
loaded gun complex [argus]



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2018, 03:37 PM
Winter had rolled in, and with it a sense of peace. The world was familiar again, and the young shaman was finished growing. Granted, now it was all about filling in the lanky bone structure that had sprung up from seemingly nowhere. Today, she was on a mission. Herb collecting. Or rather, scouting out future areas for herb collecting. It would be nearly impossible, but the young wolf was determined. Her ear wasn't sore anymore, from where Olya had fitted her new ornaments into the skin near her left lobe. The ceremony had been lovely, and the gathering afterwards had been so much fun!

A gaping, toothless maw stretched across the open ground. Well, this looked interesting. Cautious steps with her large paws brought her skittering down the slope. Spirits abound, that was steep. This area hadn't seen any snowfall yet, thankfully. It meant she wouldn't have to worry about sliding around on hidden ice like a fool. Once stable ground met her feet, the youth plodded onward. Dead grass withered all over the ground here. A few spindly plant stalks refused to bow to the season's change quite yet, but their flowers had long died. A sigh heaved from her chest. Well, this had been rather disappointing.

A scent on the air caught her attention. A vexing, unfamiliar one. It was a wolf, for sure. Wait. Maybe not. There was something else to it that was unknown to the champagne lupine. The whole thing was up in the air. "Hello there?" Rough, accented vocals called out. Pale stump of a tail would twitch, auds flicking in all directions to pinpoint the source of the scent.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
05-21-2018, 04:40 PM

I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

It was winter. She was two, the world was shrinking and there was scents everywhere that told her not to go there. Chasm was the only one that still knew she was alive, and that's how she wanted it. She could only imagine that her siblings would be disgusted with her, or worse, angry that she left when she had. Nova was probably happier and Adore had no cometion for anyone's attention.

She padded onward, Kami was at her side. Neither said anything, they both had grown so comfortable with each other that they knew the other's thoughts anymore it seemed. Argus knew Kami was cold. She had no fr to protect her from the cold of the snow but she wouldn't complain. Argus kne where there was a warm place in Boreas almost year round. The hot springs and Hell's river would make for comfortable places to spend the winter for her companion. If they went past the lake and through the gorge they'd be there in no time. Argus was well aware of her freakish qualities. She ignored them though, Marina wanted her to be a woman so that was what she would be.

She perked her ears at the scent of another on the wind that came from behind them. Her head turned in the direction, catching the question. "Hello there?" Whoever it was sounded young. Though they didn't sound like a pup, or like english was their first language. She stopped and Kami did too. The steep inclines here could kill a younger wolf if they weren't careful and that scent said she had others that cared for her but she was alone right now. Argus lowered herself to her haunches. She'd wait, this younger girl would need someone to help she figured, that way she didn't end up dead. Kami pressed into Argus's side as she too waited.

Once argus could hear the clack of nails on stone she follwed the sounds with her head. "Hello." She wagged her tail for a second. HEr half blind companion and her looked like quite the pair she assumed, as always.

My life, my love, my drive, it came from Pain

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2018, 05:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2018, 05:02 PM by Marvel.)
A soft, feminine voice, up ahead. "Hello." Frowning, the willowy titan padded onward. The scents were still strange and jumbled, like there was something else afoot here. The drying grasses made sh, sh, sh, sounds beneath her broad paws. Following in her mother's typical prowl, she held her head low between her shoulders to investigate. Pale auds shoved forward, the young wolf caught sight of something strange up ahead. A very, very small wolf. Did wolves actually come in that size? No, that had to be a fox. The pop of colour atop their skull bade her pause.

