you the same courtesy." She wasn't feeling particularly murderous or in much of an 'I'll maim you!' mood, so it was no trouble.

She glanced over to the female who moved to the side as the male moved to steady himself, his words bringing her focus back to him as he set himself before her. Dea spread her weight evenly on her paws, her eyes locking onto the hypnotic colors of her opponent's as she tucked her chin a bit and began to circle his blue-grey frame. She found an odd exhilaration thrumming through her veins as her paws carried her towards his right, the newcomer unsure of where to start her first spar with a wolf who wouldn't be secretly trying to kill her. The circling stops when she is able to be nose to tail with him and at his right side, though she remains out of reach until a sudden, sideways spring to her left brings her in his direction and she ducks her head down, aiming her teeth for a gentle hold on his hind leg. Her tail waved as she made her intent clear, this was truly only playing for her, and she would not cause any real injury unless she had to. Should her aim be true, Dea would lift her head with his leg in her mouth and lean her weight into her opponent, hoping to unbalance and topple him over so that she could move in to pin him to the ground.  

If it had been a real fight, Dea would have shaken her head once the leg was in her grasp, crippling the male and bleeding him like a pig. But, since it was only a playdate, she kept herself composed and tried her best not to hurt him too much should he end up between her teeth. The lust was there, the want to rip and shred him until nothing remained but a pink stain on the snow remained, Dea was not stupid enough to commit murder with a full witness standing beside the impromptu fighting ring. Gripping and toppling him would be enough for now, if she achieved it, and maybe she showed off her own set of skills to someone that wasn't family. It was strange to taste a wolf who she wasn't planning on eating, but this was only a way for her to blow off steam for her. A release she desparately needed.

Amos vs. Dea for spar
Round 1/3
Height: 40 inches
Build: Medium

*~~~* "Talking." *~~~* Thinking. *~~~*
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



3 Years
05-28-2018, 11:20 PM
The words that graced his ears had him turning briefly to meet his friend's eyes with a searching look. Wait, really? He'd known she was going to take leadership quite soon, but he didn't know it was official now. How time flies, when he met her she hadn't been allowed to leave the pack lands, and now here she was the alpha of the pack. Now that was quite the shift. "Thank you, kind leader, I'll do my best to be deserving of your good will," he chuckled.

She confirmed that she was also not looking for anything violent or maimy, which he was pleased to hear. Much as high stakes fights got your blood pumping, he didn't really feel like adding new scars to his hide with each fight. Better to keep it light and simply use the opportunity to learn, that was the whole idea of this spar thing.

The woman would seek to circle around him, and Amos allowed it to a certain degree. His head turned with her, and his body shifted so she could not get behind him if that's what she was looking to do. He set his defenses, legs spreading equidistant ears folding back, lips peeling into a snarl, knees bending slightly while his toes splayed and nails bit into the dirt beneath him for traction. Head and tail even with spine, chin tucked, hackles raised, eyes narrowed to protect them, shoulders rolled forward to push his scruff over his vitals. All were quickly done as soon as she moved, instinctively putting each defense in place to minimize potential damage to himself as was intelligent even in a friendly spar.

When the woman leapt sideways towards him, he braced himself and checked that his weight was evenly spread over his limbs, and seeing the path of her parted jaws he shifted his weight to his other three limbs before lifting his right hind leg and seeking to aim a kick forward at the woman's right cheek with the intention of leaving mild bruising in that spot as a jarring first lesson that he would not be so easy to knock over. He had plenty of experience with having his balance compromised in previous fights.

As the limb returned to earth he'd seek to get the real fight rolling by parting his own jaws, twisting his head to his right and aiming a bite at the back of the woman's right hind leg just above the hock where the tendons ran up through the back of her thigh. Upper jaw sought the side of the limb closer to her left leg while lower jaws hoped for purchase on the outer side of the limb. His goal was moderate lacerations rather than lasting damage like it might have been in a real fight. What might it be like to actually seek to maim? He could hardly imagine, and part of him almost dared to be naive enough to hope he never would have to against another wolf.

