
When the Forgotten Dream



07-17-2014, 05:30 AM
Taske knew that if she did not pay attention to her surroundings she would be in big trouble but she could not help it, her thoughts where still fixed on the past that she no longer had. It was forgotten, a hazy pain filled; fear melting and absolving what remained that faithful day. She had recover bits and peaces in dreams. A face that looked much like her own with identical eyes, down to the last scare, but it could not be her because she was looking up into the face. Did that face belong to a brother? Maybe a sister? Someone who was also there when she got her own scares and then got them too? Why? Why did Taske feel so much affection for the individual. Much like they where a loved parent... But how did they look so much alike? A twin yes, but a parent; Too many different genetics.

Taske sat, her large frame folding gracefully. Maybe she should stop thinking about things she cannot remember, there was only confusion and disappointment in those kinds of musings. Right at this moment she needed to figure out what she was going to do about her sleeping arrangements for the next few days after he unfortunately getting kicked out of her previous hide out. Which frankly it was time for her to go but that was beside the point, the pack wolves had no right to come to her living place and then be snooty to her about HER being in the way, but it was what it was, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Taske got to her paws knowing that she needed to find a safe place soon, so day was getting later and if she did not she would be left out in the open most of the night if not all of it.