Next, mismatched eyes fell to the strange creature at the wolf's side. Was this like Jupiter's friend Amadeus, who he'd told her about? Or perhaps it was a set of spirits, here to test her. Brow quirked, the champagne wolf lifted her head to peer at the stranger from a new angle. "Вы дух?" She questioned, simply being safe at this point. Every time she made an assumption it had been wrong. This time, asking seemed the best course of action.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
05-21-2018, 05:32 PM

I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

The girl easily caught up with Argus and kami, not that they hadn't wanted that. Though argus could hear the pause, and if she hadn't of been completely blind, she'd of guessed this wolf was shocked to see what she had. White face, rainbow striping down her back, and sightless milky red eyes, coupled with a hairless cat that had one milky eye, it had to be at least a little off putting.

She gave a smile though, reassuring the girl it was perfectly natural, at least to Argus and Kami anyway.  "Вы дух?" The language that came from her caused a quirk of her brow and a tilt of her head, Kami's in much the same fashion resembled her own face. She answered with her own voice that sounded feminine to a point, though she knew it was much too deep to be pure woman. "Sorry but i don't speak that language." She shook the confusion from her face and stood then. She turned knowing full well that her freakish truths would be revealed now that she stood. Hopefully she wouldn't get some sort of strange reaction, like a scream, from the girl though.

"I'm Argus Agatsama. This here is my friend and companion Kamilah Gyptian." She was still awkard in interacting with others but now it was alot less so.

My life, my love, my drive, it came from Pain

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2018, 07:34 PM
What must have been a harsh expression was met with only a soft smile. This could have been interpreted as early signs that she was, in fact, a spirit. After all, most wolves might be offended to get such a suspicious look from a random stranger. "Sorry but I don't speak that language." The stranger replied. Hm. For now, she would let her guard down. After all, Jupiter hadn't been a spirit, and she'd been nice to him from the start. Didn't this wolf deserve the same courtesy? The smaller wolf rose to stand on delicate paws. Great creators! All of the colours of the rainbow trickled along her spine! How unusual.

She'd been staring blankly, and was caught by surprise when the gentle lyrics sounded again. "I'm Argus Agatsama. This here is my friend and companion Kamilah Gyptian." Ah, that must be the strange little animal. Once more delicate cranium would lower, seeking to further examine the small beast. It was... naked. Completely hairless. Was that normal? Wouldn't the climate be too cold to survive around here? Especially at night. One eye was clouded. Blind. Not like uncle Gabriel was blind. This was something else- a genetic disorder or an animal's venom. "A pleasure," The giant crooned, lifting her head to smile at the stranger. Argus was a strange name. It was rather pleasing to the ears, though.

"I'm Divo, but everyone just uses the common tongue translation, Marvel." The champagne wolf offered warmly, dipping her head in greeting. Now, mismatched gaze would drift to the companion creature. "May I ask, Kamilah, are your species usually naked like that?" Rough vocals questioned, cranium canting to one side. The action made the twin green feathers slide along her cheek. The question was extremely forward, and a little out of character, but she had to know. Would it be more comfortable with some skins to cover itself? Surely there were some back home she could offer, if it would be helpful.


walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
05-21-2018, 09:00 PM

I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

Her smile never faltered. She was in truth probably the kindest hearted woman ever. Even if someone flat out called them freaks she didn't hold it against them. In fact she would usually forgive them immediately and alot of the time apologize for troubling whoever. She listened to the silence, expecting that either the young girl was too shocked by them to speak or disgusted by the girl that was more than just girl.

Was she more disgusted that Kami had no fur though? It was always hard to tell with new wolves. "A pleasure."Kami dipped her head to the young girl in response. Argus let her smile spead to her eyes as well. "I'm Divo, but everyone just uses the common tongue translation, Marvel." Argus picked up both names easily, though she preferred to use names that were given to one at birth. Those were the ones that meant something. "Nice to meet you too, Divo. I hope you don't mind me using your real name instead of your nickname." It was always most polite to ensure that the other didn't have issues with someone using their real name though. Even if she much preferred to use the real ones, if someone wanted their nickname used then it would be what she called them by.