At the same time as his jaws went in for a bite, his balance redistributed again to his grounded limbs while his front right leg would lift from the ground, seeking to throw the point of his shoulder into he point of her right hip for some mutually painful bone to bone bruising. The paw would snap downward, seeking to land not on ground but on the woman's right hind paw with the intent of adding more light bruising to her list of injuries to think about.

Amos vs. Dea for Spar
Round 1/3
Height: 36 inches
Build: heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



4 Years
Extra large
05-31-2018, 10:11 PM
Dea is sorely disappointed when her new play thing was not in her jaws and on his side as she wanted him to be. Instead, he retaliated with a savage kick to her face, the woman found herself backpeddaling, but his nail caught the inside of her left nostril. With it, she turned her head, and snorted as a burning tingle went up her nose. She blinked for only a second, and growled as she barely caught sight of his head dipping to grasp her in the same manner as she had tried to grab him only moments before. Tucking her hind end down, she took his cutting bite to her back, just above her tail, where the bone of her hip took his teeth. It was a glancing blow, but it would surely leave a wretched bruise on her hip. Hell, she might even knock a few teeth out of the male's mouth if she was lucky.

He moved simultaneously to step on her paw, but she was already pivoting to her right, avoiding the bruising blow he meant for her hip with his shoulder. She took advantage of his odd positioning and aimed her teeth for a bruising hold on the left side of his neck, gripping him hard if she should get a hold of him, then she would shake her head with a punishing ferocity in a hard side to side motion. She hoped to dizzy him, to make it so his world spun and colors swam. He hurt her nose! It still burned and brought tears to her eyes, making her blink rapidly. It would be a bit savage, but she would take care not to hurt him too much. She could only hope that her teeth found their target, she would have to come up with a better try for next time if not. Already she was beginning to tire, she could feel it. Pain swept from her hips to her back where his teeth connected, and she could feel the start of swelling. Along with the burn in her nose, her mood was chaniging, she was ready to hurt him.

Amos vs. Dea for spar
Round 2/3
Height: 40 inches
Build: Medium

OOC: Sorry it's crappy XDD, I am tired!

*~~~* "Talking." *~~~* Thinking. *~~~*
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



3 Years
06-03-2018, 04:38 PM
He could feel some connection from the kick, some pressure on one of his toes as it caught something. Though he didn't see the hit, he was at least happy it  had the effect he'd wanted. His balance was intact. The bite didn't hit how he wanted, but hey, a hit was a hit? Well, maybe not if you hurt almost as much as your opponent. Was one of his smaller front teeth a little loose? Yikes.

Legs remained spread evenly apart, joints bent slightly and toes spread with claws dug into the dirt beneath him. Tail flagged out, adjusting it's position with his every move to aid the man in maintaining his balance through the fight. Through narrowed eyes he did his best to keep tabs on his opponent's movements to the best of his ability. She was moving again, coming in for retaliation. He felt her fangs sink into the skin on the left side of his neck, getting mostly scruff but with a reasonably good hold that would draw blood. Letting a soft growl rumble past gritted teeth, he quickly sought to retaliate.

Amos' head and neck angled to the left, jaws parting and aiming to land a bite on the sensitive skin just behind De's left shoulder with the intent of getting a hold on any loose skin there and leaving moderate puncture wounds in the process. If she kept up the shaking she'd started then getting a tight hold would stead him before he got too dizzy. He'd push off his right front leg a bit to get some force behind the bite, seeking to get close.

At the same time Amos would move his weight to his hind legs only long enough to lift his left front paw and seek to slam it down on Dea's own left front forcefully, hoping to leave her with mild bruising as he resettled his weight more evenly.

The shaking of her head with such force was getting a little overwhelming, so after a moment's thought he'd curl his hind end to the left enough to seek to swat at her eyes with his tail with the intention of stinging them and hopefully causing her to loosen her grip or at least stop the shaking. His hackles remained raised down his spine, joints bent slightly, shoulders rolled forward to push up his scruff which was the only reason she hadn't hit anything beneath said skin and fur with her bite.

Amos vs. Dea for Spar
Round 2/3
Height: 36 inches
Build: Heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



4 Years
Extra large
06-06-2018, 11:45 PM
Sweet connection! A small triumphant giggle erupted from the mad woman's throat as she shook him with everything she had. But she felt him move in reaction to her shaking, and instinct demanded she act fast. Standing on her back legs and moving to hook him beneath her, she hoped to increase her assault. The action brought his teeth away from the sensitive back of her shoulder to the bony, hard plane of the front. His fangs left two moderate lacerations across her shoulder near her chest, and with the splitting of her own flesh came a fire that spread to ignite the flames within the demonic girl. Hot blood seeped through her fur and dripped from her shoulder, the sensation causing her to screech through his skin in her teeth as rage engulfed her.

Clamping her jaws forcefully, and using what she hoped was a better grip on his back, Dea put her entire aching frame into her shaking. Powerful muscles along her back and the burning pull of those in her shoulders, neck, and chest all working in synchronicity to knock him out! She thrashed her head with clamped jaws and roared through her teeth at him, pain coursing through her and fueling a further rage. In this she demanded his submission, she was her father's child chastizing a new favorite, the devil's daughter! The male had hurt her, bruises she could handle, and she had even pulled her punches for him! He dared to cut her!

After he kicked her nose and bit her hip, she did not dare to puncture his skin, but now? He had cut her! He had made her bleed, and he would pay! She hoped she punctured him right back, and she hoped the vicious full body thrashing she gave him would rip those bites right open! That should be enough to repay the royal blood he had spilled. She was a princess of Hell, and today, she would begin to earn her moniker.

Amos vs. Dea for spar
Round 3/3!
Height: 40 inches
Build: Medium
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



3 Years
06-12-2018, 09:26 PM
There were many things one could call Amos, but he prided himself on the idea that fool was not among them. He wasn't daft, he knew when someone was taking things too seriously. The violent thrashing of his opponent wasn't a hit she hoped to land, it was meant to do real damage. Figuring that reasoning with her while she was in full alligator mode, his only option was to try and stop the woman by somehow knocking her prone.

His vision was a bit blurred, but he made sure to keep his legs spread evenly, toes spread with claws biting into the dirt for traction. Tail and head even with his spine, shoulders rolled forward in an effort to ensure she couldn't get ahold of anything more important than his scruff. His tri-colored eyes narrowed, a throaty growl rumbling in hic chest as the woman bit down, puncturing the skin she'd gotten hold of. He didn't fight her when she sought to hook her paws over her back, in fact he allowed it. As she sought to increase her thrashing, however, he'd seek to interrupt the assault.

Attempting to throw his frame forward at an angle to his left, Amos sought to drive the point of his left shoulder into the center of her stomach just behind her ribcage where the flesh was vulnerable. He hoped to drive her back, knock her off balance and maybe knock the wind out of her. Simultaneously he aimed to ram his skull into her left side just at the back of her ribs, pushing off harder with his right front and hind legs in the hopes that he could shove her away to the ground. He could feel her fangs ripping through his scruff some but at this point he just wanted to knock the woman down and be done with it!

Ears pinned back, the man could feel adrenaline flooding his system as he sought to get the opponent on the ground. His jaws would part at the same time, seeking to bite the back end of the left side of her rib cage for good measure as he attempted to throw his weight into her. He didn't much care if she shredded the back of his neck as long as he got the demon off of him. If he could get her on the ground maybe she'd learn not to get too overzealous in a practice spar.

Amos vs. Dea for Spar
Round 3/3
Height: 36 inches
Build: Heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]