The next few words that came sounded like something Kami should be the one to answer. Argus already knew the answer though. "May I ask, Kamilah, are your species usually naked like that?" Argus turned to Kami with a sadder smile. She knew Kami had left her home due to being a freak but Argus saw the beauty in being a freak. "Some are child, though it is a recessive gene. Most that are become outcasts or are ostricized from our colonies. I lleft to escape such treatment." Kami's explanation was brief and as she spoke her voice was raspy, reminding Argus of just how much older the cat was.

My life, my love, my drive, it came from Pain

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2018, 09:28 PM
The fact that the other wolf's smile didn't falter, but grew instead, was stellar. No doubt she was used to being stared at. A rainbow was a positive omen, and it was very likely many others saw her as such. "Nice to meet you too, Divo. I hope you don't mind me using your real name instead of your nickname." The pale faced wolf said. There was something off about her eyes. They were quite cloudy themselves, like the cat. The youth offered a shrug in response, haunches dropping carelessly onto the cool ground. "It doesn't bother me what I'm called, as long as it's not mean." The young shaman replied in a casual drawl, the corner of her mouth lifting up.

"Some are child, though it is a recessive gene. Most that are become outcasts or are ostricized from our colonies. I left to escape such treatment." Just like that, the champagne wolf felt like an asshole. Of course, she picked the one thing that was almost certainly a sore spot. Auds would fall against her skull, lips twisting into a grimace. "I'm sorry, miss Kamilah. I didn't mean to pry or offend." The heavy accent often warped sentiment in the common tongue, but the young wolf prayed that the apology stuck. Then again, Marvel was incapable of leaving well enough alone. "I have to ask, though. Aren't you cold at this time of year? Even down here, it's not as warm as I would like, if I didn't have all of this fur." The thought of having some sort of cover bounced about in her head again.

"I'm being terrible again, I know." She chuckled, shaking her head. "This isn't the type of behaviour you'd expect from a future shaman, would you? My teacher will definitely kick my ass later, so don't worry about that." Despite the quick shift in the size between them, Olya was more than capable of breaking whatever bones necessary to get a message through Divo's head. Quick, change the subject. "Did you guys come here to scout herbs for spring, too?"

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
05-21-2018, 10:04 PM

I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

The younger girl seemed to have no idea what to do with her words. They fell so readily and the chuckle from Kami told Argus all. A quick shake of the cats head, Argus knew she saw something in this girl, something that reminded her of Argus. She hadn't offended either her or Kami though. It was nearimpossible to offend them. Hurting their fellings on the other hand could be simple but hey tried to never show that. Divo had never known how much Argus questioned about the no fur thing, but it never seemed to bother Kami.

Argus answered the girls other questions though all in one go. "Actually we are using this as the warmest travel route, Hell's river stays pretty warm year round, as does the hotsprings to the east. We sort of know where to find most plants we need already. Though if you'd like I could tell you the ones I know grow here, seeing as your trying to learn healing too I'd presume." She was hopefully none too awkward with that. She didn't even realize her eyes seemed to look past the girl at the moment. Her tail wagged slowly at the girl, and her hips met the ground now that they were definitely facing one another.

My life, my love, my drive, it came from Pain

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2018, 10:18 PM
No offenses appeared o have been incurred with the divergence into some very weird and prying questions. Thank the gods for that one. "Actually we are using this as the warmest travel route, Hell's river stays pretty warm year round, as does the hotsprings to the east." Divo had been to the hot springs, they were nice. Mama said that's where she'd met Da. "We sort of know where to find most plants we need already. Though if you'd like I could tell you the ones I know grow here, seeing as your trying to learn healing too I'd presume." The way that her gaze didn't focus on anything, and her pupils stayed one size, it seemed like Divo had been correct. Argus Agatsuma was blind, just like her uncle Gabriel. Well, at least she wasn't about to act like an asshole about that.

Argus took a seat, the slow fold of her haunches quite prim and proper. "Sure, I'd love that!" Divo replied, beaming at the smaller wolf. Now that they were up close and personal, it was obvious that she had been wrong to call Dom a runt. Compared to Argus, Dominika was a giant. "My family is from the north, hence all the fur. We don't know where everything is around here." It was a half assed justification for being so completely clueless, really. Crown would lower between her shoulders, ears pushing forward eagerly.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
05-24-2018, 09:25 PM

I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

The younger girl was just as eager as she was to learn things. Argus's offer of herbal knowledge was taken eagerly. She chuckled at the eagerness of the young healer. It wasn't but a year ago and Argus had been just as eager and ready to learn as this girl. She could feel Kami purring and laying against her side in her shadow, saving herself from a harsh sunburn. "Well first, so long as your in desserted areas you are likely to find a plant called aloe vera. ITs leases are green is what kami told me, they're stiff and feel spikey. The juices inside are the part you want. We chew it up and then apply it like a salve sometimes coupling it with fumitory and dandelion roots if the condition calls for it.
Kami here uses it to releive her sunburns when she gets them."
She paused for any comments and questions about the Aloe. She was familiar with it and hoped the girl had at least heard of the other two. They were more common than the aloe was but aloe worked the best for her hairless companion.

"The only other herb ive ever found around here is Dandelions. I hope you know at least a little about them by now. But should you be gathering Aloe vera leaves be extremely careful to not ingest any and to put your mouth in a running stream afterwards. I know it can kill if ingested so be careful." She put heavy emphasis on this warning. she didn't want some girl dying because she told her about a plant. "Last but not least is Salvia. It's not usually used as a herb, cause it can cause hallucinations but it does help relieve anxiety and can help you sleep, just be warned the stuff is addictive so dont use it unless you have to." She was ready to answer other questions once the girl asked them now.

My life, my love, my drive, it came from Pain

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-24-2018, 09:55 PM
It took little further prompting to get the smaller wolf to spill the beans. Mismatched gaze bored into her features, watching them change as she spoke. "Well first, so long as your in deserted areas you are likely to find a plant called aloe vera. Its leaves are green is what kami told me, they're stiff and feel spikey. The juices inside are the part you want. We chew it up and then apply it like a salve sometimes coupling it with fumitory and dandelion roots if the condition calls for it. Kami here uses it to releive her sunburns when she gets them." The other wolf was soft spoken and calm. The fluffy stump of a tail twitched against the ground, a smile forming upon her rosy lips. That was fantastic information!

"Teacher taught me to use Fumitory for my skin, it was actually one of my first lessons. I'm so pale I get sunburned a lot, so I have to protect it a lot." The heavy accent garbled her excitement, in her mind. Every time she tried to express herself in the common tongue, it came out wrong. "The only other herb I've ever found around here is Dandelions. I hope you know at least a little about them by now. But should you be gathering Aloe vera leaves be extremely careful to not ingest any and to put your mouth in a running stream afterwards. I know it can kill if ingested so be careful." That was a pretty important note, and the champagne titan made a point to repeat it softly under her breath in Russian. It stuck better that way. The graveness with which it was said was nothing to argue with, and it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Last but not least is Salvia. It's not usually used as a herb, cause it can cause hallucinations but it does help relieve anxiety and can help you sleep, just be warned the stuff is addictive so dont use it unless you have to." A hallucinogen? There were a few of those kicking around in Boreas, but so far teacher had warned her away from ever gathering them. It was probably smart, at this point. The shaman's path had only just begun, it was better to learn the basics completely first. "What does Salvia look like? Just so that I can be aware of it."

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
06-12-2018, 09:12 PM

I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

The younger girl gave useful information about herself, though colors and shades of them were null and void to Argus anyway. She knew though that pale skin meant Albinism. Albinos were pretty if she knew anything from what Kami told her.

Did she know how much this girl was learning from her small lesson? No not really butat least she was trying to share her knowledge with someone. She was asked what salvia looked like and Argus pinned her ears. She knew it's smell and the feel of it but appearances weren't what she focused on. "Well it's a taller stalk, lots of leaves and in the spring and early summer it has small flowers. I think they are purple with lots of green leaves, but Kami didn't tell me it's colors, I just like to imagine what they would look like." her answer turned sheepish at the last part.

Kami stood and with a chuckle and a flick of her tail meandered off. Looked to her like neither girl needed her expertise right now, Argus had it covered.

Argus gave a little more of a shyer grin now. She knew her disability was a hindrance but hopefully it wasn't too bad.

My life, my love, my drive, it came from Pain

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
06-14-2018, 09:49 PM
Argus' ears tipped back, pressed flat against her skull. Oh shit! Asking what things looked like was dumb. You're dumb, Divo. she chided herself internally. "Well it's a taller stalk, lots of leaves and in the spring and early summer it has small flowers. I think they are purple with lots of green leaves, but Kami didn't tell me it's colors, I just like to imagine what they would look like." regardless of how insensitive she'd been, Argus still gave out the information. That had been very kind, and hopefully the champagne youth wouldn't fuck up again.

The hairless companion offered a small laugh and a smile before taking her leave. Divo dipped her head politely, bidding her farewell for now. Turning her attention back to the colourful female, the young shaman noted her weak smile. Oh jeez, had she ruined everything? "Sorry I asked about that, I didn't mean to upset you." she offered in a soft voice, her own ears flicking back for a moment. Gods, she was such a moron. A perfectly nice wolf, and she had to go and alienate her. Good job, Divo.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



3 Years
06-14-2018, 10:47 PM
The girl seemed to think she had hurt Argus's feelings and Argus of course gave a shake of her head. She'd gotten used to it when she lived with celestial. "Its okay, I'm used to it honest. When your born both boy and girl, plus the runt that's also blind, you kind of get used to these things pretty quickly. Not everyone remembers or understands that my world is alot smaller than everyone else's. I only know how the world looks by touch and smell." she gave a bit of humor after that when she spoke next. It was a joke mainly just to lighten the mood, though even her joke was at her own expense. "It didn't hurt any to get a few bumps on the noggin along the way either. Helped me learn that trees don't exactly move for me." she gave a little laugh at that and her ears pressed forward again. Little did marvel know, Argus was also listening to the surroundings. She had been an alien all her life so alienating Argus just wasn't really a possibility.

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
06-14-2018, 11:44 PM
Softly, Argus shook her head, reassuring the larger wolf that her feelings hadn't been hurt. A blessing from on high, surely. Divo was not necessarily known for being the most sympathetic of characters. "Its okay, I'm used to it honest. When your born both boy and girl, plus the runt that's also blind, you kind of get used to these things pretty quickly. Not everyone remembers or understands that my world is alot smaller than everyone else's. I only know how the world looks by touch and smell." the smaller girl quickly explained, as though Divo needed some form of justification. It sounded as though Argus had lived a rather rough life, and part of the young shaman wished there was something she could do to make things better, even if just for the day.

"It didn't hurt any to get a few bumps on the noggin along the way either. Helped me learn that trees don't exactly move for me." The bell-like laughter that erupted from between Argus' jaws was unexpected, but decidedly pleasant. It prompted a smile to rise to those rosen lips, entirely unbidden. Luckily, the smaller girl couldn't see how much of a dork Divo was right now.

Of course, something finally occurred to her. A question that needed to be asked, regardless of its rudeness. "You were born.. both.. boy and girl? That's possible?" the champagne wolf questioned hesitantly, crown tipping to one side. She had never heard of that before. Was it bad? "Is that why you smell.." Not right were the first words that came to mind, but they were definitely insensitive. Da would definitely appear from the aether to beat her into the ground if she said that to Argus. "different?" Yeah, that was much better. Less.. asshole-y.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics